EasyNetQ / RabbitMQ consuming events in Web API - asp.net-web-api

I have created Web API which allows messages to be sent to the Queue. My Web API is designed with CQRS and DDD in mind. I want my message consumer to always be waiting for any messages on the queue to receive. Currently the way its done, this will only read messages if I make a request to the API to hit the method.
Is there a way of either using console application or something that will always be running to consume messages at anytime given without having to make a request from the Web Api. So more of a automation task ?
If so, how do I go about with it i.e. if its console app how would I keep it always running (IIS ?) and is there way to use Dependency Injection as I need to consume the message then send to my repository which lives on separate solution. ?
or a way to make EasyNetQ run at start up ?

The best way to handle this situation in your case is to subscribe to bus events using AMPQ through EasyNetQ library. The recommended way of hosting it is by writing a windows service using topshelf library and subscribe to bus events inside that service on start.
IIS processes and threads are not reliable for such tasks as they are designed to be recycled on a regular basis which may cause some instabilities and inconsistencies in your application.
and is there way to use Dependency Injection as I need to consume the message then send to my repository which lives on separate solution.
It is better to create a separate question for this, as it is obviously off-topic. Also, it requires a further elaboration as it is not clear what specifically you are struggling with.


Microservices: how to track fallen down services?

Suppose there are two services A and B. Service A makes an API call to service B.
After a while service A falls down or to be lost due to network errors.
How another services will guess that an outbound call from service A is lost / never happen? I need some another concurrent app that will automatically react (run emergency code) if service A outbound CALL is lost.
What are cutting-edge solutions exist?
My thoughts, for example:
service A registers a call event in some middleware (event info, "running" status, timestamp, etc).
If this call is not completed after N seconds, some "call timeout" event in the middleware automatically starts the emergency code.
If the call is completed at the proper time service A marks the call status as "completed" in the same middleware and the emergency code will not be run.
P.S. I'm on Java stack.
I recommend to look into patterns such as Retry, Timeout, Circuit Breaker, Fallback and Healthcheck. Or you can also look into the Bulkhead pattern if concurrent calls and fault isolation are your concern.
There are many resources where these well-known patterns are explained, for instance:
I don't know which technology stack you are on but usually there is already some functionality for these concerns provided already that you can incorporate into your solution. There are libraries that already take care of this resilience functionality and you can, for instance, set it up so that your custom code is executed when some events such as failed retries, timeouts, activated circuit breakers, etc. occur.
E.g. for the Java stack Hystrix is widely used, for .Net you can look into Polly .Net to make use of retry, timeout, circuit breaker, bulkhead or fallback functionality.
Concerning health checks you can look into Actuator for Java and .Net core already provides a health check middleware that more or less provides that functionality out-of-the box.
But before using any libraries I suggest to first get familiar with the purpose and concepts of the listed patterns to choose and integrate those that best fit your use cases and major concerns.
We have to differentiate between two well-known problems here:
1.) How can service A robustly handle temporary outages of service B (or the network connection between service A and B which comes down to the same problem)?
To address the related problems the above mentioned patterns will help.
2.) How to make sure that the request that should be sent to service B will not get lost if service A itself goes down?
To address this kind of problem there are different options at hand.
2a.) The component that performed the request to service A (which than triggers service B) also applies the resilience patterns mentioned and will retry its request until service A successfully answers that it has performed its tasks (which also includes the successful request to service B).
There can also be several instances of each service and some kind of load balancer in front of these instances which will distribute and direct the requests to an available instance (based on regular performed healthchecks) of the specific service. Or you can use a service registry (see https://microservices.io/patterns/service-registry.html).
You can of course chain several API calls after another but this can lead to cascading failures. So I would rather go with an asynchronous communication approach as described in the next option.
2b.) Let's consider that it is of utmost importance that some instance of service A will reliably perform the request to service B.
You can use message queues in this case as follows:
Let's say you have a queue where jobs to be performed by service A are collected.
Then you have several instances of service A running (see horizontal scaling) where each instance will consume the same queue.
You will use message locking features by the message queue service which makes sure that as soon one instance of service A reads a message from the queue the other instances won't see it. If service A was able to complete it's job (i.e. call service B, save some state in service A's persistence and whatever other tasks you need to be included for a succesfull procesing) it will delete the message from the queue afterwards so no other instance of service A will also process the same message.
If service A goes down during the processing the queue service will automatically unlock the message for you and another instance A (or the same instance after it has restarted) of service A will try to read the message (i.e. the job) from the queue and try to perform all the tasks (call service B, etc.)
You can combine several queues e.g. also to send a message to service B asynchronously instead of directly performing some kind of API call to it.
The catch is, that the queue service is some highly available and redundant service which will already make sure that no message is getting lost once published to a queue.
Of course you also could handle jobs to be performed in your own database of service A but consider that when service A receives a request there is always a chance that it goes down before it can save that status of the job to it's persistent storage for later processing. Queue services already address that problem for you if chosen thoughtfully and used correctly.
For instance, if look into Kafka as messaging service you can look into this stack overflow answer which relates to the problem solution when using this specific technology: https://stackoverflow.com/a/44589842/7730554
There is many way to solve your problem.
I guess you are talk about 2 topics Design Pattern in Microservices and Cicruit Breaker
To solve your problem, Normally I put a message queue between services and use Service Discovery to detect which service is live and If your service die or orverload then use Cicruit Breaker methods

Laravel Microservices & RabbitMQ

Just wondering what the best way of capturing "fanout" calls from RabbitMQ is in Laravel subscriber services?
Service 1 sends out the message, say UserUpdated with their UUID, and this goes into RabbitMQ now.
Service 2/3/4/n capture UserUpdated and perform their appropriate actions.
I just don't know the best way to have a long running service on the Laravel subscribers to catch these messages and perform their own actions. I've tried multiple packages on GitHub so far but none go into this detail of where to place a class to receive the messages.
All help is much appreciated.
You can achieve that with enqueue/laravel-queue package. It comes with Enqueue Simple Client support. The client supports, pub/sub, message bus and friendly for use in microservers oriented systems.

