How to optimize scoring in a match - algorithm

I'm designing a decision making system for a contest, where players are required to aim different targets. The probabilities to score on different targets vary, and the more players score on each target, the probability to score on that one decreases. Players have limited attempt chances.
What I come to mind is only Markov Chain and game theory yet I don't know how to implement them, and I wonder is there any other mathematical techniques to maximize my score.
I would deeply appreciate any piece of guidance.

Markov Processes: A Non-Solution
I don't think a Markov process is going to work here. The Markov property requires that the probability distribution of a process's future states depend only on its present state (or a limited number of past st
A stochastic process has the Markov property if the conditional probability distribution of future states of the process (conditional on both past and present states) depends only upon the present state, not on the sequence of events that preceded it. Since the probability of hitting a target decreases with each successful hit, the future of your process depends on its past and, therefore, the your process is not Markov.
Recursive Brute-Force Search: An Adequate Solution
One way to solve this is via exploration of a search tree. The following C++ code describes the operation:
#include <limits>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
std::vector<float> ScoreOn(const std::vector<float> &probs, int target){
std::vector<float> temp = probs; //Copy original array to avoid corrupting it
temp[target] *= 0.9; //Decrease the probability
return temp; //Return the new array
std::pair<float,int> Choice(
const std::vector<float> &probs,
const std::vector<float> &values,
int depth
if(depth==0) //We gotta cut this off somewhere
return std::make_pair(0.0,-1); //Return 0 value at the end of time
//Any real choice will have a value greater than this
float valmax = -std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
//Will shortly be filled with a real choice value
int choice = -1;
//Loop through all targets
for(int t=0;t<probs.size();t++){
float hit_value = values[t]+Choice(ScoreOn(probs,t),values,depth-1).first;
float miss_value = 0 +Choice(probs ,values,depth-1).first;
float val = probs[t]*hit_value+(1-probs[t])*miss_value;
if(val>valmax){ //Is current target a better choice?
valmax = val;
choice = t;
return std::make_pair(valmax,choice);
int main(){
//Generate sample data and print the current best answer
int target_count = 8; //Number of targets
std::vector<float> probs,values;
for(int t=0;t<target_count;t++){
Now, consider trying to hit a target. If we hit it, the value of our action (call it H) is the value of the target plus the value of all of our future actions. If we miss (M), then the value is zero plus the value of all of our future actions. We weight these values by the probability p of each happening, to get the equation:
Value = pH+(1-p)M
We calculate the future values in the same way, thereby generating a recursive function. Since this could go on forever, we bound the depth of the recursion to some number of levels. Since, at each level the decision tree splits along two paths for each of t targets, we have (2t)**(Depth+1)-1 nodes in the tree. Therefore, choose your depth wisely to avoid thinking forever.
The above code, with optimizations runs in 0.044s for depth=5 and 0.557s for depth=6 on my Intel i5 M480 cpu (which is now about five years old). For depth=6, there are 268,435,455 nodes in the tree and each leaf possibility has only a 1 in 16,777,216 chance of being realized. Unless your value function is weird, there's no need to consider the future any farther than that.
Branch and Bound: An Improved Solution
But, if you did need to go explore a larger space or go faster, you could consider using Branch and Bound methods. This works the same way, except we choose not to expand any subtrees which are provably less than a solution we've already found. Proving a tight upper bound then becomes the primary challenge.

Why not use a greedy algorithm?
You can't do better at each point in time than to choose the target with the highest expected value (probability of hit multiplied by value of target).


An algorithm to calculate foreign residence without enumerating days?

