Getting variable values from url - ansible

i am new to ansible and i am trying to achieve the following,
This is the sample playbook, here i am creating a reg key called "test" under HKLM:\SOFTWARE\myapp\Desk\ and i am adding 2 entries with items called hello and hi and i am assigning single same value "world" to both hello and hi.
i want to get the value for hello and hi from some file which will be stored in a repository or some url ..the value will be different for hello and hi.. is this possible ?
- hosts: web
- name: Create and add reg entries
path: HKLM:\SOFTWARE\myapp\Desk\Test
entry: "{{ item }}"
data: world
type: string
state: present
- hello
- hi
Some improvement here for a newbie, i am able to iterate through with_items with key value , but i want to have a file with key:value and i want the ansible to iterate through all the left side keys and create them and also fill them with the right side values..that is the entry in win_Regedit should have key and data should have values
- hosts: web
- name: Create and add reg entries
path: HKLM:\SOFTWARE\myapp\Desk\Test
entry: "{{ item.regkey }}"
data: "{{ item.regvalue}}"
type: string
state: present
- regkey: hello
regvalue: world
- regkey: hi
regvalue: universe

To include variable from some file, you can use the include_vars module:
file: vars.yml
Edit What you want to do is probably something like below (did not try the win_regedit as I don't have any windows node):
Create a vars.yml:
var1: 'key1'
var2: 'key2'
d1: "{
'{{var1}}': 'val1',
'{{var2}}': 'val2'
Then launch the following playbook (see the with_dict statement):
- hosts: localhost
remote_user: my_user
- name: pull var_file
dest: /path/to/vars.yml
mode: 0440
- name: include_vars
- name: Create and add reg entries
path: HKLM:\SOFTWARE\myapp\Desk\Test
entry: "{{ item.key }}"
data: "{{ item.value}}"
type: string
state: present
with_dict: "{{d1}}"
Kudos to this answer for the with_dict trick

Use uri module.
- hosts: localhost
remote_user: my_user
- name: pull var_file
method: GET
return_content: yes
register: vars_from_url
- name: Create and add reg entries
path: HKLM:\SOFTWARE\myapp\Desk\Test
entry: "{{ item.key }}"
data: "{{ item.value}}"
type: string
state: present
with_dict: "{{ vars_from_url.content }}"


How to include variables from roles (vars) directory ansible?

I have my ansible playbook which basically create a new Virtual machine from template in esxi what , i have to convert the playbook into roles. I am new to ansible so i don't know how to call my hard coded variables from roles(install)->vars directory .
This is my playbook
# create a new VM from a template
- name: VM from template
hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false
connection: local
vcenter_hostname: vcenter-app
vcenter_user: john#doe
vcenter_pass: blabla6
datastore: VM-PROD-02-NORMAL
vmtemplate: Centos7-template
name: "newvm2"
notes: Ansible Test
dumpfacts: False
- name: Create VM from template
validate_certs: False
hostname: "{{ vcenter_hostname }}"
username: "{{ vcenter_user }}"
password: "{{ vcenter_pass }}"
esxi_hostname: "{{ esxhost }}"
datacenter: CD06
folder: Test
name: "{{ name }}"
template: "{{ vmtemplate }}"
memory_mb: "{{ vm_memory | default(1024) }}"
wait_for_ip_address: True
state: present
register: newvm2
I have divide this into my role(install)->tasks->main.yml like this
- name: Create VM from template
validate_certs: False
hostname: "{{ vcenter_hostname }}"
username: "{{ vcenter_user }}"
password: "{{ vcenter_pass }}"
esxi_hostname: "{{ esxhost }}"
datacenter: CD06
folder: Test
name: "{{ name }}"
template: "{{ vmtemplate }}"
memory_mb: "{{ vm_memory | default(1024) }}"
wait_for_ip_address: True
state: present
register: newvm2
Then in my main directory i create new file run.yml and include my role
# create a new VM from a template
- name: VM from template
hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false
connection: local
- install
The issue is i don't know how to call vars from roles->vars directory as you can see in my playbook i have hard code variables. I need to get or set the variable in file and call it from that file.
**vcenter_hostname: vcenter-app
vcenter_user: john#doe
vcenter_pass: blabla6
datastore: VM-PROD-02-NORMAL
vmtemplate: Centos7-template
name: "newvm2"
datacenter: CD06
folder: Test**
Variables in ansible are a set of values that will replace certain place-holders. You supply them when running your playbook and they will "trickle down" if you include roles etc. Check the documentation to find out about variable precedence in ansible.
So what you want to do is to put your variable-assignments in your inventory (you can split out variables in separate files as well, using group_vars) and then use the -i path/to/inventory.yml on your ansible-playbook command.
A structure could look like that:
main.yaml # contains default values for your variables
inventory.yaml # contains hosts and variable assignments
Then, you can run it like that:
ansible-playbook -i inventory/inventory.yaml run.yaml
Don't use my-role/vars as it is very hard to override variable assignments in there. (See variable precedence)
defaults/main.yaml is not necessary, but can be handy for variables you rarely change

