Asible - ERROR! with_dict expects a dict - ansible

I am trying to create a keypair in aws using Ansible but it is
throwing me below error:
ERROR! with_dict expects a dict
Below is my keypair.yml
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
gather_facts: no
region: ap-southeast-1
keyname: aws_ansible
- name: create a key-pair
module: ec2_key
region: "{{region}}"
name: "{{keyname}}"
state: present
register: mykey
- name: write private key to a file
local_action: shell echo -e "{{ item.value.private_key }}" > ~/.ssh/"{{ keyname }}".pem &&
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/"{{ keyname }}".pem
with_dict: mykey
when: item.value.private_key is defined

I'm assuming you're using Ansible 2.x so try:
with_dict: "{{ mykey }}"
If that still doesn't work update your question with the output of:
- name: create a key-pair
- debug:
var: result
- name: write private key to a file


Create Local File With Ansible Template From Variables

I'm running an ansible playbook against a number of ec2 instances to check if a directory exists.
- hosts: all
become: true
- name: Check if foo is installed
register: path
- debug: msg="{{path.stat.exists}}"
And I would like to generate a localfile that lists the private IP addresses of the ec2 instances and states whether or not the directory foo does exist.
I can get the private IP addresses of the instances with this task
- name: Get info from remote
shell: curl
register: bar
- debug: msg="{{bar.stdout}}"
How do I create a local file with content
IP address: directory foo - false
IP address: directory foo - true
I've tried adding a block for this as such
- hosts: localhost
become: false
installed: "{{bar.stdout}}"
status: "{{path.stat.exists}}"
local_file: "./Report.txt"
- name: Create local file with info
dest: "{{ local_file }}"
content: |
"IP address {{ installed }} foo - {{ status }}"
But it doesn't look like I can read values of variables from earlier steps.
What am I doing wrong please?
A similar question has been answered here.
Basically what you want is to reference it through the host var variable.
This should work.
- hosts: localhost
become: false
local_file: "./Report.txt"
- name: Create local file with info
path: "{{ local_file }}"
"IP Address: {{ hostvars[item]['bar'].stdout }} - Installed: {{ hostvars[item]['path'].stat.exists }}"
with_items: "{{ query('inventory_hostnames', 'all') }}"
And this should populate your local ./Report.txt file, with the info you need.
I've used the ec2_metadata_facts module to get the IP address us ingansible_ec2_local_ipv4
I've also created the directory /tmp/testdir on the second host.
- hosts: test_hosts
gather_facts: no
directory_name: /tmp/testdir
- ec2_metadata_facts:
- name: check if directory '{{ directory_name }}' exsists
path: "{{ directory_name }}"
register: path
# I make the outputfile empty
# because the module lineinfile(as I know) can't overwrite a file
# but appends line to the old content
- name: create empty output file
content: ""
dest: outputfile
delegate_to: localhost
- name: write output to outputfile
dest: outputfile
line: "IP Address: {{ ansible_ec2_local_ipv4 }} {{ directory_name }} - {{ path.stat.exists }}"
state: present
with_items: "{{ groups.all }}"
# with_items: "{{ ansible_play_hosts }}" can also be used here
delegate_to: localhost
The outputfile looks like:
IP Address: xxx.xx.x.133 /tmp/testdir - False
IP Address: xxx.xx.x.45 /tmp/testdir - True