The visa conditions for a country to which I travel frequently include this restriction:
"You may reside in [country] for a maximum of 90 days in any period of 180"
Given a tentative list of pairs of dates (entry and exit dates), is there an algorithm that can tell me, for each visit, whether I will be in or out of compliance, and by how many days?
Clearly, one way to do this would be to build a large array of individual days and then slide a 180-day window along it, counting residence days. But I'm wondering whether there is a more elegant method which doesn't involve building a great long list of days.
The normal algorithm for this is basically a greedy algorithm, though it could also be seen as a 1D dynamic progamming algorithm. Basically, rather than sliding the window 1 day at a time, you slide it 1 starting-date at a time. Like so:
first_interval = 0
last_interval = 0
for first_interval = 0 to N:
# include more intervals as long as they (partially) fit within 180 days after the first one
while last_interval < N and A[last_interval].start - A[first_interval].start < 180:
last_interval += 1
calculate total number of days in intervals, possibly clipping the last one
The need to clip the last interval makes it a bit less elegant than it could otherwise be: in similar algorithms, rather than summing the total each time, you add to it for added-on intervals (when incrementing last_interval) and subtract from it for left-behind intervals (when incrementing first_interval). You could do something kind of similar here with the second-to-last interval, but unless you're in a serious performance bind it's probably best not to.
The following C++ code calculates the duration between two arbitrary dates no earlier than Jan 1, 1 A.D. in O(1) time. Is this what you're looking for?
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int days(int y,int m,int d){
int i,s,n[13]={0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31};
y+=(m-1)/12; m=(m-1)%12+1; if(m<1) {y--; m+=12;}
y--; s=y*365+y/4-y/100+y/400; y++;
if(y%4==0 && y%100 || y%400==0) n[2]++;
for(i=1;i<m;i++) s+=n[i]; s+=d; return s;
int main(){
return 0;
You can use the days() function to map all dates of entry and exit to integers and then use the Sneftel's algorithm.

Divide a group of people into two disjoint subgroups (of arbitrary size) and find some values

As we know from programming, sometimes a slight change in a problem can
significantly alter the form of its solution.
Firstly, I want to create a simple algorithm for solving
the following problem and classify it using bigtheta
Divide a group of people into two disjoint subgroups
(of arbitrary size) such that the
difference in the total ages of the members of
the two subgroups is as large as possible.
Now I need to change the problem so that the desired
difference is as small as possible and classify
my approach to the problem.
Well,first of all I need to create the initial algorithm.
For that, should I make some kind of sorting in order to separate the teams, and how am I suppose to continue?
EDIT: for the first problem,we have ruled out the possibility of a set being an empty set. So all we have to do is just a linear search to find the min age and then put it in a set B. SetA now has all the other ages except the age of setB, which is the min age. So here is the max difference of the total ages of the two sets, as high as possible
The way you described the first problem, it is trivial in the way that it requires you to find only the minimum element (in case the subgroups should contain at least 1 member), otherwise it is already solved.
The second problem can be solved recursively the pseudo code would be:
// compute sum of all elem of array and store them in sum
min = sum;
globalVec = baseVec;
fun generate(baseVec, generatedVec, position, total)
if (abs(sum - 2*total) < min){ // check if the distribution is better
min = abs(sum - 2*total);
globalVec = generatedVec;
if (position >= baseVec.length()) return;
// either consider elem at position in first group:
generate(baseVec,generatedVec.pushback(baseVec[position]), position + 1, total+baseVec[position]);
// or consider elem at position is second group:
generate(baseVec,generatedVec, position + 1, total);
And now just start the function with generate(baseVec,"",0,0) where "" stand for an empty vector.
The algo can be drastically improved by applying it to a sorted array, hence adding a test condition to stop branching, but the idea stays the same.

