Oracle OBIEE Analytics - obiee

I can not access the web interfaces of obiee. Any suggestions or solutions?

"www".localhost:7001 should just be localhost:7001.
Also, OBIEE runs on the /analytics deoloyment. /console is the WebLogic administration console.

You must use the correct URL:
Use this URL:
instead of:

Please check whether your URL is apt or not.
Because what I think it should be localhost:7001/em or localhost:7001/console which is Enterprise Manager and Weblogic Console respectively.
And for OBIEE web page, we use analytics that is nothing but localhost:9704/analytics or localhost:9502/analytics
Solely depends on your OBIEE configuration.
Hope it would be helpful.

Based on your screenshot it appears as if you are attempting to access weblogic console. I would make sure that node manager and Admin Server are both started and running. On Windows os, click on the start menu and type NodeManager/Start Weblogic and it will give you the shortcut icons.
Once those two have been started you should be able to login to weblogic console and to ensure that admin/managed servers are both running.
If you did an enterprise installation of OBIEE11g, the default port for analytics should be 9704 unless you manually configured to use a different port number.


Publishing and Hosting Oracle Apex app into WWW

This question may sound silly for some of you, but I would be grateful if you could advise if it is possible to publish apex app into www?
Let's say I am going to run my testing environment under url, however I would like my production environment to be running under for example
Many thanks in advance for any tips.
If you want to host your own production environment, you have two stages: setting up your server, and deploying your application.
For server setup, you've got two main options:
Sign up with a specialized APEX hosting company who will do all the server setup and administration for you.
Do it yourself. You'll need to register your domain name and sign up with a hosting company. Then you'll install and configure Oracle Database, as well as a web application server (like Weblogic or Tomcat). Then install and configure Oracle Rest Data Services (ORDS), which will act as the listener for APEX.
Now, once your server is ready, look at the documentation on Deploying Your Application. The basic steps are that you want to export your application from your test workspace, and import it into your production environment.

Informatica Admin console home page can't be reached

Iam able to open the admin web page just after installing informatica 9.6.1 on windows 10, but when i restart my machine (or when laptop went to sleep mode) again when checked the admin page says
"This site can’t be reached <hostname> refused to connect."
URL is <my machine hostname>:6008/administrator/
Is there something going wrong with the 6008 port after installation?
I used this URL for installation
I searched a lot on the internet but could not fix this issue.
Tried start/stop Informatica services, dint work.
please help
I had same problem while working on windows system with Informatica 9.6.1.
I believe any of the 3 processes: pmrepagent, pmserver and tomcat/JAVA services
is/are not running. In simple words Informatica is not up and running.
This helped me out.
open Command prompt in Admin mode
cd C:\Informatica\9.6.1\tomcat\bin
infaservice.bat startup
for more details refer this KB article
If you have also faced such problem while connecting to Informatica post installation then i recommend to check if you are well connected to the database which you opted while installing informatica (For eg. Oracle,sql server etc) with the same user and password which was seperately created to link the database with informatica.
If still you cannot open the Administrator homepage then you can cross check if the Informatica services are already started.You can restart the service if it is stopped and then the homepage will get open.
Seems like the service is not started. Please check the services and make sure Informatica is set to start automatically and that it's able to connect to DBMS where repository DB has been created.
When i installed Informatica that time i was able to login to admin console. But after restart i got - "site refused to connect " error. My informatica service & oracle db serv are running. But still i could not able to login to admin console. What is did was - i login to the schema what i used while installing informatica server through dbeaver tool. On my astonishment, after that im now able to connect admin console.
I found another error that caused this kind of issue.
Check in your system where information is installed and search for "Catalina.out"
See the error:
org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase clearReferencesThreads SEVERE: [localhost-startStop-2] The web application [/csm] appears to have started a thread named [phoneHomeScheduler] but has failed to stop it.
This is very likely to create a memory leak.
You need to restart the system and re-process the services.

Database Management Odoo 10 Enterprise

I have just installed Odoo V10 Enterprise on an AWS server, everything was fine but I cannot access to the database manager screen. After
I get 404:Page not found.
Any help?
I use Odoo E10 self-hosted. The link I used to access database manager is the same as yours - but with the port included.
Obviously you may use a different port, http or https - depending on your setup, but here is the default.

why run WAS as service

What are the business reasons (advantages/disadvantages) of running a websphere 6.1 App server as a windows service? I mean what are the factors governing this decision?
The other thing I notice is that when I restart the service...and I click something on the admin console, it does n't give me the login page. What is happening here?
You should give this article a read:
Can you elaborate on the restarting the service and not receiving the login page issue. I am not sure i understand your query here.
What happens when you click on the console after restarting?
To my knowledge - the main reason for choosing to run WebSphere as a Windows Service is that whenever the server goes down for whatever reason, and then is restarted, if not running WebSphere as a service you will need to actually log on to the server and manually start WebSphere. (startServer.bat, startManager.bat, startNode.bat etc).
So for any environment where uptime is an issue on the Windows platform, choose windows service. If you are just installing a development/test environment...not needed.

Error while shutting down 'Admin Server' from weblogic enterprise management console

I am using Weblogic Server em console to restart a webserver, URL looks like this:
AdminServer is named 'AdminServer', I wish to restart this server instance,
I click on server in EM console then user menu option like this:
(Weblogic server>Control>Shut Down...) I get this error:
'No Machine associated with server AdminServer. Please associate a machine to this weblogic server using weblogic console first.'
Not able to understand what this means....
What am i missing here?
With Oracle WebLogic, a Machine represents... well, a physical machine (and you can associate Servers i.e. WebLogic instances to it). This is not a fundamental concept except when using Node Managers. In general, you create Machine(s), Server(s) and their association with the configuration wizard at domain creation time.
It is however possible to add a Machine from the console (Environment > Machines > New):
But you can't add a RUNNING Server to a Machine with the console, which will be a problem for the admin Server. So, I'd recommend to use the configuration wizard to extend your existing domain and add Machine(s).
Note that all this will only solve the "shutdown problem", restarting will involve Node Manager which is very likely not configured.
