Repeating a block of code until the block itself returns false? - ruby

I want to:
pass a block to a method call, and then
pass that entire method call as the condition of a while loop,
even though I don't need to put any logic inside the loop itself.
Specifically, I have an array that I'd like to #reject! certain elements from based on rather complicated logic. Subsequent calls to #reject! may remove elements that were not removed on a previous pass. When #reject! finally stops finding elements to reject, it will return nil. At this point, I would like the loop to stop and the program to proceed.
I thought I could do the following:
while array.reject! do |element|
I haven't actually tried it yet, but this construction throws vim's ruby syntax highlighter for a loop (i.e., it thinks the first do is for the while statement, and thinks the second end is actually the end of the encapsulating method). I also tried rewriting this as an inline while modifier attached to a begin...end block,
begin; end while array.reject! do |element|
but it still screws up the highlighting in the same way. In any case, it feels like an abuse of the while loop.
The only way I could think of to accomplish this is by assigning the method call as a proc:
proc = do
array.reject! do |element|
while do; end
which works but feels kludgy, especially with the trailing do; end.
Is there any elegant way to accomplish this??

It's not just vim, while array.reject! do |element| is invalid syntax:
$ ruby -c -e 'while array.reject! do |element| end'
-e:1: syntax error, unexpected '|'
while array.reject! do |element| end
You could use { ... } instead of do ... end:
while array.reject! { |element|
# ...
or loop and break:
loop do
break unless array.reject! do |element|
# ...
a little more explicit:
loop do
r = array.reject! do |element|
# ...
break unless r

Ruby lets you move your condition to the end of the loop statement. This makes it easy to store a result inside of the loop and check it against the conditional:
any_rejected = arr.reject! { … }
end while any_rejected
This would work the same as doing end while arr.reject! { … }, but it's much clearer here what's happening, especially with a complicated reject!.

You're right that the Ruby parser thinks that do belongs to while, and doesn't understand where the second end is coming from. It's a precedence problem.
This code is just to show that it can be done. For how it should be done, see Stefan's answer :
array = (1..1000).to_a
while (array.reject! do |element|
rand < 0.5
p array.size
It outputs :

My personal preference in situations where I need to call a method until the return value is what I want is:
:keep_going while my_method
Or more tersely I sometimes use:
:go while my_method
It's one line, and you can use the contents of the symbol to help document what's going on. With your block, I'd personally create a proc/lambda out of it and pass that to reject for clarity.
# Harder to follow, IMHO
:keep_going while array.reject! do |...|
# Easier to follow, IMHO
simplify = ->(...){ ... }
:keep_simplifying while array.reject!(&simplify)


Rubocop rule: Never use 'do' with multi-line 'while

I have the following code
# colours a random cell with a correct colour
def colour_random!
while true do
col, row = rand(columns), rand(rows)
cell = self[row,col]
if cell.empty? then
cell.should_be_filled? ? cell.colour!(1) : cell.colour!(0)
it's not that important what's doing, although it should pretty obvious. The point is that Rubocop gives me a warning
Never use 'do' with multi-line 'while
Why should I not do that? How should I do it then?
while is a keyword,so you don't need to pass a block. Without do..end it will work fine. The below is fine
def colour_random!
while true
col, row = rand(columns), rand(rows)
cell = self[row,col]
if cell.empty? then
cell.should_be_filled? ? cell.colour!(1) : cell.colour!(0)
while is a keyword, and if you pass a block to it, like do..end, it still works as you asked it to do, by not throwing any error, rather just a warning. But it could be dangerous if you try to pass a Proc or Method object to it, and dynamically try to convert it to a block using & keyword, as we do generally. That means
# below code will work as expected just throwing an warning.
x = 2
while x < 2 do
But if you try to do by mistake like below
while &block # booom!! error
The reason is while is a keyword, which don't support any to_proc method to satisfy your need. So it can be dangerous.
Ruby style guide also suggested that Never use while/until condition do for multi-line while/until
I think the reason is as Nobuyoshi Nakada said in the mailing list
loop is a kernel method which takes a block. A block introduces new local variable scope.
loop do
a = 1
p a #=> causes NameError
while doesn't.
while 1
a = 1
p a #=> 1
Ruby actually has a shortcut for while true: the loop statement.
def colour_random!
loop do
col, row = rand(columns), rand(rows)
cell = self[row,col]
if cell.empty? then
cell.should_be_filled? ? cell.colour!(1) : cell.colour!(0)

