travis gitflow java maven workflow - maven

I all,
working on a java project hosted on github.
I would like to push the code directly to sonatype on development and master branch.
currently only the develop branch works because I skipped the gpg signing
I use the setting.xml in .travis folder with my credentials
<settings xmlns=""
<!-- Maven Central Deployment -->
my travis.yml looks like this:
language: java
- oraclejdk8
- mvn --settings .travis/settings.xml clean verify
provider: script
- mvn --settings .travis/settings.xml deploy -D gpg.skip -P release
branch: develop
provider: script
- mvn --settings .travis/settings.xml org.codehaus.mojo:versions-maven-plugin:2.3:set -D newVersion=$TRAVIS_TAG -P release
- .travis/
- mvn clean deploy --settings .travis/settings.xml -D skipTests=true --batch-mode --update-snapshots -P release
tags: true
my release profile include the deploy plugins needed.
I am getting an error when I push a tag/release (like 0.0.2). I expect this to deploy a release using the tag.
The develop branch works fine and the snapshot is deployed to sonatype repo correctly.
thanks in advance
here is the travis log error.
The command "mvn --settings .travis/settings.xml clean verify" exited with 0.
Skipping a deployment with the script provider because this branch is not permitted
Fetching: dpl-1.8.31.gem (100%)Fetching: dpl-1.8.31.gem (100%)
Successfully installed dpl-1.8.31
1 gem installed
Installing deploy dependencies
!!! Script support is experimental !!!
Preparing deploy
Cleaning up git repository with `git stash --all`. If you need build artifacts for deployment, set `deploy.skip_cleanup: true`. See
No local changes to save
Deploying application
No stash found.
/home/travis/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551/gems/dpl-1.8.31/lib/dpl/cli.rb:54:in `system': wrong first argument (ArgumentError)
from /home/travis/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551/gems/dpl-1.8.31/lib/dpl/cli.rb:54:in `shell'
from /home/travis/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551/gems/dpl-1.8.31/lib/dpl/provider/script.rb:18:in `push_app'
from /home/travis/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551/gems/dpl-1.8.31/lib/dpl/provider.rb:146:in `block in deploy'
from /home/travis/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551/gems/dpl-1.8.31/lib/dpl/cli.rb:41:in `fold'
from /home/travis/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551/gems/dpl-1.8.31/lib/dpl/provider.rb:146:in `deploy'
from /home/travis/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551/gems/dpl-1.8.31/lib/dpl/cli.rb:32:in `run'
from /home/travis/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551/gems/dpl-1.8.31/lib/dpl/cli.rb:7:in `run'
from /home/travis/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551/gems/dpl-1.8.31/bin/dpl:5:in `<top (required)>'
from /home/travis/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551/bin/dpl:23:in `load'
from /home/travis/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551/bin/dpl:23:in `<main>'
failed to deploy

after much trial and error I realised it is just too much work to try and sign release on travis, there is no good support and that is a shame.
My alternative solution is to use bintray ->
it provides a release repo with automate gpg signing of the jars. It also sync with sonatype so I believe this is a complete solution using maven.
in the pom I automated the versioning with the plugin ->
notice I do not commit from travis!
I kept the snapshot going directly into sonatype for simplicity ->
you can see my workflow here ->
using gitflow, normal commit to develop branch will automatically push a snapshot to sonatype. Using a release (after tagging) will trigger a build and reversioning using the maven version plugin wich will remove the SNAPSHOT from the pom(s) and deploy to bintray.


