Mount my Storage account file service in a Web App - azure-blob-storage

I need to mount my Storage account file service in a Web App. I tried to do that via scm cmd. But Access is denied. How Can I do this?

Not yet, but apparently this is being worked on and is in the top 6 list of requested features on the Azure Feedback channel.
See here for the current status


RemoteException: A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name 'IncludeDFSN'

I am trying to use Windows Admin Center's Storage migration Service to transfer data from a share drive server, to a new 2019 server. I have connected my new server to Windows Admin Center and connected to it, downloaded Storage Migration services, and I start the process. When I get to Enter credentials for the devices you want to migrate, I put in my Active directory admin account information, and hit next and get the error: RemoteException: A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name 'IncludeDFSN'. I have downloaded DFS and DFS management on the server.
See the following known issues;
To resolve, update the Storage Migration Service extension to at least version 1.113.0 in Windows Admin Center. The update should automatically appear in the feed and prompt for installation.

Serve file from FSx to IIS

I've got EC2 instance with IIS and mapped FSx file system on AWS. All in one VPC in one subnet.
IIS config works perfectly as long as it's configured with local drive. When I change config to use path from that mapped FSx I've got an error. Even for just a test static page.
All current users have full access to those files. Do I need to set up any special users for IIS on Domain Controller? Any special permissions? I would appreciate any ideas...
First of all, you need to figure out the substatus code of your IIS server and detailed error message. So please enable IIS detailed error message for your website.
I assume this issue happened just because your identity don't have permission to access configuration file.
1.Please Ensure your IIS site->basic settings->connect as..->set your domain account that have permission to accessyour FSX
2.Please set your application pool identity to your domain account that have access to the FSx.
3.Please grant permission for that application pool account.
4.Please set your authentication user to use application pool identity. For example, if you are using anonymous authentication. Then go to->anonymous authentication->edit..->Application pool identity.
If you don't know how to troubleshooting this issue. Prcoss monitor would help.
You only have to create a filter "RESULT=Access denied & Processname="w3wp.exe".
SOLTUION: you can not use the drive letter must be full DNS name for fsx console \DNS_NAME\share
I am having this exact issue. Drive is available on ec2 instance but authorization in IIS fails. Browse directory from IIS workd but can not get authorization to pass test. I have tried admin on EC2 and admin on active directory as users in IIS virtual drive.
It seems that you need to configure the IIS application pool identity to use a domain account that has access to the FSx file system. By default, the application pool identity is a local account that does not have any permissions on the network share.
To change the application pool identity, follow these steps:
Open IIS Manager and select the application pool that hosts your website.
Click on Advanced Settings in the Actions pane.
Under Process Model, click on Identity and then on the ellipsis (...) button.
Select Custom account and enter the domain user name and password that has access to the FSx file system. Click OK to save the changes.
Restart the application pool and the website.
Alternatively, you can use the command line tool appcmd.exe to set the application pool identity. For example, to set the identity to domain\user for the DefaultAppPool, you can run:
appcmd.exe set config /section:applicationPools /[name='DefaultAppPool'].processModel.identityType:SpecificUser /[name='DefaultAppPool'].processModel.userName:domain\user /[name='DefaultAppPool'].processModel.password:password
You can also use PowerShell to set the application pool identity. For example, to set the identity to domain\user for the DefaultAppPool, you can run:
Import-Module WebAdministration
Set-ItemProperty IIS:\AppPools\DefaultAppPool -Name processModel -Value #{identityType="SpecificUser";userName="domain\user";password="password"}
For more information, see this article on how to access FSx file shares from IIS.

Cannot publish to azure directory

I am using Microsoft Graph API to send messages to private users in Microsoft Teams. I registered an App in Azure Active Directory, gave proper permissions and called the API and was able to successfully send the message.
My question is what would be the most efficient way to deliver this integration to different clients? Do we have to register an App in every azure directory of the client individually, or is there a way I can publish the app that I have created with all the API permissions required and the administrators can install the app in their azure directory
You would have to publish your application in your home tenant as a Multi-tenant application.
When a user from the client's tenant access your app, they will be prompted for login and post that either the user or an admin will have to consent to the app and the required permissions. This will create a service principal in the corresponding user's directory where the consent objects are stored. This way you don't have to register application in each directory.
You can follow the steps listed here for more detailed instructions to convert your application into a multi-tenant app.

Make a Windows 10 service log on as an Azure AD user

I've got a VM running Windows 10 somewhere (with internet access). It is hooked up to Azure AD, and I can sign in with my domain credentials. Now I need to run a service as another user in Azure AD (it's actually a service account) since it's got all the correct permissions.
When I try to set it naively, I get an error about which says (approximately) that the domain is not in my list of locations.
Is there any way for me to do this?

What is the command to log out of Google App Engine SDK?

I completed version 1 of my Google App Engine site but when deploying it I used a different set of credentials from the ones I registered the Google App Engine app ID under. Accordingly the GAE SDK can't upload my app when I give the command:
mvn appengine:update
...because it remembers the wrong credentials and never asks me for the correct ones. How do I log out of the old credentials and log in with the new ones?
If you're on Windows : Go in your "C:/Users/whicheverUserIsYou". You should find a file called ".appcfg_oauth2_tokens_java".
If you're on Linux : the file is in fact "~/.appcfg_oauth2_tokens_java"
This is the file containing your credentials. Delete/Rename it, maven will ask for your credentials again.
if u mean google cloud sdk then the command is (gcloud auth revoke [your id])
