Bash/Sed - multiline sed operation printing lines out of order - bash

I am having some trouble with using sed to edit a log file. I have built it into a function which is supposed to replace the text between two search strings with the output from another function. It is almost working correctly, but is printing the lines to the log file out of order. For the life of me I can't figure out why, and most adjustments I have made while trying to fix it have actually had less desirable results.
My sed function:
"$3" > temp.txt
sed -i -n "/$1/{
/$2/!b loop
r temp.txt
p" "$FILE"
rm temp.txt
I am using the "=== text ===" dividers as my start and stop strings to pass along to the function, and using the same functions that built the log in the first place to fill the temporary text file.
The problem is occurring somewhere near/related to the 'G' command. Rather than appending the hold pattern line to the end of the string, it appears to be attaching it to the beginning of the string.
Original log sample/Desired output:
=== Metech ITAMS Log ===
Metech Recycling
ITAMS Hardware Report
Date: Thu Mar 2 08:01:38 PST 2017
Tech: SP
=== Manufacturer Information ===
# dmidecode 2.12
Unfortunately, the output I am getting looks like this:
=== Manufacturer Information ===
=== Metech ITAMS Log ===
Metech Recycling
ITAMS Hardware Report
Date: Fri Mar 3 09:39:02 PST 2017
Tech: SS
# dmidecode 2.12
Would someone be able to help me understand what I'm doing wrong, or propose a fix? This is my first question ever to SO, if more information is necessary I am happy to provide it. Thanks in advance.
Edit #1: As requested a snippet of the code that calls the function:
printf "\n"
text_prompt "Please enter Tech initials: "
text_prompt "Please enter Traveler ID: "
log_edit "=== Metech ITAMS Log ===" \
"=== Manufacturer Information ===" "print_header"
This is part of a menu function, and it would be overkill to include the whole thing, just be aware that there will be several calls to log_edit with different start/stop strings (though all follow the === === pattern), but usually calling different functions to fill the temp.txt with.
Edit 2: For added clarity, I thought I should add the function being called with $3:
print_header(){ #Prints log header.
print_div "Metech ITAMS Log"
printf "Metech Recycling\nITAMS Hardware Report\nDate: $(date)\nTech: %s\n" \
and print_header calls print_div:
print_div(){ #Prints a divider. Required parameter: $1=Text for divider.
printf "\n=== %s ===\n\n" "$1"
Edit 3: For question clarity, my issue is that the $2 string is being written to the log before the contents of temp.txt, rather then after.
Final Edit: A solution was found. I thought I would post the working code below just in case it's helpful to others. A big portion of my problem was a misunderstanding with how sed uses the 'r' command. There's another part to this solution that came from the accepted answer that I still don't understand, and that is the substitute commands that add backslashes, this was key to making it work. I don't know why it works, but it does.
log_edit() { #Works!!
"$3" > temp.txt
sed -i -n '/^'"$1"'$/ {
/^'"$2"'$/!b loop
'"$(sed 's/\\/\\&/g;s/$/\\/' -- "temp.txt")"'
#Blank line terminates i command.
p' "$FILE"
rm temp.txt

The r command copies out the file before the next read, not when it is evaluated, and does not modify pattern-space. However the file can be inserted into the script as part of an i command:
log_edit() {
sed -n '/^'"$1"'$/ {
'"$("$3" | sed 's/^[[:space:]]/\\&/;s/\\/\\&/g;s/$/\\/')"'
# The blank line above is part of the `i' command,
# and appends a newline to the inserted text.
p' "$FILE" > "$FILE.mod" && mv -f -- "$FILE.mod" "$FILE"
The command-substitution "$("$3" | sed '...')" filters the output
of $3 for use with sed's i command. The i command prints
a series of lines will all but the last ending with a \.
$ echo three | sed 'i\
> one\
> two
> '

Looks like just a few things out of order there. Try this:
"$3" > text.tmp
sed -i -n "/$1/{
r text.tmp
/$2/!b loop
" "$FILE"
rm text.tmp
print_header(){ #Prints log header.
print_div "Metech ITAMS Log"
printf "Metech Recycling\nITAMS Hardware Report\nDate: $(date)\nTech:%s" "$TECH_INITIALS"
print_div(){ #Prints a divider. Required parameter: $1=Text for divider.
printf "\n=== %s ===\n\n" "$1"
log_edit "=== Metech ITAMS Log ===" "=== Manufacturer Information ===" "print_header"

Try the csplit program, which can divide a file up into sections according to a pattern:
csplit $3 "/\($1\|$2\)/" "{*}"
This means take file $3, and break it into files xxNN (where NN starts at 00 and goes up) according to sections demarcated by an unlimited number ({*}) of patterns $1 OR $2 (two alternate patterns, separated by \| and grouped by escaped parentheses). The demarcation lines will remain in the output. You can then write ancillary code to delete the files you don't want. You can also change the name of the output filename and pattern.
