Texture is rendering not correctly with meshStandardMaterial three.js - three.js

I'm trying to render texture to material but it rendered is not correctly, maybe my texture is wrong, but when i add the texture in blender it renders correctly. I don't know why.
Sorry I just learned threejs, but the current project needs to render in 3d. So I came here to ask if anyone has a solution, please help me.
Here is my Codesanbox:
The texture I have added in Blender something like this:

You must flip your textures vertically, threejs will by default flip them when you import them using 'useLoader' there is a property flipY for textures but it hasn't been working reliably
Your best bet is to flip them vertically manually before importing
Alternatively, pack the textures in your GLB on blender itself


Importing mesh from blender causes distortion

I'm trying to load a skinned mesh from blender into a THREE.js scene, but it... looks a little odd:
There is a skeleton that was loaded from the animation only, the mesh modified for the game, and there is a little one that is directly loaded from the three.js ObjectLoader.
It's supposed to look more like this (from blender):
I found it!
when exporting from blender, I modified the number of influences to 4. It appears that some vertices were being modified by more than one bone and therefore when only two influencing bones were exported it distorted.

Unity 3D Does Not Apply Texture To Object Properly

I have got a problem with texturing an object in Unity 3D. I have made a simple object in 3Ds Max and inserted it into Unity and then tried to apply an image as texture but it does not apply the texture and it only changes the color of the object! This is the print screen:
As you can see I have got two models. One of them is made in 3Ds Max and does not apply the texture and the other one is made in Unity and it's a cube and it gets the texture correctly.
So what's going wrong here ? Not that I also changed the tiling and offset settings of model's shader but still nothing's changed at all! :(
You didn't UV Unwrapped the 3d object before exporting to Unity3D.
To apply the textures on 3d mesh, any engine needs to know coordinates for texture, and this is called UV Mapping.
WIKIPEDIA - UV_mapping

Apply fxaa to scene but except some textures

I have some scene in three.js with static objects like solid cubes and so on.
Over this objects I have place some quads each of them is textured with letter image.
When I activate fxaa postprocessing main objects looks fine but letters textures looks not good - blurry and dirty. I think it's because letter texture already antialiased. I can't generate another type of textures because Chrome render font already antialiased and I just get screenshot for texture.
Is it possible somehow exclude some objects from fxaa pass? Maybe make more render passes? Any ideas or samples?

How to use part of a texture?

How do I create a three.js material/geometry which uses part of a texture?
I am first rendering a scene to a texture. This texture is used for a Mesh with a CubeGeometry and a MeshLambertMaterial. What I would like to do now is have only a part of the texture displayed on the cube face (like a window into the texture).
I've done this before using OpenGL ES directly, with shaders, but I don't see what parameters might make it possible using the standard three.js library.
That is what texture coordinates are for. See this question and answer:

OpenGL ES1, imported blender texture not resizing in oolong/iphone

just had a simple question about opengl es that I couldn't find the answer to. So I am trying to display simple meshes made in blender using oolong3D's blenderparse example, but when I import the textures from blender they always stay the same size. What I mean is that in blender I can resize the texture to fit the mesh, but when I import them in opengl the size stays the same and they don't fit the whole mesh. Here is a link to some pics and some code used to apply the textures: http://img17.imageshack.us/g/blenderview.png/. Is there some missing code that I need to accomplish this?
Edit the mesh in edit mode (to go to edit mode, select the mesh and press tab).
