Interface Builder cuts off text input for long strings when using attributed text - xcode

Is this a bug or by design? The text input is cut off when text is getting long. Using Xcode 8. How can I avoid this? It stops me from inputting the text I want.
I realized that you can make the thing stop cutting off text by simply making the Xcode window and/or panel wider. I still think though that this kind of control usually should allow for scrolling within itself... I seem to remember that it did at times, but I just can't get it working now.


Sublime Text autocomplete suggestions looks corrupt, how to fix?

Not sure what is happening to my installation of Sublime Text, when ever autocomplete drop down appears it is populated with a bunch of corrupted looking suggestions, this just started recently. I have Googled around and have not yet seen another person with the same issue. I've already tried uninstalling, throwing out User/me/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3 folder, and re-installing, but still the corrupted text shows up in my autocomplete. I am working on a Macbook Air, I also use a Macbook Pro at work with the same setup and have never seen this happen before?
As established in the comments, you have base64-encoded strings (likely an inline image) elsewhere in your file. Sublime's default autocomplete populates its choices menu with elements from your file, and uses fuzzy matching to bring up selections. Since base64 can contain all letters and numbers, chances are that any sequence you're typing may match, and that string will be brought to the top of the autocomplete dropdown.
There are a couple of ways around this. First, if the base64 content is actually scoped as a string (i.e., it's surrounded by single or double quotes), you can add the following line to your settings (Preferences -> Settings-User):
"auto_complete_selector": "source - comment - string, meta.tag - punctuation.definition.tag.begin"
This should hopefully solve your problem for the time being, with the downside that you lose any other string-encoded information that you may wish to be in autocomplete.
You can also try using an autocomplete engine like SublimeCodeIntel (works for multiple languages, including JS) or TernJS. These can have the option of turning off Sublime's internal autocomplete mechanism, and just filling in the choices with their generated content.

Is there a way to prevent TaskDialog from wrapping pszContent?

Often times when our app uses TaskDialog to display a simple dialog box, Windows will wrap the last word of pszContent to a second line. In those scenarios, we'd much prefer the dialog box be widened just a bit and keep pszContent on a single line.
Anyone know if this is possible without adding additional buttons to the dialog box? (That's the only workaround I've found after searching online. And not an acceptable workaround for me.)

In Xcode4, can you change the characters used to display invisibles?

I much prefer Visual Studio's way of displaying invisibles... a simple dot for spaces, and an arrow for tabs. When you change the color to be a light-light-gray, they provide excellent help when viewing code alignment and such but they're barely noticeable so you can leave them turned on all the time without really getting in the way.
Xcode4 however (and maybe other versions as well) instead display some truncated-'U' shape for a space and don't appear to show anything for a tab, Worse, as I mentioned in another post, Xcode doesn't respect its own setting for invisibles color.
Still, this question is about changing the default character used. I don't care if it's a hack of a plist file or even digging around in the contents of Xcode's app bundle (knowing any updates would revert it if it was) but as they are now, they're just too unusable because of how much they obstruct whitespace and thus skimming of code. (VS really nailed that.)
The only way (I could figure out) to do it is to find the symbol that it uses (note they change along with font) open the font in a font editor and copy paste the glyph you want to the one in spot occupied by the character you want to change. There are a few free editors and some really expensive ones I was able to use ttfedit to find and change the character XCode used for spaces on one of the more silly fonts I have to make sure it worked before I answered. Saved font to desktop, double clicked and installed it, osx complains that it is duplicate font, say resolve differences and pick your new file and say resolve to turn off the old font. Next time you open xcode you should see your new symbol for space.
Probably another way to do this, but may be the only way without getting deep into XCode source to find where it makes decision for symbol to use (note many use white diamond but helvetica for instance uses a kinda floor bracket thing, you may see the pattern but I didn't).

Configuring TextMate to add empty scroll-space at bottom of document view?

I've been using BBEdit for years, but I've just started using TextMate because I find it has better support for Ruby on Rails than BBEdit (please don't start a flame-war over this!).
One thing I really miss is that BBEdit can add 1/2 or 1/1 page of empty space below the document (without adding lines to the actual document). This means that I will never have to write code at the very bottom of the window/screen, but I can always scroll the page to get the current line at a comfortable hight on the screen, even if it is the last line in the document.
Now, this might seem minor, but after using TextMate for a few days, missing this feature is really starting to bug me.
On the off chance that there is a setting I missed, or that there is a plugin or something out there, I thought I'd throw the question out here. If you know of any way to replicate this behaviour in TextMate, please share!
There is now an option in TextMate 2 to scroll past the end of the document.
This might be rather a late answer but i am posting b/c this question is high in google. Looking for the same issue i found:
PageFeed is a TextMate plugin that allows one to scroll past the last line of a document.
Its not perfect but for most cases its all you need:
I don't think I've ever witnessed a flame war involving BBEdit.
No, TextMate doesn't allow that.
You could create a macro/snippet to add a bunch of \n at the bottom of the file.
Vim, Emacs and Sublime Text all allow this and have better RoR support than BBEdit.
Lacking a scrolling margin, especially at the bottom, when searching in text, is the most frustraing thing in Notepad, Word, Excel, etc. and is enough by itself to make me hate the products on almost a daily basis. EDT, TPU, etc, were great text editors which had this feature (maybe they introduced it) and, now that I've found Emacs emulates them, I use it all the time, and text editing life is good again. I can't understand how most of the world accepts the crazy situation of using a text editor that is worse than those in vogue 20 years ago.
For those who aren't clear about the concept or benefits of a scrolling bottom margin, it is not just about adding empty space below the document, but it also lets you see the context of text found in a search. Without a scrolling margin, the cursor is almost invariably positioned at the bottom line of the screen on the item found, and then to see what comes next you have to manually scroll further down. With a scrolling margin, the cursor and found text are repositioned above the bottom of the screen by the margin amount, letting you see the found text and all the text surrounding it. With repeated searches of the same text, this is a huge timesaver.

How to change out-of-focus text selection color in Xcode?

Okay, I'll bite.
I've got really pleasant code/window colors set up in Xcode. Ordinarily, my selection color is very visible.
When I am doing a project search and iterating through the results, however, the results list stays in focus and the found text remains out of focus, using a different background color. This color is extremely hard to detect, especially when the text is embedded in a larger code block and the view is shifting around as it scrolls to the results.
Here's an example:
Left side is in focus (just normal selection), right side is out of focus (during project find)
Often it takes a few seconds to find where the heck the selected text is.
Unless I'm just missing it, Xcode seems to offer no way to change this particular selection color. Interestingly, it also doesn't seem to follow the selection color from the Appearance panel.
Does anyone know a way to change this color or force it to be more visible, short of changing my entire color scheme around?
Use this Xcode plugin:
Instructions for using it are here:
You can manually edit the theme file, which might allow a different selection color. If I recall (not on my dev machine), personal themes are in ~/Library/Application Support/Xcode/(should be intuitive from here/can't remember)
You can edit them in Property List Editor, if I remember right. The Xcode preferences don't expose all of the options available in the theme file.
