I have a textured model and I load my model in Three.js.
For some reasons, I need to bake light effects on the current texture of the my model. Basically, I want to do 'texture baking'. I want to render all effects on the texture.
Any ideas to achieve this in Three.js (webgl)?
I'm trying to render texture to material but it rendered is not correctly, maybe my texture is wrong, but when i add the texture in blender it renders correctly. I don't know why.
Sorry I just learned threejs, but the current project needs to render in 3d. So I came here to ask if anyone has a solution, please help me.
Here is my Codesanbox:
The texture I have added in Blender something like this:
You must flip your textures vertically, threejs will by default flip them when you import them using 'useLoader' there is a property flipY for textures but it hasn't been working reliably
Your best bet is to flip them vertically manually before importing
Alternatively, pack the textures in your GLB on blender itself
As in the title, when is it important to bake texture for the (Blender) model to use it in a mobile game and what are the benefits from baking for performance ? Is there any problem if I didn't bake it and I use the texture directly on my model in my game ?
There is baking in Unity and baking in blender. Your question seems to be about baking in blender before importing model into Unity and this answer will cover that.
how to benefit from baking for performance ?
Baking model in blender before importing it into Unity has nothing to do with performance. See below for why and when you should bake your model.
is there any problem if i didn't bake it and i use the texture
directly to my model in my game ?
It depends. If you have a model in blender with just one basic or simple material and a texture then you do not need to bake your model.
If you have a model in blender with advanced materials or material networks then you must bake the model before importing into Unity. Material network is when you have material that is connected to many nodes to form a procedural texture. Below is an example of a material network in Blender:
There is no way to import that material in Unity.If you try, it won't look like the-same thing it would when rendered in Blender. This is why you bake the texture. When you bake it, everything in that material will be converted or flattened to an image/texture. That texture is what you can use in Unity to make it look like what it would have looked liked in Blender.
Also, baking is used to generate other specials maps like Occlusion, Normal, Alpha and Emission maps that you need to plug to the Unity material. You can also bake your Blender light into the texture.
I have a large terrain scene with many objects that cast shadows on the terrain. It seems I need multiple light sources to achieve good shadow resolution.
I will probably need to edit the source code to make a particular light affect one object in the scene only so that it only casts shadows from that one light.
How do I edit the shadows SRC in THREE.JS to acheive this?
Does anyone know how to render a shadow map in threejs? I have a terrain mesh in my scene and instead of having all the objects cast a shadow on the terrain, I was hoping I could maybe render a nice shadow map to a texture that is applied to the mesh.
Does anyone have ideas of how to accomplish this - or perhaps some documentation on the subject that I could apply to three?
** EDIT **
Just to clarify for future references, I was wondering if there are any techniques available to render / bake textures that can later be applied as uniforms to a mesh.
have a look at his example:
What you are after are called "light maps" in threejs, in other places they are also referred to as oclusion textures/maps.
It is possible to bake a light-map from geometry using other tools, such as Blender: https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/13956/how-do-you-bake-ambient-occlusion-for-a-model
Is there a way to control 'properties' when mapping a video to a mesh in THREE.js in webGL (i.e,.the video "texture" is not aligned where i would like on the mesh/is this something that can only be handled through UV-mapping in Blender or other modeling program?)-I am loading a video programmatically as 'texture' onto a simple 3d model. Thanks!
You can certainly change the UVs of your three.js mesh, and as a result, control the alignment of your video texture.
Here is an example where that is done: http://mrdoob.github.com/three.js/examples/webgl_materials_video.html