Web deployment task build failed - visual-studio-2010

I set up successfully TFS2010 webdeploy task for solution. Everything worked fine until suddendly something went wrong in the deployment task.
Solution has 2 web projects..those are configured to deploy on build and publish it to the dev-server.
Does anybody have a knowledge what is wrong in build (information below)?
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v10.0\Web\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.targets
(3847): Web deployment task failed.
((4.8.2011 11:01:10) An error occurred when the request was processed on the remote computer.)
(4.8.2011 11:01:10) An error occurred when the request was processed on the remote computer. Unable to perform the operation. Please contact your server administrator to check authorization and delegation settings.
I can give more information if someone needs it.

I encountered the same issue when building via TFS. When I tried to manually import the website I got a more informative error: "not able to log on the user \WDeployConfigWriter".
Turns out that when you install web deploy it sets up two local accounts WDeployConfigWriter and WDeployAdmin. The passwords on these accounts are set to expire. So reset the passwords on the web server and set to "never expire". Then go to Management Service Delegation in IIS. Each of the presented rules has a UserName field. Where it is WDeployAdmin or WDeployConfigWriter right click and update the credentials to the new passwords.
A full explanation with screenshots can be found here: http://workinghardinit.wordpress.com/2011/07/18/wdeployconfigwriter-account-issues-trouble-shooting-web-deploy-2-0-with-lessons-learned/

All you have to do is re-run the script "AddDelegationRules.ps1" located in "C:\Program Files\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy V3\Scripts\"
This is the script that is run when web deploy is first installed. It will re-create any missing delegations, re-set the passwords for both WebDeployAdmin and WebDeployConfigWriter, and add WebDeployAdmin back to the Administrators group.
You would still need to set the password on each account not to expire after re-running the script.

We had the same issue-- in our case we are only using MSDeploy (without TFS). Resetting the password for those 2 local accounts (WDeployConfigWriter and WDeployAdmin) solved the problem as their passwords had expired. We attempted to change the password policy to never expire, but only a local Administrator can do that.

run this command lusrmgr.msc
double click on user and
double click the account name, and tick "password never expires".

In my case it was a botched install of Web Deploy.
Uninstalling then re-installing Web Deploy fixed it for me -- Repairing didn't help.


How to give an Azure Devops private Windows Agent access to SupportedAPIs-x64.xml?

When I running my Azure Devops build pipeline for a UWP app locally via a private Windows Agent, it complains that it cannot access C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\App Certification Kit\SupportedAPIs-x86.xml
The agent service is using the default suggested user NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE.
So far I tried, without success:
to run the service with my (admin) credential (I'm using an hotmail account to log on my machine) but it doesn't want to (error 1355)
give `Everyone` `Read & Execute` rights on the folder the service is denied access to
I dont know if you're still having this issue but this is what worked for me. Anyone else that finds this can try this out.
I would recommend trying this out as a sanity check, but my issue was permissions.
If you run services.msc and find Azure Pipelines Agent then click
on the service to highlight it.
Right click, go to properties
Navigate to the Log On tab at the top
Change the username and password to a known domain admin account
Click ok and restart the service.
Now run your pipeline again and see if it can connect and publish your files. If it does then its a user/permissions issue.

Visual Studio webdeploy fail even when connection is validated?

I am trying to deploy my webapp VS2015 RC1 DNX 451. Even when I validate connection and run publish I get error
Severity Code Description Project File
Error More Information: Connected to the remote computer ("crocus.arvixe.com") using the Web Management Service, but could not authorize. Make sure that you are using the correct user name and password, that the site you are connecting to exists, and that the credentials represent a user who has permissions to access the site. Learn more at: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=221672#ERROR_USER_UNAUTHORIZED.
Error Error: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.
Googling the issue and even trying to view host forum just says make sure username and password is correct. I am getting nowhere trying various settings. Any ideas how to debug the issue?
I am using Arvixe.com as host.
You should contact Arvixe.com. They likely have some odd configuration on their servers but I would suspect they can help you resolve the issue.
Arvixe does not support Web Deploy anymore. Once they move you to their new servers Web Deploy won't be available to you. In Visual Studio you can set up a Publish with FTP instead of Web Deploy. If you're used to Web Deploy publishing your database changes, then you'll need to do those yourself with SQL scripts. Entity Frameworks has an option to produce a SQL script for a migration, so you can use that to publish your EF database changes.

