FTP polling in OSB - oracle

I've created a ftp server on localhost:21
I created on OSB (I use OEPE to play with OSB) the proxy service called FTPpol
I configured FTPpol in this way:
General configuration(first tab): messaging service
Message Type Configuration: text in message requeste type and i leave the message response type on None
Transport Configuration: protocol: ftp and Endpoint Uri:
FTP Transport Configuration: User Authentication: External User and i use a service account previously created (with the username and password need to access to ftp)
After this configuration I receive a connection error on the console everytime the proxy try the polling. The username and password are correct and the server ftp is up and reachable.
Any suggestion?

My suggestion is to use an adapter for it, as seem here:


Using Spring boot JMS to send and receive messages over IBM MQ

Following instructions provided in https://developer.ibm.com/tutorials/mq-jms-application-development-with-spring-boot/, I developed a sample Spring boot web application in order to be able to send and receive messages over IBM MQ using JMS template.
In case of a MQ server not on local host, I updated the application.properties file with:
Unfortunately this is not the appropriate property as the application is searching for a queue manager on localhost.
I did not find in the documentation anything about the property to use for that. And yes, I gave a try to ibm.mq.host and ibm.mq.port.
For IBM config you need to provide the following properties:
Yml extension:
queueManager: {queueManagerName}
channel: {channelName}
connName: localhost(1415)
user: {UserName}
property extension:
connName you can find in the Listener directory:
In my case IP address is equal: localhost
Port is equal: 1415
channelName you can find in Channels directory.
As per https://github.com/ibm-messaging/mq-jms-spring the default connection properties for mq-jms-spring-boot-starter are
The default attributes are
You will most likely need to set connName, user and password. The default port is 1414, but if you are running MQ in the cloud then you will need to look up in you cloud what port to use. You will get the port from the same place you look up the server url.
You may also need to supply TLS parameters - https://github.com/ibm-messaging/mq-jms-spring#tls-related-options
You can find sample code here - https://github.com/ibm-messaging/mq-dev-patterns/tree/master/Spring-JMS The 101 sample ( https://github.com/ibm-messaging/mq-dev-patterns/tree/master/Spring-JMS/src/main/java/com/ibm/mq/samples/jms/spring/level101 ) has very little code, so a good test of whether the connection parameters are right.

Using Cloud SQL Proxy with Coorporate Proxy

I am trying to connect against Cloud SQL with the Cloud SQL Proxy but the problem is that in my company we use a private VPN to connect to Google Services, so I need to have enable the VPN and their proxy.
When I execute
./cloud_sql_proxy -instances=<CONNECTION-NAME>=tcp:5432
If I use a environment variable to declare the proxy and the user and password, it returns me,
errors parsing config:
Get "https://sqladmin.googleapis.com/sql/v1beta4/projects/<PROJECT>/instances/<REGION>~<SQL-INSTANCE>?alt=json&prettyPrint=false": proxyconnect tcp: tls: first record does not look like a TLS handshake
And if I delete the environment variable, it returns,
errors parsing config:
Get "https://sqladmin.googleapis.com/sql/v1beta4/projects/<PROJECT>/instances/<REGION>~<INSTANCE-SQL>?alt=json&prettyPrint=false": dial tcp <IP>:<PORT>: i/o timeout
Anyone resolve to execute the cloud_sql_proxy with another proxy?

Using a proxy that requires authentication with pybliometrics

I am using pybliometrics, a Python interface to the Scopus API, to download the abstracts of some papers.
Unfortunately Scopus only works inside the network of the university that subscribed to it. I am currently at home and whenever I try to download something using pybliometrics it gives me the following error:
pybliometrics.scopus.exception.Scopus401Error: The requestor is not authorized to access the requested view or fields of the resource
I need to use my university's proxy in order to enter the internet with the IP address of my university. The proxy has a WPAD configuration file available, but I fail to realize how to use it with pybliometrics. The pybliometrics documentation says to add a block in the configuration file like this:
ftp = socks5://
http = socks5://
https = socks5://
But this proxy requires authentication. How can I specify the proxy username and password?
EDIT: I have tried setting up the block in config.ini like:
ftp = http://username:password#proxy.thing.it:8080
http = http://username:password#proxy.thing.it:8080
https = http://username:password#proxy.thing.it:8080
but it still fails with the following error message:
requests.exceptions.ProxyError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='api.elsevier.com', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /content/abstract/scopus_id/84983158344?view=META_ABS (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 407 Proxy Authentication Required')))
From our perspective the API will work via a proxy as long as the proxy is configured correctly. I would suggest you speak to the provider of the proxy to see if they can help.
We don't have specific instructions on how to use APIs with a proxy (as there are many potential different versions and potential configurations); however, the general instructions are here:
To me your new proxy block looks suspicious. It funnels ftp and https requests through the http as well. Maybe try ftp and https as protocols in the corresponding sections.
The other solution is to ask Scopus Integration Support for an InstToken, which you use instead of a proxy. You then specify the InstToken in the configuration file as well.
The problem was that my proxy requires DigestAuth rather than BasicAuth.

Error shows while using SMTP sampler in jmeter

I have tried using SMTP sampler with the following details,
server: smtp.googlemail.com
port: 587
Address from: gmail account
Address to: gmail account
checked Use Auth
check box and the required username and password of the from
gmail account is given with the subject and message body.
But I'm facing the below sampler result,
Response code: 500
Response message: Other MessagingException: javax.mail.MessagingException: Could not connect to SMTP host: smtp.googlemail.com, port: 587;
nested exception is:
java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect
Can anyone please help me on this?
You can confirm JMeter network connectivity by adding i.e. HTTP Request sampler and opening a website which definitely exists, i.e. http://example.com
If you get the same "Connection refused" message - most probably you are sitting behind the corporate firewall and you will need to apply some extra configuration so JMeter would use your corporate proxy like:
jmeter -H my.proxy.server -P 8000 -u username -a password
See Using JMeter behind a proxy guide for more information.
If you can send requests to Internet web sites and services successfully - double-check your SMTP Sampler configuration, maybe your config is missing an important setting, i.e. Use StartTLS
Refer Load Testing Your Email Server: How to Send and Receive E-mails with JMeter article for comprehensive explanation and example configurations.

how to connect http server implemented by the c# socket class

I have finished http protocol via the socket class according to rfc2616 protocol, but how to connect https protocol and send data to server using the socket class?
When i connected https server https://www.example.com, I always get 404 error. The following is the socket command that to send to server https://www.example.com/
GET / HTTP/1.1 Host: www.example.com
the default always use http protocol
I found connected to https server need to use a connect command instead of the Get command and a client certificate. for example:
CONNECT login.example.com:443 HTTP/1.0
Major Version: 3
Minor Version: 1
I will try to use the connect command. Thanks for your replies.
OK,i have solved my problem ,use the SLStream class.
NetworkStream networkStream=new NetWorkStream(socket)
var stream=New SslStream(networkStream)
Now, will can read stream and write stream, until finished.
