How to use commitHandler on dc.js? - dc.js

I was looking into the dc-addons packages from Intellipharm. I am interested in the server chart, crossfilter server, and crossfilter server. Unfortunately, all of these functions are currently not working. Then from the blog I saw, There has been a fairly new addition to dc.js called commitHandler. This basically covers the functionality of crossfilter server. Wondering if someone could provide an example of how to use this api.

I apologize that this is not really an answer but just some pointers. There was too much for me to write in a comment!
The current progress on this is described toward the end of the long issue dc.js#602, which links to this example.
We are not too far away, but the missing part is a server-side or webworker crossfilter component which defines all of the filters that dc.js needs.
If you're creating your own crossfilter-like server, such as many people have done using ElasticSearch and MongoDB, then hopefully this example will provide some clues.
UPDATE 8-22-20: There is also xfilter, which mocks enough of the crossfilter API to use an alternate backend. Its nanocube support is out of date, but it provides some examples.
Please don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions. This might be a better discussion for the user group than SO. And if you'd consider publishing an example, I'm sure it would help a lot of people!


Categorizing a patient using FHIR?

We want to categorize patients in our system. For example, in organ transplant, we want to "tag" a Patient FHIR resource as a donor or recipient (ignoring the scenario where a living donor can later become a recipient) since these types of "patients" are stored separately in the back end system. So when someone does a PUT HTTP request with a patient resource, we need to know what kind of patient it is before we can do the update in the database.
It's hard to determine the best way to approach this. Using the meta area seems promising, combined with the UsageContextType of "focus" perhaps, taking on values of "donor" or "recipient".
It's not clear though how to actually code something like this in a Patient resource (JSON for us). Any guidance/examples would be very much appreciated.
Sadly, I think the FHIR folks are going down the same path they used with the V3 RIM....lots of impenetrable standard definitions, but very few practical examples of how to use some of these FHIR standards in the real world. But that is another issue.
Don't understand ignoring the scenario where someone can be both donor and recipient. However, if you needed to, you could add an extension that differentiated. You could also use Patient.meta.tag.
With the RIM there'd have been an esoteric modelling mechanism to define what you wanted, likely walking through 3-4 classes to get to one element (and a whole lot of fixed values along the way). With FHIR, if you're doing something esoteric, you just define an extension.
If you see something in the core specification you find impenetrable, please submit a change request asking for the language to be improved. (There's a "propose a change" link at the bottom of every page and registration is free.)

Is it possible to change a GraphQL schema at runtime and write resolvers that handle this dynamic schema? (in Java)

I am working with GraphQL (in Java) and I would like to find a way to do the following:
I need the possibility to constantly adapt the GraphQL schema at runtime without restart. In particular I need to be able to add new fields to GraphQL types. Moreover I need the possibility to be able to write resolvers which can handle this dynamic schema.
I do not have example code yet, so just think of the simplest example (one GraphQL type with several fields that can all be of different type).
My problem is that I am quite new in GraphQL and I do not have a lot of experience with it. Of course I looked for a solution on the internet, but I did not find one yet (or just did not notice that I found it due to my lacking experience with GraphQL).
The only interesting discovery I made is this: exposing dynamic schemas with graphql . But I do not understand how this solution works because 1) I do not know how to reload the schema at runtime and 2) I do not know how to write the resolvers so that they can handle that dynamic schema.
So can anybody help me with my problem and/or can answer my questions regarding the link I found?
I am very thankful for every help, no matter how extensive it is. Like I told before, I am quite new in GraphQL. Therefore I would be also very thankful for links to examples (if possible), so that I can understand better.
Thank you very much in advance.
#userongithub0 you may take a look at GraphQL Schema Directives
And specifically on the rest directive
First of all, don't ever try to do that or use only if there're some very strict situations. Here's why:
A schema is like a contract between the front-end & backend & on change, it can lead to instability between both of them very quickly.
If you try to change the schema of GraphQL, it might fail to connect properly with your resolvers & consecutively with your database as well.
Whenever there's is a change in the schema the GraphQL server (the server handler, in general) needs to be restarted (recompile) & it will take time, hence results in high response time.
No matter what language you are using, you should always see it as a red flag. In my opinion, it will be a really bad practice.