Genetic/Evolutionary algorithm - Painter

My task:
Create a program to copy a picture (given as input) using primitives only (like triangle or something). The program should use evolutionary algorithm to create output picture.
My question:
I need to invent an algorithm to create populations and check them (how much - in % - they match the input picture).
I have an idea; you can find it below.
So what I want from you: advice (if you find my idea not so bad) or inspiration (maybe you have a better idea?)
My idea:
Let's say that I'll use only triangles to build the output picture.
My first population is P pictures (generated by using T randomly generated triangles - called Elements).
I check by my fitness function every pictures in population and choose E of them as elite and rest of population just remove:
To compare 2 pictures we check every pixel in picture A and compare his R,G,B with
the same pixel (the same coordinates) in picture B.
I use this:
SingleDif = sqrt[ (Ar - Br)^2 + (Ag - Bg)^2 + (Ab - Bb)^2]
then i sum all differences (from all pixels) - lets call it SumDif
and use:
PictureDif = (DifMax - SumDif)/DifMax
DifMax = pictureHeight * pictureWidth * 255*3
The best are used to create the next population in this way:
picture MakeChild(picture Mother, picture Father)
picture child;
for( int i = 0; i < T; ++i )
j //this is a random number from 0 to 1 - created now
if( j < 0.5 ) child.element(i) = Mother.element(i);
else child.element(i) = Father.element(i)
if( j < some small % ) mutate( child.element(i) );
return child;
So it's quite simple. Only the mutation needs a comment: So there is always some small probability that element X in child will be different than X in his parent. To do this we make random changes in element in child (change his colour by random number, or add random number to his (x,y) coordinate - or his node).
So this is my idea... I didn't test it, didn't code it.
Please check my idea - what do you think about it?
I would make the number of patches of each child dynamic and get the mutation operation to insert/delete patches with some (low) probability. Of course this could result in a lot of redundancy and bloat in the child's genome. In these situations, it is usually a good idea to use the length of an individual's genome as a parameter of the fitness function so that individuals get rewarded (with a higher fitness value) for using fewer patches. So for example if the PictureDif of individuals A and B are the same but the A has fewer patches than B, then A has a higher fitness.
Another issue is the reproductive operator that you proposed (namely, the crossover operation). In order for the evolutionary process to work efficiently, you need to achieve a reasonable exploration and exploitation balance. One way of doing this is by having a set of reproductive operators that exhibit a good fitness correlation [1] which means the fitness of a child must be close to the fitness of its parent(s).
In the case of single parent reproduction you only need to find the right mutation parameters. However, when it comes to multi-parent reproduction (crossover) one of the frequently used techniques is to produce 2 children (instead of 1) from the same 2 parents. For the first child, each gene comes from the mother with the probability of 0.2 and from the father with the probability of 0.8, and for the second child the other way around. Of course after the crossover, you can do the mutation.
Oh and one more thing, for the mutation operators, when you say
... make random changes in element in child (change his colour by random number, or add random number to his (x,y) coordinate - or his node)
it's a good idea to use a Gaussian distribution to change the colour, coordinate etc.
[1] Evolutionary Computation: A unified approach by Kenneth A. De Jong, page 69

Grundy's game extended to more than two heaps

How can In break a heap into two heaps in the Grundy's game?
What about breaking a heap into any number of heaps (no two of them being equal)?
Games of this type are analyzed in great detail in the book series "Winning Ways for your Mathematical Plays". Most of the things you are looking for are probably in volume 1.
You can also take a look at these links: Nimbers (Wikipedia), Sprague-Grundy theorem (Wikipedia) or do a search for "combinatorial game theory".
My knowledge on this is quite rusty, so I'm afraid I can't help you myself with this specific problem. My excuses if you were already aware of everything I linked.
Edit: In general, the method of solving these types of games is to "build up" stack sizes. So start with a stack of 1 and decide who wins with optimal play. Then do the same for a stack of 2, which can be split into 1 & 1. The move on to 3, which can be split into 1 & 2. Same for 4 (here it gets trickier): 3 & 1 or 2 & 2, using the Spague-Grundy theorem & the algebraic rules for nimbers, you can calculate who will win. Keep going until you reach the stack size for which you need to know the answer.
Edit 2: The website I was talking about in the comments seems to be down. Here is a link of a backup of it: Wayback Machine - Introduction to Combinatorial Games.
Grundy's Game, and many games like it, can be solved with an algorithm like this:
//returns a Move object representing the current player's optimal move, or null if the player has no chance of winning
function bestMove(GameState g){
for each (move in g.possibleMoves()){
nextState = g.applyMove(move)
if (bestMove(nextState) == null){
//the next player's best move is null, so if we take this move,
//he has no chance of winning. This is good for us!
return move;
//none of our possible moves led to a winning strategy.
//We have no chance of winning. This is bad for us :-(
return null;
Implementations of GameState and Move depend on the game. For Grundy's game, both are simple.
GameState stores a list of integers, representing the size of each heap in the game.
Move stores an initialHeapSize integer, and a resultingHeapSizes list of integers.
GameState::possibleMoves iterates through its heap size list, and determines the legal divisions for each one.
GameState::applyMove(Move) returns a copy of the GameState, except the move given to it is applied to the board.
GameState::possibleMoves can be implemented for "classic" Grundy's Game like so:
function possibleMoves(GameState g){
moves = []
for each (heapSize in g.heapSizes){
for each (resultingHeaps in possibleDivisions(heapSize)){
Move m = new Move(heapSize, resultingHeaps)
return moves
function possibleDivisions(int heapSize){
divisions = []
for(int leftPileSize = 1; leftPileSize < heapSize; leftPileSize++){
int rightPileSize = heapSize - leftPileSize
if (leftPileSize != rightPileSize){
divisions.append([leftPileSize, rightPileSize])
return divisions
Modifying this to use the "divide into any number of unequal piles" rule is just a matter of changing the implementation of possibleDivisions.
I haven't calculated it exactly, but an unoptimized bestMove has a pretty crazy worst-case runtime. Once you start giving it a starting state of around 12 stones, you'll get long wait times. So you should implement memoization to improve performance.
For best results, keep each GameState's heap size list sorted, and discard any heaps of size 2 or 1.

