Grundy's game extended to more than two heaps - algorithm

How can In break a heap into two heaps in the Grundy's game?
What about breaking a heap into any number of heaps (no two of them being equal)?

Games of this type are analyzed in great detail in the book series "Winning Ways for your Mathematical Plays". Most of the things you are looking for are probably in volume 1.
You can also take a look at these links: Nimbers (Wikipedia), Sprague-Grundy theorem (Wikipedia) or do a search for "combinatorial game theory".
My knowledge on this is quite rusty, so I'm afraid I can't help you myself with this specific problem. My excuses if you were already aware of everything I linked.
Edit: In general, the method of solving these types of games is to "build up" stack sizes. So start with a stack of 1 and decide who wins with optimal play. Then do the same for a stack of 2, which can be split into 1 & 1. The move on to 3, which can be split into 1 & 2. Same for 4 (here it gets trickier): 3 & 1 or 2 & 2, using the Spague-Grundy theorem & the algebraic rules for nimbers, you can calculate who will win. Keep going until you reach the stack size for which you need to know the answer.
Edit 2: The website I was talking about in the comments seems to be down. Here is a link of a backup of it: Wayback Machine - Introduction to Combinatorial Games.

Grundy's Game, and many games like it, can be solved with an algorithm like this:
//returns a Move object representing the current player's optimal move, or null if the player has no chance of winning
function bestMove(GameState g){
for each (move in g.possibleMoves()){
nextState = g.applyMove(move)
if (bestMove(nextState) == null){
//the next player's best move is null, so if we take this move,
//he has no chance of winning. This is good for us!
return move;
//none of our possible moves led to a winning strategy.
//We have no chance of winning. This is bad for us :-(
return null;
Implementations of GameState and Move depend on the game. For Grundy's game, both are simple.
GameState stores a list of integers, representing the size of each heap in the game.
Move stores an initialHeapSize integer, and a resultingHeapSizes list of integers.
GameState::possibleMoves iterates through its heap size list, and determines the legal divisions for each one.
GameState::applyMove(Move) returns a copy of the GameState, except the move given to it is applied to the board.
GameState::possibleMoves can be implemented for "classic" Grundy's Game like so:
function possibleMoves(GameState g){
moves = []
for each (heapSize in g.heapSizes){
for each (resultingHeaps in possibleDivisions(heapSize)){
Move m = new Move(heapSize, resultingHeaps)
return moves
function possibleDivisions(int heapSize){
divisions = []
for(int leftPileSize = 1; leftPileSize < heapSize; leftPileSize++){
int rightPileSize = heapSize - leftPileSize
if (leftPileSize != rightPileSize){
divisions.append([leftPileSize, rightPileSize])
return divisions
Modifying this to use the "divide into any number of unequal piles" rule is just a matter of changing the implementation of possibleDivisions.
I haven't calculated it exactly, but an unoptimized bestMove has a pretty crazy worst-case runtime. Once you start giving it a starting state of around 12 stones, you'll get long wait times. So you should implement memoization to improve performance.
For best results, keep each GameState's heap size list sorted, and discard any heaps of size 2 or 1.


Is there an elegant and efficient way to implement weighted random choices in golang? Details on current implementation and issues inside

tl;dr: I'm looking for methods to implement a weighted random choice based on the relative magnitude of values (or functions of values) in an array in golang. Are there standard algorithms or recommendable packages for this? Is so how do they scale?
I'm trying to write 2D and 3D markov process programs in golang. A simple 2D example of such is the following: Imagine one has a lattice, and on each site labeled by index (i,j) there are n(i,j) particles. At each time step, the program chooses a site and moves one particle from this site to a random adjacent site. The probability that a site is chosen is proportional to its population n(i,j) at that time.
Current Implementation
My current algorithm, e.g. for the 2D case on an L x L lattice, is the following:
Convert the starting array into a slice of length L^2 by concatenating rows in order, e.g. cdfpop[i L +j]=initialpopulation[i][j].
Convert the 1D slice into a cdf by running a for loop over cdfpop[i]+=cdfpop[i-1].
Generate a two random numbers, Rsite whose range is from 1 to the largest value in the cdf (this is just the last value, cdfpop[L^2-1]), and Rhop whose range is between 1 and 4. The first random number chooses a weighted random site, and the second number a random direction to hop in
Use a binary search to find the leftmost index indexhop of cdfpop that is greater than Rsite. The index being hopped to is either indexhop +-1 for x direction hops or indexhop +- L for y direction hops.
