Overriding a hash in ruby - ruby

I am very new to ruby and I am trying to find if there's an equivalent way to doing the thing in ruby.
In yml syntax, we use a syntax similar to this way to have a default blob and then override them with specific values:
A: {read: 20, write: 10}
B: {read: 30, write: 30}
C: {read: 130, write: 10}
A: {read: 10, write: 10}
A: {read: 10, write: 10}
B: {read: 5, write: 5}
C: {read: 5, write: 5}
D: {read: 5, write: 5}
I wanted to know if we can create a hash in ruby where in it will pick the values for the override if they exist, otherwise it will just pick the default value.
I am not sure if ruby merge map is an approach to this problem (since I am still new to ruby, I am exploring options).
Is this possible?

merge could be used:
options = {a:22}
my_defaults = {a:1, b:123}
> {a:22, b:123}
if you are using rails that also provides a reverse_merge which works the other way round and may be clearer to read intent from in some use cases
options = { a:2, b:321 }
my_defaults = {a:1, c:3}
> {a:2, b:321, c:3}


Mutate results with multiple variables using for loop

I have this dataframe
structure(list(plate = c("A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "B", "B", "B",
"B", "B", "C", "C", "C", "C", "C"), marker = c("IL-1", "IL-2",
"IL-3", "IL-4", "IL-5", "IL-1", "IL-2", "IL-3", "IL-4", "IL-5",
"IL-1", "IL-2", "IL-3", "IL-4", "IL-5"), sample = c(1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15), result = c(1.94000836127381,
0.426353706529969, 2.07418521661429, 1.58200029160696, 0.812685661255674,
0.546681932009987, 0.199532997122114, 0.100208840148698, 0.720956738045624,
0.444814277410285, 2.25080298569014, 1.61429066532657, 1.1066027850052,
0.927880542016121, 4.1487948134003), LOD = c(0.810456546400942,
0.614177278086376, 0.98739611371029, 0.315142822914328, 0.221497734151459,
0.0191136249820546, 0.364139946842526, 0.983763479804491, 0.982034953153209,
0.851687364910033, 0.893324689832074, 0.978609354294382, 0.62613140416969,
0.0310439168600307, 0.729966088361143)), class = c("tbl_df",
"tbl", "data.frame"), row.names = c(NA, -15L))
As you can see I have different LOD values, for each marker in each plate. So I calculate the mean LOD for each marker using
lod <- dummy_2 |>
group_by (marker) |>
summarise(lod = mean(LOD))
which results in the following mean LOD per marker for all plates
structure(list(marker = c("IL-1", "IL-2", "IL-3", "IL-4", "IL-5"
), lod = c(0.57429828707169, 0.652308859741095, 0.865763665894824,
0.442740564309189, 0.601050395807545)), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl",
"data.frame"), row.names = c(NA, -5L))
So far so good. Now I want to check if the result of my markers are above or below my mean LOD. If it is above my mean LOD, the results must not be changed, if it is below my LOD, the result must be changed in the LOD/2.
I tried to use for loop and mutate in combination with ifelse, but that did not work. I also saw the accross function, but that also did not work. My latest try was...
marker <- unique(dummy_2$marker)
for (i in marker){
dummy_2 <- mutate(result = ifelse(i %in% dummy_2$result < dummy_2$LOD, (i %in% lod$LOD)/2), dummy_2$result)}
Is for loop the right way to go, or is there a better solution?
Any help would be appreciated..
Already found a solution by creating a new dataframe with my mean values and linked this together using left_join to my dataset. Still like to know if this could be possible with a for loop. But for now, problem solved....

How to "inspect to file" (or to string) in Elixir?

In Elixir, we can IO.inspect anyStructure to get anyStructure's internals printed to output. Is there a similar method to output it to a file (or, as a more flexible solution, to a string)?
I've looked through some articles on debugging and io but don't see a solution. I've also tried
{:ok, file} = File.open("test.log", [:append, {:delayed_write, 100, 20}])
structure = %{ a: 1, b: 2 }
IO.binwrite(file, structure)
File.close file
but that results in
no function clause matching in IO.binwrite/2 [...]
def binwrite(device, iodata) when is_list(iodata) or is_binary(iodata)
I’ve also googled some "elixir serialize" and "elixir object to string", but haven't found anything useful (like :erlang.term_to_binary which returns, well, binary). Is there a simple way to get the same result that IO.inspect prints, into a file or a string?
There is already inspect/2 function (not the same as IO.inspect), just go with it:
#> inspect({1,2,3})
"{1, 2, 3}"
#> h inspect/2
def inspect(term, opts \\ [])
#spec inspect(
) :: String.t()
Inspects the given argument according to the Inspect protocol. The second
argument is a keyword list with options to control inspection.
You can do whatever you wish with the string afterwards.
You can give IO.inspect an additional param to tell it where to write to:
{:ok, pid} = StringIO.open("")
IO.inspect(pid, %{test: "data"}, label: "IO.inspect options work too \o/")
{:ok, {_in, out}} = StringIO.close(pid)
out # "IO.inspect options work too o/: %{test: \"data\"}\n"
It accepts a pid of a process to write to. StringIO provides such a process, returning you a string on close.
In Elixir, we can IO.inspect anyStructure to get anyStructure's internals printed to output.
This is not quite true; IO.inspect uses the Inspect protocol. What you see is not the internals of the struct, but whatever that struct's implementation of the Inspect protocol is written to produce. There are different options you can give to inspect, defined in Inspect.Opts, one of them is structs: false, which will print structs as maps.
For example, inspecting a range struct:
iex> inspect(1..10)
iex> inspect(1..10, structs: false)
"%{__struct__: Range, first: 1, last: 10, step: 1}"
To answer your question and to add to the other answers, here is a method that uses File.open!/3 to reuse an open file and log multiple inspect calls to the same file, then close the file:
File.open!("test.log", [:write], fn file ->
IO.inspect(file, %{ a: 1, b: 2 }, [])
IO.inspect(file, "logging a string", [])
IO.inspect(file, DateTime.utc_now!(), [])
IO.inspect(file, DateTime.utc_now!(), structs: false)
This produces the following test.log file:
%{a: 1, b: 2}
"logging a string"
~U[2022-04-29 09:51:46.467338Z]
__struct__: DateTime,
calendar: Calendar.ISO,
day: 29,
hour: 9,
microsecond: {485474, 6},
minute: 51,
month: 4,
second: 46,
std_offset: 0,
time_zone: "Etc/UTC",
utc_offset: 0,
year: 2022,
zone_abbr: "UTC"
You simply need to combine inspect/2 which returns a binary and File.write/3 or any other function dumping to a file.
File.write("test.log", inspect(%{a: 1, b: 2}, limit: :infinity))
Note the limit: :infinity option, without it the long structures will be truncated for better readability when inspecting to stdout.