Algorithms for testing a poker hand for a straight draw (4 to a straight)?

I'm in the throes of writing a poker evaluation library for fun and am looking to add the ability to test for draws (open ended, gutshot) for a given set of cards.
Just wondering what the "state of the art" is for this? I'm trying to keep my memory footprint reasonable, so the idea of using a look up table doesn't sit well but could be a necessary evil.
My current plan is along the lines of:
subtract the lowest rank from the rank of all cards in the set.
look to see if certain sequence i.e.: 0,1,2,3 or 1,2,3,4 (for OESDs) is a subset of the modified collection.
I'm hoping to do better complexity wise, as 7 card or 9 card sets will grind things to a halt using my approach.
Any input and/or better ideas would be appreciated.
The fastest approach probably to assign a bit mask for each card rank (e.g. deuce=1, three=2, four=4, five=8, six=16, seven=32, eight=64, nine=128, ten=256, jack=512, queen=1024, king=2048, ace=4096), and OR together the mask values of all the cards in the hand. Then use an 8192-element lookup table to indicate whether the hand is a straight, an open-ender, a gut-shot, or a nothing of significance (one could also include the various types of backdoor straight draw without affecting execution time).
Incidentally, using different bitmask values, one can quickly detect other useful hands like two-of-a-kind, three-of-a-kind, etc. If one has 64-bit integer math available, use the cube of the indicated bit masks above (so deuce=1, three=8, etc. up to ace=2^36) and add together the values of the cards. If the result, and'ed with 04444444444444 (octal) is non-zero, the hand is a four-of-a kind. Otherwise, if adding plus 01111111111111, and and'ing with 04444444444444 yields non-zero, the hand is a three-of-a-kind or full-house. Otherwise, if the result, and'ed with 02222222222222 is non-zero, the hand is either a pair or two-pair. To see if a hand contains two or more pairs, 'and' the hand value with 02222222222222, and save that value. Subtract 1, and 'and' the result with the saved value. If non-zero, the hand contains at least two pairs (so if it contains a three-of-a-kind, it's a full house; otherwise it's two-pair).
As a parting note, the computation done to check for a straight will also let you determine quickly how many different ranks of card are in the hand. If there are N cards and N different ranks, the hand cannot contain any pairs or better (but might contain a straight or flush, of course). If there are N-1 different ranks, the hand contains precisely one pair. Only if there are fewer different ranks must one use more sophisticated logic (if there are N-2, the hand could be two-pair or three-of-a-kind; if N-3 or fewer, the hand could be a "three-pair" (scores as two-pair), full house, or four-of-a-kind).
One more thing: if you can't manage an 8192-element lookup table, you could use a 512-element lookup table. Compute the bitmask as above, and then do lookups on array[bitmask & 511] and array[bitmask >> 4], and OR the results. Any legitimate straight or draw will register on one or other lookup. Note that this won't directly give you the number of different ranks (since cards six through ten will get counted in both lookups) but one more lookup to the same array (using array[bitmask >> 9]) would count just the jacks through aces.
I know you said you want to keep the memory footprint as small as possible, but there is one quite memory efficient lookup table optimization which I've seen used in some poker hand evaluators and I have used it myself. If you're doing heavy poker simulations and need the best possible performance, you might wanna consider this. Though I admit in this case the difference isn't that big because testing for a straight draw isn't very expensive operation, but the same principle can be used for pretty much every type of hand evaluation in poker programming.
The idea is that we create a kind of a hash function that has the following properties:
1) calculates a unique value for each different set of card ranks
