Set the whole request url in jmeter - jmeter

I have a request, which gives upload url as response body.
"uploadUrl": ""
I'm able to extract the uploadUrl using JSON extractor.
I want to use above upload url to in next http request. How to set the new request here ?
adding directly doent work, because JMeter prepends http/https before request, in this case we already have https.
It got failed because it has https://[]

Leave HTTP Request fields empty except Path, put there the variable and it will be executed
As a special case, if the path starts with "http://" or "https://" then this is used as the full URL.

The options are in:
Put the whole ${UPLOAD_URL} to "Path" field of the HTTP Request sampler like:
however this approach might be flaky and cause the malfunction of certain configuration elements like HTTP Cookie Manager. So it's better to go for option 2.
Split the ${UPLOAD_URL} into individual components like protocol, host, port and path.
Add JSR223 PostProcessor after the JSON Extractor
Put the following Groovy code into "Script" area:
URL url = new URL(vars.get('UPLOAD_URL'))
vars.put('protocol', url.getProtocol())
vars.put('host', url.getHost())
vars.put('port', url.getPort() as String)
vars.put('path', url.getPath())
The above code will generate the following JMeter Variables
So you should be able to use the generated variables in the next HTTP Request sampler:


ForEach Controller won't run multiple HTTP Requests

I have a ForEach Controller that loops over an array of values which works. Inside the ForEach block I have two HTTP requests and one extractor.
ForEach Loop {
+ HTTP Request 1 (This uses attribute from ForEach)
+ Extractor
+ HTTP Request 2 (This uses attribute from Extractor)
The first HTTP request runs and the extractor as well but the second HTTP request fails to run.
I've checked the logs and nothing is mentioned about this HTTP Request. I also tried moving the Extractor out from under the HTTP Requestor 1 but that also doesn't work.
There is no problem to have multiple Samplers as ForEach Controller children
The possible reasons for not executing the 2nd HTTP Request are in:
Your extractor fails somewhere somehow, double check that the variable is set and has expected value using Debug Sampler and View Results Tree listener combination
Your 2nd HTTP Request configuration is not correct, i.e. invalid characters in "Server Name" field or unsupported protocol or the request is actually being executed but takes too long, etc. I would recommend looking into jmeter.log file as normally it has enough troubleshooting information

How to get URL having ".../?where={'key1' : 'value1' , 'key2' : 'value2':.........}" in Jmeter http request

I need to load test one Python api in below URL format:
I tried to pass the key value pair through csv as well as directly in http request but getting error message. Illegal character in query at index 47:
Here key and value are dummy data I have placed here for easy understanding.
Please help me with correct syntax for this URL.
Thanks in advance for all your help.
In REST APIs, JSON objects are typically sent (POST) or returned in the body of the request. They are not typically encoded as part of the URL.
For a GET request, you can either pass the information as segments in the url or as querystring parameters.
For more details refer here, How to send a GET request with a "/" in the query
As per HTML URL Encoding Reference:
URLs can only be sent over the Internet using the ASCII character-set.
so you need to define the request in JMeter's HTTP Request sampler as follows:
Pay attention to URL Encode? checkbox, it has to be ticked otherwise the parameter will be sent "as is"
Another option is using __urlencode() function like:
which will generate an encoded sequence which you could use in the URL path:
as you can see, all non-ASCII characters where removed.
Check out Apache JMeter Functions - An Introduction to learn more about JMeter Functions concept.

Get the path of an HTTP Request from another component

I am trying to let JMeter crowl my website to ensure a realistic stress test. I was able to extract the URLs from the home page and iterate on them. So I have a regular expression feeding a ForEach loop.
Now I am not able to let an HTTP Request take the output of the loop (Defined as a variable with a name) as its path.
Is there a general approach to setting the path of such a request. JMeter is taking something like:
set in the path of the request as a string and is not replacing it with the actual value.
Given your Regular Expression Extractor and ForEach Controller configurations are correct everything should work fine. If you need any assistance with this provide the following screenshots:
Regular Expression Extractor configuration
Debug PostProcessor or Debug Sampler output in the View Results Tree listener showing several generated JMeter Variables
ForEach Controller configuration
HTTP Request sampler configuration (i.e. where do you put the variable)
Be aware that you can mimic crawling the site more easily using HTML Link Parser the relevant configuration would be as simple as
See How to Spider a Site with JMeter - A Tutorial to learn more about simulating websites crawling.

Jmeter - Want redirected URL to be displayed in response data as its giving response code 302 in response header

I have generated a jmeter script.
But I'm not getting anything in response data (View tree listner).
I'm getting Response code: 302 and Response message: Moved Temporarily in response header (View tree listner) also giving the URL to which it is redirected in Location field in response header.
I want this redirected URL to be displayed in response tab.
the url i wnat in response data]1
You can fetch the URL using Regular Expression Extractor.
Add Regular Expression Extractor as a child of the HTTP Request sampler
Configure it as follows:
Field to check: Response Headers
Reference Name: JMeter Variable name of your choice, i.e. location
Regular Expression: Location: (.*)
Template: $1$
You will be able to access the extracted URL as ${location} or `${__V(location)}} where required.
See Using RegEx (Regular Expression Extractor) With JMeter article for more information on correlating dynamic values in JMeter test.

How can i pass dynamic value through Referer URL for HTTP Header Manager in jmeter3.0?

My referer url for My listener request: http://..*.***:****/ecloudbaseweb//app/managecourse?courseid=815
Referer url in Http Header Manager
In the above url, the course id dynamic value.
My scenario:
Step1: I have updated course id for dynamic parameter and updated details for regular expression extractor for manage course http request
Attachment for your reference:
In this configuration, How can i set dynamic values through Referer URL for HTTP Header Manager in jmeter3.0.?
Kindly give me a solution for this scenario
Dear sir,
I have updated, your comments and after changes the below issue occurred..please verify the attachment..
You can use values captured using Regular Expression Extractor in Header manager also, the same way you use in samplers.
Refer the screen shot:
Note: I observed that courseId (AA) is captured in 78 manageCourse request and used in the same request. This might cause in failure as you have not captured the value yet, you can't use it. You need to keep the Regular Expression Extractor in earlier requests than 78, might be under 77 newCoursecreate.
In Jmeter, First sampler is processed, and then the post processor. So, keep the Regular Expression Extractor (post processor) in the sampler (HTTP request), in which response the value (courseID) you want to retrieve is present.
