VS 2010 C# Express - Intellisense not showing all options - visual-studio-2010

I am having a strange problem with IntelliSense in Visual Studio 2010 C# Express Edition: when it pops up to show me the list of suggestions, the list is missing valid options.
For example, say I want to add a "KeyDown" event handler to a control, I start typing "someControl.K<Ctrl+Space>", but the popup doesn't list the KeyDown event; actually, it does not contain anything starting with a K (not KeyPress or KeyUp either).
This is not so bad, since simply typing "KeyDown" by hand won't kill me, but it is highly irritating, especially when I am dealing with objects whose members I am not familiar with.
After all, one of the uses of IntelliSense is giving you a quick overview of what Methods/Properties/Fields/etc. the object has to offer - but if it leaves out some of them semi-randomly, that point is rather moot.
(By semi-randomly I mean that, while there does not seem to be any discernable pattern for which members are left out, at least it is consistent in that it is apparently always the same ones that are missing.)
Does anyone have any idea what might be causing this phenomenon? A corrupt IntelliSense cache? Is there a way to purge that cache and force a rebuild?

You could try to delete the .sdf and .suo files of your solution (after closing it) and then reopen it.
Also make sure that all Statement Completion options are checked and 'Hide advanced members' is unchecked (see picture).


VS 2012 Intellisense suggests treeChild instead of true

My intellisense almost always goes for "treeChild" when I start typing tr, instead of "true". It's a really small thing, but it's kinda annoying since I will sometimes accidentally press return and it puts treeChild into my bool.
Any ideas why this is or how to get rid of it?
I never even used treeChild. Or looked at it.
In VS 2012, IntelliSense can pre-select the members that you have recently selected in the pop-up List Members box for automatic object name completion, during your current session in the IDE. You can check this: IntelliSense for Most Recently Used Members
To turn off this default behavior, go to Tools-Options-Text Editor-C#-IntelliSense and uncheck the option “Pre-select most recently used member” as below, then click ‘OK’ to save this modification.

Visual Studio 2013 Hide Notification Button

I have a question about Visual Studio 2013.
I just installed it and it seems pretty good because of the new features.
But there is something I do not like:
Is it possible somehow removing these 3 x buttons ? Or just one of them?
Yes you can hide them.
Close Visual Studio.
Open regedit and find MainWindowFrameControls.
For example I want to remove:
1) Sign In
2) Notifications
So I need to delete:
You can also delete them and it will work (you can remove feedback also by this way).
Although sometime VS recreates that keys. But solution is very easy - instead of deleting make right click and go to Permissions, add Everyone - Deny - Read. So now nobody will be able to read that keys including VS.
You can remove it to go to original state by the same way.
At the moment the social features don't seem to have any corresponding options you can use to disable them.
There is a method that relies on using Visual Commander extension to repeatedly hide some of the buttons (as Visual Studio
often recreates them), which seems like the closest you'll get for the moment.
http://visualstudioextensions.vlasovstudio.com/2013/10/19/hide-sign-in-and-feedback-buttons-in-the-visual-studio-2013-main-window/ - You can view the code in the "Extensions" section.
Unless you're desparate to get rid of them, you're probably better of trying to ignore them, hopefully an option to hide them will become available.
You can use the Disable Social Features extension, which will programmatically hide both the 'smiley' buttons as well as your own name/photo from the front of Visual Studio.

Why do Visual Studio 2005+ bookmark keyboard Shortcuts go to bookmarks in other documents?

Prior to Visual Studio 2005, the bookmark feature worked perfectly. Then starting with VS 2005, I noticed that requesting the "next" or "previous" bookmark stopped working correctly. Sure it will take you to a different bookmark, but it takes you to a bookmark location that is the least relevant or most obscure based on your current location. Even when I'm sitting on a book mark, and I can "see" the next (and previous) book mark, Visual Studio will still take me to some random far-off bookmark (in an entirely seperate project and file if it can help it).
In fact, the only way I can truly get to the "next" bookmark in my document, is to ensure there are not more than two bookmarks in the entire solution (and both must be located in the current document).
I'm trying to understand how this went so wrong, and if there is some simple configuration setting I can make that will correct the problem. I'm now using Visual Studio 2008 (which has the same problem). I've not tried this in 2010 yet.
I've discovered that the order which bookmarks are traversed, are the order they are created in. There is a "bookmarks view" where that order can be manually re-arranged. However, in the past the order was always ascending line-number, which was much more useful. So now the question is, how do I modify the behavior?
I think starting with 2005 the CTRL-K+CTRL-N and CTRL-K+CTRL-P shortcuts were changed from "move the caret to the next bookmark in the current document" to "move the caret to the next bookmark".
You can get the old behaviour back by editing the keyboard shortcuts to assign CTRL-K+CTRL-N and CTRL-K+CTRL-P like so:

