How to "inspect to file" (or to string) in Elixir? - debugging

In Elixir, we can IO.inspect anyStructure to get anyStructure's internals printed to output. Is there a similar method to output it to a file (or, as a more flexible solution, to a string)?
I've looked through some articles on debugging and io but don't see a solution. I've also tried
{:ok, file} ="test.log", [:append, {:delayed_write, 100, 20}])
structure = %{ a: 1, b: 2 }
IO.binwrite(file, structure)
File.close file
but that results in
no function clause matching in IO.binwrite/2 [...]
def binwrite(device, iodata) when is_list(iodata) or is_binary(iodata)
I’ve also googled some "elixir serialize" and "elixir object to string", but haven't found anything useful (like :erlang.term_to_binary which returns, well, binary). Is there a simple way to get the same result that IO.inspect prints, into a file or a string?

There is already inspect/2 function (not the same as IO.inspect), just go with it:
#> inspect({1,2,3})
"{1, 2, 3}"
#> h inspect/2
def inspect(term, opts \\ [])
#spec inspect(
) :: String.t()
Inspects the given argument according to the Inspect protocol. The second
argument is a keyword list with options to control inspection.
You can do whatever you wish with the string afterwards.

You can give IO.inspect an additional param to tell it where to write to:
{:ok, pid} ="")
IO.inspect(pid, %{test: "data"}, label: "IO.inspect options work too \o/")
{:ok, {_in, out}} = StringIO.close(pid)
out # "IO.inspect options work too o/: %{test: \"data\"}\n"
It accepts a pid of a process to write to. StringIO provides such a process, returning you a string on close.

In Elixir, we can IO.inspect anyStructure to get anyStructure's internals printed to output.
This is not quite true; IO.inspect uses the Inspect protocol. What you see is not the internals of the struct, but whatever that struct's implementation of the Inspect protocol is written to produce. There are different options you can give to inspect, defined in Inspect.Opts, one of them is structs: false, which will print structs as maps.
For example, inspecting a range struct:
iex> inspect(1..10)
iex> inspect(1..10, structs: false)
"%{__struct__: Range, first: 1, last: 10, step: 1}"
To answer your question and to add to the other answers, here is a method that uses!/3 to reuse an open file and log multiple inspect calls to the same file, then close the file:!("test.log", [:write], fn file ->
IO.inspect(file, %{ a: 1, b: 2 }, [])
IO.inspect(file, "logging a string", [])
IO.inspect(file, DateTime.utc_now!(), [])
IO.inspect(file, DateTime.utc_now!(), structs: false)
This produces the following test.log file:
%{a: 1, b: 2}
"logging a string"
~U[2022-04-29 09:51:46.467338Z]
__struct__: DateTime,
calendar: Calendar.ISO,
day: 29,
hour: 9,
microsecond: {485474, 6},
minute: 51,
month: 4,
second: 46,
std_offset: 0,
time_zone: "Etc/UTC",
utc_offset: 0,
year: 2022,
zone_abbr: "UTC"

You simply need to combine inspect/2 which returns a binary and File.write/3 or any other function dumping to a file.
File.write("test.log", inspect(%{a: 1, b: 2}, limit: :infinity))
Note the limit: :infinity option, without it the long structures will be truncated for better readability when inspecting to stdout.


