Detect controller input in VRTK - vrtk

I'm kind of new to this so sorry if I'm writing in the wrong place - let me know and I'll move / delete this comment.
I'm currently having issues detecting controller input while using VRTK.
For example, when I have a collision between two objects, I want to be able to detect what buttons are being pressed on the controllers but can't seem to work out how I can do this.
Also, I have implemented the Interact Use functionality but I'm struggling to work out how to make two buttons do different actions.
For example:
once I grab an object with the simple pointer I want one button to
bring the object closer and another to move it away, but I've only
managed to implement one or the other.
Any suggestions? I've looked everywhere in the docs, examples and Google and can't seem to find anything. Any help would be MUCH appreciated! Pulling my hair out here!

You could utilise the Grabbedmethod on the InteractableObject:
Or you could use the ControllerGrabInteractableObject event on The InteractGrab script:
Or you could have an Update routine and check the grabbed status on the controller doing GetGrabbedObject() != null (which checks to see if the controller has an object grabbed if it's null then one isn't grabbed).
Then you can use the ControllerEvents button bools to do something on a button press. So a script with this in that sits on the controller script alias gameobject next to the interact grab script:
void Update() {
if (GetComponent<VRTK_InteractGrab>().GetGrabbedObject != null) {
var controllerEvents = GetComponent<VRTK_ControllerEvents>();
if (controllerEvents.IsButtonPressed(VRTK_ControllerEvents.ButtonAlias.Trigger_Press) {
//Do something on trigger press
if (controllerEvents.IsButtonPressed(VRTK_ControllerEvents.ButtonAlias.Grip_Press) {
//Do something on grip press


GtkButton label updates

I am designing a GUI using C, Glade, and Gtk.
I have some signals configured in glade to update the labels of various widgets, mainly GtkButton and GtkLabel. The overall functionality is that when a certain radio button is clicked, all button and labels change in response (language selection).
I am using the function gtk_label_set_label(...) in the widgets _draw() function and it works as expected (text changes, g_print occurs (once)).
gboolean on_lblMyLabel_draw(GtkLabel *label, gpointer *user_data) {
gtk_label_set_label(label, "custom text");
g_print("%s\n", "custom text");
return FALSE;
However, when I attempt the same from a button,
gboolean on_btnMyButton_draw(GtkButton *button, gpointer *user_data) {
gtk_button_set_label(button, "custom text");
g_print("%s\n", "custom text");
return FALSE;
The text does not update, but dissappears, and the g_print() statement prints forever (as if the draw is recursively calling itself).
Funnily, if I move the button code from _draw to _click, it works as expected, however, I need the GUI to redraw itself, so updating on click is impractical.
Is there a way, using _draw() to prevent this?
Is there a better way to do this?
Is there a way, using _draw() to prevent this?
No, and you shouldn’t be using the draw signal for this either. It has an entirely different purpose, and will be called each time a widgets redraws itself. That’s also the reason why your button is going into an infinite recursion: you changed its label so it figures it needs to be redrawn; that redraw leads to your callback being called, which again changes the label, etc etc
Is there a better way to do this?
Yes, and you mention it yourself already: make sure you do the logic of changing the widgets in the appropriate place (for example, on a click event), and let the GTK widgets take care of redrawing themselves.
Unless you’re doing something very exotic (like not running an event loop, which you automatically get with GtkApplication), this will all work fine.

deal with Unity 5 UI in augmented reality app

I'm trying to make an augmented reality application with vuforia and unity.
whenever it recognize the image target, it must tell a story by showing text , and it should enable the user to press next and back to go on reading the different parts of this story, I'm totally new to unity and don't know how to handle with UI throughout scripting, I need some help on how to accomplish the part of "going forward and backward on showing the story by hitting Next and Back buttons", and all these parts of story should be related to the same image target in the same scene.
I appreciate it if you help me with an example code.
You should create some script that attach on trackable object, maybe something like this.
public class DataBook {
string[] dataBook;
string idText;
bool isActive;
Then you must create another script to set that trackable object is active or not, this link can help you to get that.
Then after you get the active trackable object, you can set the dialog from the book by create another controller script for button, example
public void Next() {
DataBook[] books = FindObjectsOfType<DataBook>(); // if the object more than one, it will be more easy if it only the one
foreach (var book in books)
if (book.isActive) {
book.idText += 1;
textUI.text = book.dataBook[idText]; //textUI assign to object text on canvas
you can learn about unity UI Button on this :
Good luck

Unity3d - Multiple Selection Toggle Group UGUI

I'm making a GUI for a program and I want the user to be able to pick from two of 7 choices. Is there a built in way to do this or do I need to do it from scratch myself? I read the documentation for Toggle and Toggle group and didn't see anything in there but I might be missing something either there or in another GUI element.
Edited to add: Unity3d 4.6.2
If you have not figured it out yet...
I have not tried this myself, but I imagine you could write a script for the toggles in place of using toggle group. I would try messing around with something along the lines of..
public void MyToggles()
if (ToggleOptions > 2)
//code to uncheck the last checked item
public void ToggleOptions()
//code here to group together your toggles
That's how I would approach this problem. As I said before I haven't needed this functionality so I cant say for certain how you would do that off the top of my head, but I hope that helps!