# cat foo
# csplit foo '/\(#\|%\)/' '{*}'
# more xx0*
Note: You'll need to tweak it if your demarcation lines can repeat/occur out of order. This is very simple; the breaks occur at any point that one pattern OR the other is seen, regardless of order.


Speed up bash for loop which contains multiple sed commands

my bash for loop looks like:
for i in read_* ; do
cut -f1 $i | sponge $i
sed -i '1 s/^/>/g' $i
sed -i '3 s/^/>ref\n/g' $i
sed -i '4d' $i
sed -i '1h;2H;1,2d;4G' $i
mv $i $i.fasta
Are there any methods of speeding up this process, perhaps using GNU parallel?
EDIT: Added input and expected output.
sampleid 97 stuff 2086 42 213M = 3322 1431
Hopeful output:
I used the sed -i '1h;2H;1,2d;4G' $i command to swap lines 2 and 4.
If I read it right, this should create the same result, though it would probably help a LOT if I could see what your input and expected output look like...
awk '{$0=$1}
FNR==1{hd=">"$0; next}
FNR==3{print ">ref\n"$0 > FILENAME".fasta"}
FNR==5{print hd"\n"$0 > FILENAME".fasta"}
' read_*
My input files:
$: cat read_x
foo x
bar x
baz x
last x
curiosity x
$: cat read_y
and the resulting output files:
$: cat read_x.fasta
$: cat read_y.fasta
This runs in one pass with no loop aside from awk's usual internals, and leaves the originals in place so you can check it first. If all is good, all that's left is to remove the originals. For that, I would use extended globbing.
$: shopt -s extglob; rm read_!(*.fasta)
That will clean up the original inputs but not the new outputs.
Same results, three commands, no loops.
I am, or course, making some assumptions about what you are meaning to do that might not be accurate. To get this format in a single sed call -
$: sed -e 's/[[:space:]].*//' -e '1{s/^/>/;h;d}' -e '2{H;s/.*/>ref/}' -e '4x' read_x
but that's not the same commands you used, so maybe I'm misreading it.
To use this to in-place edit multiple files at a time (instead of calling it in a loop on each file), use -si so that the line numbers apply to each file rather than the stream of records they collectively produce.
DON'T use -is, though you could use -i -s.
$: sed -s -i -e 's/[[:space:]].*//' -e '1{s/^/>/;h;d}' -e '2{H;s/.*/>ref/}' -e '4x' read_*
This still leaves you with the issue of renaming each, but xargs makes that pretty easy in the given example.
printf "%s\n" read_* | xargs -I# mv # #.fasta
Using the file you gave in the OP, assuming every file is the same general structure and exactly 4 lines -
$: cat file_0 # I made files 0 through 7, but with same data
sampleid 97 stuff 2086 42 213M = 3322 1431
$: sed -Esi '1{s/^([^[:space:]]+).*/>\1/;h;s/.*/>ref/}; 3x;' file_?
$: cat file_0 # used a diff on each, worked on all at once
-Esi Extended pattern matching, separate file linecounts, in-place edits
1{...}; Collectively do these commands, in order, only on every line 1
s/^([^[:space:]]+).*/>\1/ add leading > but strip everything after any whitespace
h store the resulting >\1 line in the hold buffer
s/.*/>ref/ then replace the whole line with a literal >ref
`3x' swap line 3 with the value in the hold buffer from line 1
file_? I used a glob to supply the appropriate list of files all at once.
Doing same with awk:
$: awk 'FNR==1{id=">"$1; print ">ref" >FILENAME".fasta"; next} FNR==3{print id > FILENAME".fasta"; next} {print $0 > FILENAME".fasta"}' file_?