Visual studio 2008 Professional Edition acting weird

I have a weird situation on a winform project.
I have user control (with 600 lines of code around) with a datagridview. I change de ColumnHeaderStyle of the font and save it. After I save the file I close it and open again, the changes were not saved (although the asterisk is dissapeared), because the ColumnHeaderStyle is back to the former value. This is driving me crazy because I cannot change any visual thing in the Designer.
Any clue?
Thanks in advance.
I've had occasional very strange behaviour with VS2008 developing WinForms apps too. Mostly designers that won't display (even though nothing has changed), but I've had cases of disappearing controls, too (and hence compilations that won't complete since code then refers to controls that are no longer being created). All very irritating.
Assuming that you've done all the standard things, like Cleaning the solution (on the Solution's context menu), deleting all the relevant Bin and Obj folders (no idea why this would cures VS weirdnesses, but it sometimes does) and rebuilding (ensuring that the Designer for your user control is closed when you rebuild)...
... you might try looking through the designer code for some strange 'bonus' controls that apparently have nothing to with you.
In one particularly intractable case, I eventually noticed some controls with names like Button_01, Button_02, etc, whose origin I couldn't identify. They were being defined but not instantiated, and not being added to any controls collections, and I just deleted all references to them.
When I recompiled, they didn't come back, and VS was behaving itself again.
I can't explain it, but it worked that time, and I offer it as an example of VS gremlins that seem to have rather irrational solutions.
Maybe it was just a strange planetary arrangement that did it, I guess I'll never know.

VS 2010 Editor Behavior

Using Beta 2 of Visual Studio 2010. I'm using C# and have always enabled Virtual Space. A notable difference in this version between past versions is that when I'm at the beginning of a line in the .cs file and I hit the left arrow, the cursor jumps to the line above. Previous versions of Visual Studio would perform no action (i.e. stay at the beginning of the line). I never realized how much I depended on that working as it did until now. Because when it jumps to the previous line, I hit the right arrow key, but being in virtual mode it keeps me on the same line.
I searched and searched for a setting that changes this behavior and compared my Visual Studio 2008 settings to 2010 and couldn't find the magic switch. Is this a setting and if so, what is it?
Thank you.
Looking at the implementation, it appears the current behavior is expected, but is likely not intentionally different than Orcas. It was probably just an oversight when virtual space was (re)implemented in the new editor.
If you want to track the progress of the fix, can you file a bug on Connect? I can file one internally, but you won't be publicly visible. Also, the bug will probably be "Won't Fixed" for Visual Studio 2010 RTM (it's too late to fix now), but the fix could make it into SP1. Please let me know if you don't file a Connect bug, in which case I will file an internal one.
Since VS2010 is still Beta, it may well be a bug. An option could be to export vs2008 settings and import them to vs2010 to ensure you have the correct settings (assuming you haven't changed anything specific to vs 2010).
Are you trying to disable Virtual Space in VS2010?
Virtual Space is enabled in Column Selection mode. When Virtual Space mode is not enabled, the insertion point moves from the end of one line directly to the first character of the next.
Steps here
As the others said, it could be a bug, or an annoying intentional change of behaviour.
But to add to this, I'd say that since VS2003 I have always re-evaluated my use of the IDE (and specifically the key bindings) every time I upgrade.
I find the standard VS behaviour an extremely useful way of getting to the end of the preceeding line. If I want to get to the beginning of the line, I press home (once to get to the start of the code, and again to get to the start of the line), so I never press left-arrow at the start of the line unless I intend to move to the end of the previous line. I would personally find it utterly irritating to press left arrow and have it not do anything - if I've pressed the key I expect it to do something useful.
Perhaps if you spend a few days trialling a new navigation approach, you will discover an easier, more efficient way of using the IDE. You just have to put up with a few days of minor frustration until you can reprogram your muscle-memory. From my point of view, it's always worth a try... (Indeed I've never found a change to a newer key binding set to be a problem at all, apart from the bookmark keys changing from a single keystroke to a double-keystroke. ANd that is easily fixed if necessary by just editing the key bindings)
