Microservice and RabbitMQ - asp.net-web-api

I am new to Microservices and have a question with RabbitMQ / EasyNetQ.
I am sending messages from one microservice to another microservice.
Each Microservice are Web API's. I am using CQRS where my Command Handler would consume message off the Queue and do some business logic. In order to call the handler, it will need to make a request to the API method.
I would like to know without having to explicit call the API endpoint to hit the code for consuming messages. Is there an automated way of doing it without having to call the API endpoint ?
Suggestion could be creating a separate solution which would be a Console App that will execute the RabbitMQ in order to start listening. Create a while loop to read messages, then call the web api endpoint to handle business logic every time a new message is sent to the queue.
My aim is to create a listener or a startup task where once messages are in the queue it will automatically pick it up from the Queue and continue with command handler but not sure how to do the "Automatic" way as i describe it. I was thinking to utilise Azure Webjob that will continuously be running and it will act as the Consumer.
Looking for a good architectural way of doing it.
Programming language being used is C#
Much Appreciated

The recommended way of hosting RabbitMQ subscriber is by writing a windows service using something like topshelf library and subscribe to bus events inside that service on its start. We did that in multiple projects with no issues.
If you are using Azure, the best place to host RabbitMQ subscriber is in a "Worker Role".

I am using CQRS where my Command Handler would consume message off
the Queue and do some business logic. In order to call the handler, it
will need to make a request to the API method.
Are you sure this is real CQRS? CQRS occures when you handle queries and commands differently in your domain logic. Receiving a message via a calss, that's called CommandHandler and just reacting to it is not yet CQRS.
My aim is to create a listener or a startup task where once messages
are in the queue it will automatically pick it up from the Queue and
continue with command handler but not sure how to do the "Automatic"
way as i describe it. I was thinking to utilise Azure Webjob that will
continuously be running and it will act as the Consumer. Looking for
a good architectural way of doing it.
The easier you do that, the better. Don't go searching for complex solutions until you tried out all the simple ones. When I was implementing something similar, I was just running a pool of message handler scripts using Linux cron. A handler poped a message off the queue, processed it and terminated. Simple.

I think using the CQRS pattern, you will have events as well and corresponding event handlers. As you are using RabbitMQ for asynchronous communication between command and query then any message put on specific channel on RabbitMQ, can be listened by a callback method
Receiving messages from the queue is more complex. It works by subscribing a callback function to a queue. Whenever we receive a message, this callback function is called by the Pika library.


Using transactional bus inside consumer

I have REST API gateway which calls one of the microservices with MassTransit request client. This request is not durable and is meant to live for a short time - essentially it's just replacement of "traditional" synchronous (via HTTP/GRPC/etc) gateway-microservice communication.
On microservice side I have consumer which under the hood uses DbContext and Transaction (EFC) to perform some work in database. After the work is done it should publish "WorkDoneEvent" (to be consumed later by other microservices) and return result of the work to api gateway. Event must be published atomically along with transaction used to perform the work. It does not matter if ApiGateway will receive response / will retry request - as soon as transaction is commited both work result and sending "WorkDoneEvent" must be guaranteed.
Normally this is done with transactional outbox which first saves published event to database within same transaction as the work is done. (And then some process constantly "polls" outbox and tries send message to the broker, when done it removes message from outbox). As far as I know.
MassTransit seems to have transactional outbox built in: https://masstransit-project.com/advanced/middleware/transactions.html#transactional-bus.
However in docs it clearly states:
Never use the TransactionalBus or TransactionalEnlistmentBus when writing consumers. These tools are very specific and should be used only in the scenarios described.
And this is exactly what I want to do...
Why I should not do it?
I'd suggest using the InMemoryOutbox, which is part of MassTransit. It's significantly lighter weight, is designed to work in a consumer, and will not publish your events until after the consumer has completed (but prior to acknowledging the message at the broker). The only consideration is that your consumer should be idempotent (which needs to be the case in your approach as well) and if the operation was already performed on a retry, it should republish the events.
There are videos, articles, and a sample to go along with it.