Finally, directly change the values of cdfpop to reflect the hop process. This means subtracting one from (adding one to) all values in cdfpop between the index being hopped from (to) and the index being hopped to (from) depending on order.
Rinse and repeat in for loop. At the end reverse the cdf to determine the final population.
Edit: Requested Pseudocode looks like:
//import population LxL array
population:= import(population array)
//turn array into slice
for i number of rows{
cdf[ith slice of length L] = population[ith row]
//compute cumulant array
for i number of total sites{
cdf[i] = cdf[i-1]+cdf[i]
for i timesteps{
site = Randomhopsite(cdf)
cdf = Dohop(cdf, site)
Randomhopsite(cdf) site{
//Choose random number in range of the cummulant
randomnumber=RandomNumber(Range 1 to Max(cdf))
site = binarysearch(cdf) // finds leftmost index such that
// cdf[i] > random number
return site
Dohop(cdf,site) cdf{
//choose random hop direction and calculate coordinate
randomnumber=RandomNumber(Range 1 to 4)
randomnumber=1 { finalsite= site +1}
randomnumber=2 { finalsite= site -1}
randomnumber=3 { finalsite= site + L}
randomnumber=4 { finalsite= site - L}
//change the value of the cumulant distribution to reflect change
if finalsite > site{
for i between site and finalsite{
elseif finalsite < site{
for i between finalsite and site{
else {error: something failed}
return cdf
This process works really well for simple problems. For this particular problem, I can run about 1 trillion steps on a 1000x 1000 lattice in about 2 minutes on average with my current set up, and I can compile population data to gifs every 10000 or so steps by spinning a go routine without a huge slowdown.
Where efficiency breaks down
The trouble comes when I want to add different processes, with real-valued coefficients, whose rates are not proportional to site population. So say I now have a hopping rate at k_hop *n(i,j) and a death rate (where I simply remove a particle) at k_death *(n(i,j))^2. There are two slow-downs in this case:
My cdf will be double the size (not that big of a deal). It will be real valued and created by cdfpop[i*L+j]= 4 *k_hop * pop[i][j] for i*L+j<L*L and cdfpop[i*L+j]= k_death*math. Power(pop[i][j],2) for L*L<=i*L+j<2*L*L, followed by cdfpop[i]+=cdfpop[i-1]. I would then select a random real in the range of the cdf.
Because of the squared n, I will have to dynamically recalculate the part of the cdf associated with the death process weights at each step. This is a MAJOR slow down, as expected. Timing for this is about 3 microseconds compared with the original algorithm which took less than a nanosecond.
This problem only gets worse if I have rates calculated as a function of populations on neighboring sites -- e.g. spontaneous particle creation depends on the product of populations on neighboring sites. While I hope to work out a way to just modify the cdf without recalculation by thinking really hard, as I try to simulate problems of increasing complexity, I can't help but wonder if there is a universal solution with reasonable efficiency I'm missing that doesn't require specialized code for each random process.
Thanks for reading!

Algorithm / Data structure for largest set intersection in a collection of sets with a given set

I have a large collection of several million sets, C. The elements of my sets come from a universe of about 2000 possible elements. I need to know, for a given set, s, which set in C has the largest intersection with s? (Or the k sets in C with the k-largest intersections). I will be making many of these queries, sequentially, for different s.
I know that the obvious way to do this is to just to loop over every set in C and compute the intersection and take the max. Are there any smart data structures / programming tricks that can speed up my search? It would be great if I could do this faster than O(C).
EDIT: approximate answers would be alright too
I don't think there's a clever data structure that will help with asymptotic performance. But this is a perfect map reduce problem. A GPGPU would do nicely. For a universe of 2048 elements, a set as a bitmap is only 256 bytes. 4 million is only a gigabyte. Even a modestly spec'ed Nvidia has that. E.g. programming in CUDA, you'd copy C to graphics card RAM, map a chunk of the gigabyte to each GPU core for searching and then reduce across cores to find the final answer. This ought to take on the order of a very few milliseconds. Not fast enough? Just buy hotter hardware.
If you re-phrase your question along these lines, you'll probably get answers from experts in this kind of programming, which I'm not.