GitHub packages: Single Maven repository for GitHub organization

I would like to use GitHub packages to store Maven artifacts for several repositories in a GitHub organization. Currently, it appears that for each project, a separate (Maven) repository configuration entry is required to point to that (GitHub) repository's Maven repository:
<name>GitHub OWNER Apache Maven Packages</name>
The corresponding configuration for the Maven project that would be published is:
<name>GitHub OWNER Apache Maven Packages</name>
Is there a way to configure the packages to all go to a single REPOSITORY? Setting the REPOSITORY to either a different existing or non-existing (GitHub) repository in the organization fails the build, as does removing the /REPOSITORY entirely
Personal Access Token
secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN is defined by default but it is only sufficient to deploy to the current repository.
To make it work across repositories you'll need to define a new Personal Access Token in:
Settings > Developer Settings > Personal Access Tokens.
Select write:packages for the scope and all the repo scopes should be automatically selected for you.
Repository / Organisation secrets
Next, define a secret in your organisation or each of the repositories you need to publish packages from.
Give it a name (i.e. DEPLOY_GITHUB_TOKEN) and set its value to the Personal Access Token created in the previous step.
Repository secrets are defined in repository Settings > Secrets. There's a similar section for the organisation.
GitHub Action
Finally, make sure you pass your Personal Access Token to the deployment step as an environment variable called GITHUB_TOKEN.
In the example below, it's set to the value of the DEPLOY_GITHUB_TOKEN secret defined in the previous step.
name: Build
types: [created]
name: Build & Deploy
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout#v2
- name: Set up JDK 1.8
uses: actions/setup-java#v1
java-version: 1.8
- name: Build with Maven
run: mvn --batch-mode --update-snapshots install
- name: Deploy to GitHub
run: mvn --batch-mode -DskipTests -DuseGitHubPackages=true deploy
Since I used a dedicated Maven profile for the GitHub package repository distribution management, I also activated it with -DuseGitHubPackages=true.
Maven profile
In the profile example below, I configured distribution management to use the external/shared repository vlingo/vlingo-platform just like suggested in #Danny Varod's answer.
<!-- pom.xml -->
<!-- ... -->
<name>GitHub Packages</name>
Cross posted from:
A working example can be found in vlingo repositories:
For people who are just looking to avoid specifying the <repository> tag multiple times:
Apparently, GitHub DOES NOT care about what repository you set when pulling packages from the Registry. When pulling, the package index is based on the organization level, not the repository level.
You can just do this if you want to pull packages from multiple repositories that are within the same organization:
<name>GitHub OWNER Apache Maven Packages</name>
NOTE: You still need the Personal Token to pull the packages across repositories. You just don't have to specify the <repository> tag multiple times.
I solved this a while back by creating an empty repository named maven-packages or something like that and publishing all the Maven packages from all the organization's repositories to this one repository.
This enabled configuring a single Maven repository (in addition to Maven-central) locally, on build machine and in deployment environment for pulling Maven-library dependencies.
I don't have this code (was at a previous workplace and now I use Python), however, I recall using the mvn deploy command line for this as documented here:
mvn deploy:deploy-file -DpomFile=<path-to-pom> \
-Dfile=<path-to-file> \
-DrepositoryId=<id-to-map-on-server-section-of-settings.xml> \
and I modified the pom.xml during the build to insert the correct deploy repository's details, so the publishing could only be done via the build (and to add pre-release details to the pre-releases' version number). This also enabled adding an additional repository for external stable releases (to be published to Maven-central).
See configuration here.

