Need to Click Popup with Gm script that is not always there - xpath

i'm still having a problem clicking a popup button on an auction site,that appears only if u won an auction. This popup seems tbe a problem. Ive managed to get help partially in Need to click a bid button with Grease monkey script, i'm able to get the bid buttons clicked, but the popu is stil a problem. The xpath for the popup is:
And the script i'm using currently is:
// ==UserScript==
// #name click popup try1.3
// #include*
// ==/UserScript==
// ctl00_mainContentPlaceholder_Button3
function PopClick ()
{var PopBtn1=document.getElementById("ctl00_mainContentPlaceholder_Button3");
alert('try1'); (1);
But the problem seems to be that the script doesnt stay active on the page waiting for the popup, I think if i can get it to "wait" for the popup to appear, it should work. I'm very new to GM, so excuse if there is simple errors. I had exelent help from people like Brock sofar, who is showing me the ropes. Slowly but surely I'm gettin the hang of it. Remove the alerts, i just used them to see if it executing.

The simplest solution would be to run this function, say every second, thus "waiting" for the popup to appear:
setInterval(PopClick, 1000);
It is also better to rewrite PopClick to check if the element is there, before calling click, like this:
function PopClick () {
var PopBtn1=document.getElementById("ctl00_mainContentPlaceholder_Button3");
if(PopBtn1) { ();
// It is also makes sense to clear interval here. see docs for setInterval/clearInterval please :)
May be this will help you with the freezing issue.
The more proper way, however, would be to set up MutationEvent listener. Since you are using Firefox, it should work OK:
function click_if_popup(evt) {
if('id') &&'id') =="ctl00_mainContentPlaceholder_Button3");
document.addEventListener('DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument', click_if_popup);
Sorry, I didn't test any of this code: I wanted just to give you the general idea of where to dig.


How Do i Make The Button Dispear When I go to next screen

This is the code of the game I'm working on. I want to know how to make the button go away when I press it. I have already tried putting hide.button in a few places but don't know if they were the right spots. I'm just learning how to code. Please help me figure this out. I also tried looking it up but couldn't find the problem
Here is a reference from p5 itself that shows how to hide items, you can make the button a function by:
let button = createButton(**button settings**);
I see you tried to put button.hide() , but most likely did not make "button" a function, therefore p5 did not know what "button" was.
Hope that helped! Happy coding!
EDIT: Before you put
Try putting it in an if statement as below:
let button = createButton(**button settings**);
Then put that in your sketches setup function

How do I pause or continue a page animation when going to another tab in the browser?

I don't code so asking for help :-) Hi, I have an issue for a page animation with a couple of interactions. How do I insert a code snippet to tell the browser to either continue or pause the animation, when a user opens/clicks another tab.
Right now, the animation pauses for the first part, but the subsequent interactions keep going. And it's a jumbled mess.
What is the easiest/simple way to do this? Can someone share the full/complete code snippet to accomplish this? I've been searching for hours and can't seem to find the right solution.
I'm using Webflow for the site. Thanks a bunch.
When the user clicks away from a window, certain events are fired off. You can add event handlers to your window object that respond to these events.
You probably want to listen for 'focus' and 'blur' events. JavaScript:
window.addEventListener('blur', function (evt) {
// turn off your animation here
window.addEventListener('focus', function (evt) {
// turn on your animation here
Documentation on window blur event, window focus event, addEventListener().
I have a simple page that reports all window events, it might be useful:

UI Button - activate buttons with keyboard input

this is probably dead easy but I can't find a solution. I made a dialogue system and have a UI-button to click when the player should display a sentence next.
The issue is that the button is only triggered onMouseclick and I would like to change the input button to Enter. Would anyone know how to go about this?
If you need to determine if the button is selected first or not, I suggest you take a look at this page:
If you don't want pressing the button to have any functionality, you just wouldn't link it to any functions.
Working code might look something like this:
public class selectableExample : Selectable{
BaseEventData _event;
void Update()
if (IsHighlighted(_event) == true)
if (Input.GetKeyDown("enter")){
print("replace me with working function"); // whatever you want to have happen on button press
You simply attach this to your button and it should respond the same as being pressed. To be honest, it hardly seems like you actually need a button at all for this though, you'd probably be fine with just a label telling the player to press "Enter" and then simply checking for that input.
You can use the Event Trigger component to use one of the many event types. Select Submit (this is set to enter and return in the input settings at edit>project settings>input by default).
Don't set anything in the OnClick event.
The only thing needed now is to actively highlight the button from somewhere with ReferenceToButton.Select().

How do I activate the TOC button in an Cocoa Help file?

I am building my first help file and so far all is working except one thing:
There is a Table of contents button in the help browser that is deactivated for my help (and so far all 3rd Party help I looked at).
However it's used in most Apple Apps. It allows you to hide reveal a navigation on the left side of the help page.
I found no documentation about this at all. So I wondered if anyone has figured out how to address this.
Taken from
// Disable TOC button
// Enable TOC button
// If you call this on window load it will flash active for a brief second
// and then disable again. Call if after a delay of 250ms and is works fine
// Not sure what the second variable does yet, but passing false works fine
window.HelpViewer.showTOCButton( true, false, function() {
//do something to toggle TOC in your webpage
// Apple stores the status of the TOC using a window session variable,
// you can use this to keep the TOC open or closed when transitioning
// between pages.

Separating single clicks from click and hold

I need to implement a behavior:
when element clicked - one thing happens
but when it's clicked and held for more than one second, something else happens (e.g element becomes draggable) and then the first event never fires
I think I know how to catch click&hold type of events, but how to distinguish between first and second?
Can you show me how to do that using this jsbin. I already made the "click, hold & drag" part, except that it is still firing the 'click' event after dragging the element and it shouldn't.
again: element clicked - one event, click and hold - element is draggable (even after mouse up) and when clicked again it's back to normal (undraggable) state.
I am not looking for a trivial solution, it has to be built using Rx.Observable or at least Bacon's streamEvent object
Thank you
I think you were pretty close with your solution, but probably it is not possible to elegantly achieve what you want while using the browser's built-in click event.
HERE is my attempt to tackle your problem.
The main idea is to define your own click streams like so:
var clicks = downs.flatMapLatest(function(){
return ups.takeUntil(Rx.Observable.timer(250));
var longDownsStart = downs.flatMapLatest(function(){
return Rx.Observable.timer(1000).takeUntil(ups);
In case of clicks we wait max 250 ms after a mouse down for a mouse-up; in case of the latter we generate the event only if there was no mouse-up within 1000 ms.
There might be some corner cases in which the code does not work as intended.
Here is my proposed solution (with Bacon.js).