Then you can do file management as above with the xargs/mv for the sed or the shopt/rm for the awk - or we could add a little organizational work in awk if you like. Consider this:
awk 'BEGIN { system(" mkdir -p done ") }
FNR==1 { id=">"$1; print ">ref" > FILENAME".fasta"; next } # skip printing original
FNR==3 { print id > FILENAME".fasta"; next } # skip printing original
{ print $0 > FILENAME".fasta" } # every line NOT skipped
FNR==4 { close(FILENAME); close(FILENAME".fasta");
system("mv " FILENAME " done/")
}' file_?
Then if there are any problems, it's easy to delete the fasta's, move the originals back, adjust the code, and try again. If everything is ok, it's fast and easy to rm -fr done, yes?
Note that I really only added the mkdir inside a system call in the awk to show that you can, and to keep from having to manually do it separately if you have to run a few iterations or move it all into a wrapper script, etc.
The code in the question runs multiple subprocesses (cut, sponge, sed four times, and mv) for each file that is processed. Running subprocesses is relatively slow, so you can speed up the code significantly by reducing the number of them.
This Shellcheck-clean code is one way to do it:
#! /bin/bash -p
for f in read_* ; do
readarray -t lines <"$f"
printf '>ref\n%s\n>%s\n%s\n' \
"${lines[3]}" "${lines[0]%%[[:space:]]*}" "${lines[1]}" >"$f.fasta"
old_files+=( "$f" )
rm -- "${old_files[#]}"
This runs no subprocesses when processing individual files. It just reads the lines of the old file into an array using the built-in readarray command and writes to the new file using the built-in printf.
See Removing part of a string (BashFAQ/100 (How do I do string manipulation in bash?)) for an explanation of the %% in ${lines[0]%%[[:space:]]*}.
To avoid running rm for each file, the code keeps a list of files to be deleted and removes all of them at the end. If you try the code, consider commenting the rm line until you are very confident that the rest of the code is doing what you want.

Writing a script for large text file manipulation (iterative substitution of duplicated lines), weird bugs and very slow.

I am trying to write a script which takes a directory containing text files (384 of them) and modifies duplicate lines that have a specific format in order to make them not duplicates.
In particular, I have files in which some lines begin with the '#' character and contain the substring 0:0. A subset of these lines are duplicated one or more times. For those that are duplicated, I'd like to replace 0:0 with i:0 where i starts at 1 and is incremented.
So far I've written a bash script that finds duplicated lines beginning with '#', writes them to a file, then reads them back and uses sed in a while loop to search and replace the first occurrence of the line to be replaced. This is it below:
#for each fastq file
for f in $fdir
#find duplicated read names and write to file $f.txt
sort $f | uniq -d | grep ^# > "$f".txt
#loop over each duplicated readname
while read in; do
#while this readname still exists in the file increment and replace
while grep -q "$rname" $f; do
sed -i.bu "0,/$rname/s/$rname/$replace/" "$f"
let "i+=1"
done < "$f".txt
rm "$f".txt
rm "$f".bu
echo "done" >> progress.txt
background=( $(jobs -p) )
if (( ${#background[#]} ==40)); then
wait -n
The problem with it is that its impractically slow. I ran it on a 48 core computer for over 3 days and it hardly got through 30 files. It also seemed to have removed about 10 files and I'm not sure why.
My question is where are the bugs coming from and how can I do this more efficiently? I'm open to using other programming languages or changing my approach.
Strangely the loop works fine on one file. Basically I ran
sort $f | uniq -d | grep ^# > "$f".txt
while read in; do
while grep -q "$rname" $f; do
sed -i.bu "0,/$rname/s/$rname/$replace/" "$f"
let "i+=1"
done < "$f".txt
To give you an idea of what the files look like below are a few lines from one of them. The thing is that even though it works for the one file, it's slow. Like multiple hours for one file of 7.5 M. I'm wondering if there's a more practical approach.
With regard to the file deletions and other bugs I have no idea what was happening Maybe it was running into memory collisions or something when they were run in parallel?
Sample input:
#D00269:138:HJG2TADXX:2:1101:0:0 1:N:0:CCTAGAAT+ATTCCTCT
#D00269:138:HJG2TADXX:2:1101:0:0 1:N:0:CCTAGAAT+ATTCCTCT
Sample output:
#D00269:138:HJG2TADXX:2:1101:1:0 1:N:0:CCTAGAAT+ATTCCTCT
#D00269:138:HJG2TADXX:2:1101:2:0 1:N:0:CCTAGAAT+ATTCCTCT
Here's some code that produces the required output from your sample input.
