Does begin . . . end while denote a 'block'? - ruby

temp = 98.3
print "Your temperature is " + temp.to_s + " Fahrenheit. "
puts "I think you're okay."
temp += 0.1
end while temp < 98.6
In the above example, is everything between begin and end a block?
I'm still confused what a block is.
If you can't call it a block, what would you call that chunk of code between begin and end? Is it ok to call it a chunk?

Block has a special meaning in Ruby. According to Matz, Ruby's creator, you can look at a block as a nameless function - typically something that can be yielded into, and which may also take parameters.
You may see the following kind of disamiguation when describing Ruby syntax:
begin...end (what is called block in other languages) may sometimes be referred to simply as what it is, i.e. an expression (which may in turn contain other expressions - an expression is simply something that has a return value) in Ruby. Some references will still call it a begin/end block, or a code block, adding somewhat to the confusion
do...end or {...} will always be referred to as a block in Ruby
For examples, peruse the the Ruby syntax man page, e.g.
begin expression end
expression while expression
loop block
For further reading, see:
Programming Ruby
Ruby (from other languages)
Much, much more documentation

begin/end are strictly control flow, not blocks.
puts "hi"
# => "hi"
The code runs immediately. If it was a block, it would have to been called somehow in order for the code in it to run, as in this example:
def a_method; end
a_method { puts "hi" }
# nothing..
def a_method
a_method { puts "Hi!" }
# => "Hi!"


why pass block arguments to a function in ruby?

