How to add custom managed metadata on Yammer group - sorting

We use Yammer at my place of work, and we are looking for a way of sorting groups in custom manners. To that end, it'd helpful if we could add custom metadata to all the groups that currently exist. Is there any well-defined manner of doing so or, if not, are there ways of achieving custom sorting (i.e., according to our own defined criteria) of groups in Yammer? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

This is not supported in the product, and it's unlikely to be something added at a platform level. You may be better to raise this over on the Yammer UserVoice site. It would also be useful to drill down a bit into "why" this is useful to you when you post there. I can think of why I might want this, but it may not be the same need as you.


Categorizing a patient using FHIR?

We want to categorize patients in our system. For example, in organ transplant, we want to "tag" a Patient FHIR resource as a donor or recipient (ignoring the scenario where a living donor can later become a recipient) since these types of "patients" are stored separately in the back end system. So when someone does a PUT HTTP request with a patient resource, we need to know what kind of patient it is before we can do the update in the database.
It's hard to determine the best way to approach this. Using the meta area seems promising, combined with the UsageContextType of "focus" perhaps, taking on values of "donor" or "recipient".
It's not clear though how to actually code something like this in a Patient resource (JSON for us). Any guidance/examples would be very much appreciated.
Sadly, I think the FHIR folks are going down the same path they used with the V3 RIM....lots of impenetrable standard definitions, but very few practical examples of how to use some of these FHIR standards in the real world. But that is another issue.
Don't understand ignoring the scenario where someone can be both donor and recipient. However, if you needed to, you could add an extension that differentiated. You could also use Patient.meta.tag.
With the RIM there'd have been an esoteric modelling mechanism to define what you wanted, likely walking through 3-4 classes to get to one element (and a whole lot of fixed values along the way). With FHIR, if you're doing something esoteric, you just define an extension.
If you see something in the core specification you find impenetrable, please submit a change request asking for the language to be improved. (There's a "propose a change" link at the bottom of every page and registration is free.)

OR/And condition in spring dashboard filter

Is it possible to write the expression in boot dashboard filter with AND/OR condition?
No, this is not yet possible. Please raise an enhancement request at
The design guideline behind this search box was to keep it as simple as possible and have just a simple "filter" text that gets matched against project names, working sets, and tags. If you file an enhancement request, it would be great if you could explain the setting and context a bit, provide a few examples why the AND/OR syntax would be useful or necessary, and how you would use that. We would like to understand the context a bit more before deciding on a final user experience for it.

What is the default advice kind when using <aop:advisor>?

What is the default advice kind when using <aop:advisor>? Is it around or something else? I did not find much information in docs. Any link to more information? Thanks.
Well, as the documentation says here:
The advice itself is represented by a bean, and must implement one of the advice interfaces described in Advice types in Spring.
Thus, it is your own choice which type of advice you want to implement in your advisor. It can be any of
after returning,

How to use commitHandler on dc.js?

I was looking into the dc-addons packages from Intellipharm. I am interested in the server chart, crossfilter server, and crossfilter server. Unfortunately, all of these functions are currently not working. Then from the blog I saw, There has been a fairly new addition to dc.js called commitHandler. This basically covers the functionality of crossfilter server. Wondering if someone could provide an example of how to use this api.
I apologize that this is not really an answer but just some pointers. There was too much for me to write in a comment!
The current progress on this is described toward the end of the long issue dc.js#602, which links to this example.
We are not too far away, but the missing part is a server-side or webworker crossfilter component which defines all of the filters that dc.js needs.
If you're creating your own crossfilter-like server, such as many people have done using ElasticSearch and MongoDB, then hopefully this example will provide some clues.
UPDATE 8-22-20: There is also xfilter, which mocks enough of the crossfilter API to use an alternate backend. Its nanocube support is out of date, but it provides some examples.
Please don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions. This might be a better discussion for the user group than SO. And if you'd consider publishing an example, I'm sure it would help a lot of people!

Interface for viewing demographic information in maps

I am involved in a research project where we try to find correlation between demographics and restaurant types. We want to have an interface where we can apply the demographic information over a map of the city as filters and check how the restaurant types and information changes.
I am lost on what sort of tools to use for this purpose.
Note: I am not sure whether this is the right place to post this question. If there is a specific SO site for this, I will move it there.
There isn't a specific SO site for openstreetmap, but even better there is a site which would be an even better place to ask.
