What is the command to log out of Google App Engine SDK? - maven

I completed version 1 of my Google App Engine site but when deploying it I used a different set of credentials from the ones I registered the Google App Engine app ID under. Accordingly the GAE SDK can't upload my app when I give the command:
mvn appengine:update
...because it remembers the wrong credentials and never asks me for the correct ones. How do I log out of the old credentials and log in with the new ones?

If you're on Windows : Go in your "C:/Users/whicheverUserIsYou". You should find a file called ".appcfg_oauth2_tokens_java".
If you're on Linux : the file is in fact "~/.appcfg_oauth2_tokens_java"
This is the file containing your credentials. Delete/Rename it, maven will ask for your credentials again.

if u mean google cloud sdk then the command is (gcloud auth revoke [your id])


Webflow for GCP login

Is there a Go implementation of GCP Webflow similar to what gcloud SDK does (https://github.com/twistedpair/google-cloud-sdk/blob/master/google-cloud-sdk/lib/googlecloudsdk/core/credentials/flow.py)?
this repo relies on printing a url in console and letting user to copy/paste Auth Code instead of automatically launching browser and running a local server like gcloud SDK does, but it's README is worth a read as it also shows you current limitations when using Oauth/openid connect flow to authenticate to Cloud Run.
If python is okay for you, there's an official python lib that supports launching browser and running a local server, like what gcloud sdk does.

Mount my Storage account file service in a Web App

I need to mount my Storage account file service in a Web App. I tried to do that via scm cmd. But Access is denied. How Can I do this?
Not yet, but apparently this is being worked on and is in the top 6 list of requested features on the Azure Feedback channel.
See here for the current status

Firebase 3 database debug output when connecting from node.js SDKerv

Recently upgrading to run the firebase 3 sdk both in the client, in e2e tests and on the server.
Previously when using the firebase 2.x sdk you could connect to firebase in the same was as a client using signInWithCustomToken. This meant I could generate a token with the {debug: true} flag and use this for my mocha tests. Meaning I would get verbose output from firebase in the invent of security rejection.
Firebase 3 does not allow you to use client types of auth when running the sdk from node (i.e mocha). You must use service accounts. I have created the service account and have serviceaccount.json. I can connect and spoof the UID by using databaseAuthVariableOverride and everything is running AOK but I cannot figure out how to get firebase to send verbose database output so I can debug new firebase rules from my tests.
I have tried things like adding "Log Viewer" permission to my service account. I have also tried (in vein) to add debug: true to the serviceaccount.json
Any help appreciated.
Have you tried the following (in Node.js):

Trouble creating admin account in Jenkins for Windows

Hello I just enabled Legacy mode authorization in Jenkins and it seems that it has now locked me out of all the administrative privileges.
I need to create an admin account so that I can continue with Jenkins configuration. I have direct access to the server and have tried running this line from command line:
java -jar jenkins.war --argumentsRealm.passwd.jenkins=swordfish --argumentsRealm.roles.jenkins=admin Jenkins starts but I am unable to access it from the web when starting from command line.
I've also tried starting Jenkins through services.msc, which is how I typically start it, and passing it the parameters --argumentsRealm.passwd.jenkins=swordfish --argumentsRealm.roles.jenkins=admin. Jenkins starts and I am able to access it through the web, but unable to log in with the username.
Any ideas how get admin access back?
I deleted the entries related to security and authentication in the config.xml, restarted, and I am able to access again. I was able to add myself as an admin using matrix based security. Still not sure how to do it with legacy tho.
Recently, I had the same problem. I would try to login to jenkins (hosted on glassfish), and would encounter the same thing. Basically getting a glassfish error that the application was not available. If I cleared all temporary internet files from browser, browse to jenkins home page, I would be presented with the Jenkins login, and when I provided the correct userID and password, WHAMMO! Back to application not available.... This too was using matrix-based administration.
To fix:
Locate the config.xml of the userID that is experiencing problems, under "users" directory.
Deleted the "apiToken" tag under "jenkins.security.ApiTokenProperty" tag.
Bounced glassfish and was able to login again.

Web deployment task build failed

I set up successfully TFS2010 webdeploy task for solution. Everything worked fine until suddendly something went wrong in the deployment task.
Solution has 2 web projects..those are configured to deploy on build and publish it to the dev-server.
Does anybody have a knowledge what is wrong in build (information below)?
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v10.0\Web\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.targets
(3847): Web deployment task failed.
((4.8.2011 11:01:10) An error occurred when the request was processed on the remote computer.)
(4.8.2011 11:01:10) An error occurred when the request was processed on the remote computer. Unable to perform the operation. Please contact your server administrator to check authorization and delegation settings.
I can give more information if someone needs it.
I encountered the same issue when building via TFS. When I tried to manually import the website I got a more informative error: "not able to log on the user \WDeployConfigWriter".
Turns out that when you install web deploy it sets up two local accounts WDeployConfigWriter and WDeployAdmin. The passwords on these accounts are set to expire. So reset the passwords on the web server and set to "never expire". Then go to Management Service Delegation in IIS. Each of the presented rules has a UserName field. Where it is WDeployAdmin or WDeployConfigWriter right click and update the credentials to the new passwords.
A full explanation with screenshots can be found here: http://workinghardinit.wordpress.com/2011/07/18/wdeployconfigwriter-account-issues-trouble-shooting-web-deploy-2-0-with-lessons-learned/
All you have to do is re-run the script "AddDelegationRules.ps1" located in "C:\Program Files\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy V3\Scripts\"
This is the script that is run when web deploy is first installed. It will re-create any missing delegations, re-set the passwords for both WebDeployAdmin and WebDeployConfigWriter, and add WebDeployAdmin back to the Administrators group.
You would still need to set the password on each account not to expire after re-running the script.
We had the same issue-- in our case we are only using MSDeploy (without TFS). Resetting the password for those 2 local accounts (WDeployConfigWriter and WDeployAdmin) solved the problem as their passwords had expired. We attempted to change the password policy to never expire, but only a local Administrator can do that.
run this command lusrmgr.msc
double click on user and
double click the account name, and tick "password never expires".
In my case it was a botched install of Web Deploy.
Uninstalling then re-installing Web Deploy fixed it for me -- Repairing didn't help.