Can i use a ternary operator instead of while loop

I'm trying to reduce the while loop below to a single line
def this_method(week)
i = 0
while i < array.length
i += 1
week.each do |week|
puts week
Like others, I'm confused about the example (array is not defined, and this_method is never called). But you certainly don't need the while loop. I'd just use the Integer#times method, since you're making no use of the array values:
array.length.times {|i| yield week[i]}
#each_index (which ram suggested) works just as well.
But if array is actually meant to be week, then it gets even simpler:
week.each {|x| yield x}
I'm not sure why you'd want to create a method that just recycles #each though.
For since line you can use Array#each_index:
array.each_index {|i| yield week[i] }
No, you can't. The ternary operator is a conditional expression, the while is a loop expression.
However, in Ruby you normally use enumerators, not while. Your code can be rewritten as
def this_method(week)
array.each_with_index { |item, i| yield(week[i]) }
What is not clear to me, is there the array variable comes from. Even in your example, there is no definition of such variable.
if in any form check conditions only once.
while on other hand, can check conditions many times.
Well, if you don't like other answers with enumerators you can use while in a different form:
def this_method(week)
i = -1
yield(week[i]) while (i+=1) < array.length

Is there an implicit keyword in this Ruby Array map code?

Is there a keyword I can use to explicitly tell the map function what the result of that particular iteration should be?
a = [1,2,3,4,5] do |element|
In the above example element.to_s is implicitly the result of each iteration.
There are some situations where I don't want to rely on using the last executed line as the result, I would prefer to explicitly say what the result is in code.
For example,
a = [1,2,3,4,5] do |element|
if some_condition
Might be easier for me to read if it was written like:
a = [1,2,3,4,5] do |element|
if some_condition
result_is element.to_s
result_is element.to_f
So is there a keyword I can use in place of result_is?
return will return from the calling function, and break will stop the iteration early, so neither of those is what I'm looking for.
The last thing left on the stack is automatically the result of a block being called. You're correct that return would not have the desired effect here, but overlook another possibility: Declaring a separate function to evaluate the entries.
For example, a reworking of your code:
def function(element)
if (some_condition)
return element.to_s
end do |element|
There is a nominal amount of overhead on calling the function, but on small lists it should not be an issue. If this is highly performance sensitive, you will want to do it the hard way.
Yes, there is, it's called next. However, using next in this particular case will not improve readability. On the contrary, it will a) confuse the reader and b) give him the impression that the author of that code doesn't understand Ruby.
The fact that everything is an expression in Ruby (there are no statements) and that every expression evaluates to the value of the last sub-expression in that expression are fundamental Ruby knowledge.
Just like return, next should only be used when you want to "return" from the middle of a block. Usually, you only use it as a guard clause.
The nature of map is to assign the last executed line to the array. Your last example is very similar to the following, which follows the expected behavior:
a = [1,2,3,4,5] do |element|
result = if some_condition
No, there is no language keyword in ruby you can use to determine the result mapped into the resulting array before executing other code within the iteration.
You may assign a variable which you then return when some other code has been executed: do |element|
result = some_condition ? element.to_s : element.to_f
#do something else with element
Keep in mind the reason for ruby not providing a keyword for this kind of code is that these patterns tend to have a really low readability.

Ruby for loop a trap?