Ansible how to remove groups value by key

I am having a play where i will collect available host names before running a task, i am using this for a purpose,
My play code:
- name: check reachable side A hosts
hosts: ????ha???
connection: local
gather_facts: no
- Juniper.junos
host: "{{ loopback_v4 }}"
username: "test"
ssh_keyfile: "/id_rsa"
port: "{{ port }}"
timeout: 60
- block:
- name: "Check netconf connectivity with switches"
provider: "{{ credentials }}"
dest: "{{ loopback_v4 }}"
- name: Add devices with connectivity to the "reachable" group
key: "reachable_other_pairs"
- debug: msg="Cannot ping to {{inventory_hostname}}. Skipping OS Install"
When i print this using
- debug:
msg: "group: {{ groups['reachable_other_pairs'] }}"
i am getting below result
"this group : ['testha1', 'testha2', 'testha3']",
Now if again call the same play with different hosts grouping with the same key i am getting the new host names appending to the existing values, like below
- name: check reachable side B hosts
hosts: ????hb???
connection: local
gather_facts: no
- Juniper.junos
host: "{{ loopback_v4 }}"
username: "test"
ssh_keyfile: "/id_rsa"
port: "{{ port }}"
timeout: 60
- block:
- name: "Check netconf connectivity with switches"
provider: "{{ credentials }}"
dest: "{{ loopback_v4 }}"
- name: Add devices with connectivity to the "reachable" group
key: "reachable_other_pairs"
- debug: msg="Cannot ping to {{inventory_hostname}}. Skipping OS Install"
if i print the reachable_other_pairs i am getting below results
"msg": " new group: ['testhb1', 'testhb2', 'testhb3', 'testha1', 'testha2', 'testha3']"
All i want is only first 3 entries ['testhb1', 'testhb2', 'testhb3']
Can some one let me know how to achieve this?
Add this as as task just before your block. It will refresh your inventory and clean up all groups that are not in there:
- meta: refresh_inventory

How to use the lookup plugin to get the directory path and file in Ansible

I have a two playbooks where one creates SSH Keys and the other one creates a new user and deploys the public ssh key for the new user created.
My issue is I created a task that create a new directory with a timestamp to store the relevant data, I was able to get the path to a variable where I added it as a dummy host so that I can be able to call that path with all my plays but it seems like I am unable to use the same variable in lookup so that I can be able to deploy the ssh key. Kindly assist, below are the relevant tasks.
# Create the directory with timestamp
- name: Create Directory with timestamp to store data that was run multiple times that day
when: inventory_hostname in groups['local']
path: "{{store_files_path}}/{{}}/{{ansible_date_time.time}}"
state: directory
mode: "0755"
register: dir_path
# Add the directory path to dummy host called save so that I can call it from other plays
- name: Add dir path:"{{dir_path.path}}" as a 'save' host
when: inventory_hostname in groups['local']
name: "save"
dir: "{{dir_path.path}}"
# Deploying SSH Key I tried this -->
- name: Deploy Public Key to the server
when: inventory_hostname in groups['Servers']
user: "{{hostvars['new-user']['user']}}"
state: present
key: "{{dir_path.path}}/"
# ...this -->
- name: Deploy Public Key to the server
when: inventory_hostname in groups['Servers']
user: "{{hostvars['new-user']['user']}}"
state: present
key: "{{ lookup('file','{{dir_path.path}}/') }}"
# .... and this -->
- name: Deploy Public Key to the server
when: inventory_hostname in groups['Servers']
user: "{{hostvars['new-user']['user']}}"
state: present
key: "{{ lookup('file','{{hostvars['save']['dir']}}/') }}"
None of them worked, what am I doing wrong?
If you put a Jinja expression into a string in a Jinja expression, then you indeed end up with a your variable not being interpreted.
A basic example of this is:
- hosts: all
gather_facts: no
- debug:
msg: "{{ '{{ foo }}' }}"
foo: bar
Which gives:
ok: [localhost] => {
"msg": "{{ foo }}"
- hosts: all
gather_facts: no
- debug:
msg: "{{ foo }}"
foo: bar
Gives thes expected:
ok: [localhost] => {
"msg": "bar"
So in order to achieve what you want here, you should use the concatenation operator of Jinja: ~, in order to let Jinja interpret your variable and concatenate it with the rest of your "hardcoded" string.
Effectively ending with the instruction:
key: "{{ lookup('file', hostvars['save']['dir'] ~ '/') }}"

