Interface for viewing demographic information in maps - user-interface

I am involved in a research project where we try to find correlation between demographics and restaurant types. We want to have an interface where we can apply the demographic information over a map of the city as filters and check how the restaurant types and information changes.
I am lost on what sort of tools to use for this purpose.
Note: I am not sure whether this is the right place to post this question. If there is a specific SO site for this, I will move it there.

There isn't a specific SO site for openstreetmap, but even better there is a site which would be an even better place to ask.


Categorizing a patient using FHIR?

We want to categorize patients in our system. For example, in organ transplant, we want to "tag" a Patient FHIR resource as a donor or recipient (ignoring the scenario where a living donor can later become a recipient) since these types of "patients" are stored separately in the back end system. So when someone does a PUT HTTP request with a patient resource, we need to know what kind of patient it is before we can do the update in the database.
It's hard to determine the best way to approach this. Using the meta area seems promising, combined with the UsageContextType of "focus" perhaps, taking on values of "donor" or "recipient".
It's not clear though how to actually code something like this in a Patient resource (JSON for us). Any guidance/examples would be very much appreciated.
Sadly, I think the FHIR folks are going down the same path they used with the V3 RIM....lots of impenetrable standard definitions, but very few practical examples of how to use some of these FHIR standards in the real world. But that is another issue.
Don't understand ignoring the scenario where someone can be both donor and recipient. However, if you needed to, you could add an extension that differentiated. You could also use Patient.meta.tag.
With the RIM there'd have been an esoteric modelling mechanism to define what you wanted, likely walking through 3-4 classes to get to one element (and a whole lot of fixed values along the way). With FHIR, if you're doing something esoteric, you just define an extension.
If you see something in the core specification you find impenetrable, please submit a change request asking for the language to be improved. (There's a "propose a change" link at the bottom of every page and registration is free.)

Where to place the code for retrieving filtered data?

I need to implement functionality to search booking slot availability
by location, service, provider, and various combinations of these.
These will require a few queries and a lot of if / else conditions
Where should this code go?
Classes Interface and Implementation
Should there be a single or multiple implementations
Is it helpful to use service provider in this case?
Also, various controllers' methods will be dependant on this availability result.
Please suggest me the best way to handle this? Any details or a roadmap will be very helpful.
A repository is the best place to write your DB interaction code but if you are having the same filters on multiple models or repositories you can make one base repo and use it in your own repository. that's your first solution.
second thing, you can make a class for advanced queries. that is shown in the below-mentioned link you can check, it's also a good way to make your code clear and simple.

Creating multiple models/controllers

I'm still learning Codeigniter/PHP/Database/SQL.
Whenever i encounter new problems, i usually learn something to solve them that may/may not apply to my previous methods.
If they do apply to previous methods or if i make changes to my database design, i usually have to edit/update my CRUD methods relevant to the tables changed.
The problem lay there, since i write my methods as i need them and i don't follow any plan so they're all over the place.
It's not that its not solveable but its very hassle and it just saps away any anticipation i had towards improving my codes then i end up just doing other stuff(procrastinating), its a very vicious cycle, whenever i try to get into it, i end up procrastinating then days pass by then weeks.
I also want to implement thin controller/fat model idea ive read online. Up to now, this is also a part of the problem. I'm trying to solve them all right now but i have a question/doubt before i can truly do it.
I separated my controller into two. 1. needs authentication 2. no authentication.
For now, i have my main controller with methods that needs a user logged in.
for example, user/story dashboard, submitting stories. etc.
The other one is my pages controller, i put there the methods that don't need any user authentication. Like viewing homepage, viewing story profile, reading a chapter, viewing user profile. etc.
In my models, i have separated them into two. account_model and story_model. Any method related to account like registration,logging in etc. and story like publishing story,fetching story data, etc.
My problem with that is that there are some methods that fall into a gray area. or some methods that i would like to group but get separated.
For example: I have a review system(my previous question), users can review other users(author) who have published their stories, stories and chapters.
In my models, the review_author method would go into account model, the review_story and review_chapter would go into story model.
Is it correct for me to just make a review_model and put them all there?
In line of that thought, can i also make separate models for separate groups of methods for example, Pagination model for any method related to pagination(user/story). dashboard model for any method related to my user/story dashboard.
The essence of my question is that i want to be as efficient as possible(of my level of knowledge) so that whenever i get far into my project i don't lose enthusiasm if i have to make changes because of the headache inducing wall of codes.

How to store/serve user-customizable HTML templates?

I want to offer a tumblr-like functionality where you can select a template, and optionally customize the HTML of your template in the browser and save it.
Current stack: Mongo, Sinatra (for REST API) for prototype. Will likely be moving to a compiled, statically-typed language later.
Wondering how best to accomplish this. Options I've considered:
Store the HTML in mongo, and duplicate it for all user accounts. So the HTML for the template you choose gets written into your account. Obvious cons of space inefficiency and need to update all users that use that template (if un-customized - you customize it it becomes your own and I won't ever touch it) if the template changes.
Store the templates in templates collection, and put custom templates either into this same collection or into the user collection with the owner of the template. User references a template id. This is quite clearly better than 1 I believe. Especially because I won't need to pull the template every time the user object is pulled.
Some third party library? Open to suggestions here.
File system.
I will need to package up these templates (insert js and stuff the user shouldn't be exposed to) and then serve them. Any advice on how best to approach this is greatly appreciated.
Your approach will depend on how often you foresee people customizing the template versus just going with a standard. How about a hybrid approach?
That is, have a field in the user document that is created lazily (on use) that either stores the custom template, or maybe a diff from one of the standards (not sure about the level of customization you are planning to allow).
Then you can have the template field you describe in 2 above, with a "special" setting for custom templates. While you still have the concern about pulling a template each time, you do have the advantage of knowing that these are some of your more dedicated users - saving a trip to the DB might be advantageous, or you might not care.
If you don't care about 2 trips to the DB for every user, then you take approach 2, add the custom templates to the templates collection and simply reference the new ID for each user that customizes.
It's a balancing act - is the extra data overhead in terms of pulling the template each time worth saving a round trip to the DB or do you want efficiency in terms of the data you get each time at the cost of multiple queries to the DB - only you can answer that one based on how you design your app and how people use it.
For the linked approach you might want to take a look at Database References and Schema Design in the MongoDB docs.

How do I create and process dynamic forms in ASP.NET MVC 3?

In an upcoming project, we will be creating forms for citizen's to fill out to start the process of applying for the requested license or permit. As one can imagine, a form tends to change often. I would prefer to plan this into the application to avoid making changes on a yearly/monthly/"the big boss want's it yesterday" basis.
My searching has shown me some examples based on the object passed to the view, but those would require coding changes. Others use XML, but never seems to go through the entire process from creating the from to storing the inputted data into the database. It isn't that I need hand holding the entire way; it's that this is something completely different for me and I want some guidance to get me in the right direction. I am thinking along the lines of how these survey sites (like SurveyMonkey) create dynamic polls.
Is there any tools, utilities, tutorials, or books that may cover this quite well?
I would imagine you would probably want to take advantage of Display / EditorTemplates. You would define an interface IQuestion or something, and then have a bunch of different form options that implement that interface. So your model would have a List<IQuestion>, and then for each question in the list, Html.EditorFor(item) or so.
Then some kind of standardized way of storing the answers into a table (perhaps a unique save / load method on IQuestion. That's my take anyways. You could define the questions via DB and then your models could have varying counts (and elements) in the List<IQuestion>. Just run a DB script (or some kind of admin page) and you could dynamically change the form displayed.