What is the syntax for constructing a list-value in ATS?

For instance, how can I construct a list consisting of all the digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.
You can construct it with val xs = ($list {int} (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)).
Make sure you specify the correct memory allocation functions by passing -DATS_MEMALLOC_LIBC to the compiler when using this code.
If you compile to JavaScript via atscc2js, then you need to construct
the list in the following manner:
val ds =
// end of [val]
It also works for targeting C.
There are also combinators for this sort of things. For instance,
val ds = (10).list_map(TYPE{int})(lam(i) => i)
val ds = list_tabulate_cloref<int>(10, lam i => i)
You can find special literal on emacs mode:
(defvar ats-special-keywords
'("$arrpsz" "$arrptrsize" "$delay" "$ldelay" "$effmask" "$effmask_ntm" "$effmask_exn" "$effmask_ref"
"$effmask_wrt" "$effmask_all" "$extern" "$extkind" "$extype" "$extype_struct" "$extval" "$lst"
"$lst_t" "$lst_vt" "$list" "$list_t" "$list_vt" "$rec" "$rec_t" "$rec_vt"
"$record" "$record_t" "$record_vt" "$tup" "$tup_t" "$tup_vt" "$tuple" "$tuple_t"
"$tuple_vt" "$raise" "$showtype" "$myfilename" "$mylocation" "$myfunction" "#assert" "#define"
"#elif" "#elifdef" "#elifndef" "#else" "#endif" "#error" "#if" "#ifdef"
"#ifndef" "#print" "#then" "#undef" "#include" "#staload" "#dynload" "#require"))
If you find some keyword, you can easily know how to use it on doc/EXAMPLE/ directory:
$ git clone https://github.com/githwxi/ATS-Postiats.git
$ cd ATS-Postiats/doc/EXAMPLE
$ grep -r "\$list" . | head
./MISC/word-chain.dats: $list{word}("", "")
./MISC/word-chain.dats: $list{word}("", "")
./MISC/monad_list.dats: $list{a}("this", "that", "a")
./MISC/monad_list.dats: $list{a}("frog", "elephant", "thing")
./MISC/monad_list.dats: $list{a}("walked", "treaded", "grows")
./MISC/monad_list.dats: $list{a}("slowly", "quickly")
./ATSLF/CoYonedaLemma.dats:val myintlist0 = g0ofg1($list{int0}(I(1), I(0), I(1), I(0), I(0)))
./ATSLF/YonedaLemma.dats: $list{bool}(True, False, True, False, False)
./ATS-QA-LIST/qa-list-2014-12-07.dats:$list{double}(0.111111, 0.222222, 0.333333)
For a list0-value, you can do
val xs = g0ofg1($list{T}(x1, ..., xn))
where T is the type for the elements in xs. For instance,
val some_int_list = g0ofg1($list{int}(0, 9, 8, 7, 3, 4))

Getting max and min from two different sets in json

I haven't found a solution with data set up quite like mine...
var marketshare = [
{"store": "store1", "share": "5.3%", "q1count": 2, "q2count": 4, "q3count": 0},
{"store": "store2","share": "1.9%", "q1count": 5, "q2count": 10, "q3count": 0},
{"store": "store3", "share": "2.5%", "q1count": 3, "q2count": 6, "q3count": 0}
Code so far, returning undefined...
var minDataPoint = d3.min( d3.values(marketshare.q1count) ); //Expecting 2 from store 1
var maxDataPoint = d3.max( d3.values(marketshare.q2count) ); //Expecting 10 from store 2
I'm a little overwhelmed by d3.keys, d3.values, d3.maps, converting to array, etc. Any explanations or nudges would be appreciated.
I think you're looking for something like this instead:
d3.min(marketshare, function(d){ return d.q1count; }) // => 2.
You can pass an accessor function as the second argument to d3.min/d3.max.

How to pluck by key name matching?

Say I have the following table:
{numberOfRedStripes: 7, numberOfBlueStripes: 6, stars: 50, foo: "bar"},
{numberOfRedStripes: 1, numberOfBlueStripes: 1, stars: 0, something: "else"}
How can I use regex in order to pluck only the docs which their KEYS start with the string 'numberOf', so that the result would be:
{numberOfRedStripes: 7, numberOfBlueStripes: 6},
{numberOfRedStripes: 1, numberOfBlueStripes: 1}
Does this work?
table.map {|row|
row.pluck(r.args(row.keys().filter{|key| key.match("^numberOf")}))