Again, it is assumed that your input file is sorted by the first value (up to the first space character).
time awk '{
#dbg if (dbg) print "#dbg:prev=" prev
if (/^#/ && prev!=$1) {fixNum=0 ;if (dbg) print "prev!=$1=" prev "!=" $1}
if (/^#/ && (prev==$1 || NR==1) ) {
n=split($1,tmpArr,":") ; n++
#dbg if (dbg) print "tmpArr[6]="tmpArr[6] "\tfixNum="fixNum
# magic to rebuild $1 here
for (i=1;i<n;i++) {
tmpFix ? tmpFix=tmpFix":"tmpArr[i]"" : tmpFix=tmpArr[i]
$1=tmpFix ; $0=$0
print $0
else { tmpFix=""; print $0 }
}' file > fixedFile
#D00269:138:HJG2TADXX:2:1101:1:0 1:N:0:CCTAGAAT+ATTCCTCT
#D00269:138:HJG2TADXX:2:1101:2:0 1:N:0:CCTAGAAT+ATTCCTCT
I've left a few of the #dbg:... statements in place (but they are now commented out) to show how you can run a small set of data as you have provided, and watch the values of variables change.
Assuming a non-csh, you should be able to copy/paste the code block into a terminal window cmd-line and replace file > fixFile at the end with your real file name and a new name for the fixed file. Recall that awk 'program' file > file (actually, any ...file>file) will truncate the existing file and then try to write, SO you can lose all the data of a file trying to use the same name.
There are probably some syntax improvements that will reduce the size of this code, and there might be 1 or 2 things that could be done that will make the code faster, but this should run very quickly. If not, please post the result of time command that should appear at the end of the run, i.e.
real 0m0.18s
user 0m0.03s
sys 0m0.06s
sort $1 | uniq -d | grep ^# > dups.txt
while read in; do
if [ $((i%4))=0 ] && grep -q "$in" dups.txt; then
x=${x/"0:0 "/$i":0 "}
echo "$x" >> $1"fixed.txt"
echo "$in" >> $1"fixed.txt"
let "i+=1"
done < $1

Unix one-liner to swap/transpose two lines in multiple text files?

I wish to swap or transpose pairs of lines according to their line-numbers (e.g., switching the positions of lines 10 and 15) in multiple text files using a UNIX tool such as sed or awk.
For example, I believe this sed command should swap lines 14 and 26 in a single file:
sed -n '14p' infile_name > outfile_name
sed -n '26p' infile_name >> outfile_name
How can this be extended to work on multiple files? Any one-liner solutions welcome.
If you want to edit a file, you can use ed, the standard editor. Your task is rather easy in ed:
printf '%s\n' 14m26 26-m14- w q | ed -s file
How does it work?
14m26 tells ed to take line #14 and move it after line #26
26-m14- tells ed to take the line before line #26 (which is your original line #26) and move it after line preceding line #14 (which is where your line #14 originally was)
w tells ed to write the file
q tells ed to quit.
If your numbers are in a variable, you can do:
printf '%dm%d\n' "$linea" "$lineb"
printf '%d-m%d-\n' "$lineb" "$linea"
printf '%s\n' w q
} | ed -s file
or something similar. Make sure that linea<lineb.
If you want robust in-place updating of your input files, use gniourf_gniourf's excellent ed-based answer
If you have GNU sed and want to in-place updating with multiple files at once, use
#potong's excellent GNU sed-based answer (see below for a portable alternative, and the bottom for an explanation)
Note: ed truly updates the existing file, whereas sed's -i option creates a temporary file behind the scenes, which then replaces the original - while typically not an issue, this can have undesired side effects, most notably, replacing a symlink with a regular file (by contrast, file permissions are correctly preserved).
Below are POSIX-compliant shell functions that wrap both answers.
Stdin/stdout processing, based on #potong's excellent answer:
POSIX sed doesn't support -i for in-place updating.
It also doesn't support using \n inside a character class, so [^\n] must be replaced with a cumbersome workaround that positively defines all character except \n that can occur on a line - this is a achieved with a character class combining printable characters with all (ASCII) control characters other than \n included as literals (via a command substitution using printf).