One simple trick is to sort the list of sets C in decreasing order by size, then proceed with brute force intersection tests as usual. As you go along, keep track of the set b with the biggest intersection so far. If you find a set whose intersection with the query set s has size |s| (or equivalently, has intersection equal to s -- use whichever of these tests is faster), you can immediately stop and return it as this is the best possible answer. Otherwise, if the next set from C has fewer than |b| elements, you can immediately stop and return b. This can easily be generalised to finding the top k matches.
I don't see any way to do this in less than O(C) per query, but I have some ideas on how to maximize efficiency. The idea is basically to build a lookup table for each element. If some elements are rare and some are common, you can have positive and negative lookup tables:
s[i] // your query, an array of size 2 thousand, true/false
sign[i] // whether the ith element is positive/negative lookup. +/- 1
sets[i] // a list of all the sets that the ith element belongs/(doesn't) to
overlaps[i] // an array of size C, initialized to 0's
for i in len(s):
if s[i]:
for j in sets[i]:
overlaps[j] += sign[i]
return max_index(overlaps)
Especially if many of your elements are of widely differing probabilities (as you said), this approach should save you some time: very rare or very common elements can be dealt with almost instantly.
To further optimize: you can sort the structure so that the elements that are most common/most rare are dealt with first. After you have done the first e.g. 3/4, you can do a quick pass to see if the closest matching set is so far ahead of the next set that it is not necessary to continue, though again whether that is worthwhile depends on the details of your data's distribution.
Yet another refinement: make sets[i] one of two possible structures: if the element is very rare or common, sets[i] is just a list of the sets that the ith element is in/not in. However, suppose the ith element is in half the sets. Then sets[i] is just a list of indices half as long as the number of sets, looping through it and incrementing overlaps is wasteful. Have a third value for sign[i]: if sign[i] == 0, then the ith element is relatively close to 50% commonality (this may just mean between 5% and 95%, or anything else), and instead of a list of sets in which it appears, it will simply be an array of 1's and 0's with length equal to C. Then you would just add the array in its entirety to overlaps which would be faster.
Put all of your elements, from the million sets into a Hashtable. The key will be the element, the value will be a set of indexes that point to a containing set.
HashSet<Element>[] AllSets = ...
// preprocess
Hashtable AllElements = new Hashtable(2000);
for(var index = 0; index < AllSets.Count; index++) {
foreach(var elm in AllSets[index]) {
if(!AllElements.ContainsKey(elm)) {
AllElements.Add(elm, new HashSet<int>() { index });
} else {
public List<HashSet<Element>> TopIntersect(HashSet<Element> set, int top = 1) {
// <index, count>
Dictionar<int, int> counts = new Dictionary<int, int>();
foreach(var elm in set) {
var setIndices = AllElements[elm] As HashSet<int>;
if(setIndices != null) {
foreach(var index in setIndices) {
if(!counts.ContainsKey(index)) {
counts.Add(index, 1);
} else {
return counts.OrderByDescending(kv => kv.Value)
.Select(kv => AllSets[kv.Key]).ToList();

Reducing the time complexity of this algorithm

I'm playing a game that has a weapon-forging component, where you combine two weapons to get a new one. The sheer number of weapon combinations (see "6.1. Blade Combination Tables" at makes it difficult to figure out what you can ultimately create out of your current weapons through repeated forging, so I tried writing a program that would do this for me. I give it a list of weapons that I currently have, such as:
and it gives me the list of all weapons that I can forge:
ball mace
large crescent
throwing knife
The problem is that I'm using a brute-force algorithm that scales extremely poorly; it takes about 15 seconds to calculate all possible weapons for seven starting weapons, and a few minutes to calculate for eight starting weapons. I'd like it to be able to calculate up to 64 weapons (the maximum that you can hold at once), but I don't think I'd live long enough to see the results.
function find_possible_weapons(source_weapons)
for (i in source_weapons)
for (j in source_weapons)
if (i != j)
result_weapon = combine_weapons(source_weapons[i], source_weapons[j]);
new_weapons = array();
for (k in source_weapons)
if (k != i && k != j)
In English: I attempt every combination of two weapons from my list of source weapons. For each of those combinations, I create a new list of all weapons that I'd have following that combination (that is, the newly-combined weapon plus all of the source weapons except the two that I combined), and then I repeat these steps for the new list.
