Message queues in ASP.Net Web API - ajax

I am developing a client-side single-page-application (SPA) with AngularJS and ASP.Net WebAPI.
One of the features of the SPA includes uploading large CSV file, processing it on the server, and returning the output to the user.
Obviously, this kind of computation can not be done online, and therefore I implemented an UploadController in charge of receiving the file, and a PollingController in charge of notifying the user when the computation is complete.
The client side application monitors the PollingController every few seconds.
I have no experience in Message Queues, but my gut tells me that they are required in this situation.
How would you recommend to implement this functionality in a non-blocking, efficient way ?
Examples will be highly appreciated

I've used message based service bus frameworks for this in the past.
You write an application (running as a windows service), that listens for messages broadcast across a event bus.
Your frontend can publish these messages into the bus.
The most popular framework for this in .NET is NServiceBus, however it recently became commercial. You can also look into MassTransit, though this one has very poor documentation.
The workflow you would do:
MVC App accepts upload and places it into some directory accessible by the windows service
MVC App publishes "UploadReady" message.
Service receives message, processes file, and updates some state for the polling controller.
Polling controller watches for this state to change. Usually a DB record etc.
The nice bit about using a framework like this is that if your service goes down, or you redeploy it, any processing can queue and resume, so you won't have any downtime.

For long running operations you need separate Windows Service application (or Worker Role, if it is Windows Azure). IIS may kill ASP.NET processes on pool recycling and your operation will not finish.
Message queue is mostly for communication. You can use it between your web and worker parts. But it is not required there unless your data is not super critical. You can establish communication using database, cache, file system or 100 other different ways :)
You can use SignalR to notify your client about finished processing.


Azure web app - how to avoid multiple users triggering the same endpoint at time

Is there any way to set a limit on the number of requests for the azure web app ( web API)?
I have an endpoint that runs for a long time and I like to avoid multiple triggers while the application is processing one request.
Thank you
This would have to be a custom implementation which can be done in a few ways
1. Leverage a Queue
This involves separating the background process into a separate execution flow by using a queue. So, your code would be split up into two parts
API Endpoint that receives the request and inserts a message into a queue
Separate Method (or Service) that listens on the queue and processes messages one by one
The second method could either be in the same Web App or could be separated into a Function App. The queue could be in Azure Service Bus, which your Web App or Function would be listening in on.
This approach has the added benefits of durability since if the web app or function were to crash and you would like to ensure that requests are all processed, the message would be processed again in order if not completed on the queue.
2. Distributed Lock
This approach is simpler but lacks durability. Here you would simply use an in-memory queue to process requests but ensure only one is being processed at a time but having the method acquire a lock which the following requests would wait for before being processed.
You could leverage blob storage leases as a option for distributed locks.

EasyNetQ / RabbitMQ consuming events in Web API

I have created Web API which allows messages to be sent to the Queue. My Web API is designed with CQRS and DDD in mind. I want my message consumer to always be waiting for any messages on the queue to receive. Currently the way its done, this will only read messages if I make a request to the API to hit the method.
Is there a way of either using console application or something that will always be running to consume messages at anytime given without having to make a request from the Web Api. So more of a automation task ?
If so, how do I go about with it i.e. if its console app how would I keep it always running (IIS ?) and is there way to use Dependency Injection as I need to consume the message then send to my repository which lives on separate solution. ?
or a way to make EasyNetQ run at start up ?
The best way to handle this situation in your case is to subscribe to bus events using AMPQ through EasyNetQ library. The recommended way of hosting it is by writing a windows service using topshelf library and subscribe to bus events inside that service on start.
IIS processes and threads are not reliable for such tasks as they are designed to be recycled on a regular basis which may cause some instabilities and inconsistencies in your application.
and is there way to use Dependency Injection as I need to consume the message then send to my repository which lives on separate solution.
It is better to create a separate question for this, as it is obviously off-topic. Also, it requires a further elaboration as it is not clear what specifically you are struggling with.

Why do you need a message queue for a chat with web sockets?