Also note the need to split the sed script into two -e options, because POSIX sed requires that a branching command (b, in this case) be terminated with either an actual newline or continuation in a separate -e option.
# swapLines lineNum1 lineNum2
swapLines() {
[ "$1" -ge 1 ] || { printf "ARGUMENT ERROR: Line numbers must be decimal integers >= 1.\n" >&2; return 2; }
[ "$1" -le "$2" ] || { printf "ARGUMENT ERROR: The first line number ($1) must be <= the second ($2).\n" >&2; return 2; }
sed -e "$1"','"$2"'!b' -e ''"$1"'h;'"$1"'!H;'"$2"'!d;x;s/^\([[:print:]'"$(printf '\001\002\003\004\005\006\007\010\011\013\014\015\016\017\020\021\022\023\024\025\026\027\030\031\032\033\034\035\036\037\177')"']*\)\(.*\n\)\(.*\)/\3\2\1/'
$ printf 'line 1\nline 2\nline 3\n' | swapLines 1 3
line 3
line 2
line 1
In-place updating, based on gniourf_gniourf's excellent answer:
Small caveats:
While ed is a POSIX utility, it doesn't come preinstalled on all platforms, notably not on Debian and the Cygwin and MSYS Unix-emulation environments for Windows.
ed always reads the input file as a whole into memory.
# swapFileLines lineNum1 lineNum2 file
swapFileLines() {
[ "$1" -ge 1 ] || { printf "ARGUMENT ERROR: Line numbers must be decimal integers >= 1.\n" >&2; return 2; }
[ "$1" -le "$2" ] || { printf "ARGUMENT ERROR: The first line number ($1) must be <= the second ($2).\n" >&2; return 2; }
ed -s "$3" <<EOF
$ printf 'line 1\nline 2\nline 3\n' > file
$ swapFileLines 1 3 file
$ cat file
line 3
line 2
line 1
An explanation of #potong's GNU sed-based answer:
His command swaps lines 10 and 15:
sed -ri '10,15!b;10h;10!H;15!d;x;s/^([^\n]*)(.*\n)(.*)/\3\2\1/' f1 f2 fn
-r activates support for extended regular expressions; here, notably, it allows use of unescaped parentheses to form capture groups.
-i specifies that the files specified as operands (f1, f2, fn) be updated in place, without backup, since no optional suffix for a backup file is adjoined to the -i option.
10,15!b means that all lines that do not (!) fall into the range of lines 10 through 15 should branch (b) implicitly to the end of the script (given that no target-label name follows b), which means that the following commands are skipped for these lines. Effectively, they are simply printed as is.
10h copies (h) line number 10 (the start of the range) to the so-called hold space, which is an auxiliary buffer.
10!H appends (H) every line that is not line 10 - which in this case implies lines 11 through 15 - to the hold space.
15!d deletes (d) every line that is not line 15 (here, lines 10 through 14) and branches to the end of the script (skips remaining commands). By deleting these lines, they are not printed.
x, which is executed only for line 15 (the end of the range), replaces the so-called pattern space with the contents of the hold space, which at that point holds all lines in the range (10 through 15); the pattern space is the buffer on which sed commands operate, and whose contents are printed by default (unless -n was specified).
s/^([^\n]*)(.*\n)(.*)/\3\2\1/ then uses capture groups (parenthesized subexpressions of the regular expression that forms the first argument passed to function s) to partition the contents of the pattern space into the 1st line (^([^\n]*)), the middle lines ((.*\n)), and the last line ((.*)), and then, in the replacement string (the second argument passed to function s), uses backreferences to place the last line (\3) before the middle lines (\2), followed by the first line (\1), effectively swapping the first and last lines in the range. Finally, the modified pattern space is printed.
As you can see, only the range of lines spanning the two lines to swap is held in memory, whereas all other lines are passed through individually, which makes this approach memory-efficient.
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -ri '10,15!b;10h;10!H;15!d;x;s/^([^\n]*)(.*\n)(.*)/\3\2\1/' f1 f2 fn
This stores a range of lines in the hold space and then swaps the first and last lines following the completion of the range.
The i flag edits each file (f1,f2 ... fn) in place.