Is there a better way to do this?
Note that combining weapons in the reverse order can change the result (Rapier + Firangi = Short Sword, but Firangi + Rapier = Spatha), so I can't skip those reversals in the j loop.
Edit: Here's a breakdown of the test example that I gave above, to show what the algorithm is doing. A line in brackets shows the result of a combination, and the following line is the new list of weapons that's created as a result:
[francisca + tabarzin = chamkaq]
[chamkaq + kris = large crescent]
large crescent
[kris + chamkaq = large crescent]
large crescent
[francisca + kris = dirk]
[dirk + tabarzin = francisca]
[tabarzin + dirk = francisca]
[tabarzin + francisca = chamkaq]
[chamkaq + kris = large crescent]
large crescent
[kris + chamkaq = large crescent]
large crescent
[tabarzin + kris = throwing knife]
throwing knife,francisca
[throwing knife + francisca = ball mace]
ball mace
[francisca + throwing knife = ball mace]
ball mace
[kris + francisca = dirk]
[dirk + tabarzin = francisca]
[tabarzin + dirk = francisca]
[kris + tabarzin = throwing knife]
throwing knife,francisca
[throwing knife + francisca = ball mace]
ball mace
[francisca + throwing knife = ball mace]
ball mace
Also, note that duplicate items in a list of weapons are significant and can't be removed. For example, if I add a second kris to my list of starting weapons so that I have the following list:
then I'm able to forge the following items:
ball mace
battle axe
battle knife
large crescent
throwing knife
The addition of a duplicate kris allowed me to forge four new items that I couldn't before. It also increased the total number of forge tests to 252 for a four-item list, up from 27 for the three-item list.
Edit: I'm getting the feeling that solving this would require more math and computer science knowledge than I have, so I'm going to give up on it. It seemed like a simple enough problem at first, but then, so does the Travelling Salesman. I'm accepting David Eisenstat's answer since the suggestion of remembering and skipping duplicate item lists made such a huge difference in execution time and seems like it would be applicable to a lot of similar problems.
Start by memoizing the brute force solution, i.e., sort source_weapons, make it hashable (e.g., convert to a string by joining with commas), and look it up in a map of input/output pairs. If it isn't there, do the computation as normal and add the result to the map. This often results in big wins for little effort.
Alternatively, you could do a backward search. Given a multiset of weapons, form predecessors by replacing one of the weapon with two weapons that forge it, in all possible ways. Starting with the singleton list consisting of the singleton multiset consisting of the goal weapon, repeatedly expand the list by predecessors of list elements and then cull multisets that are supersets of others. Stop when you reach a fixed point.
If linear programming is an option, then there are systematic ways to prune search trees. In particular, let's make the problem easier by (i) allowing an infinite supply of "catalysts" (maybe not needed here?) (ii) allowing "fractional" forging, e.g., if X + Y => Z, then 0.5 X + 0.5 Y => 0.5 Z. Then there's an LP formulation as follows. For all i + j => k (i and j forge k), the variable x_{ijk} is the number of times this forge is performed.
minimize sum_{i, j => k} x_{ijk} (to prevent wasteful cycles)
for all i: sum_{j, k: j + k => i} x_{jki}
- sum_{j, k: j + i => k} x_{jik}
- sum_{j, k: i + j => k} x_{ijk} >= q_i,
for all i + j => k: x_{ijk} >= 0,
where q_i is 1 if i is the goal item, else minus the number of i initially available. There are efficient solvers for this easy version. Since the reactions are always 2 => 1, you can always recover a feasible forging schedule for an integer solution. Accordingly, I would recommend integer programming for this problem. The paragraph below may still be of interest.
I know shipping an LP solver may be inconvenient, so here's an insight that will let you do without. This LP is feasible if and only if its dual is bounded. Intuitively, the dual problem is to assign a "value" to each item such that, however you forge, the total value of your inventory does not increase. If the goal item is valued at more than the available inventory, then you can't forge it. You can use any method that you can think of to assign these values.
I think you are unlikely to get a good general answer to this question because
if there was an efficient algorithm to solve your problem, then it would also be able to solve NP-complete problems.
For example, consider the problem of finding the maximum number of independent rows in a binary matrix.
This is a known NP-complete problem (e.g. by showing equivalence to the maximum independent set problem).
