Jmeter - Want redirected URL to be displayed in response data as its giving response code 302 in response header - jmeter

I have generated a jmeter script.
But I'm not getting anything in response data (View tree listner).
I'm getting Response code: 302 and Response message: Moved Temporarily in response header (View tree listner) also giving the URL to which it is redirected in Location field in response header.
I want this redirected URL to be displayed in response tab.
the url i wnat in response data]1

You can fetch the URL using Regular Expression Extractor.
Add Regular Expression Extractor as a child of the HTTP Request sampler
Configure it as follows:
Field to check: Response Headers
Reference Name: JMeter Variable name of your choice, i.e. location
Regular Expression: Location: (.*)
Template: $1$
You will be able to access the extracted URL as ${location} or `${__V(location)}} where required.
See Using RegEx (Regular Expression Extractor) With JMeter article for more information on correlating dynamic values in JMeter test.


I am getting access token in Header manager and in Request header

I am new to jmeter. I am getting authorization(access token) in the header manager and request header How should i correlate it
enter image description here
enter image description here
enter image description here
You need to:
Identify where the token is coming from (most probably as the response to a previous login request)
Extract it using a suitable JMeter's Post-Processor and save it into a JMeter Variable. The choice of the Post-Processor depends on the type of the response, i.e.
for HTML it makes sense to go for CSS Selector Extractor
for XML or XHTML or where CSS selectors are not too powerful - XPath2 Extractor
for JSON - JSON Extractor
for everything else - Boundary Extractor or Regular Expression Extractor
Replace the hard-coded (recorded?) value with the JMeter Variable from the previous step

I am getting the Billdesk URL in the response of booking API, I have to navigate to the URL and make payment on browser. Can we do it using Jmeter?

I am new to Jmeter. I am getting the below-mentioned code in the response of the Booking API. I have to click on the 'requestUrl' field. It will redirect me to the browser and opens the billdesk page where I have to make payment. After successfull payment, my booking will be done. Each time we are getting the different URL. Can we do this using Jmeter?
"data": {
"requestUrl": "",
"redirectUrl": "http:xyz",
"orderNumber": "5904"
Add JSON Extractor as a child of the request which returns the above JSON
Configure it as follows:
Names of created variables: anything meaningful, i.e. requestUrl
JSON Path Expressions: a JsonPath query matching the request URL, i.e. $.data.requestUrl
Other fields can be left intact:
Add HTTP Request sampler after the first request and put ${requestUrl} into "Path" field:
That's it, in the runtime the ${requestUrl} JMeter Variable will be substituted by the value from the previous request JSON response:
More information: API Testing With JMeter and the JSON Extractor

Set the whole request url in jmeter

I have a request, which gives upload url as response body.
"uploadUrl": ""
I'm able to extract the uploadUrl using JSON extractor.
I want to use above upload url to in next http request. How to set the new request here ?
adding directly doent work, because JMeter prepends http/https before request, in this case we already have https.
It got failed because it has https://[]
Leave HTTP Request fields empty except Path, put there the variable and it will be executed
As a special case, if the path starts with "http://" or "https://" then this is used as the full URL.
The options are in:
Put the whole ${UPLOAD_URL} to "Path" field of the HTTP Request sampler like:
however this approach might be flaky and cause the malfunction of certain configuration elements like HTTP Cookie Manager. So it's better to go for option 2.
Split the ${UPLOAD_URL} into individual components like protocol, host, port and path.
Add JSR223 PostProcessor after the JSON Extractor
Put the following Groovy code into "Script" area:
URL url = new URL(vars.get('UPLOAD_URL'))
vars.put('protocol', url.getProtocol())
vars.put('host', url.getHost())
vars.put('port', url.getPort() as String)
vars.put('path', url.getPath())
The above code will generate the following JMeter Variables
So you should be able to use the generated variables in the next HTTP Request sampler:

jmeter, response header correlation,java

I have a issue in passing dynamic value in request header of jmeter script. Here is the sequence:
Http Request1: Regular expression extractor for extracting the dynamic value from Response Header -- this is ok , variable C_Xscrftokenid2 stores the dynamic string.
Http request2: Pass this C_Xscrftokenid2 Dynamic value to the request Header (web_add_header..)--> Failing
Reason:${C_Xscrftokenid2}-> in the output i dont see the value inside the braces getting replaced with the dynamic value instead i simply see the output as below:
Request Headers:
MaxDataServiceVersion: 2.0
X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest
x-csrf-token: ${C_Xscrftokenid2}
May i know the reason?
Thank you.
Make sure in your Regular expression extractor field to check is set to Response Headers as shown below
In your HTTP request 2 Header Manager use ${Variable_Name} to pass extracted variable.
I would suggest you to add a debug sampler and see if it is extracting the variable correctly or not.
If you are getting an empty value in debug sampler result then the problem could be with regular expression you are trying to extract.
In my case i wanted to extract X-Frame-Options from response headers and pass it to next header its working as expected
Follow this link for more information on extracting variables
Check your "HTTP Header Manager" is under the "HTTP sampler" and not at the same level.
Hope this help.

Jmeter If controller with http code

I want to use if controller in my jmeter load testing. The test is:
do a post and get back an access token.
use that access token to get the next link.
My issue:
I have the access token and have used the post-assertion->regular expression extractor and got the access token from he http response. But now I don't know how to use the if control and ask it do next test only if the http response code is 200. And second question is can i still pass my regular expression value of access token into the if loop's http header manager?
attaching the screen shot of my jmeter.
Try to use Response Assertion to handle state of Request_Access_Token request (success/failure) depending on Response Code returned and then use IfController along with pre-defined JMeterThread.last_sample_ok jmeter's variable - whether or not the last sample was OK - true/false.
Schema will look like below:
Response Assertion
Response Field to Test: Response Code
Pattern Matching Rules: Equals
Patterns to Test: 200
Regex Extractor // your Access_Token extractor
Condition: ${JMeterThread.last_sample_ok} // will be TRUE if Response Assertion above is TRUE (i.e. response code = 200)
// send extracted Access_Token along with request