With GNU awk:
awk '
FNR==NR {if(FNR==14) x=$0;if(FNR==26) y=$0;next}
FNR==14 {$0=y} FNR==26 {$0=x} {print}
' file file > file_with_swap
The use of the following helper script allows using the power of find ... -exec ./script '{}' l1 l2 \; to locate the target files and to swap lines l1 & l2 in each file in place. (it requires that there are no identical duplicate lines within the file that fall within the search range) The script uses sed to read the two swap lines from each file into an indexed array and passes the lines to sed to complete the swap by matching. The sed call uses its "matched first address" state to limit the second expression swap to the first occurrence. An example use of the helper script below to swap lines 5 & 15 in all matching files is:
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "lnum*" -exec ../ '{}' 5 15 \;
For example, the find call above found files lnumorig.txt and lnumfile.txt in the present directory originally containing:
$ head -n20 lnumfile.txt.bak
1 A simple line of test in a text file.
2 A simple line of test in a text file.
3 A simple line of test in a text file.
4 A simple line of test in a text file.
5 A simple line of test in a text file.
6 A simple line of test in a text file.
14 A simple line of test in a text file.
15 A simple line of test in a text file.
16 A simple line of test in a text file.
17 A simple line of test in a text file.
18 A simple line of test in a text file.
19 A simple line of test in a text file.
20 A simple line of test in a text file.
And swapped the lines 5 & 15 as intended:
$ head -n20 lnumfile.txt
1 A simple line of test in a text file.
2 A simple line of test in a text file.
3 A simple line of test in a text file.
4 A simple line of test in a text file.
15 A simple line of test in a text file.
6 A simple line of test in a text file.
14 A simple line of test in a text file.
5 A simple line of test in a text file.
16 A simple line of test in a text file.
17 A simple line of test in a text file.
18 A simple line of test in a text file.
19 A simple line of test in a text file.
20 A simple line of test in a text file.
The helper script itself is:
[ -z $1 ] && { # validate requierd input (defaults set below)
printf "error: insufficient input calling '%s'. usage: file [line1 line2]\n" "${0//*\//}" 1>&2
exit 1
l1=${2:-10} # default/initialize line numbers to swap
while IFS=$'\n' read -r line; do # read lines to swap into indexed array
a+=( "$line" );
done <<<"$(sed -n $((l1))p "$1" && sed -n $((l2))p "$1")"
((${#a[#]} < 2)) && { # validate 2 lines read
printf "error: requested lines '%d & %d' not found in file '%s'\n" $l1 $l2 "$1"
exit 1
# swap lines in place with sed (remove .bak for no backups)
sed -i.bak -e "s/${a[1]}/${a[0]}/" -e "0,/${a[0]}/s/${a[0]}/${a[1]}/" "$1"
exit 0
Even though I didn't manage to get it all done in a one-liner I decided it was worth posting in case you can make some use of it or take ideas from it. Note: if you do make use of it, test to your satisfaction before turning it loose on your system. The script currently uses sed -i.bak ... to create backups of the files changed for testing purposes. You can remove the .bak when you are satisfied it meets your needs.
If you have no use for setting default lines to swap in the helper script itself, then I would change the first validation check to [ -z $1 -o -z $2 -o $3 ] to insure all required arguments are given when the script is called.
While it does identify the lines to be swapped by number, it relies on the direct match of each line to accomplish the swap. This means that any identical duplicate lines up to the end of the swap range will cause an unintended match and failue to swap the intended lines. This is part of the limitation imposed by not storing each line within the range of lines to be swapped as discussed in the comments. It's a tradeoff. There are many, many ways to approach this, all will have their benefits and drawbacks. Let me know if you have any questions.
Brute Force Method
Per your comment, I revised the helper script to use the brute forth copy/swap method that would eliminate the problem of any duplicate lines in the search range. This helper obtains the lines via sed as in the original, but then reads all lines from file to tmpfile swapping the appropriately numbered lines when encountered. After the tmpfile is filled, it is copied to the original file and tmpfile is removed.