I have seen a lot of examples on the internet of chats using web sockets and RabbitMQ (, however I do not understand why it is need it a message queue for a chat application.
Why it is not ok to send the message from the browser via web sockets to the server and then the server to broadcast that message to the rest of active browsers using again web sockets with broadcast method? (maybe I am missing something)
Pseudo code examples (using
// client (browser)
socket.emit("message","my great message that will be received by all"
// server (any server can be, but let's just say that it is also written in JavaScript
socket.on("message", function(msg) {
// the rest of the browsers
socket.on("message", function(msg) {
// display on the screen the message
i don't think RabbitMQ should be used for a chat room, personally. at least, not in the "chat" or "room" part of the application.
unless your chat rooms don't care about history at all - and i think most do care about that - a message queue like RMQ doesn't make much sense.
you would be better off storing the message in a database and keeping a marker for each user to say what message they last saw.
now, you may end up needing something like RMQ to facilitate the process of the chat application. you can offload process from the web servers, for example, and push all messages through RMQ to a back-end service that updates the database and cache layers, for example.
this would allow you to scale the front-end web servers much faster, and support more users per web server. and that sounds like a good use of RMQ, but is not specific to chat apps. it's just good practice for scaling web apps / systems.
the key, in my experience, is that RMQ is not responsible for delivery of the messages to the users / chat rooms. that happens through websockets or similar technologies that are designed to be used per user.
Simple answer ...
For a simple chat app you don't need a queue (e.g. signalr would do exactly this without the queue).
Typically though real world applications are not just "a simple chat app", the queue might represent the current state of the room for new users joining perhaps, so the server knows what list of messages to serve up when that happens.
Also it's worth noting that message queues are often implemented when you want reliable messaging (e.g. Service bus) to ensure that all messages definitely get to where they should go even if the first attempt fails. So it's likely that the queue is included in many examples as a default primer in to later problem solving.
I may be late for the answer as the messaging domain changed rapidly in last few years. Applications like WhatsApp do not store messages in their database, and also provide E2E encryption.
Coming to RabbitMQ, they support MQTT protocol which is ideal for low latency high scalability applications. Thus using such queuing services offload the heavy work from your server and provide features like scalability and security.
uhmm I didn't understand exactly for are you looking for...
but In RabbiMQ you always publish a messages to an exchange and consume the message using a queue.
to "broadcast that message" you need to consume it.
hope it helps

simple push notification in spring

I have a project that is related to job postings. Consultants or employers register on my website and then start posting jobs. I want to make push notifications for all users. When a consultant or employer posts a job, all online users must get notified that an employer has posted this job without any page refreshes on jquery setInterval or timeout.
I am using Spring framework. I have searched for the solution but found nothing. I want to know whether Spring provided WebSockets in their latest version. Is this possible to do with WebSockets?
I want a proper resource so that I can implement it on my website.
There are two ways to satisfy your need;
First is polling in which you repeatedly send requests from client to the server. On server side you somehow need have a kind of message queue for each client to deliver the incidents on a request. There also is a different type of polling in which you send a request from client and never end the request on the server-side thus you have a kind of pipe between two ends. This is called long polling.
Disadvantage of polling is that you have to send requests to the server forever from the client and in many cases server sends empty messages as there is no events happened.
The real application of pushing messages is recently avaliable with websockets (thanks to html5). However this requires the application server to be capable of websocket functionality. afaik jetty and tomcat has this ability. Spring 4 has websocket here you can find the tutorial;
You can find a related stackoverflow post here

Web Notifications (HTML5) - How it works?

I'm trying to understand whether the HTML5 Web Notifications API can help me out, but I'm falling short in understanding how it works.
I'd like user_a to be able to send user_b a message within my webapp.
I'd like user_b to receive a notification of this.
Can the web notifications API help here? Does it let me specifically target a user (rather than notify everyone the site has been updated_? I can't see how I would create an alert for one person.
Can anyone help me understand a little more?
The notifications API is client side, so it needs to get events from another client-side technology. Here, read THIS: Just kidding. is probably the best way to go here, you can emit events to one or all clients (broadcast). That's a push scenario. Or each user could be pulling their notifications from the server.
HTML5 Web Notifications API gives you ability to display desktop notifications that your application has generated.
What you are trying to achieve is a different thing and web notification is just a part of your scenario.
Depending upon how you are managing your application, for chat and messaging purpose as humbolight mentioned, you should look into node.js. it will provide you the necessary back-end to manage sending and receiving messages between users.
To notify a user that (s)he has received a message, you can opt for ajax polling on client side.
Simply create a javascript that pings the server every x seconds and checks if there is any notification or new message available for this user.
If response is successful, then you can use HTML5 notification API to show a message to user that (s)he has a new message.
The main problem with long polling is server load, and bandwidth usage even when there are no messages, and if number of users are in thousands then you can expect your server always busy responding to poll calls.
An alternate is to use Server Sent Events API, where you send a request to server and then server PUSHES the notifications/messages to the client as soon as they are available.
This reduces the unnecessary client->server polling and seems much better option in your case.
To get started you can check a good tutorial at
What you're looking for is WebSocket. It's the technology that allows a client (browser) to open a persistent connection to the server and receive data from it at the server's whim, rather than having to "poll" the server to see if there's anything new.
Other answers here have already mentioned node.js, but Node is simply one (though arguably the best) option for implementing websockets on your server. You might also be comfortable with Ratchet, which is a websocket server library for PHP, or Tornado which is in Python.
How you handle your real-time communication is up to you. Websockets are merely the underlying technology that you can use to pass data back and forth. The client side of this will be fairly easy, but on the server side, you'll need a mechanism for websocket handlers to get information from each other. Look at tools like ZeroMQ for handling queues, and Memcached or Redis to handle large swaths of data which don't need to be stored permanently.