In a discussion of Ruby loops, Niklas B. recently talked about for loop 'not introducing a new scope', as compared to each loop. I'd like to see some examples of how does one feel this.
O.K., I expand the question: Where else in Ruby do we see what apears do/end block delimiters, but there is actually no scope inside? Anything else apart from for ... do ... end?
O.K., One more expansion of the question, is there a way to write for loop with curly braces { block } ?
Let's illustrate the point by an example:
results = []
(1..3).each do |i|
results << lambda { i }
p # => [1,2,3]
Cool, this is what was expected. Now check the following:
results = []
for i in 1..3
results << lambda { i }
p # => [3,3,3]
Huh, what's going on? Believe me, these kinds of bugs are nasty to track down. Python or JS developers will know what I mean :)
That alone is a reason for me to avoid these loops like the plague, although there are more good arguments in favor of this position. As Ben pointed out correctly, using the proper method from Enumerable almost always leads to better code than using plain old, imperative for loops or the fancier Enumerable#each. For instance, the above example could also be concisely written as
lambdas = 1.upto(3).map { |i| lambda { i } }
I expand the question: Where else in Ruby do we see what apears do/end block delimiters, but there is actually no scope inside? Anything else apart from for ... do ... end?
Every single one of the looping constructs can be used that way:
while true do
until false do
# ...
On the other hand, we can write every one of these without the do (which is obviously preferrable):
for i in 1..3
while true
until false
One more expansion of the question, is there a way to write for loop with curly braces { block }
No, there is not. Also note that the term "block" has a special meaning in Ruby.
First, I'll explain why you wouldn't want to use for, and then explain why you might.
The main reason you wouldn't want to use for is that it's un-idiomatic. If you use each, you can easily replace that each with a map or a find or an each_with_index without a major change of your code. But there's no for_map or for_find or for_with_index.
Another reason is that if you create a variable within a block within each, and it hasn't been created before-hand, it'll only stay in existance for as long as that loop exists. Getting rid of variables once you have no use for them is a good thing.
Now I'll mention why you might want to use for. each creates a closure for each loop, and if you repeat that loop too many times, that loop can cause performance problems. In , I posted that using a while loop rather than a block made it slower.
RUN_COUNT = 10_000_000
FIRST_STRING = "Woooooha"
SECOND_STRING = "Woooooha"
def times_double_equal_sign
RUN_COUNT.times do |i|
def loop_double_equal_sign
i = 0
while i < RUN_COUNT
i += 1
times_double_equal_sign consistently took 2.4 seconds, while loop_double_equal_sign was consistently 0.2 to 0.3 seconds faster.
In , I found that executing an empty loop took 1.9 seconds, whereas executing an empty block took 5.7 seconds.
Know why you wouldn't want to use for, know why you would want to use for, and only use the latter when you need to. Unless you feel nostalgic for other languages. :)
Well, even blocks are not perfect in Ruby prior to 1.9. They don't always introduce new scope:
i = 0
results = []
(1..3).each do |i|
results << lambda { i }
i = 5
p # => [5,5,5]

Does begin . . . end while denote a 'block'?

temp = 98.3
print "Your temperature is " + temp.to_s + " Fahrenheit. "
puts "I think you're okay."
temp += 0.1
end while temp < 98.6
In the above example, is everything between begin and end a block?
I'm still confused what a block is.
If you can't call it a block, what would you call that chunk of code between begin and end? Is it ok to call it a chunk?
Block has a special meaning in Ruby. According to Matz, Ruby's creator, you can look at a block as a nameless function - typically something that can be yielded into, and which may also take parameters.
You may see the following kind of disamiguation when describing Ruby syntax:
begin...end (what is called block in other languages) may sometimes be referred to simply as what it is, i.e. an expression (which may in turn contain other expressions - an expression is simply something that has a return value) in Ruby. Some references will still call it a begin/end block, or a code block, adding somewhat to the confusion
do...end or {...} will always be referred to as a block in Ruby
For examples, peruse the the Ruby syntax man page, e.g.
begin expression end
expression while expression
loop block
For further reading, see:
Programming Ruby
Ruby (from other languages)
Much, much more documentation
begin/end are strictly control flow, not blocks.
puts "hi"
# => "hi"
The code runs immediately. If it was a block, it would have to been called somehow in order for the code in it to run, as in this example:
def a_method; end
a_method { puts "hi" }
# nothing..
def a_method
a_method { puts "Hi!" }
# => "Hi!"
