Sublime Text autocomplete suggestions looks corrupt, how to fix? - macos

Not sure what is happening to my installation of Sublime Text, when ever autocomplete drop down appears it is populated with a bunch of corrupted looking suggestions, this just started recently. I have Googled around and have not yet seen another person with the same issue. I've already tried uninstalling, throwing out User/me/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3 folder, and re-installing, but still the corrupted text shows up in my autocomplete. I am working on a Macbook Air, I also use a Macbook Pro at work with the same setup and have never seen this happen before?

As established in the comments, you have base64-encoded strings (likely an inline image) elsewhere in your file. Sublime's default autocomplete populates its choices menu with elements from your file, and uses fuzzy matching to bring up selections. Since base64 can contain all letters and numbers, chances are that any sequence you're typing may match, and that string will be brought to the top of the autocomplete dropdown.
There are a couple of ways around this. First, if the base64 content is actually scoped as a string (i.e., it's surrounded by single or double quotes), you can add the following line to your settings (Preferences -> Settings-User):
"auto_complete_selector": "source - comment - string, meta.tag - punctuation.definition.tag.begin"
This should hopefully solve your problem for the time being, with the downside that you lose any other string-encoded information that you may wish to be in autocomplete.
You can also try using an autocomplete engine like SublimeCodeIntel (works for multiple languages, including JS) or TernJS. These can have the option of turning off Sublime's internal autocomplete mechanism, and just filling in the choices with their generated content.


Applescript: Detect double instances

Here's how a text document in Apple Pages might be structured:
CHARACTER #1: Dialogue
CHARACTER #2: Dialogue
CHARACTER #1: Dialogue
Action description.
CHARACTER #1: Dialogue
My question:
Using Applescript, is there a way to detect that the last two dialogue entries stem from the same character, even though there is an action description in between?
CHARACTER names are defined by a paragraph style and always appear in ALL CAPS.
Many thanks for your time!
Disappointingly, the more recent versions of Pages (like 5.5.2, which I have right now) are very limited in AppleScript support. One should be able to access specific properties of paragraphs, including paragraph style (this seemed to be possible in past versions, 5-6 yrs ago), but this is not possible. You'd be better off exporting as an rtf (for example) and using a more complete script-able app -- but guess what? Pages doesn't even support exporting to RTF.
A quick bit of advice: If you do end up exporting as Word document, use the older "doc" version instead of the "docx" (under 'Advanced' setting in export), or at least test between them. docx can kill screenplay-formatted documents (which you seem to be working with).
I'd also suggest that you be more specific with your question, like what the style consists of, and any code you've actually tried (which is considered basic form here on StackOverflow).

How to change multiple entries in config files

I notice in VS2013 that if I highlight text with a view to making a change, the same text is highlighted elsewhere in the file. However, I can't seem to find the option to reflect the change in multiple places when I start typing.
Is this feature just for information only or can I actually do multiple replacements by typing the change once?
This is not supported out of the box.
But there is a nice plugin you can use to enable this, called MultiEditing.
H/T to Scott Hanselman :)
Also note that even in standard VS2013, you can edit multiple lines by "box-highlighting".
This is where you create a "box-selection" either by holding down Alt and dragging a box around the text, or by Alt+Shift+ArrowKeys. Then start typing and the same text will appear on multiple lines.
e.g. with the following text:
Some text to demonstrate
Some info to demonstrate
Some more to demonstrate
...if you Alt+drag a box-selection around all 3 occurrences of the word to, and then type which, it will look like this:
Some text which demonstrate
Some info which demonstrate
Some more which demonstrate
This also works with copy/paste - the pasted text gets applied to all lines within the box-selection.
It's pretty hard for me to describe here, so try it yourself!