How to set fact witch is visible on all hosts in Ansible role

I'm setting fact in a role:
- name: Check if manager already configured
shell: >
docker info | perl -ne 'print "$1" if /Swarm: (\w+)/'
register: swarm_status
- name: Init cluster
shell: >-
docker swarm init
--advertise-addr "{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}"
when: "'active' not in swarm_status.stdout_lines"
- name: Get worker token
shell: docker swarm join-token -q worker
register: worker_token_result
- set_fact:
worker_token: "{{ worker_token_result.stdout }}"
Then I want to access worker_token on another hosts. Here's my main playbook, the fact is defined in the swarm-master role
- hosts: swarm_cluster
become: yes
- docker
- hosts: swarm_cluster:&manager
become: yes
- swarm-master
- hosts: swarm_cluster:&node
become: yes
- debug:
msg: "{{ worker_token }}"
I'm getting undefined variable. How to make it visible globally?
Of course it works perfectly if I run debug on the same host.
if your goal is just to access worker_token from on another host, you can use hostvars variable and iterate through the group where you've defined your variable like this:
- hosts: swarm_cluster:&node
- debug:
msg: "{{ hostvars[item]['worker_token'] }}"
with_items: "{{ groups['manager'] }}"
If your goal is to define the variable globally, you can add a step to define a variable on all hosts like this:
- hosts: all
- set_fact:
worker_token_global: "{{ hostvars[item]['worker_token'] }}"
with_items: "{{ groups['manager'] }}"
- hosts: swarm_cluster:&node
- debug:
var: worker_token_global

Getting variable values from url

i am new to ansible and i am trying to achieve the following,
This is the sample playbook, here i am creating a reg key called "test" under HKLM:\SOFTWARE\myapp\Desk\ and i am adding 2 entries with items called hello and hi and i am assigning single same value "world" to both hello and hi.
i want to get the value for hello and hi from some file which will be stored in a repository or some url ..the value will be different for hello and hi.. is this possible ?
- hosts: web
- name: Create and add reg entries
path: HKLM:\SOFTWARE\myapp\Desk\Test
entry: "{{ item }}"
data: world
type: string
state: present
- hello
- hi
Some improvement here for a newbie, i am able to iterate through with_items with key value , but i want to have a file with key:value and i want the ansible to iterate through all the left side keys and create them and also fill them with the right side values..that is the entry in win_Regedit should have key and data should have values
- hosts: web
- name: Create and add reg entries
path: HKLM:\SOFTWARE\myapp\Desk\Test
entry: "{{ item.regkey }}"
data: "{{ item.regvalue}}"
type: string
state: present
- regkey: hello
regvalue: world
- regkey: hi
regvalue: universe
To include variable from some file, you can use the include_vars module:
file: vars.yml
Edit What you want to do is probably something like below (did not try the win_regedit as I don't have any windows node):
Create a vars.yml:
var1: 'key1'
var2: 'key2'
d1: "{
'{{var1}}': 'val1',
'{{var2}}': 'val2'
Then launch the following playbook (see the with_dict statement):
- hosts: localhost
remote_user: my_user
- name: pull var_file
dest: /path/to/vars.yml
mode: 0440
- name: include_vars
- name: Create and add reg entries
path: HKLM:\SOFTWARE\myapp\Desk\Test
entry: "{{ item.key }}"
data: "{{ item.value}}"
type: string
state: present
with_dict: "{{d1}}"
Kudos to this answer for the with_dict trick
Use uri module.
- hosts: localhost
remote_user: my_user
- name: pull var_file
method: GET
return_content: yes
register: vars_from_url
- name: Create and add reg entries
path: HKLM:\SOFTWARE\myapp\Desk\Test
entry: "{{ item.key }}"
data: "{{ item.value}}"
type: string
state: present
with_dict: "{{ vars_from_url.content }}"