We can reduce this problem to your question in the following manner:
We can start holding one weapon for each column in the binary matrix, and then we imagine each row describes an alternative way of making a new weapon (say a battle axe).
We construct the weapon translation table such that to make the battle axe using method i, we need all weapons j such that M[i,j] is equal to 1 (this may involve inventing some additional weapons).
Then we construct a series of super weapons which can be made by combining different numbers of our battle axes.
For example, the mega ultimate battle axe may require 4 battle axes to be combined.
If we are able to work out the best weapon that can be constructed from your starting weapons, then we have solved the problem of finding the maximum number of independent rows in the original binary matrix.
It's not a huge saving, however looking at the source document, there are times when combining weapons produces the same weapon as one that was combined. I assume that you won't want to do this as you'll end up with less weapons.
So if you added a check for if the result_weapon was the same type as one of the inputs, and didn't go ahead and recursively call find_possible_weapons(new_weapons), you'd trim the search down a little.
The other thing I could think of, is you are not keeping a track of work done, so if the return from find_possible_weapons(new_weapons) returns the same weapon that you already have got by combining other weapons, you might well be performing the same search branch multiple times.
e.g. if you have a, b, c, d, e, f, g, and if a + b = x, and c + d = x, then you algorithm will be performing two lots of comparing x against e, f, and g. So if you keep a track of what you've already computed, you'll be onto a winner...
Basically, you have to trim the search tree. There are loads of different techniques to do this: it's called search. If you want more advice, I'd recommend going to the computer science stack exchange.
If you are still struggling, then you could always start weighting items/resulting items, and only focus on doing the calculation on 'high gain' objects...
You might want to start by creating a Weapon[][] matrix, to show the results of forging each pair. You could map the name of the weapon to the index of the matrix axis, and lookup of the results of a weapon combination would occur in constant time.

How exactly to use "History Heuristic" in alpha-beta minimax?

I'm making an AI for a chess game.
So far, I've successfully implemented the Alpha-Beta Pruning Minimax algorithm, which looks like this (from Wikipedia):
(* Initial call *)
alphabeta(origin, depth, -∞, +∞, TRUE)
function alphabeta(node, depth, α, β, maximizingPlayer)
if depth = 0 or node is a terminal node
return the heuristic value of node
if maximizingPlayer
for each child of node
α := max(α, alphabeta(child, depth - 1, α, β, FALSE))
if β ≤ α
break (* β cut-off *)
return α
for each child of node
β := min(β, alphabeta(child, depth - 1, α, β, TRUE))
if β ≤ α
break (* α cut-off *)
return β
Since this costs too much time complexity (going through all the trees one by one), I came across something called "History Heuristic".
The Algorithm from the original paper:
int AlphaBeta(pos, d, alpha, beta)
if (d=0 || game is over)
return Eval (pos); // evaluate leaf position from current player’s standpoint
score = - INFINITY; // preset return value
moves = Generate(pos); // generate successor moves
for i=1 to sizeof(moves) do // rating all moves
rating[i] = HistoryTable[ moves[i] ];
Sort( moves, rating ); // sorting moves according to their history scores
for i =1 to sizeof(moves) do { // look over all moves
Make(moves[i]); // execute current move
cur = - AlphaBeta(pos, d-1, -beta, -alpha); //call other player
if (cur > score) {
score = cur;
bestMove = moves[i]; // update best move if necessary
if (score > alpha) alpha = score; //adjust the search window
Undo(moves[i]); // retract current move
if (alpha >= beta) goto done; // cut off
// update history score
HistoryTable[bestMove] = HistoryTable[bestMove] + Weight(d);
return score;
So basically, the idea is to keep track of a Hashtable or a Dictionary for previous "moves".
Now I'm confused what this "move" means here.
I'm not sure if it literally refers to a single move or a overall state after each move.
In chess, for example, what should be the "key" for this hashtable be?
Individual moves like (Queen to position (0,1)) or (Knight to position (5,5))?
Or the overall state of the chessboard after individual moves?
If 1 is the case, I guess the positions of other pieces are not taken into account when recording the "move" into my History table?
I think the original paper (The History Heuristic and Alpha-Beta Search Enhancements in Practice, Jonathan Schaeffer) available on-line answers the question clearly. In the paper, the author defined move as the 2 indices (from square and to) on the chess board, using a 64x64 table (in effect, I think he used bit shifting and a single index array) to contain the move history.