I'm unclear on why there is a need to pass block arguments when calling a function.
why not just pass in as function arguments and what happens to the block arguments, how are they passed and used? {|_k, v| v['abc'] = 'xyz'}
module m
def call ( arg1, *arg2, &arg3)
Ruby, like almost all mainstream programming languages, is a strict language, meaning that arguments are fully evaluated before being passed into the method.
Now, imagine you want to implement (a simplified version of) Integer#times. The implementation would look a little bit like this:
class Integer
def my_times(action_to_be_executed)
raise ArgumentError, "`self` must be non-negative but is `#{inspect}`" if negative?
return if zero?
3.my_times(puts "Hello")
# Hello
0.my_times(puts "Hello")
# Hello
-1.my_times(puts "Hello")
# Hello
# ArgumentError (`self` must be non-negative but is `-1`)
As you can see, 3.my_times(puts "Hello") printed Hello exactly once, instead of thrice, as it should do. Also, 0.my_times(puts "Hello") printed Hello exactly once, instead of not at all, as it should do, despite the fact that it returns in the second line of the method, and thus action_to_be_executed is never even evaluated. Even -1.my_times(puts "Hello") printed Hello exactly once, despite that fact that it raises an ArgumentError exception as the very first thing in the method and thus the entire rest of the method body is never evaluated.
Why is that? Because Ruby is strict! Again, strict means that arguments are fully evaluated before being passed. So, what this means is that before my_times even gets called, the puts "Hello" is evaluated (which prints Hello to the standard output stream), and the result of that evaluation (which is just nil because Kernel#puts always returns nil) is passed into the method.
So, what we need to do, is somehow delay the evaluation of the argument. One way we know how to delay evaluation, is by using a method: methods are only evaluated when they are called.
So, we take a page out of Java's playbook, and define a Single Abstract Method Protocol: the argument that is being passed to my_each must be an object which implements a method with a specific name. Let's call it call, because, well, we are going to call it.
This would look a little bit like this:
class Integer
def my_times(action_to_be_executed)
raise ArgumentError, "`self` must be non-negative but is `#{inspect}`" if negative?
return if zero?
def (hello =
puts "Hello"
# Hello
# Hello
# Hello
# ArgumentError (`self` must be non-negative but is `-1`)
Nice! It works! The argument that is passed is of course still strictly evaluated before being passed (we can't change the fundamental nature of Ruby from within Ruby itself), but this evaluation only results in the object that is bound by the local variable hello. The code that we want to run is another layer of indirection away and will only be executed at the point where we actually call it.
It also has another advantage: Integer#times actually makes the index of the current iteration available to the action as an argument. This was impossible to implement with our first solution, but here we can do it, because we are using a method and methods can take arguments:
class Integer
def my_times(action_to_be_executed)
raise ArgumentError, "`self` must be non-negative but is `#{inspect}`" if negative?
def __my_times_helper(action_to_be_executed, index = 0)
return if zero?
pred.__my_times_helper(action_to_be_executed, index + 1)
def (hello =
puts "Hello from iteration #{i}"
# Hello from iteration 0
# Hello from iteration 1
# Hello from iteration 2
# ArgumentError (`self` must be non-negative but is `-1`)
However, this is not actually very readable. If you didn't want to give a name to this action that we are trying to pass but instead simply literally write it down inside the argument list, it would look something like this:
3.my_times( do |obj|
puts "Hello from iteration #{i}"
# Hello from iteration 0
# Hello from iteration 1
# Hello from iteration 2
or on one line:
3.my_times( do |obj| def; puts "Hello from iteration #{i}" end end)
# Hello from iteration 0
# Hello from iteration 1
# Hello from iteration 2
# or:
3.my_times( {|obj| def; puts "Hello from iteration #{i}" end })
# Hello from iteration 0
# Hello from iteration 1
# Hello from iteration 2
Now, I don't know about you, but I find that pretty ugly.
In Ruby 1.9, Ruby added Proc literals aka stabby lambda literals to the language. Lambda literals are a concise literal syntax for writing objects with a call method, specifically Proc objects with Proc#call.
Using lambda literals, and without any changes to our existing code, it looks something like this:
3.my_times(-> i { puts "Hello from iteration #{i}" })
# Hello from iteration 0
# Hello from iteration 1
# Hello from iteration 2
This does not look bad!
When Yukihiro "matz" Matsumoto designed Ruby almost thirty years ago in early 1993, he did a survey of the core libraries and standard libraries of languages like Smalltalk, Scheme, and Common Lisp to figure out how such methods that take a piece of code as an argument are actually used, and he found that the overwhelming majority of such methods take exactly one code argument and all they do with that argument is call it.
So, he decided to add special language support for a single argument that contains code and can only be called. This argument is both syntactically and semantically lightweight, in particular, it looks syntactically exactly like any other control structure, and it is semantically not an object.
This special language feature, you probably guessed it, are blocks.
Every method in Ruby has an optional block parameter. I can always pass a block to a method. It's up to the method to do anything with the block. Here, for example, the block is useless because Kernel#puts doesn't do anything with a block:
puts("Hello") { puts "from the block" }
# Hello
Because blocks are not objects, you cannot call methods on them. Also, because there can be only one block argument, there is no need to give it a name: if you refer to a block, it's always clear which block because there can be only one. But, if the block doesn't have methods and doesn't have a name, how can we call it?
That's what the yield keyword is for. It temporarily "yields" control flow to the block, or, in other words, it calls the block.
With blocks, our solution would look like this:
class Integer
def my_times(&action_to_be_executed)
raise ArgumentError, "`self` must be non-negative but is `#{inspect}`" if negative?
return enum_for(__callee__) unless block_given?
def __my_times_helper(&action_to_be_executed, index = 0)
return if zero?
yield index
pred.__my_times_helper(&action_to_be_executed, index + 1)
3.my_times do
puts "Hello from iteration #{i}"
# Hello from iteration 0
# Hello from iteration 1
# Hello from iteration 2
0.my_times do
puts "Hello from iteration #{i}"
-1.my_times do
puts "Hello from iteration #{i}"
# ArgumentError (`self` must be non-negative but is `-1`)
Okay, you might notice that I simplified a bit when I wrote above that the only thing you can do with a block is call it. There are two other things you can do with it:
You can check whether a block argument was passed using Kernel#block_given?. Since blocks are always optional, and blocks have no names, there must be a way to check whether a block was passed or not.
You can "roll up" a block (which is not an object and doesn't have a name) into a Proc object (which is an object) and bind it to a parameter (which gives it a name) using the & ampersand unary prefix sigil in the parameter list of the method. Now that we have an object, and a way to refer to it, we can store it in a variable, return it from a method, or (as we are doing here) pass it along as an argument to a different method, which otherwise wouldn't be possible.
There is also the opposite operation: with the & ampersand unary prefix operator, you can "unroll" a Proc object into a block in an argument list; this makes it so that the method behaves as if you had passed the code that is stored inside the Proc as a literal block argument to the method.
And there you have it! That's what blocks are for: a semantically and syntactically lightweight form of passing code to a method.
There are other possible approaches, of course. The approach that is closest to Ruby is probably Smalltalk. Smalltalk also has a concept called blocks (in fact, that is where Ruby got both the idea and the name from). Similarly to Ruby, Smalltalk blocks have a syntactically light-weight literal form, but they are objects, and you can pass more than one to a method. Thanks to Smalltalk's generally light-weight and simple syntax, especially the keyword method syntax which intersperses parts of the method name with the arguments, even passing multiple blocks to a method call is very concise and readable.
For example, Smalltalk actually does not have an if / then / else conditional expression, in fact, Smalltalk has no control structures at all. Everything is done with methods. So, the way that a conditional works, is that the two boolean classes TrueClass and FalseClass each have a method named ifTrue:ifFalse: which takes two block arguments, and the two implementations will simply either evaluate the first or the second block. For example, the implementation in TrueClass might look a little bit like this (note that Smalltalk has no syntax for classes or methods, instead classes and methods are created in the IDE by creating class objects and method objects via the GUI):
True>>ifTrue: trueBlock ifFalse: falseBlock
"Answer with the value of `trueBlock`."
↑trueBlock value
The corresponding implementation in FalseClass would then look like this:
FalseClass>>ifTrue: trueBlock ifFalse: falseBlock
"Answer with the value of `falseBlock`."
↑falseBlock value
And you would call it like this:
2 < 3 ifTrue: [ Transcript show: 'yes' ] ifFalse: [ Transcript show: 'no' ].
4 < 3 ifTrue: [ Transcript show: 'yes' ] ifFalse: [ Transcript show: 'no' ].
In ECMAScript, you can simply use function definitions as expressions, and there is also lightweight syntax for functions.
In the various Lisps, code is just data, and data is code, so you can just pass the code as an argument as data, then inside the function, treat that data as code again.
Scala has call-by-name parameters which are only evaluated when you use their name, and they are evaluated every time you use their name. It would look something like this:
implicit class IntegerTimes(val i: Int) extends AnyVal {
def times(actionToBeExecuted: => Unit): Unit = {
if (i < 0) throw new Error()
if (i == 0) () else { actionToBeExecuted; (i - 1).times(actionToBeExecuted) }
3.times { println("Hello") }
// Hello
// Hello
// Hello

