why run WAS as service - windows

What are the business reasons (advantages/disadvantages) of running a websphere 6.1 App server as a windows service? I mean what are the factors governing this decision?
The other thing I notice is that when I restart the service...and I click something on the admin console, it does n't give me the login page. What is happening here?

You should give this article a read:
Can you elaborate on the restarting the service and not receiving the login page issue. I am not sure i understand your query here.
What happens when you click on the console after restarting?

To my knowledge - the main reason for choosing to run WebSphere as a Windows Service is that whenever the server goes down for whatever reason, and then is restarted, if not running WebSphere as a service you will need to actually log on to the server and manually start WebSphere. (startServer.bat, startManager.bat, startNode.bat etc).
So for any environment where uptime is an issue on the Windows platform, choose windows service. If you are just installing a development/test environment...not needed.


Websphere admin console restart

Recently I ecountered situation where my WebSphere's admin console stop responding (tired to open it and got timeout). It happened after I've made some changes and saved them.
All the WebSphere application server and nodeAgent was working (checked in serverStatus.sh -all). I could still access my Web Application.
Is there a way to restart just admin console with a script or do I have to restart everything?
In my case the WebSphere works on linux.
I found a solution if someone will be interested. My dmgr process couldn't stop so I have to kill it manualy. Then I had to run startManager.sh script in IBM websphere dmgr location. It's done without restart the whole server.

Oracle OBIEE Analytics

I can not access the web interfaces of obiee. Any suggestions or solutions?
"www".localhost:7001 should just be localhost:7001.
Also, OBIEE runs on the /analytics deoloyment. /console is the WebLogic administration console.
You must use the correct URL:
Use this URL:
instead of:
Please check whether your URL is apt or not.
Because what I think it should be localhost:7001/em or localhost:7001/console which is Enterprise Manager and Weblogic Console respectively.
And for OBIEE web page, we use analytics that is nothing but localhost:9704/analytics or localhost:9502/analytics
Solely depends on your OBIEE configuration.
Hope it would be helpful.
Based on your screenshot it appears as if you are attempting to access weblogic console. I would make sure that node manager and Admin Server are both started and running. On Windows os, click on the start menu and type NodeManager/Start Weblogic and it will give you the shortcut icons.
Once those two have been started you should be able to login to weblogic console and to ensure that admin/managed servers are both running.
If you did an enterprise installation of OBIEE11g, the default port for analytics should be 9704 unless you manually configured to use a different port number.

Windows service doesn't start until user login

I have a service that logs in as a specific user. The service works great when the user logs in, but won't start until they do so. Is there some kind of a setting I am missing?
This is running on a Windows 7 Ultimate box.
The user is an administrator of the box and the service is set to automatically start.
No errors are in the application log, and the service runs like a champ once the user logs in (without having them start it).
Does the user have privileges to start Windows Services (the user policy)? You can try using ntrights.exe to make sure that he does. Also, can you start the service from Services.msc when logged in another account?
I think this is a privileges problem. Either the service login information is incorrect or the user cannot start services.
This was a fun one, but I figured it out this morning.
The issue is that the server was a clean Windows 7 Ultimate install. That means the power management functionality was set to default which causes the machine to power down after 30 minutes, hence the service would stop running. Fixed the power management settings to never sleep and running like a champ.
Thanks for the input folks.

Debugging Topshelf service that won't run under restrictive account

I have a Windows service written using Topshelf. I'm trying to configure it to run using a Windows account with restricted privileges rather than using LocalSystem. That's also necessary as I'd like to connect to a database using integrated authentication.
The service works when run as LocalSystem (albeit with a database connection string containing credentials) and running the console application as my limited account (using runas) also works.
However, when I try to start the service the service control manager times out waiting for a response:
The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.
I also get the following in the Application Popup event log:
Application Error : The exception unknown software exception (0xc06d007e) occurred in the application at location 0x77e4bef7.
The first thing that the application does is writes to a log file but it doesn't reach that when I start the service. The logging works if I run via the console.
Any suggestions what I might be missing or what I might try next?
This problem seems to be related to the server (a domain controller) rather than TopShelf. A service built with the .NET service component also exhibits the same behaviour.
The service runs successfully on a different machine (in the same domain).
Unfortunately this doesn't help diagnose the problem but gives me an acceptable workaround.
Check the MSDN article Debugging windows services which describes how you debug windows services.
I've just started seeing this on a few of my services written in .net 2.0. They'll start fine when the server boots, but if I were to restart them throughout the day, they would not start, and give this error message.
They currently ran under a domain account which has admin rights on the box, but for kicks, I switched it to Local System, and the service started normally. I stopped it, changed it back to the domain account (reentering the password), and it started normally again as expected.
Don't know if this counts as a 'fix' so much, but that's what worked for me.

Restarting windows service from website

I've a website that puts info into a mySQL database and a windows service (written in VB.Net) that polls the db and actions what's in there.
However, occasionally it stalls and rather than having to RDP into the server, I want superusers to click on a button to restart the service.
I can get the button to say, do a directory listing of c:\ output to a test file so the whole 'getting a command to execute on a remote server' issue works. However, I can't restart services.
I assume this is a security thing (although it has full rights to c:\ I thought I'd sussed that already).
The website runs under the normal IUSR_user so am I doing something really stupid or can someone explain how to get the service to be restarted ?
Many thanks
I think a significantly bigger problem is that you have a service that's stalling. Do you have any logs or errors that the service outputs to that you could use to diagnose why it's stalling?
I'd write a service that restarts selected services and call that from my website, just for fun!
It seems that you need to give the user permissions on the specific service. The simplest way to do this (in my view) is to use subinacl.exe from the Windows Resource Kit.
subinacl.exe /service MySQL /Grant=IUSR_user
I'm would be very careful when doing this on a public-facing web server. Have both authentication and rate limiting on the restarting code.
Use the ServiceController class:
This should allow you to connect to the named service and stop/start it.
In addition, you probably need to have your web app impersonate a user with rights to restart the service. This can be accomplished via an identity impersonate in the web.config, or running the web app in a configured application pool in IIS. Keep in mind that the web app will have to run on the same box as the service is running on.