How to add custom managed metadata on Yammer group

We use Yammer at my place of work, and we are looking for a way of sorting groups in custom manners. To that end, it'd helpful if we could add custom metadata to all the groups that currently exist. Is there any well-defined manner of doing so or, if not, are there ways of achieving custom sorting (i.e., according to our own defined criteria) of groups in Yammer? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
This is not supported in the product, and it's unlikely to be something added at a platform level. You may be better to raise this over on the Yammer UserVoice site. It would also be useful to drill down a bit into "why" this is useful to you when you post there. I can think of why I might want this, but it may not be the same need as you.

laravel 4 api documentation - how to quickly find functions?

I am having trouble in using documentation. Lets say I want to see the source of function
I go to
and enter in the search form 'transaction'
Nothing is found.
I then try to go on the left to Namespaces/Database which makes sense.
And later I have no idea where to go. There is some namespaces, some classes, some interfaces. Later found out that this is in the connection class, which at first I did not even look at. Connection associates to connecting to the database, not making transaction.
And there often happens when I don't know how to quickly find things.
How do you deal with that?
I assume the documentation should be one of best developers friends, but I guess I found this function by using sublime massive search in all files.
Btw also - I lowed the Codeigniter documentation, so thats why also I am disapointed. In codeigniter everythign looked so simple and search worked very well. Typing same word 'transaction' finds like charm.
Ok, tried same way as CI does to serch:
transaction site:
then it finds. If there is no other way, maybe I should bookmark the search link and just change the keyword or something like that.
CodeIgniter was definitely simpler, to the point that any larger project suffered greatly under the weight of (forcibly) badly misplaced code. Laravel raises the bar there a little bit, but it's to your benefit as a developer (I promise :D ).
Firstly, kudos for searching through the code. Many people do not. You learn a LOT by looking in there.
Laravel Code
For Laravel, you'll do best by knowing about Namespaces, and how they relate to autoloading files (Namespaces will relate to directories, essentially). You likely know this, but it relates to how you can find classes and their methods.
Now, this doesn't go towards knowing where anything is - that comes with some digging into the code yourself. I almost always have Github open to the laravel/framework repository to look at code.
Note: That API search looks for files, rather than methods within them (unfortunately).
As mentioned, I use Github mercilessly for searching code, instead of the API documentation. The search in Github is quite good - it will search within the current repository.
For example, I searched "function transaction" in github and got good results.
It led me to see here that it accepts a closure, and surrounds the code run within the closure around a transaction. You can see that throwing any exception within that closure will get caught and cancel the transaction (and gives you a way to control it).
As #matit pointed out, Facades do in fact hide where code is. That's a tricky part. In general, you can call the getFacadeRoot() method on any facade to figure out what class it is:
// Figure out what underlying class the Auth facade actually is
echo get_class( Auth::getFacadeRoot() );
Eventually you'll discover patterns in the code. Most facades point towards certain types of classes within each package (For instance, a Manager class who's job it is to decide which underlying implementation is used).
I really suggest reading Taylor's book which goes into the general architecture of Laravel. It's a quick read which is highly worth it.
Where CodeIgniter excelled in simplicity, Laravel excels in teaching you better coding concepts. Give it some time :D (Or use CodeIgniter still, that's cool too - whatever gets your work done!)
This is why I strongly suggest using CTAGS! I use sublime text 2 with the CTAGS plugin. I just press CTRL+SHIFT+Click on the class method and it will bring up a list of classes that have that method, or if only one exists, take me directly to the file and method. It beats searching the API/docs in terms of speed. There is even a Sublime text 2 plugin for Laravel Facades !

Persistence framework?