Having trouble distinguishing where the block is/if this function has a block

I am under the impression that when you write a function, the block is what goes in between do and end.
(1..5).each do |i|
puts 2 ** i
So in the function above, would the block part consist of the following?
|i| puts 2 ** i
You are playing with words. It is a matter of definition. Usually, the block includes the do and end. The whole:
do |i|
puts 2 ** i
is the block. But since a block is not an object in Ruby (unlike proc), it does not make much difference whichever you call a block.

Repeating a block of code until the block itself returns false?

I want to:
pass a block to a method call, and then
pass that entire method call as the condition of a while loop,
even though I don't need to put any logic inside the loop itself.
Specifically, I have an array that I'd like to #reject! certain elements from based on rather complicated logic. Subsequent calls to #reject! may remove elements that were not removed on a previous pass. When #reject! finally stops finding elements to reject, it will return nil. At this point, I would like the loop to stop and the program to proceed.
I thought I could do the following:
while array.reject! do |element|
I haven't actually tried it yet, but this construction throws vim's ruby syntax highlighter for a loop (i.e., it thinks the first do is for the while statement, and thinks the second end is actually the end of the encapsulating method). I also tried rewriting this as an inline while modifier attached to a begin...end block,
begin; end while array.reject! do |element|
but it still screws up the highlighting in the same way. In any case, it feels like an abuse of the while loop.
The only way I could think of to accomplish this is by assigning the method call as a proc:
proc = do
array.reject! do |element|
while do; end
which works but feels kludgy, especially with the trailing do; end.
Is there any elegant way to accomplish this??
It's not just vim, while array.reject! do |element| is invalid syntax:
$ ruby -c -e 'while array.reject! do |element| end'
-e:1: syntax error, unexpected '|'
while array.reject! do |element| end
You could use { ... } instead of do ... end:
while array.reject! { |element|
# ...
or loop and break:
loop do
break unless array.reject! do |element|
# ...
a little more explicit:
loop do
r = array.reject! do |element|
# ...
break unless r
Ruby lets you move your condition to the end of the loop statement. This makes it easy to store a result inside of the loop and check it against the conditional:
any_rejected = arr.reject! { … }
end while any_rejected
This would work the same as doing end while arr.reject! { … }, but it's much clearer here what's happening, especially with a complicated reject!.
You're right that the Ruby parser thinks that do belongs to while, and doesn't understand where the second end is coming from. It's a precedence problem.
This code is just to show that it can be done. For how it should be done, see Stefan's answer :
array = (1..1000).to_a
while (array.reject! do |element|
rand < 0.5
p array.size
It outputs :
My personal preference in situations where I need to call a method until the return value is what I want is:
:keep_going while my_method
Or more tersely I sometimes use:
:go while my_method
It's one line, and you can use the contents of the symbol to help document what's going on. With your block, I'd personally create a proc/lambda out of it and pass that to reject for clarity.
# Harder to follow, IMHO
:keep_going while array.reject! do |...|
# Easier to follow, IMHO
simplify = ->(...){ ... }
:keep_simplifying while array.reject!(&simplify)