deploy to Github Package Registry from Github Action

I would like to deploy to a GitHub Package Registry from a GitHub Action of a public repo.
I have a yml file for a workflow:
name: My CI
on: [push]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout#v1
- name: Install dependencies
run: lein deps
- name: Run tests
run: lein test
- name: Generate pom
run: lein pom
- name: Deploy
run: mvn deploy
I use Leiningen to build the project and generate a POM file. Then I would like to use Maven to deploy the artifact to the GitHub Package Registry.
This fails on the Deploy command (I have replaced personal information with ...):
[WARNING] Could not transfer metadata ... from/to github ( Not authorized
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 19.343 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2019-08-29T13:08:42Z
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.7:deploy (default-deploy) on project ...: Failed to retrieve remote metadata .../maven-metadata.xml: Could not transfer metadata ... from/to github ( Not authorized -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
##[error]Process completed with exit code 1.
I see that authentication failed. I have also tried with this step with the same results:
run: mvn deploy -Dserver.username=... -Dserver.password=${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} -DskipTests
I do not want to supply username/password or token as this is a public repository. Is there a way to publish anyway?
To make it work, you need to do two things:
Add the following to your pom.xml:
<name>GitHub OWNER Apache Maven Packages</name>
Setup a Maven settings file with the username/password from within your build action.
In my case I did something like this:
name: Java CI
on: [push]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout#v1
- name: Set up JDK 1.8
uses: actions/setup-java#v1
java-version: 1.8
- name: Deploy to Github Package Registry
run: |
mkdir ~/.m2
echo "<settings><servers><server><id>github</id><username>OWNER</username><password>${GITHUB_TOKEN}</password></server></servers></settings>" > ~/.m2/settings.xml
mvn deploy
Unfortunately, I don't think you can pass the username/password as arguments to Maven and so you need to set up the settings file instead.
source: Is it possible to pass a password in Maven Deploy in the command line?
Lastly, I confirm that this only works for non-SNAPSHOT artifacts. When I try deploying a SNAPSHOT version it fails with a 400 error as described.
TL;DR: Just commit the following to .github/workflows/mavenpublish.yml and create a release via the GitHub web page to trigger the process:
name: Maven Package
types: [created]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout#v2
- name: Set up JDK 1.8
uses: actions/setup-java#v1
java-version: 1.8
- name: Deploy to Github Package Registry
run: |
mkdir -p ~/.m2
echo "<settings><servers><server><id>gh</id><username>$(echo "$GITHUB_REPOSITORY" | awk -F / '{print $1}')</username><password>\${env.GITHUB_TOKEN}</password></server></servers></settings>" > ~/.m2/settings.xml
mvn deploy -DaltReleaseDeploymentRepository="${REPO}" -DaltSnapshotDeploymentRepository="${REPO}"
Some more info:
I have built the same thing before for Jenkins and can tell you that you don't need to create a settings.xml nor adapt your pom.xml in your repo.
You can even avoid writing your GitHub Token into the settings.xml (which is more secure).
Also, you don't need to manually add your repo and username, these can be read from the environment.
If you want it to build on push, just change the lines behind on: to [push].
Here`s a real-life example.
There is an easier way in 2020.
First, add distribution configuration to your pom.xml:
<name>GitHub OWNER Apache Maven Packages</name>
The id must be github.
Second, use actions/setup-java#v1 in action
- uses: actions/checkout#v2
- uses: actions/setup-java#v1
java-version: 1.8
- name: Publish to GitHub Packages
GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}
run: mvn deploy
I had a similar issue for my project.
Every time I ran mvn deploy, it failed with:
Could not transfer metadata ... from/to github ( 400
However, on a whim, I changed the version number of my project from 0.0.3-SNAPSHOT to 0.0.4 and after that, it worked.
Maybe it will work for you too.
Well, According to:
maven command line how to point to a specific settings.xml for a single command?
GitHub package registry as Maven repo - trouble uploading artifact
I think you could simply do like this:
Add below to your workflow
- name: Deploy to Github Package Registry
GITHUB_USERNAME: x-access-token
mvn --settings settings.xml deploy
And then add settings.xml to your project
<settings xmlns=""
xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<name>GitHub OWNER Apache Maven Packages</name>
<url> </url>
It works for me, I hope this will help.