I'm trying to decide on the best strategy for accessing the database. I understand that this is a generic question and there's no a single good answer, but I will provide some guidelines on what I'm looking for.
The last few years we have been using our own persistence framework, that although limited has served as well. However it needs some major improvements and I'm wondering if I should go that way or use one of the existing frameworks. The criteria that I'm looking for, in order of importance are:
Client code should work with clean objects, width no database knowledge. When using our custom framework the client code looks like:
SessionManager session = new SessionManager();
Order order = session.CreateEntity();
order.Date = DateTime.Now;
// Set other properties
OrderDetail detail = order.AddOrderDetail();
detail.Product = product;
// Other properties
// Commit all changes now
Should as simple as possible and not "too flexible". We need a single way to do most things.
Should have good support for object-oriented programming. Should handle one-to-many and many-to-many relations, should handle inheritance, support for lazy loading.
Configuration is preferred to be XML based.
With my current knowledge I see these options:
Improve our current framework - Problem is that it needs a good deal of effort.
ADO.NET Entity Framework - Don't have a good understanding, but seems too complicated and has bad reviews.
LINQ to SQL - Does not have good handling of object-oriented practices.
nHibernate - Seems a good option, but some users report too many archaic errors.
SubSonic - From a short introduction, it seems too flexible. I do not want that.
What will you suggest?
Thank you Craig for the elaborate answer. I think it will help more if I give more details about our custom framework. I'm looking for something similar. This is how our custom framework works:
It is based on DataSets, so the first thing you do is configure the
DataSets and write queries you need there.
You create a XML configuration file that specifies how DataSet tables map to objects and also specify associations between them (support for all types of associations).
3.A custom tool parse the XML configuration and generate the necessary code.
4.Generated classes inherit from a common base class.
To be compatible with our framework the database must meet these criteria:
Each table should have a single column as primary key.
All tables must have a primary key of the same data type generated on the
To handle inheritance only single table inheritance is supported. Also the XML file, almost always offers a single way to achieve something.
What we want to support now is:
Remove the dependency from DataSets. SQL code should be generated automatically but the framework should NOT generate the schema. I want to manually control the DB schema.
More robust support for inheritance hierarchies.
Optional integration with LINQ.
I hope it is clearer now what I'm looking for.
Improve our current framework - Problem is that it needs a good deal of effort
In your question, you have not given a reason why you should rewrite functionality which is available from so many other places. I would suggest that reinventing an ORM is not a good use of your time, unless you have unique needs for the ORM which you have not specified in your question.
ADO.NET Entity Framework
We are using the Entity Framework in the real world, production software. Complicated? No more so than most other ORMs as far as I can tell, which is to say, "fairly complicated." However, it is relatively new, and as such there is less community experience and documentation than something like NHibernate. So the lack of documentation may well make it seem more complicated.
The Entity Framework and NHibernate take distinctly different approaches to the problem of bridging the object-relational divide. I've written about that in a good bit more detail in this blog post. You should consider which approach makes the most sense to you.
There has been a great deal of commentary about the Entity Framework, both positive and negative. Some of it is well-founded, and some of the seems to come from people who are pushing other solutions. The well-founded criticisms include
Lack of POCO support. This is not an issue for some applications, it is an issue for others. POCO support will likely be added in a future release, but today, the best the Entity Framework can offer is IPOCO.
A monolithic mapping file. This hasn't been a big issue for us, since our metadata is not in constant flux.
However, some of the criticisms seem to me to miss the forest for the trees. That is, they talk about features other than the essential functionality of object relational mapping, which the Entity Framework has proven to us to do very well.
LINQ to SQL - Does not have good handling of object-oriented practices
I agree. I also don't like the SQL Server focus.
nHibernate - Seems a good option, but some users report too many archaic errors.
Well, the nice thing about NHibernate is that there is a very vibrant community around it, and when you do encounter those esoteric errors (and believe me, the Entity Framework also has its share of esoteric errors; it seems to come with the territory) you can often find solutions very easily. That said, I don't have a lot of personal experience with NHibernate beyond the evaluation we did which led to us choosing the Entity Framework, so I'm going to let other people with more direct experience comment on this.
SubSonic - From a short introduction, it seems too flexible. I do not want that.
SubSonic is, of course, much more than just an ORM, and SubSonic users have the option of choosing a different ORM implementation instead of using SubSonic's ActiveRecord. As a web application framework, I would consider it. However, its ORM feature is not its raison d'ĂȘtre, and I think it's reasonable to suspect that the ORM portion of SubSonic will get less attention than the dedicated ORM frameworks do.
LLBLGen make very good ORM tool which will do almost all of what you need.
iBATIS is my favourite because you get a better grain of control over the SQL
Developer Express Persistence Objects or XPO as it is most known. I use it for 3 years. It provides everything you need, except that it is commercial and you tie yourself with another (single company) for your development. Other than that, Developer Express is one of the best component and framework providers for the .NET platform.
An example of XPO code would be:
using (UnitOfWork uow = new UnitOfWork())
Order order = new Order(uow);
order.Date = DateTime.Now();
I suggest taking a look at the ActiveRecord from Castle
I don't have production experience with it, I've just played around with their sample app. It seems really easy to work with, but I don't know it well enough to know if it fits all your requirements
