Using a proxy that requires authentication with pybliometrics - proxy

I am using pybliometrics, a Python interface to the Scopus API, to download the abstracts of some papers.
Unfortunately Scopus only works inside the network of the university that subscribed to it. I am currently at home and whenever I try to download something using pybliometrics it gives me the following error:
pybliometrics.scopus.exception.Scopus401Error: The requestor is not authorized to access the requested view or fields of the resource
I need to use my university's proxy in order to enter the internet with the IP address of my university. The proxy has a WPAD configuration file available, but I fail to realize how to use it with pybliometrics. The pybliometrics documentation says to add a block in the configuration file like this:
ftp = socks5://
http = socks5://
https = socks5://
But this proxy requires authentication. How can I specify the proxy username and password?
EDIT: I have tried setting up the block in config.ini like:
ftp =
http =
https =
but it still fails with the following error message:
requests.exceptions.ProxyError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /content/abstract/scopus_id/84983158344?view=META_ABS (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 407 Proxy Authentication Required')))

From our perspective the API will work via a proxy as long as the proxy is configured correctly. I would suggest you speak to the provider of the proxy to see if they can help.
We don't have specific instructions on how to use APIs with a proxy (as there are many potential different versions and potential configurations); however, the general instructions are here:

To me your new proxy block looks suspicious. It funnels ftp and https requests through the http as well. Maybe try ftp and https as protocols in the corresponding sections.
The other solution is to ask Scopus Integration Support for an InstToken, which you use instead of a proxy. You then specify the InstToken in the configuration file as well.

The problem was that my proxy requires DigestAuth rather than BasicAuth.


How to disable SSL verification in Quarkus graphql client

I try to access a graphql api.
The post request goes via a proxy chain of:
local http proxy -> local socks5 proxy -> graphql api host
However, I get java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: Failed to create SSL connection in
I did not find any info or method to disable ssl checks, like verify hosts = false etc. in the used TypesafeGraphQLClientBuildernor in the built client.
How to get rid of the ssl checks in this local dev only test setup?
In debug I see that the built client io.smallrye.graphql.client.vertx.typesafe.VertxTypesafeGraphQLClientProxy
has httpClient.options.verifyHost=true which I would like to set to false.
But I don't know how/where to manipulate or replace the httpClient within the VertxTypesafeGraphQLClientProxy.
Any hints please?

IBM MFP Calling a JS adapter procedure from a JS adapter cause SSLHandshakeException by IHS

I have two javascript adapter:adapterA、adapterB
And I need call adapterA after that the adapterA will call adapterB(use MFP.Server.invokeProcedure, in the same mfp server) using this API
when I call in mfp localhost, it works
then I call https after I import mfp cer to jre cacerts
It works fine too
My question is I have IHS Server to redirect mfp services
when I call api by IHS http url
It works
when I call api by IHS https url
mfp server will get error like this: E FWLST0904E: Exception was thrown while invoking procedure: test in adapter: adapterB
java.lang.RuntimeException: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
but my IHS plugin only set http
how can I resolve this issue and avoid this issue
When the MobileFirst server creates the request to reach adapter B, the default behaviour is to frame the request, based on the URL of the currently executing request. That is, it uses the request originally used to reach adapter A, to frame the request to reach the target adapter B.
It works well in case 1, where the webserver is accessed using a "http://.." URL. In case 2, where MFP1 has to make an outbound call to the webserver using the "https://.." URL, it needs to first complete a SSL Handshake with the webserver. In case the MFP1 JVM lacks the certificates of the webserver, it fails to establish SSL Handshake and can lead to the error you saw.
In your case, there are two approaches you can take:
Choose to keep the adapter A to adapter B call internal to MFP1. This prevents the outbound "https://" call and you will not see the problem. Additionally, this helps in keeping the travel time shorter and also prevent a new connection on the webserver. To enable this setting, use the JNDI property mfp.adapter.invocation.url. For instance, if you set the value of this property to "http://localhost:9080/mfp", adapter B will be invoked as "http://localhost:9080/mfp/api/adapters/adapterB". The call stays local. More details on this property here.
If you wish to retain the request to adapter B go through the webserver using the secure endpoint, then you should ensure the webserver's root certificates are made available to the MFP1 JVM's trust store so that SSL handshake can be established successfully.

Mule4: "Remotely Closed" error for HTTPS POST

HTTPS POST requests are successful in POSTMAN both with and without Port 443. But failing in MULE Application with the error Remotely Closed.
Also, I tried to access the host using commands PING, TELNET and TRACENET for the host server via Command Prompt. Those fail with error Request Timed Out.
Can you please let me know where the issue lies?
For Mule4, remove the Global Element "HTTP Request Configuration" and pass the URL directly.
I am working with SAP Revsym Rest API's and this worked for me.
Plese, share config details. My guess is that config has path as well as path exist in the http request. These 2 pathes combined lead request to wrong place. That would be only possible explanation for provided information.

Using winhttp for client with non default SSL server name indication (sni)

I'm using winhttp in order to establish https connection on port 443 with my remote. However, the server running this service also contains more services on the same https port (443), so it uses SNI in order to resolve the requested session.
However, the server doesn't expect to get the hostname as SNI, since it uses single URL for all services. instead, the SNI address is chosen not according to the URL but according to some other string notation (i.e. service_api or service_web_if ...)
In my client connection flow, I set the URL in method WinHttpConnect which also set the SNI accordingly, and the actual SSL/TLS handshake is made when calling WinHttpSentRequest.
I wonder how can I change the SNI value from the default URL value after calling WinHttpConnect.
So far, while investigating possible solutions, I've learned about HTTP_SERVICE_CONFIG_SSL_SNI_KEY structure which is set by method HttpSetServiceConfiguration along with the matching certificate for this SNI, but this seems to be related to the server side configuration. Besides that, I haven't found any references for such action unfortunately.
Perhaps anybody ever used non-default SNI using winhttp API and can tell me how to do so ? is the only option to do so is doing the SSL handshake using some lower level API such as schannel, and than switching back to winhttp ?
if it's not possible, perhaps there's an option to use extended hostname with directory tree in order to get multiple sni on a single url...

proxying through corporate firewall

I'm trying to get some protocols work through my company's firewall. Until now I have been succesfull in masking either http or https data by setting a http proxy on localhost and one on a remote server I own. The communication is done via $_POSTed and received modified .bmp files that contain a header and the encripted serialised request array.
This works fine, but there are a few drawbacks that make me think I might have taken a wrong approach.
Firstly I do not use apache's mod-proxy. instead I just created a local subdomain (proxy.localhost) and use that in browser's proxy settings. the subdomain's index.php does all the work. This creates some problems. I cannot use http and https simultaneously or the server will complain of using either "http on a https enabled port" or "incoresc ssl response length".
The second problem is, well, other protocols. I could make use of some ftp, sftp, remote deskoptop, ssh, nust name another... I need it
there are 2 solutions I can think of: First is if I run a php script in CLI so that it listens on a predefined port and handles the requests differently, or some sort of ssh tunnel. Problem is I haven't had any success with freeSSHd and putty because of my ignorance.
Thanks in advance for any advice.
I used the free version of bitvise SSH Client and server and it seems to work just fine.