How do i filter in TCL script API

I need to filter the response from getWater and getSoda. The problem I have is when I try to get response in API I get both querys. So in cli lets say i put CLI:getWater the response it gives for both water and soda i need to distinguish between the two if you look at the end line it gives you 1 for Water and 0 for Soda. I'm trying to make filter in TCL file so if i put getWater it only pulls out the query with whatever ends with 1 and vice versa.
cli% getWater {2 Fiji - {} 1 {} b873-367ef9944d48 **1**} {3 Coke - {} 1 {} 9d39-56ad9be6ee9f **0**} {6 Dasani - {} 1 {} 9d39-56ad9be6ee9f **1**} {9 Fanta - {} 1 {} 9d39-56ad9be6ee9f **0**}
im having hard time coding it because in not familiar with TCL
but so far to get query i got this.
proc API::get {args} {
set argc [llength $args]
if {$argc == 1} {
# get all sets based on set type
set objtype [lindex $args 0]
catcher getset_int $objtype {} {}
I'm guessing that you have some command (that I'll call getListOfRecords for the sake of argument) and you want to filter the returned list by the value of the 8th element (index 7; TCL uses zero-based indexing) of each record? You can do that with either lmap+lindex or with lsearch (with the right options).
proc getRecordsOfType {typeCode} {
lmap r [getListOfRecords] {
if {[lindex $r 7] eq $typeCode} {set r} else continue
proc getRecordsOfType {typeCode} {
lsearch -all -inline -exact -index 7 [getListOfRecords] $typeCode
Using lsearch is probably faster, but the other approach is far more flexible. (Measure instead of guessing if it matters to you.)
getWater is just getRecordsOfType 1.

With ruamel.yaml how can I conditionally convert flow maps to block maps based on line length?

I'm working on a ruamel.yaml (v0.17.4) based YAML reformatter (using the RoundTrip variant to preserve comments).
I want to allow a mix of block- and flow-style maps, but in some cases, I want to convert a flow-style map to use block-style.
In particular, if the flow-style map would be longer than the max line length^, I want to convert that to a block-style map instead of wrapping the line somewhere in the middle of the flow-style map.
^ By "max line length" I mean the best_width that I configure by setting something like yaml.width = 120 where yaml is a ruamel.yaml.YAML instance.
What should I extend to achieve this? The emitter is where the line-length gets calculated so wrapping can occur, but I suspect that is too late to convert between block- and flow-style. I'm also concerned about losing comments when I switch the styles. Here are some possible extension points, can you give me a pointer on where I'm most likely to have success with this?
Emitter.expect_flow_mapping() probably too late for converting flow->block
Serializer.serialize_node() probably too late as it consults node.flow_style
RoundTripRepresenter.represent_mapping() maybe? but this has no idea about line length
I could also walk the data before calling yaml.dump(), but this has no idea about line length.
So, where should I and where can I adjust the flow_style whether a flow-style map would trigger line wrapping?
What I think the most accurate approach is when you encounter a flow-style mapping in the dumping process is to first try to emit it to a buffer and then get the length of the buffer and if that combined with the column that you are in, actually emit block-style.
Any attempt to guesstimate the length of the output without actually trying to write that part of a tree is going to be hard, if not impossible to do without doing the actual emit. Among other things the dumping process actually dumps scalars and reads them back to make sure no quoting needs to be forced (e.g. when you dump a string that reads back like a date). It also handles single key-value pairs in a list in a special way ( [1, a: 42, 3] instead of the more verbose [1, {a: 42}, 3]. So a simple calculation of the length of the scalars that are the keys and values and separating comma, colon and spaces is not going to be precise.
A different approach is to dump your data with a large line width and parse the output and make a set of line numbers for which the line is too long according to the width that you actually want to use. After loading that output back you can walk over the data structure recursively, inspect the .lc attribute to determine the line number on which a flow style mapping (or sequence) started and if that line number is in the set you built beforehand change the mapping to block style. If you have nested flow-style collections, you might have to repeat this process.
If you run the following, the initial dumped value for quote will be on one line.
The change_to_block method as presented changes all mappings/sequences that are too long
that are on one line.
import sys
import ruamel.yaml
yaml_str = """\
movie: bladerunner
quote: {[Batty, Roy]: [
I have seen things you people wouldn't believe.,
Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.,
I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate.,
class Blockify:
def __init__(self, width, only_first=False, verbose=0):
self._width = width
self._yaml = None
self._only_first = only_first
self._verbose = verbose
def yaml(self):
if self._yaml is None:
self._yaml = y = ruamel.yaml.YAML(typ=['rt', 'string'])
y.preserve_quotes = True
y.width = 2**16
return self._yaml
def __call__(self, d):
pass_nr = 0
changed = [True]
while changed[0]:
changed[0] = False
s = self.yaml.dumps(d)
except AttributeError:
print("use 'pip install ruamel.yaml.string' to install plugin that gives 'dumps' to string")
if self._verbose > 1:
too_long = set()
max_ll = -1
for line_nr, line in enumerate(s.splitlines()):
if len(line) > self._width:
if len(line) > max_ll:
max_ll = len(line)
if self._verbose > 0:
print(f'pass: {pass_nr}, lines: {sorted(too_long)}, longest: {max_ll}')
new_d = self.yaml.load(s)
self.change_to_block(new_d, too_long, changed, only_first=self._only_first)
d = new_d
pass_nr += 1
return d, s
def change_to_block(d, too_long, changed, only_first):
if isinstance(d, dict):
if d.fa.flow_style() and in too_long:
changed[0] = True
return # don't convert nested flow styles, might not be necessary
# don't change keys if any value is changed
for v in d.values():
Blockify.change_to_block(v, too_long, changed, only_first)
if only_first and changed[0]:
if changed[0]: # don't change keys if value has changed
for k in d:
Blockify.change_to_block(k, too_long, changed, only_first)
if only_first and changed[0]:
if isinstance(d, (list, tuple)):
if d.fa.flow_style() and in too_long:
changed[0] = True
return # don't convert nested flow styles, might not be necessary
for elem in d:
Blockify.change_to_block(elem, too_long, changed, only_first)
if only_first and changed[0]:
blockify = Blockify(96, verbose=2) # set verbose to 0, to suppress progress output
yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML(typ=['rt', 'string'])
data = yaml.load(yaml_str)
blockified_data, string_output = blockify(data)
print('-'*32, 'result:', '-'*32)
print(string_output) # string_output has no final newline
which gives:
movie: bladerunner
quote: {[Batty, Roy]: [I have seen things you people wouldn't believe., Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion., I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate.]}
pass: 0, lines: [1], longest: 186
movie: bladerunner
[Batty, Roy]: [I have seen things you people wouldn't believe., Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion., I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate.]
pass: 1, lines: [2], longest: 179
movie: bladerunner
[Batty, Roy]:
- I have seen things you people wouldn't believe.
- Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.
- I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate.
pass: 2, lines: [], longest: 67
-------------------------------- result: --------------------------------
movie: bladerunner
[Batty, Roy]:
- I have seen things you people wouldn't believe.
- Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.
- I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate.
Please note that when using ruamel.yaml<0.18 the sequence [Batty, Roy] never will be in block style
because the tuple subclass CommentedKeySeq does never get a line number attached.