[ -z $1 ] && { # validate requierd input (defaults set below)
printf "error: insufficient input calling '%s'. usage: file [line1 line2]\n" "${0//*\//}" 1>&2
exit 1
l1=${2:-10} # default/initialize line numbers to swap
while IFS=$'\n' read -r line; do # read lines to swap into indexed array
a+=( "$line" );
done <<<"$(sed -n $((l1))p "$1" && sed -n $((l2))p "$1")"
((${#a[#]} < 2)) && { # validate 2 lines read
printf "error: requested lines '%d & %d' not found in file '%s'\n" $l1 $l2 "$1"
exit 1
# create tmpfile, set trap, truncate
rmtemp () { cp "$tmpfn" "$fn"; rm -f "$tmpfn"; }
declare -i n=1
tmpfn="$(mktemp swap_XXX)"
:> "$tmpfn"
# swap lines in place with a tmpfile
while IFS=$'\n' read -r line; do
if ((n == l1)); then
printf "%s\n" "${a[1]}" >> "$tmpfn"
elif ((n == l2)); then
printf "%s\n" "${a[0]}" >> "$tmpfn"
printf "%s\n" "$line" >> "$tmpfn"
done < "$fn"
exit 0
If the line numbers to be swapped are fixed then you might want to try something like the sed command in the following example to have lines swapped in multiple files in-place:
# prep test files
for f in a b c ; do
( for i in {1..30} ; do echo $f$i ; done ) > /tmp/$f
sed -i -s -e '14 {h;d}' -e '15 {N;N;N;N;N;N;N;N;N;N;G;x;d}' -e '26 G' /tmp/{a,b,c}
# -i: inplace editing
# -s: treat each input file separately
# 14 {h;d} # first swap line: hold ; suppress
# 15 {N;N;...;G;x;d} # lines between: collect, append held line; hold result; suppress
# 26 G # second swap line: append held lines (and output them all)
# dump test files
cat /tmp/{a,b,c}
(This is according to Etan Reisner's comment.)
If you want to swap two lines, you can send it through twice, you could make it loop in one sed script if you really wanted, but this works:
test.txt: for a in {1..10}; do echo "this is line $a"; done >> test.txt
this is line 1
this is line 2
this is line 3
this is line 4
this is line 5
this is line 6
this is line 7
this is line 8
this is line 9
this is line 10
Then to swap lines 6 and 9:
sed ':a;6,8{6h;6!H;d;ba};9{p;x};' test.txt | sed '7{h;d};9{p;x}'
this is line 1
this is line 2
this is line 3
this is line 4
this is line 5
this is line 9
this is line 7
this is line 8
this is line 6
this is line 10
In the first sed it builds up the hold space with lines 6 through 8.
At line 9 it prints line 9 then prints the hold space (lines 6 through 8) this accomplishes the first move of 9 to place 6. Note: 6h; 6!H avoids a new line at the top of the pattern space.
The second move occurs in the second sed script it saves line 7 to the hold space, then deletes it and prints it after line 9.
To make it quasi-generic you can use variables like this:
A=3 && B=7 && sed ':a;'${A}','$((${B}-1))'{'${A}'h;'${A}'!H;d;ba};'${B}'{p;x};' test.txt | sed $(($A+1))'{h;d};'${B}'{p;x}'
Where A and B are the lines you want to swap, in this case lines 3 and 7.
if, you want swap two lines, to create script ""
sed -n "1,$((${2}-1))p" "$1"
sed -n "${3}p" "$1"
sed -n "$((${2}+1)),$((${3}-1))p" "$1"
sed -n "${2}p" "$1"
sed -n "$((${3}+1)),\$p" "$1"
sh infile_name 14 26 > outfile_name

sed from pattern till end of file inside a for loop

I'm writing a bash script that would allow me to take a certain amount of text from a file and add some other text before that for a list of files.
for f in *test.txt
filename=$(basename $f .txt)
printf "%%sum=4 \n"> input.temp
printf "file=$directory"/"$filename".txt" \n">> input.temp
printf "some commands \n">> input.temp
printf "\n" >> input.temp
printf "description \n">> input.temp
sed -n "/0 1/,$p" "$f" >> input.temp;
mv input.temp $filename.temp
I have a problem with the sed command inside the for loop. I looked around and people suggest adding double quotes which I did but to no avail. I think it might be the $p.
I hope this is clear enough. If it's not, I'll try to explain better.
sed -n "/0 1/,$p" "$f" >> input.temp; does not work
sed -n '/0 1/,$p' "$f" >> input.temp; does not work
sed -n "/0 1/,\$p" "$f" >> input.temp; does not work
FYI I'm not trying to find something else that works. I want to fix this exact input. I sound like an asshole I'm sure.
