Jmeter If controller with http code - jmeter

I want to use if controller in my jmeter load testing. The test is:
do a post and get back an access token.
use that access token to get the next link.
My issue:
I have the access token and have used the post-assertion->regular expression extractor and got the access token from he http response. But now I don't know how to use the if control and ask it do next test only if the http response code is 200. And second question is can i still pass my regular expression value of access token into the if loop's http header manager?
attaching the screen shot of my jmeter.

Try to use Response Assertion to handle state of Request_Access_Token request (success/failure) depending on Response Code returned and then use IfController along with pre-defined JMeterThread.last_sample_ok jmeter's variable - whether or not the last sample was OK - true/false.
Schema will look like below:
Response Assertion
Response Field to Test: Response Code
Pattern Matching Rules: Equals
Patterns to Test: 200
Regex Extractor // your Access_Token extractor
Condition: ${JMeterThread.last_sample_ok} // will be TRUE if Response Assertion above is TRUE (i.e. response code = 200)
// send extracted Access_Token along with request


How to pass access token generated in one request to all request in jmeter?

I had created a access token via first api call that i want to use in all other api call, it works for next call but it fails for third api call.
I am using Regular expression extractor, where i have created a variable named token, it passes in second api call in request header , but for third api call it is not taking it (it takes second api's response in the request)
This is due to JMeter Scoping Rules, if you have the Regular Expression Extractor at the same level as all Samplers - it will be applied to all Samplers, therefore when your Login request gets executed - your token variable gets overwritten with the Login sampler response.
If you want to extract the data only from the Login Token sampler - you need to make the Regular Expression Extractor a child of the Login Token sampler

How to pass post method response value through another post method request value

In Jmeter, how to use AUTH “access_token” for passing through header for another POST request ? Below are the step that i have done but it's not working ... How to use "access_token" value, that will use another post request dinamically ? Attached issues is here...
enter image description here
You need to add jp#gc-JSON Path Extractor in HTTP request, the particular HTTP request which is generating access token in its response data .
If response is like - {"access_token":"f5b06970-f00f-4b44-89c8-305738e19cba"}
In JSON path extractor add
Variable name - access_token (variable in which access_token will be stored)
2.JSON Expression - $.access_token (this will varry according to json response)
3.Default Value - NOT_FOUND
Now the next step is to use this variable named "access_token ". You can use it in your HTTP request for which you need to pass access token under HTTP header manager as access_token = ${access_token }
below link will help you a lot:

I want to generate regular expression for the session token ct=KWG3-Q49R-1FAX-YO56 in JMeter

I want to generate regular expression for the session token ct=KWG3-Q49R-1FAX-YO56(It changes dynamically) in JMeter
First of all, you need to locate the Session Token parameter which is being posted to the Server. It may resides on Request URL, Request Body, or Request Header.
Then, you need to find out the Session Token which gets retrieved from the Server. It may be on any of the previous requests and may retrieved through Response Body, or Response Header.
Now, add the Regular Expression Extractor Post Processor in the request in which Session Token is found. If the original Session Token Expression is as;
Then try this Regex:
Note: Also add a Debug Sampler in your Testplan/ThreadGroup in order to verify your Regex.

Manipulating the request body of HTTP thread based on the data extracted from the previous HTTP response

I want to manipulate the request body of HTTP thread based on the data extracted (using 'Regular Expression Extractor') from the previous HTTP response.
Here is the scenario:-
I have extracted the statusFlag and statusId from 'HTTP request 1' as:
Ref name: status
Reg. Exp: "statusFlag":"(\w+)","statusId":"(\w+)"
So, first I want to check that the value of statusFlag is 'New' or not.
If it is New then I have to proceed and feed statusId in next HTTP request or else display statusFlag mismatch.
Need help. Got stuck badly.
I believe Response Assertion is what you're looking for. Add it after the Regular Expression Extractor and configure it as follows:
Apply to: JMeter Variable -> statusFlag (or your reference name)
Pattern Matching Rules: Equals
Add New as a "Pattern to Test"
The assertion will check whether "statusFlag" is "New" and if not - it will fail the sampler and report the expected and the actual value.
Optionally you can add If Controller after the Response Assertion, use ${JMeterThread.last_sample_ok} as a condition and place 2nd request as a child of the If Controller - it will be executed only if "statusFlag" is new.
See How to Use JMeter Assertions in Three Easy Steps guide for more information on conditionally setting pass or fail criteria to requests in your JMeter test.
That's how your Jmeter project should look like.
Regular Expression Extractor stores extracted value in ct variable that can be accessed in If Controller as "${ct}" == "yourvalue" and, if true, can be also sent as a part of Request 2 body using the same ${ct} reference.
Jmeter project structure

Want to check for assertion failure in Jmeter

I am a beginner in JMeter. I want to check for Assertion Failures in my script. I want to continue my transaction for a number of iterations after a single log in attempt, and I want to log out only if an error occurs. For that, I want to check if an error occurred in the script.
Is it possible by comparing assertions in JMeter?
If not, is there are any other way to find that?
Define first indicator(s) that will mark response as erratic (Response Code, keyword, etc.).
Try to use Response Assertion to handle state of your request (success/failure) depending on indicators above and then use IfController along with pre-defined JMeterThread.last_sample_ok jmeter's variable - whether or not the last sample was OK - true/false.
Schema will look like below e.g.:
Response Assertion
Response Field to Test: Response Code
Pattern Matching Rules: NOT Equals
Patterns to Test: 200
Regex Extractor
Condition: ${JMeterThread.last_sample_ok} // will be TRUE if Response Assertion above is TRUE (i.e. response code != 200)
In addition to the answer above I would recommend you:
Add error checking to your script - assertions that the responses are
valid for a given reques
Use Firebug to view network traffic when you need to debug your test
Use a regular expression extractor to retrieve a dynamic value from a
response and re-use it in a later request
To get the idea you can follow JMeter error checking video tutorial.
FYI: Assertion details provided.
Hope this helps.