Any ways to use "space:delete" by part of partial key in Tarantool?

The documentation says "delete cannot work with partial keys". What is your recommendation how to solve it. For example create new index, use cycle delete or any way?
You can delete values in a loop using a primary key.
#!/usr/bin/env tarantool
local json = require('json')
local function key_from_tuple(tuple, key_parts)
local key = {}
for _, part in ipairs(key_parts) do
table.insert(key, tuple[part.fieldno] or box.NULL)
return key
box.once('init', function()'s')'pk')'sk', {
unique = false,
parts = {
{2, 'number'},
{3, 'number'},
end){1, 1, 1}{2, 1, 1}
print('before delete')
local key_parts =
for _, tuple in{1}) do
local key = key_from_tuple(tuple, key_parts)
print('after delete')
In the example above a common case is handled using key_from_tuple function. Things may be simpler when you know which fields form a primary key. Say, if it is the first field:
for _, tuple in{1}) do[1])
The new key_def module that was added in tarantool-2.2.0-255-g22db9c264 (not released yet, but availiable from our 2.2 repository) simplifies extracting a key from a tuple, especially in case of json path indexes:
#!/usr/bin/env tarantool
local json = require('json')
local key_def_lib = require('key_def')
box.once('init', function()'s')'pk')'sk', {
unique = false,
parts = {
{2, 'number', path = 'a'},
{2, 'number', path = 'b'},
end){1, {a = 1, b = 1}}{2, {a = 1, b = 2}}
print('before delete')
local key_def =
for _, tuple in{1}) do
local key = key_def:extract_key(tuple)
print('after delete')
(source of the code)
Starting from Tarantool 2.1, you can use SQL syntax for that ('delete from ... where ...').
However, be aware that Tarantool will try to perfrom this in a transaction, so if you're trying to delete too many tuples, it will lock transaction thread for some time.