Trouble creating admin account in Jenkins for Windows

Hello I just enabled Legacy mode authorization in Jenkins and it seems that it has now locked me out of all the administrative privileges.
I need to create an admin account so that I can continue with Jenkins configuration. I have direct access to the server and have tried running this line from command line:
java -jar jenkins.war --argumentsRealm.passwd.jenkins=swordfish --argumentsRealm.roles.jenkins=admin Jenkins starts but I am unable to access it from the web when starting from command line.
I've also tried starting Jenkins through services.msc, which is how I typically start it, and passing it the parameters --argumentsRealm.passwd.jenkins=swordfish --argumentsRealm.roles.jenkins=admin. Jenkins starts and I am able to access it through the web, but unable to log in with the username.
Any ideas how get admin access back?
I deleted the entries related to security and authentication in the config.xml, restarted, and I am able to access again. I was able to add myself as an admin using matrix based security. Still not sure how to do it with legacy tho.
Recently, I had the same problem. I would try to login to jenkins (hosted on glassfish), and would encounter the same thing. Basically getting a glassfish error that the application was not available. If I cleared all temporary internet files from browser, browse to jenkins home page, I would be presented with the Jenkins login, and when I provided the correct userID and password, WHAMMO! Back to application not available.... This too was using matrix-based administration.
To fix:
Locate the config.xml of the userID that is experiencing problems, under "users" directory.
Deleted the "apiToken" tag under "jenkins.security.ApiTokenProperty" tag.
Bounced glassfish and was able to login again.

Can't connect to Team Foundation Server

I've been happily using Team Foundation Server with Visual Studio 2010 for the last couple of months at my current place of work when it has suddenly stopped working. I get the following errors:
If I browse to the wiki (Sharepoint) on the TFS server it works fine in Firefox but in Internet Explorer it fails with:
No authority could be contacted for authentication.
I'm not aware of any changes to the server or my machine that would cause the errors and other users of TFS are not affected.
The TFS server is on a different domain to my machine, but usually I get prompted to login and using a domain prefixed username works. At the moment, I don't even get a login prompt anymore.
How do I fix this?
I have recently started to experience a similar issue. We also host TFS on a different domain. Twice in the last week TFS has stopped authenticating users, and I have received messages similar to above. I have no idea what is causing this, but on each occasion SQL Server Agent service was stopped. A reboot of the server and a manual restart of SQL Server agent seems to fix the problem temporarily. I'm not sure if this information is helpful, but I would also really appreciate any help in getting to the bottom of this.
We used a workaround to get past this problem. We configured an entry in the Windows Stored User Names and Passwords tool for the domain of the TFS server. It got around the problem of TFS not prompting for credentials by explicitly supplying them via this tool.
When you change your password for that domain account, you must also change the password here otherwise your account can be locked after failing authentication too many times.
I had the same problem, sorted it by upgrading to tfs2012
In my case, I changed the default port 8080 to port 80 and everything worked fine. but the message could also happen due to wrong saved credentials. you can go to the control panel of the windows and search for credentials manager and then remove your TFS credentials.

User configuration for TeamCity and Plastic SCM

I'm currently 'playing' with Plastic and their (brand new) TeamCity integration plugin.
The plugin blurb says "When installing Team City on Windows systems, it normally uses the SYSTEM user account. We recommend changing the user that executes the Team City application."
The thing is, I can't work out what kind of user I should substitute: I would like to be able to access Plastic (on the server) using AD, but wouldn't that mean that TeamCity would also have to run with a network user in order to be able to access Plastic?
An alternative (for me accessing Plastic) would be user/password - but I can't make the TeamCity service run with user/password.
Am I missing something obvious, or is the paint just too wet?
I'm also using PlasticSCM and the Team city plugin, this is my configuration:
For the server: configure your PlasticSCM server with LDAP authentification and select "Active Directory" as the server type.
For the client: configure your PlasticSCM client with LDAP authentification, use your credentials and try the "Test connection" button.
The client setup will generate a "client.conf" file at "C:\Users\your_user\AppData\Local\plastic". This file is used by PlasticSCM client to authenticate with the PlasticSCM server.
So, if your TeamCity service is running with the administrator account you have to place this file in your Administrator "...\AppData\Local\plastic" directory. If you change your TeamCity service to be run with your system account you don't need to do anything, the file is in the right place.
You have another option (if you are still running the TeamCity plugin as Admin), place the "client.conf" file where your "cm.exe" file is. Because the "cm.exe" is going to try to find this file first on its own location and then in the current user "AppData\Local\plastic" directory. This option is only valid if you are the only user working with PlasticSCM in the machine.
Hope it helps!