Microservice and RabbitMQ

I am new to Microservices and have a question with RabbitMQ / EasyNetQ.
I am sending messages from one microservice to another microservice.
Each Microservice are Web API's. I am using CQRS where my Command Handler would consume message off the Queue and do some business logic. In order to call the handler, it will need to make a request to the API method.
I would like to know without having to explicit call the API endpoint to hit the code for consuming messages. Is there an automated way of doing it without having to call the API endpoint ?
Suggestion could be creating a separate solution which would be a Console App that will execute the RabbitMQ in order to start listening. Create a while loop to read messages, then call the web api endpoint to handle business logic every time a new message is sent to the queue.
My aim is to create a listener or a startup task where once messages are in the queue it will automatically pick it up from the Queue and continue with command handler but not sure how to do the "Automatic" way as i describe it. I was thinking to utilise Azure Webjob that will continuously be running and it will act as the Consumer.
Looking for a good architectural way of doing it.
Programming language being used is C#
Much Appreciated
The recommended way of hosting RabbitMQ subscriber is by writing a windows service using something like topshelf library and subscribe to bus events inside that service on its start. We did that in multiple projects with no issues.
If you are using Azure, the best place to host RabbitMQ subscriber is in a "Worker Role".
I am using CQRS where my Command Handler would consume message off
the Queue and do some business logic. In order to call the handler, it
will need to make a request to the API method.
Are you sure this is real CQRS? CQRS occures when you handle queries and commands differently in your domain logic. Receiving a message via a calss, that's called CommandHandler and just reacting to it is not yet CQRS.
My aim is to create a listener or a startup task where once messages
are in the queue it will automatically pick it up from the Queue and
continue with command handler but not sure how to do the "Automatic"
way as i describe it. I was thinking to utilise Azure Webjob that will
continuously be running and it will act as the Consumer. Looking for
a good architectural way of doing it.
The easier you do that, the better. Don't go searching for complex solutions until you tried out all the simple ones. When I was implementing something similar, I was just running a pool of message handler scripts using Linux cron. A handler poped a message off the queue, processed it and terminated. Simple.
I think using the CQRS pattern, you will have events as well and corresponding event handlers. As you are using RabbitMQ for asynchronous communication between command and query then any message put on specific channel on RabbitMQ, can be listened by a callback method
Receiving messages from the queue is more complex. It works by subscribing a callback function to a queue. Whenever we receive a message, this callback function is called by the Pika library.

Check that MassTransit endpoints are reachable

We're use MassTransit with RabbitMQ. Is there a way to check that endpoints aren't available before we publish any messages? I want to setup our IoC to use another strategy if servicebus isn't available and I don't want to get to the point when I'll catch RabbitMQ.Client.Exceptions.BrockerUnreachableException on publishing messages.
If you're using a container, you could create a decorator that could monitor the outcome of the Publish method call, and if it starts throwing exceptions, you could switch the calls over to an alternative publisher.
Ideally such an implementation would include some type of progressive retry capability so that once the endpoint becomes available the calls resume back to the actual endpoint, as well as triggering some replay of the previously failed messages to the endpoint as well.
I figure you're already dealing with the need to have an alternative storage available, such as a local endpoint or some sort of local storage.
Not currently, you can submit an issue requesting that feature: https://github.com/MassTransit/MassTransit/issues. It's not trivial to implement, but maybe not impossible.
A couple of other options people have done include a remote cluster or having a local instance to forward/cluster across all machines included in the bus.

Message queues in ASP.Net Web API

I am developing a client-side single-page-application (SPA) with AngularJS and ASP.Net WebAPI.
One of the features of the SPA includes uploading large CSV file, processing it on the server, and returning the output to the user.
Obviously, this kind of computation can not be done online, and therefore I implemented an UploadController in charge of receiving the file, and a PollingController in charge of notifying the user when the computation is complete.
The client side application monitors the PollingController every few seconds.
I have no experience in Message Queues, but my gut tells me that they are required in this situation.
How would you recommend to implement this functionality in a non-blocking, efficient way ?
Examples will be highly appreciated
I've used message based service bus frameworks for this in the past.
You write an application (running as a windows service), that listens for messages broadcast across a event bus.
Your frontend can publish these messages into the bus.
The most popular framework for this in .NET is NServiceBus, however it recently became commercial. You can also look into MassTransit, though this one has very poor documentation.
The workflow you would do:
MVC App accepts upload and places it into some directory accessible by the windows service
MVC App publishes "UploadReady" message.
Service receives message, processes file, and updates some state for the polling controller.
Polling controller watches for this state to change. Usually a DB record etc.
The nice bit about using a framework like this is that if your service goes down, or you redeploy it, any processing can queue and resume, so you won't have any downtime.
For long running operations you need separate Windows Service application (or Worker Role, if it is Windows Azure). IIS may kill ASP.NET processes on pool recycling and your operation will not finish.
Message queue is mostly for communication. You can use it between your web and worker parts. But it is not required there unless your data is not super critical. You can establish communication using database, cache, file system or 100 other different ways :)
You can use SignalR to notify your client about finished processing.