Rubocop rule: Never use 'do' with multi-line 'while

I have the following code
# colours a random cell with a correct colour
def colour_random!
while true do
col, row = rand(columns), rand(rows)
cell = self[row,col]
if cell.empty? then
cell.should_be_filled? ? cell.colour!(1) : cell.colour!(0)
it's not that important what's doing, although it should pretty obvious. The point is that Rubocop gives me a warning
Never use 'do' with multi-line 'while
Why should I not do that? How should I do it then?
while is a keyword,so you don't need to pass a block. Without do..end it will work fine. The below is fine
def colour_random!
while true
col, row = rand(columns), rand(rows)
cell = self[row,col]
if cell.empty? then
cell.should_be_filled? ? cell.colour!(1) : cell.colour!(0)
while is a keyword, and if you pass a block to it, like do..end, it still works as you asked it to do, by not throwing any error, rather just a warning. But it could be dangerous if you try to pass a Proc or Method object to it, and dynamically try to convert it to a block using & keyword, as we do generally. That means
# below code will work as expected just throwing an warning.
x = 2
while x < 2 do
But if you try to do by mistake like below
while &block # booom!! error
The reason is while is a keyword, which don't support any to_proc method to satisfy your need. So it can be dangerous.
Ruby style guide also suggested that Never use while/until condition do for multi-line while/until
I think the reason is as Nobuyoshi Nakada said in the mailing list
loop is a kernel method which takes a block. A block introduces new local variable scope.
loop do
a = 1
p a #=> causes NameError
while doesn't.
while 1
a = 1
p a #=> 1
Ruby actually has a shortcut for while true: the loop statement.
def colour_random!
loop do
col, row = rand(columns), rand(rows)
cell = self[row,col]
if cell.empty? then
cell.should_be_filled? ? cell.colour!(1) : cell.colour!(0)

What are those pipe symbols for in Ruby?

What are the pipe symbols for in Ruby?
I'm learning Ruby and RoR, coming from a PHP and Java background, but I keep coming across code like this:
def new
#post =
respond_to do |format|
format.html # new.html.erb
format.xml { render :xml => #post }
What is the |format| part doing? What's the equivalent syntax of these pipe symbols in PHP/Java?
They are the variables yielded to the block.
def this_method_takes_a_block
this_method_takes_a_block do |num|
puts num
Which outputs "5". A more arcane example:
def this_silly_method_too(num)
yield(num + 5)
this_silly_method_too(3) do |wtf|
puts wtf + 1
The output is "9".
This was very strange to me too at first, but I hope this explanation/walkthru helps you.
The documentation touches the subject, in a quite good way - if my answer doesn't help I am sure their guide will.
First, fire up the Interactive Ruby interpreter by typing irb in your shell and hitting Enter.
Type something like:
the_numbers = ['ett','tva','tre','fyra','fem'] # congratulations! You now know how to count to five in Swedish.
just so that we have an array to play with. Then we create the loop:
the_numbers.each do |linustorvalds|
puts linustorvalds
It will output all the numbers, separated by newlines.
In other languages you'd have to write something like:
for (i = 0; i < the_numbers.length; i++) {
linustorvalds = the_numbers[i]
print linustorvalds;
The important things to note are that the |thing_inside_the_pipes| can be anything, as long as you are using it consistently. And understand that it is loops we are talking about, that was a thing I didn't get until later on.
#names.each do |name|
puts "Hello #{name}!"
at is accompanied by this explanation:
each is a method that accepts a block of code then runs that block of code for every element in a list, and the bit between do and end is just such a block. A block is like an anonymous function or lambda. The variable between pipe characters is the parameter for this block.
What happens here is that for every entry in a list, name is bound to that list element, and then the expression puts "Hello #{name}!" is run with that name.
The code from the do to the end defines a Ruby block. The word format is a parameter to the block. The block is passed along with the method call, and the called method can yield values to the block.
See any text on Ruby for details, this is a core feature of Ruby that you will see all the time.
The equivalent in Java would be something like
// Prior definitions
interface RespondToHandler
public void doFormatting(FormatThingummy format);
void respondTo(RespondToHandler)
// ...
// Equivalent of your quoted code
respondTo(new RespondToHandler(){
public void doFormatting(FormatThingummy format)
Parameters for a block sit between the | symbols.
To make it even more clearer, if needed:
the pipe bars essentially make a new variable to hold the value generated from the method call prior. Something akin to:
Original definition of your method:
def example_method_a(argumentPassedIn)
yield(argumentPassedIn + 200)
How It's used:
example_method_a(100) do |newVariable|
puts newVariable;
It's almost the same as writing this:
newVariable = example_method_a(100)
puts newVariable
where, newVariable = 200 + 100 = 300 :D!