Overriding a hash in ruby

I am very new to ruby and I am trying to find if there's an equivalent way to doing the thing in ruby.
In yml syntax, we use a syntax similar to this way to have a default blob and then override them with specific values:
A: {read: 20, write: 10}
B: {read: 30, write: 30}
C: {read: 130, write: 10}
A: {read: 10, write: 10}
A: {read: 10, write: 10}
B: {read: 5, write: 5}
C: {read: 5, write: 5}
D: {read: 5, write: 5}
I wanted to know if we can create a hash in ruby where in it will pick the values for the override if they exist, otherwise it will just pick the default value.
I am not sure if ruby merge map is an approach to this problem (since I am still new to ruby, I am exploring options).
Is this possible?
merge could be used:
options = {a:22}
my_defaults = {a:1, b:123}
> {a:22, b:123}
if you are using rails that also provides a reverse_merge which works the other way round and may be clearer to read intent from in some use cases
options = { a:2, b:321 }
my_defaults = {a:1, c:3}
> {a:2, b:321, c:3}

How to I reference an array member in Ruby?

Given this array in Ruby:
myarray = [name: "John", age: 35]
How do I refer to the age?
I tried myarray[:age] but got an error can't convert Symbol into Integer
I was trying to simplify my question by extracting what I thought my problem is. I may not understand completely.
I'm experimenting with Dashing and trying to send a number to a meter widget. I've created a variable, 'response_raw' and am trying to send it in the third send event. Here's my code:
SCHEDULER.every '1m', :first_in => 0 do
# Get checks
url = "https://#{CGI::escape user}:#{CGI::escape password}"
`enter code here`response = RestClient.get(url, {"App-Key" => api_key})
response = JSON.parse(response.body, :symbolize_names => true)
if response[:checks]
checks = response[:checks].map { |check|
if check[:status] == 'up'
state = 'up'
last_response_time = "#{check[:lastresponsetime]}ms"
response_raw = check[:lastresponsetime]
state = 'down'
last_response_time = "DOWN"
response_raw = 0
{ name: check[:name], state: state, lastRepsonseTime: last_response_time, pt: response_raw }
checks = [name: "pingdom", state: "down", lastRepsonseTime: "-", pt: 0]
checks.sort_by { |check| check['name'] }
send_event('pingdom', { checks: checks })
send_event('pingdom-meter', { value: checks[:pt] })
In CoffeeScript [name: "John", age: 35] is an array containing single object with two properties (name and age).
Here is how it'll look in plain JavaScript:
myarray = [
name: "John",
age: 35
So, answering your question, to access an age you should take the first element of an array and then reference an age property:
But, judging from your question, your're probably using wrong data structure. Why don't you want to use a plain object instead of an array?
person = name: "John", age: 35
console.log "#{}'s age is #{person.age}"
It looks like your question is actually about Ruby and not about CoffeeScript. Though, my answer will remain the same.
To access an age you should take the first element of an array and then reference an age property:
Since myarray is an array, Ruby expects an integer index, but you're giving it symbol :age instead.
I finally figured it out with Leonid's help. Thank you.
I changed:
send_event('pingdom-meter', { value: checks[:pt] })
send_event('pingdom-meter', { value: checks[0][:pt] })
