Product Page not updating in Magento 1.9 - magento

I've tried everything I can find on the web about Magento 1.9 and refreshing a product page. I've updated the price and the old price is still displayed.
Things I've tried:
- Hard refresh in browser
- Different browser
- Private browsing
I've refreshed the cache for all caches in the page "Cache Storage Management"
The Magento Cache has been flushed
The Cache Storage has been flushed
All indexes have been reindexed
Disable and re-enable combining CSS and JavaScript files.
I'm on the correct product page. Both the URL and the product ID match the page and the product in magento.
I've deleted all files in the "/var/cache" folder.
I've updated the product description by adding a period and other small stuff.
Yet the page stays the same. Every time I refresh it displays the old data.
What else can I try?

You can try to fix it by do the re-indexing of "Product Prices". like below:
php shell/indexer.php --reindex catalog_product_price

The web host implemented server side caching. Disabling their caching was the solution that worked.


magento broken shopping rule page

I have a problem on magento backend that I am not sure what is happening. Shopping cart price rule was working completely fine, but suddenly the rule page look like this:
screenshoot of shopping rule page
The content of each tab is loaded inside the tab div itself instead of on the content area on the right. Content area is completely empty.
No code was touched in relation with promotions code, or admin/core code at all. I don't see any issue on console or not js code loaded. This is the only page affected (shopping cart price rule page), catalog rule works fine as well as any other with same structure (product page, customer page and such).
I was recently playing around with promotion too much, creating, deleting and editing. And solved a 500 issue on cart page increasing php memory limit. Not sure if related with this issue.
On apache logs it only displays the following when I access that page:
client denied by server configuration: /www/app/etc/local.xml
Could someone help me in where to look in order to solve this issue or have a hint about what could be the issue?
I am completely lost with this one. Magento version 1.7.
I finally found the issue. It was a extension related.
Recently I had some issues on cart page and at some point I disabled a promotion extension (Amasty shipping rules) though magento backend, on system/advanced extensions list.
Seems like the extension is disabled but still used on promotion page, adding the structure for the feature but not showing what is supposed to show (because is disabled) and breaking the layout.
Enabling again the extension or removing the extension on files avoid the issue.
1) clear the cache maybe you made a update and your cache is wrong. you can clear in the admin side clear all the types, or erase all inside /www/var/cache
2) clear the page history in your browser, all is fine but your machime show that weird.
3) after that check the browser console, because is a css problem, maybe a file is lost or change the permitions.

Why my magento load each page in two steps?

My magento website perform each frontend routing in two steps, for example when i request to it will first load a blank page with magento favicon first then after just few seconds it will render the actual page. And the same story is for every page What's wrong is with magento?
you have to re indexed your Catalog URL Rewrites.
Go to the
System > Index Management
and then re indexed and also remove magento cache in var/cache folder

Magento - All product categories are empty (frontend)

All my products have vanished from my website (front end). They are all in the back end and I can open them and make changes etc. But they aren't appearing when I click on one of the tabs for a certain category.
The page comes up fine with the category details and the category feature image. But no products are showing.
I am using the JoomlArt theme called JM Wall, I have just updated to the latest version and I've tried the following; flush magento cache, flush cache storage, flush catalog images cache, flush javascript/css cache, also tried re-indexing all the data on the index management page.
Any suggestions on how to fix?
Magento ver.

Product moved from Cat to Sub-Cat not showing up on site search

In Admin I created new subcats for my CyberPower category. When I search for BH1500 on our site for the product I get the whoops page. If I go step by step through our site to get to the product it works just fine. Why is the URL missing, or nor showing the link properly?, is what shows up.
However this
should be the right link.
New to Magento, help me if you can!!
All you should need to do is run a reindex and flush your cache! Basically, your catalog URL rewrites are incorrect or out of date.
System > Index Management - Best to select all elements, choose the Reindex Data action and click the Submit button.
System > Cache Management - Flush Magento Cache

Magento SEO friendly URL module only rewrites categories, products showing old URL

I have enabled the SEO friendly URL on Magento 1.6 and it's working perfectly for category.
But the product URLs are showing the old URL format.
My current product URL looks like:
What I should be like is:
I've already re-indexed the catalog and cleared the cache, but it's not rewriting the products with the SEO friendlier version of URLs.
I assume you are magneto default code.
After enabling SEO friendly URL don't forget to re-index from Magento admin.
The issue is that URL rewrites are not occurring,
Are you running Enterprise Edition 1.13?
If yes, more than likely your issue is with Magento's reindexing not occurring automatically. In 1.13, the reindexing occurs with a cron job. You must set up cron to run on your local server so that it will run automatically. To check if it has been setup, go to System->Index Management and check to see the last time product url reindexing has occurred. The reindex is what sets up the URL rewrites, you can check in the database to confirm that reindexing never happened (specifically in Enterprise Edition, look at tables enterprise_url_rewrite, enterprise_url_rewrite_redirect, and enterprise_url_rewrite_redirect_rewrite. See if these tables have rewrites for each of your products). If your products don't appear to have url rewrites in these tables, than reindexing never happened. My guess is that this is your issue if you are running EE 1.13. Follow this link to set up cron.
how to set cron job for reindex
If you are running Magento prior to EE 1.13 OR any version of Community edition, make sure that SEO Friendly URLs are enabled AND that you have reindexed. If this still doesn't work, make sure the Magento Core code hasn't been modified.