Sublime Text 2—Quickly find something on a page

I've been trying out Sublime for the past few days. Long-time TextMate user.
The one thing I struggle with most is finding stuff in a document. I can use CMD+r to find a selector, but what if I'm looking for something else, a comment maybe, or something else?
If I use CMD+f, Sublime will put a box around all of the instances of my search term, which isn't what I want either. Worst, it keeps a box around all of the instances:
I need to "disengage" the find before I can move on.
Is there a TextMate "QuickFind" (Ctrl+s) equivalent in Sublime Text?
I find searching/navigating through a document in Sublime to be really, really frustrating.
After looking for a very long time, I've found it. The Sublime equivalent to Textmate's quick search/find is Find > Incremental Find, or cmd+i.
Now, I'm officially a Sublime convert.
Worst, it keeps a box around all of the instances (see screenshot: I need to "disengage" the find before I can move on.
To disengage find in sublime text 2 just press Esc key.
On top of using Find as per usual, if a find is for a small amount of characters that would appear 50 times on a page, use the EasyMotion plugin which does that old Vim deal:
You hit the EasyMotion key, hit the character you want to match, then Sublime replaces all visible instances of that character with a letter, number, etc - you then hit that replacement character on your keyboard and the cursor moves to that particular instance of the character you wanted. It's a bit confusing to explain but basically, it lets you teleport to absolutely arbitrary points on any page in 3 key presses.

In Xcode4, can you change the characters used to display invisibles?

I much prefer Visual Studio's way of displaying invisibles... a simple dot for spaces, and an arrow for tabs. When you change the color to be a light-light-gray, they provide excellent help when viewing code alignment and such but they're barely noticeable so you can leave them turned on all the time without really getting in the way.
Xcode4 however (and maybe other versions as well) instead display some truncated-'U' shape for a space and don't appear to show anything for a tab, Worse, as I mentioned in another post, Xcode doesn't respect its own setting for invisibles color.
Still, this question is about changing the default character used. I don't care if it's a hack of a plist file or even digging around in the contents of Xcode's app bundle (knowing any updates would revert it if it was) but as they are now, they're just too unusable because of how much they obstruct whitespace and thus skimming of code. (VS really nailed that.)
The only way (I could figure out) to do it is to find the symbol that it uses (note they change along with font) open the font in a font editor and copy paste the glyph you want to the one in spot occupied by the character you want to change. There are a few free editors and some really expensive ones I was able to use ttfedit to find and change the character XCode used for spaces on one of the more silly fonts I have to make sure it worked before I answered. Saved font to desktop, double clicked and installed it, osx complains that it is duplicate font, say resolve differences and pick your new file and say resolve to turn off the old font. Next time you open xcode you should see your new symbol for space.
Probably another way to do this, but may be the only way without getting deep into XCode source to find where it makes decision for symbol to use (note many use white diamond but helvetica for instance uses a kinda floor bracket thing, you may see the pattern but I didn't).

Windows text editor that shows/hides lines based on RegEx or Grep syntax?

One of my application components produces some extremely hairy log files. They require a lot of poking and prodding before they produce useful information. I'm on the hunt for a text editor for windows that will let me enter text in either RegEx or Grep-style syntax, and automatically show/hide the relevant lines.
Does anyone know of a text editor that has this feature?
IVR Avenger
I know it's answered already, but is the perfect answer for this. Couldn't live w/o it.
I would recommend Notepad++ as far as a good all-around Windows text editor is concerned - it is very extensible and includes just about every power feature you need to wade through data logs. If your log files are in a well-defined format, you can even use the built-in language editor to define a custom visual scheme for your logs - easier on the eyes.
GVim with for example, :g command. There are also plugins that allow entering search criteria, and they show relevant lines, and fold everything else.
Emacs, of course (occur), but I think pretty much every editor will do this.
Another option is SlickEdit using it's "Selective Display..." option
Although it wont show/hide based on a regex, Textpad will allow you to search and produce a hyperlinked result file with the lines that will allow you to click into the actual log. Consider the benefit: You can keep the filtered results up on your left monitor, and you can click into the full files and show them on your right monitor to see the context.
SPFLite is free and does just what you want. At least the IBM SPF and ISFP (used on IBM mainframes as part of the MVS operating system) that it emulates is just what you want.
From what I have tried, SPFLite will probably do the job. It can X (exclude) all lines from view, or eXclude lines with a given character or phrase (optionally starting in a certain column) from view. Or after eXcluding all lines, you can display, by Finding, characters or strings (optionally starting in a certain column). I think it also has a macro capability. The original does, and I think this Lite does as well. How robust I do not know. The original could create interactive screens and programs using the MVS TSO Command Language.
I found SPFLite at
I found that this interface is not so easy to use, but one gets used to about anything if necessary.