Notification microservice API or queue

I'm new to microservices architecture and want to create a centralised notification microservice to send emails/sms to users.
My first option was to create a notification Kafka queue where all other microservices can send notifications to. The notification microservice would then listen to this queue and send messages accordingly. If the notification service was restarted or taken down, we would not lose any messages as the messages will be stored on the queue.
My second option was to add a notification message API on the notifications microservice. This would make it easier for all other microservices as they just have to call an API as opposed to integrate with the queue. The API would then internally send the message to the notification Kafka queue and send the message. The only issue here is if the API is not available or there is an error, we will lose messages.
Any recommendations on the best way to handle this?
Either works. Some concepts that might help you decide:
A service that fronts "Kafka" would be helpful to:
Hide the implementation. This gives you the flexibility to change Kafka out later for something else. Your wrapper API would only respond with a 200 once it has put the notification request on the queue. I also see giving services direct access to "your" queue similar to allowing services to directly interact with a database they don't own. If you allow direct-access to Kafka and Kafka proves to be inadequate, a change to Kafka will require all of your clients to change their code.
Enforce the notification request contract (ensure the body of the request is well-formed). If you want to make sure that all of the items put on the queue are well-formed according to contract, an API can help enforce that. That will help prevent issues later when the "notifier" service picks notifications off the queue to send.
Adding a wrapper API would be less desirable if:
You don't want to/can't spend the time. Maybe deadlines are driving you to hurry and the days it would take to stand up a wrapper is just too much.
You are a small team and you don't have the resources/tools/time for service-explosion.
Your first design is simple and will work. If you're looking for the advantages I outlined, then consider your second design. And, to make sure I understand it, I would see it unfold like:
Client 1 needs to put out a notification and calls Service A POST /notifications
Service A that accepts POST /notifications
Service A checks the request, puts it on Kafka, responds to client with 200
Service B picks up notification request from Kafka queue.
Service A should be run as multiple instances for reliability.

Laravel Microservices & RabbitMQ

Just wondering what the best way of capturing "fanout" calls from RabbitMQ is in Laravel subscriber services?
Service 1 sends out the message, say UserUpdated with their UUID, and this goes into RabbitMQ now.
Service 2/3/4/n capture UserUpdated and perform their appropriate actions.
I just don't know the best way to have a long running service on the Laravel subscribers to catch these messages and perform their own actions. I've tried multiple packages on GitHub so far but none go into this detail of where to place a class to receive the messages.
All help is much appreciated.
You can achieve that with enqueue/laravel-queue package. It comes with Enqueue Simple Client support. The client supports, pub/sub, message bus and friendly for use in microservers oriented systems.

EasyNetQ / RabbitMQ consuming events in Web API

I have created Web API which allows messages to be sent to the Queue. My Web API is designed with CQRS and DDD in mind. I want my message consumer to always be waiting for any messages on the queue to receive. Currently the way its done, this will only read messages if I make a request to the API to hit the method.
Is there a way of either using console application or something that will always be running to consume messages at anytime given without having to make a request from the Web Api. So more of a automation task ?
If so, how do I go about with it i.e. if its console app how would I keep it always running (IIS ?) and is there way to use Dependency Injection as I need to consume the message then send to my repository which lives on separate solution. ?
or a way to make EasyNetQ run at start up ?
The best way to handle this situation in your case is to subscribe to bus events using AMPQ through EasyNetQ library. The recommended way of hosting it is by writing a windows service using topshelf library and subscribe to bus events inside that service on start.
IIS processes and threads are not reliable for such tasks as they are designed to be recycled on a regular basis which may cause some instabilities and inconsistencies in your application.
and is there way to use Dependency Injection as I need to consume the message then send to my repository which lives on separate solution.
It is better to create a separate question for this, as it is obviously off-topic. Also, it requires a further elaboration as it is not clear what specifically you are struggling with.

Spring's JMS Design Question : Decouple processing of messages

I'm using a message listener to process some messages from MQ based on Spring's DefaultMessageListenerContainer. After I receive a message, I have to make a Web Service (WS) call. However, I don't want to do this in the onMessage method because it would block the onMessage method until the invocation of WS is successful and this introduces latency in dequeuing of messages from the queue. How can I decouple the invocation of the Web Service by calling it outside of the onMesage method or without impacting the dequeuing of messages?
I think you might actually want to invoke the web service from your onMessage. Why do you want to dequeue messages quickly, then delay further processing? If you do what you're saying, you'd probably have to introduce another level of queueing, or some sort of temporary "holding" collection, which is redundant. The point of the queue is to hold messages, and your message listener will pull them off and process them as quickly as possible.
If you are looking for a way to maximize throughput on the queue, you might think about making it multi-threaded, so that you have multiple threads pulling messages off the queue to invoke the web service. You can easily do this by setting the "concurrentConsumers" configuration on the DefaultMessageListenerContainer. If you set concurrentConsumers to 5, you'll have 5 threads pulling messages off the queue to process. It does get tricky if you have to maintain ordering on the messages, but there may be solutions to that problem if that's the case.
I agree with answer provided before me , however I can see a usecase similar to this very common in practice. I'm adding my two cents It might be valid in some cases that you don't want to do time consuming work in your onMessage Thread (which is pulling message from Q)
We have something similar in one workflow, where if user selects some XYZ option on GUI that means at server we need to connect to another external webservice to get ABCD in this case we do not make call to webservice in onMessage Thread and use ThreadPool to dispatch and handle that call.
If something wrong happens during webservice call we broadcast that to GUI as separate Message , there is concept of request id which is preserved across messages so that GUI can relate error messages. You can use ExecutorService implementation to submit task.
hope it helps.