The author compared all the available means of move ordering and determined that hh was the best. If current best practice has established an improved form of move ordering (beyond hh + transposition table), I would also like to know what it is.
You can use a transposition table so you avoid evaluating the same board multiple times. Transposition meaning you can reach the same board state by performing moves in different orders. Naive example:
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6
1. e4 Nc6 2. Nf3 e5
These plays result in the same position but were reached differently.
A common method is called Zobrist hashing to hash a chess position:
From my experience the history heuristic produces negligible benefits compared to other techniques, and is not worthwhile for a basic search routine. It is not the same thing as using transposition table. If the latter is what you want to implement, I'd still advise against it. There are many other techniques that will produce good results for far less effort. In fact, an efficient and correct transposition table is one of the most difficult parts to code in a chess engine.
First try pruning and move ordering heuristics, most of which are one to a few lines of code. I've detailed such techniques in this post, which also gives estimates of the performance gains you can expect.
In chess, for example, what should be the "key" for this hashtable be?
Individual moves like (Queen to position (0,1)) or (Knight to position (5,5))?
Or the overall state of the chessboard after individual moves?
The key is an individual move and the positions of other pieces aren't taken into account when recording the "move" into the history table.
The traditional form of the history table (also called butterfly board) is something like:
score history_table[side_to_move][from_square][to_square];
For instance, if the move e2-e4 produces a cutoff, the element:
is (somehow) incremented (irrespectively from the position in which the move has been made).
As in the example code, history heuristics uses those counters for move ordering. Other heuristics can take advantage of history tables (e.g. late move reductions).
Consider that:
usually history heuristics isn't applied to plain Alpha-Beta with no knowledge of move ordering (in chess only "quiet" moves are ordered via history heuristic);
there are alternative forms for the history table (often used is history_table[piece][to_square]).

What algorithm for a tic-tac-toe game can I use to determine the "best move" for the AI?

In a tic-tac-toe implementation I guess that the challenging part is to determine the best move to be played by the machine.
What are the algorithms that can pursued? I'm looking into implementations from simple to complex. How would I go about tackling this part of the problem?
The strategy from Wikipedia for playing a perfect game (win or tie every time) seems like straightforward pseudo-code:
Quote from Wikipedia (Tic Tac Toe#Strategy)
A player can play a perfect game of Tic-tac-toe (to win or, at least, draw) if they choose the first available move from the following list, each turn, as used in Newell and Simon's 1972 tic-tac-toe program.[6]
Win: If you have two in a row, play the third to get three in a row.
Block: If the opponent has two in a row, play the third to block them.
Fork: Create an opportunity where you can win in two ways.
Block Opponent's Fork:
Option 1: Create two in a row to force
the opponent into defending, as long
as it doesn't result in them creating
a fork or winning. For example, if "X"
has a corner, "O" has the center, and
"X" has the opposite corner as well,
"O" must not play a corner in order to
win. (Playing a corner in this
scenario creates a fork for "X" to
Option 2: If there is a configuration
where the opponent can fork, block
that fork.
Center: Play the center.
Opposite Corner: If the opponent is in the corner, play the opposite
Empty Corner: Play an empty corner.
Empty Side: Play an empty side.
Recognizing what a "fork" situation looks like could be done in a brute-force manner as suggested.
Note: A "perfect" opponent is a nice exercise but ultimately not worth 'playing' against. You could, however, alter the priorities above to give characteristic weaknesses to opponent personalities.
What you need (for tic-tac-toe or a far more difficult game like Chess) is the minimax algorithm, or its slightly more complicated variant, alpha-beta pruning. Ordinary naive minimax will do fine for a game with as small a search space as tic-tac-toe, though.
In a nutshell, what you want to do is not to search for the move that has the best possible outcome for you, but rather for the move where the worst possible outcome is as good as possible. If you assume your opponent is playing optimally, you have to assume they will take the move that is worst for you, and therefore you have to take the move that MINimises their MAXimum gain.
The brute force method of generating every single possible board and scoring it based on the boards it later produces further down the tree doesn't require much memory, especially once you recognize that 90 degree board rotations are redundant, as are flips about the vertical, horizontal, and diagonal axis.