Need to Click Popup with Gm script that is not always there

i'm still having a problem clicking a popup button on an auction site,that appears only if u won an auction. This popup seems tbe a problem. Ive managed to get help partially in Need to click a bid button with Grease monkey script, i'm able to get the bid buttons clicked, but the popu is stil a problem. The xpath for the popup is:
And the script i'm using currently is:
// ==UserScript==
// #name click popup try1.3
// #include*
// ==/UserScript==
// ctl00_mainContentPlaceholder_Button3
function PopClick ()
{var PopBtn1=document.getElementById("ctl00_mainContentPlaceholder_Button3");
alert('try1'); (1);
But the problem seems to be that the script doesnt stay active on the page waiting for the popup, I think if i can get it to "wait" for the popup to appear, it should work. I'm very new to GM, so excuse if there is simple errors. I had exelent help from people like Brock sofar, who is showing me the ropes. Slowly but surely I'm gettin the hang of it. Remove the alerts, i just used them to see if it executing.
The simplest solution would be to run this function, say every second, thus "waiting" for the popup to appear:
setInterval(PopClick, 1000);
It is also better to rewrite PopClick to check if the element is there, before calling click, like this:
function PopClick () {
var PopBtn1=document.getElementById("ctl00_mainContentPlaceholder_Button3");
if(PopBtn1) { ();
// It is also makes sense to clear interval here. see docs for setInterval/clearInterval please :)
May be this will help you with the freezing issue.
The more proper way, however, would be to set up MutationEvent listener. Since you are using Firefox, it should work OK:
function click_if_popup(evt) {
if('id') &&'id') =="ctl00_mainContentPlaceholder_Button3");
document.addEventListener('DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument', click_if_popup);
Sorry, I didn't test any of this code: I wanted just to give you the general idea of where to dig.

Repeating key events blocking

I wrote a simple program with SFML and OpenGL which draws a spinning square that can be moved around the screen with the arrow keys.
It works fine on all the Linux and Mac computers I've tested it on, but when I try to move the square on Windows (by holding down an arrow key) it moves a small distance and then stops moving and spinning. I'm pretty sure the program is getting stuck in the GetEvent method - my guess is that when I've held the key down long enough for it to start repeating, the event stack keeps getting new events added to it before I can pop everything off it (and if I turn the key repeat rate on Windows right down to the minimum then the problem goes away - I don't really like this as a solution though).
I found that pressing and holding Alt, Ctrl, Delete, Page up, Page down, Home, End etc all cause this behavior too (even though I don't specifically detect any of these keys in the program), but all the letter keys, as well as space, enter, backspace and the keypad arrow keys work fine (i.e. they don't cause the program to pause if I hold them down for too long).
I don't have the exact code (I just turned my laptop off), but it looks like:
while(running) {
if(event.Type==sf::Event::Closed) running=false;
if(input.IsKeyDown(sf::Key::Right)); // move right
// etc etc
// update rotation
// draw everything
Any ideas as to what the exact problem might be, and how I could fix it?
I know this is an old question but I would like to answer it in the interest of helping others who may find themselves here experiencing similiar problems.
SFML 1.6 has two ways you can get input from the user. One is event-based where you process each event sent to you via sf::Window::GetEvent(). The other is query-based where you check the sf::Input class of your window directly.
You have used the query-based method here but put it inside an event loop which isn't really the way it was intended to be used. It was meant to be used like this. This is a nice feature because SFML essentially keeps a boolean table of keys automatically for you so you don't need to manage key states yourself. IMHO for using repeating input this is more elegant since you won't be spamming your event queue, just checking a boolean value.
if(event.Type == sf::Event::Closed) running=false;
if(event.Type == sf::Event::KeyPressed && event.Key.Code == sf::Key::Right)
// move right
If you wanted to just query sf::Input directly then you use the same code as above, but you put it outside the event loop.
if (myWindow.GetInput().IsKeyDown(sf::Key::Right))
By default automatic key repeat should be enabled for sf::Windows but you can make sure by using sf::Window::EnableKeyRepeat(true). This means it will send a KeyPressed event repeatedly while a key is held down.
Try using the query-based method outside the main event loop and see if that works for you.