Building JavaFx application using Bitbucket pipelines

I am trying to build JavaFx project using bitbucket pipelines. For that I am using maven:3-jdk-8 docker image. This Docker image uses OpenJDK 8 instead of Oracle's one (due to the lincensing issue) which does not include the JavaFx part. Note that I have to use Java 8 to build my project!
Problem that I am getting is that I am not able to build the application using that docker image alone.
As proposed in an answer to the same question (
I tried using this bitbucket-pipelines.yml to try to overcome the situation:
image: maven:3-jdk-8
- step:
script: # Modify the commands below to build your repository.
- apt-get update
- apt-get install -y openjfx
- mvn clean install # -B batch mode makes Maven less verbose
In step 2 it seems that openjfx is installed properly.
But in step 3 I am getting following error:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.8.0:compile (default-compile) on project ***********: Compilation failure: Compilation failure:
[ERROR] /opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/src/main/java/********/******/****/[7,26] package javafx.application does not exist
It seams that it is still complaining on the JavaFx libraries missing, but I am not aware of why.
On my developer machine (Windows 7, jdk1.8.0_221) I can execute maven build without an issue.
What was missing in previous approach is that the javafx library was not on the classpath. Basically in order to make maven build work I had to add the jfxrt.jar to the classpath.
I found that in the maven:3-jdk-8 image after installing javafx the library can be found in:
Adding this file to a classpath during build run will do the trick.
One idea (that worked for me) is to include this library in application pom/dependecy part as a system scope.
In my case I made a maven profile for that:
In order to run this maven build you have to issue proper maven command to add this profile. E.g.
mvn clean install -P docker_build -Djavafx-location=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/lib/ext/jfxrt.jar
To simplify this I made a Docker image using following Dockerfile:
FROM maven:3-jdk-8
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends openjfx
COPY settings.xml /root/.m2/
which uses following maven settings.xml file:
<settings xmlns=""
I also published it to the Docker hub if somebody may find it useful:

Questions about pom.xml in Jenkins to run sonarQube through maven project

I'm trying to run sonarQube through Jenkins but I have some difficulties right now. When I build a new job, I use Maven Project and inside the configuration I have to give à pom.xml path but what does it correspond to ?
Thank you in advance
You should find in any jenkins job a post action for sonarqube analyse.
The pom.xml you mention is the pom.xml for your maven project, because sometimes you can put your parent pom.xml in a subdirectory and this is the way for helping jenkins to find it.
Instead of adding Sonar Task to each project why not just configure Sonar at Global Level configuring the settings.xml for your maven configuration, just go to $HOME/someUser/.m2/settings.xml (if you don't have it created yet) with this content:
<!-- Optional URL to server. Default value is http://localhost:9000 -->
After you you have done that you will be able to run sonar in all the projects this way:
mvn clean verify sonar:sonar
# In some situation you may want to run sonar:sonar goal as a dedicated step. Be sure to use install as first step for multi-module projects
mvn clean install
mvn sonar:sonar
# Specify the version of sonar-maven-plugin instead of using the latest. See also 'How to Fix Version of Maven Plugin' below.
mvn org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin:3.2:sonar
You may find more information in sonar official documentation:

Multiple errors staging a release in Maven?

While trying to push a release to Maven, I am getting several errors including:
Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Unable to commit files
Provider message:
The git-commit command failed.
Command output:
So this is really just a brain dump of the process I had to go through to push a release for an open source project hosted on git into the Sonatype maven repo. Almost everything here has been covered in separate StackOverflow questions, but for those (like me) doing this for the first time, an overview is useful.
The whole process is actually just two commands:
mvn release:prepare
mvn release:perform
However, it's the fiddly details that caught me out. So this is the process I needed to follow:
Check in all changes to your project. Maven will complain if there any any unpushed local changes.
Make sure you have a SSH public key in git. This will fix or prevent the Permission denied (publickey). error.
Make sure you project's version is a SNAPSHOT and delete the file if it exists. This will fix or prevent the The git-commit command failed. error.
Run the Maven commands listed above.
I added the GPG key details to ~/.m2/settings.xm. The complete file is listed below.
At this point you will have unsigned artefacts waiting in the staging area. I was uploading a parent POM file only, so I needed to sign then with the command mvn -Pgpg gpg:sign-and-deploy-file -Durl= -DrepositoryId=sonatype-nexus-staging -DpomFile=pom.xml -Dfile=pom.xml
Now release it with the instructions at
This is the ~/.m2/settings.xml file.