Once you get to that point, there's something like less than 1k of data in a tree graph to describe the outcome, and thus the best move for the computer.
A typical algo for tic-tac-toe should look like this:
Board : A nine-element vector representing the board. We store 2 (indicating
Blank), 3 (indicating X), or 5 (indicating O).
Turn: An integer indicating which move of the game about to be played.
The 1st move will be indicated by 1, last by 9.
The Algorithm
The main algorithm uses three functions.
Make2: returns 5 if the center square of the board is blank i.e. if board[5]=2. Otherwise, this function returns any non-corner square (2, 4, 6 or 8).
Posswin(p): Returns 0 if player p can’t win on his next move; otherwise, it returns the number of the square that constitutes a winning move. This function will enable the program both to win and to block opponents win. This function operates by checking each of the rows, columns, and diagonals. By multiplying the values of each square together for an entire row (or column or diagonal), the possibility of a win can be checked. If the product is 18 (3 x 3 x 2), then X can win. If the product is 50 (5 x 5 x 2), then O can win. If a winning row (column or diagonal) is found, the blank square in it can be determined and the number of that square is returned by this function.
Go (n): makes a move in square n. this procedure sets board [n] to 3 if Turn is odd, or 5 if Turn is even. It also increments turn by one.
The algorithm has a built-in strategy for each move. It makes the odd numbered
move if it plays X, the even-numbered move if it plays O.
Turn = 1 Go(1) (upper left corner).
Turn = 2 If Board[5] is blank, Go(5), else Go(1).
Turn = 3 If Board[9] is blank, Go(9), else Go(3).
Turn = 4 If Posswin(X) is not 0, then Go(Posswin(X)) i.e. [ block opponent’s win], else Go(Make2).
Turn = 5 if Posswin(X) is not 0 then Go(Posswin(X)) [i.e. win], else if Posswin(O) is not 0, then Go(Posswin(O)) [i.e. block win], else if Board[7] is blank, then Go(7), else Go(3). [to explore other possibility if there be any ].
Turn = 6 If Posswin(O) is not 0 then Go(Posswin(O)), else if Posswin(X) is not 0, then Go(Posswin(X)), else Go(Make2).
Turn = 7 If Posswin(X) is not 0 then Go(Posswin(X)), else if Posswin(X) is not 0, then Go(Posswin(O)) else go anywhere that is blank.
Turn = 8 if Posswin(O) is not 0 then Go(Posswin(O)), else if Posswin(X) is not 0, then Go(Posswin(X)), else go anywhere that is blank.
Turn = 9 Same as Turn=7.
I have used it. Let me know how you guys feel.
Since you're only dealing with a 3x3 matrix of possible locations, it'd be pretty easy to just write a search through all possibilities without taxing you computing power. For each open space, compute through all the possible outcomes after that marking that space (recursively, I'd say), then use the move with the most possibilities of winning.
Optimizing this would be a waste of effort, really. Though some easy ones might be:
Check first for possible wins for
the other team, block the first one
you find (if there are 2 the games
over anyway).
Always take the center if it's open
(and the previous rule has no
Take corners ahead of sides (again,
if the previous rules are empty)
You can have the AI play itself in some sample games to learn from. Use a supervised learning algorithm, to help it along.
An attempt without using a play field.
to win(your double)
if not, not to lose(opponent's double)
if not, do you already have a fork(have a double double)
if not, if opponent has a fork
search in blocking points for possible double and fork(ultimate win)
if not search forks in blocking points(which gives the opponent the most losing possibilities )
if not only blocking points(not to lose)
if not search for double and fork(ultimate win)
if not search only for forks which gives opponent the most losing possibilities
if not search only for a double
if not dead end, tie, random.
if not(it means your first move)
if it's the first move of the game;
give the opponent the most losing possibility(the algorithm results in only corners which gives 7 losing point possibility to opponent)
or for breaking boredom just random.
if it's second move of the game;
find only the not losing points(gives a little more options)
or find the points in this list which has the best winning chance(it can be boring,cause it results in only all corners or adjacent corners or center)
Note: When you have double and forks, check if your double gives the opponent a double.if it gives, check if that your new mandatory point is included in your fork list.
Rank each of the squares with numeric scores. If a square is taken, move on to the next choice (sorted in descending order by rank). You're going to need to choose a strategy (there are two main ones for going first and three (I think) for second). Technically, you could just program all of the strategies and then choose one at random. That would make for a less predictable opponent.