2) is symmetric in the sense that it doesn't depend on the order of the cards
The purpose of this is to reduce the number of elements needed in the lookup table.
A neat way of doing this is to assign a prime number to each rank (2->2, 3->3, 4->5, 5->7, 6->11, 7->13, 8->17, 9->19, T->23, J->29, Q->31, K->37, A->41), and then calculate the product of the primes. For example if the cards are 39TJQQ, then the hash is 36536259.
To create the lookup table you go through all the possible combinations of ranks, and use some simple algorithm to determine whether they form a straight draw. For each combination you also calculate the hash value and then store the results in a map where Key is the hash and Value is the result of the straight draw check. If the maximum number of cards is small (4 or less) then even a linear array might be feasible.
To use the lookup table you first calculate the hash for the particular set of cards and then read the corresponding value from the map.
Here's an example in C++. I don't guarantee that it's working correctly and it could probably be optimized a lot by using a sorted array and binary search instead of hash_map. hash_map is kinda slow for this purpose.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <hash_map>
#include <numeric>
using namespace std;
const int MAXCARDS = 9;
stdext::hash_map<long long, bool> lookup;
//"Hash function" that is unique for a each set of card ranks, and also
//symmetric so that the order of cards doesn't matter.
long long hash(const vector<int>& cards)
static const int primes[52] = {
long long res=1;
for(vector<int>::const_iterator i=cards.begin();i!=cards.end();i++)
res *= primes[*i];
return res;
//Tests whether there is a straight draw (assuming there is no
//straight). Only used for filling the lookup table.
bool is_draw_slow(const vector<int>& cards)
int ranks[14];
for(vector<int>::const_iterator i=cards.begin();i!=cards.end();i++)
ranks[ *i % 13 + 1 ] = 1;
ranks[0]=ranks[13]; //ace counts also as 1
int count = ranks[0]+ranks[1]+ranks[2]+ranks[3];
for(int i=0; i<=9; i++) {
count += ranks[i+4];
return true;
count -= ranks[i];
return false;
void create_lookup_helper(vector<int>& cards, int idx)
for(;cards[idx]<13;cards[idx]++) {
lookup[hash(cards)] = is_draw_slow(cards);
else {
cards[idx+1] = cards[idx];
void create_lookup()
for(int i=1;i<=MAXCARDS;i++) {
vector<int> cards(i);
//Test for a draw using the lookup table
bool is_draw(const vector<int>& cards)
return lookup[hash(cards)];
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
cout<<lookup.size()<<endl; //497419
int cards1[] = {1,2,3,4};
int cards2[] = {0,1,2,7,12};
int cards3[] = {3,16,29,42,4,17,30,43};
cout << is_draw(vector<int>(cards1,cards1+4)) <<endl; //true
cout << is_draw(vector<int>(cards2,cards2+5)) <<endl; //true
cout << is_draw(vector<int>(cards3,cards3+8)) <<endl; //false
This may be a naive solution, but I am pretty sure it would work, although I am not sure about the perfomance issues.
Assuming again that the cards are represented by the numbers 1 - 13, then if your 4 cards have a numeric range of 3 or 4 (from highest to lowest card rank) and contain no duplicates then you have a possible straight draw.
A range of 3 implies you have an open-ended draw eg 2,3,4,5 has a range of 3 and contains no duplicates.
A range of 4 implies you have a gutshot (as you called it) eg 5,6,8,9 has a range of 4 and contains no duplicates.
Update: per Christian Mann's comment... it can be this:
let's say, A is represented as 1. J as 11, Q as 12, etc.
loop through 1 to 13 as i
if my cards already has this card i, then don't worry about this case, skip to next card
for this card i, look to the left for number of consecutive cards there is
same as above, but look to the right
if count_left_consecutive + count_right_consecutive == 4, then found case
you will need to define the functions to look for the count of left consecutive cards and right consecutive cards... and also handle the case when when looking right consecutive, after K, the A is consecutive.