Sample input
some other commands
another description
0 1
0.36920852 -0.56246512
0.77541848 0.05756533
2.05409026 0.62333039
2.92655258 0.56906375
2.52034254 -0.05096652
1.24167014 -0.61673008
-0.60708600 -0.99443872
0.10927459 0.09899803
3.90284624 1.00103940
3.18648588 -0.09239788
0.93151968 -1.09013674
2.50047427 1.30468389
2.19361322 2.54108378
3.18742399 0.34152442
3.38679424 1.11276220
1.56936488 3.27250306
1.81754180 4.19564055
1 2 1.5 6
2 3 1.5
3 4
4 5 1.5
5 6 1.5
6 11 1.0
13 16
16 17
My desired output is basically this file from "0 1" till the end preceded by the stuff I put inside the printf.
UPDATE: If you're interested, the two scripts tripleee and Ed Morton provided work perfectly well. The problem in my script was me leaving out the -i option from the sed line (for inplace).
sed -n "/0 1/,$p" "$f" >> input.temp
should be replaced by
sed -ni '/0 1/,$p' "$f"
I see you updated your question and provided some additional information in your comments so try this, uses GNU awk 4.* for -i inplace:
awk -i inplace -v directory="$(pwd)" '
FNR==1 {
print "%%sum=4 "
print "file=" directory "/" FILENAME
print "some commands "
print ""
print "description "
found = 0
/0 1/ { found = 1 }
' *text.txt
If you don't have GNU awk then the technically correct way to do it is using xargs but it's simpler using a shell loop for the file manipulation (moving) part:
for file in *test.txt
awk -v directory="$(pwd)" '
FNR==1 {
print "%%sum=4 "
print "file=" directory "/" FILENAME
print "some commands "
print ""
print "description "
found = 0
/0 1/ { found = 1 }
' "$file" > tmp && mv tmp "$file"
Like others have already commented, you basically just need to use single quotes instead of double, because $p in double quotes gets replaced with the value of the shell variable p by the shell, before sed executes (in practice, probably an empty string).
However, you might also want to investigate doing it all in sed. You might then instead stick with the double quotes (because there are other variables you do want to substitute) and instead escape the dollar sign in $p with a backslash to protect it from the shell.
directory=$(pwd) # just do this once before the loop; the value doesn't change
for f in *text.txt; do
# no braces
filename=$(basename "$f" .txt)
sed -n "1i\\
some commands\\
/0 1/,\$p" "$f" >inputout.temp2 # no pointless separate temp file
In practice, I imagine you would like for the output file to be different in each iteration (maybe "$filename.temp" instead?) but what you do about that is up to you, obviously. As it is now, the file will contain the output from the last iteration.

Bash - extracting a string between two points

For example:
extract everything here, ignore the rest
I know how to ignore everything within, but I don't know how to do the opposite. Basically, it'll be a file and it needs to extract the data between the two points and then output it to another file. I've tried countless approaches, and all seem to tell me the indentation I'm stating doesn't exist in the file, when it does.
If somebody could point me in the right direction, I'd be grateful.
If your data are "line oriented", so the marker is alone (as in the example), you can try some of the following:
function getdata() {
cat - <<EOF
extract everything here, ignore the rest
someother text
echo "sed - with two seds"
getdata | sed -n '/((/,/))/p' | sed '1d;$d'
echo "Another sed solution"
getdata | sed -n '1,/((/d; /))/,$d;p'
echo "With GNU sed"
getdata | gsed -n '/((/{:a;n;/))/b;p;ba}'
echo "With perl"
getdata | perl -0777 -pe "s/.*\(\(\s*\\n(.*)?\)\).*/\$1/s"
Ps: yes, its looks like a dance of crazy toothpicks
Assuming you want to extract the string inside (( and )):
echo "$VAR"
echo "$VAR"
## cuts away the longest string from the beginning; # cuts away the shortest string from the beginning; %% cuts away the longest string at the end; % cuts away the shortes string at the end
The file :
$ cat /tmp/l
extract everything here, ignore the rest
someother text
The script
$ awk '$1=="((" {p=1;next} $1=="))" {p=o;next} p' /tmp/l
extract everything here, ignore the rest
someother text
sed -n '/^((/,/^))/ { /^((/b; /^))/b; p }'
Brief explanation:
/^((/,/^))/: range addressing (inclusive)
{ /^((/b; /^))/b; p }: sequence of 3 commands
1. skip line with ^((
2. skip line with ^))
3. print
The line skipping is required to make the range selection exclusive.