This answer assumes you understand implementing the perfect algorithm for P1 and discusses how to achieve a win in conditions against ordinary human players, who will make some mistakes more commonly than others.
The game of course should end in a draw if both players play optimally. At a human level, P1 playing in a corner produces wins far more often. For whatever psychological reason, P2 is baited into thinking that playing in the center is not that important, which is unfortunate for them, since it's the only response that does not create a winning game for P1.
If P2 does correctly block in the center, P1 should play the opposite corner, because again, for whatever psychological reason, P2 will prefer the symmetry of playing a corner, which again produces a losing board for them.
For any move P1 may make for the starting move, there is a move P2 may make that will create a win for P1 if both players play optimally thereafter. In that sense P1 may play wherever. The edge moves are weakest in the sense that the largest fraction of possible responses to this move produce a draw, but there are still responses that will create a win for P1.
Empirically (more precisely, anecdotally) the best P1 starting moves seem to be first corner, second center, and last edge.
The next challenge you can add, in person or via a GUI, is not to display the board. A human can definitely remember all the state but the added challenge leads to a preference for symmetric boards, which take less effort to remember, leading to the mistake I outlined in the first branch.
I'm a lot of fun at parties, I know.
A Tic-tac-toe adaptation to the min max algorithem
let gameBoard: [
[null, null, null],
[null, null, null],
[null, null, null]
const SYMBOLS = {
const RESULT = {
INCOMPLETE: "incomplete",
tie: "tie"
We'll need a function that can check for the result. The function will check for a succession of chars. What ever the state of the board is, the result is one of 4 options: either Incomplete, player X won, Player O won or a tie.
function checkSuccession (line){
if (line === SYMBOLS.X.repeat(3)) return SYMBOLS.X
if (line === SYMBOLS.O.repeat(3)) return SYMBOLS.O
return false
function getResult(board){
let result = RESULT.incomplete
if (moveCount(board)<5){
return result
let lines
//first we check row, then column, then diagonal
for (var i = 0 ; i<3 ; i++){
for (var j=0 ; j<3; j++){
const column = [board[0][j],board[1][j],board[2][j]]
const diag1 = [board[0][0],board[1][1],board[2][2]]
const diag2 = [board[0][2],board[1][1],board[2][0]]
for (i=0 ; i<lines.length ; i++){
const succession = checkSuccesion(lines[i])
return succession
//Check for tie
if (moveCount(board)==9){
return RESULT.tie
return result
Our getBestMove function will receive the state of the board, and the symbol of the player for which we want to determine the best possible move. Our function will check all possible moves with the getResult function. If it is a win it will give it a score of 1. if it's a loose it will get a score of -1, a tie will get a score of 0. If it is undetermined we will call the getBestMove function with the new state of the board and the opposite symbol. Since the next move is of the oponent, his victory is the lose of the current player, and the score will be negated. At the end possible move receives a score of either 1,0 or -1, we can sort the moves, and return the move with the highest score.
const copyBoard = (board) =>
row => square => square )
function getAvailableMoves (board) {
let availableMoves = []
for (let row = 0 ; row<3 ; row++){
for (let column = 0 ; column<3 ; column++){
if (board[row][column]===null){
availableMoves.push({row, column})
return availableMoves
function applyMove(board,move, symbol) {
board[move.row][move.column]= symbol
return board
function getBestMove (board, symbol){
let availableMoves = getAvailableMoves(board)
let availableMovesAndScores = []
for (var i=0 ; i<availableMoves.length ; i++){
let move = availableMoves[i]
let newBoard = copyBoard(board)
newBoard = applyMove(newBoard,move, symbol)
result = getResult(newBoard,symbol).result
let score
if (result == RESULT.tie) {score = 0}
else if (result == symbol) {
score = 1
else {
let otherSymbol = (symbol==SYMBOLS.x)? SYMBOLS.o : SYMBOLS.x
nextMove = getBestMove(newBoard, otherSymbol)
score = - (nextMove.score)
if(score === 1) // Performance optimization
return {move, score}
availableMovesAndScores.push({move, score})
availableMovesAndScores.sort((moveA, moveB )=>{
return moveB.score - moveA.score
return availableMovesAndScores[0]
Algorithm in action, Github, Explaining the process in more details