How to use the lookup plugin to get the directory path and file in Ansible

I have a two playbooks where one creates SSH Keys and the other one creates a new user and deploys the public ssh key for the new user created.
My issue is I created a task that create a new directory with a timestamp to store the relevant data, I was able to get the path to a variable where I added it as a dummy host so that I can be able to call that path with all my plays but it seems like I am unable to use the same variable in lookup so that I can be able to deploy the ssh key. Kindly assist, below are the relevant tasks.
# Create the directory with timestamp
- name: Create Directory with timestamp to store data that was run multiple times that day
when: inventory_hostname in groups['local']
path: "{{store_files_path}}/{{}}/{{ansible_date_time.time}}"
state: directory
mode: "0755"
register: dir_path
# Add the directory path to dummy host called save so that I can call it from other plays
- name: Add dir path:"{{dir_path.path}}" as a 'save' host
when: inventory_hostname in groups['local']
name: "save"
dir: "{{dir_path.path}}"
# Deploying SSH Key I tried this -->
- name: Deploy Public Key to the server
when: inventory_hostname in groups['Servers']
user: "{{hostvars['new-user']['user']}}"
state: present
key: "{{dir_path.path}}/"
# ...this -->
- name: Deploy Public Key to the server
when: inventory_hostname in groups['Servers']
user: "{{hostvars['new-user']['user']}}"
state: present
key: "{{ lookup('file','{{dir_path.path}}/') }}"
# .... and this -->
- name: Deploy Public Key to the server
when: inventory_hostname in groups['Servers']
user: "{{hostvars['new-user']['user']}}"
state: present
key: "{{ lookup('file','{{hostvars['save']['dir']}}/') }}"
None of them worked, what am I doing wrong?
If you put a Jinja expression into a string in a Jinja expression, then you indeed end up with a your variable not being interpreted.
A basic example of this is:
- hosts: all
gather_facts: no
- debug:
msg: "{{ '{{ foo }}' }}"
foo: bar
Which gives:
ok: [localhost] => {
"msg": "{{ foo }}"
- hosts: all
gather_facts: no
- debug:
msg: "{{ foo }}"
foo: bar
Gives thes expected:
ok: [localhost] => {
"msg": "bar"
So in order to achieve what you want here, you should use the concatenation operator of Jinja: ~, in order to let Jinja interpret your variable and concatenate it with the rest of your "hardcoded" string.
Effectively ending with the instruction:
key: "{{ lookup('file', hostvars['save']['dir'] ~ '/') }}"

Ansible find module giving error "does not seem to be a valid directory or it cannot be accessed" absolute path

Ansible find module isn't working as expected.
So i have three instances
One is test node , second controller node and third is from where i am running my ansible playbook
I am trying to generate ssh-keys on test_nodes and then fetching the public keys from those nodes. This is working fine.
Then I am trying to appending these public keys in the authorized_keys file of a different host(controller_node). For this, I am using the find module to get list of files and then loop over these files in authorized_key module.
I was using :
- name: Set authorized key file taken from file
user: absrivastava
key: "{{ lookup('file','item') }}"
state: present
- "/home/absrivastava/ANSIBLE/ssh-keys/*/home/ribbon/.ssh/" This didnt work
- "/home/absrivastava/ANSIBLE/ssh-keys/*/home/ribbon/.ssh/" This was not appending data
But it didnt seem to work. So i am using find to get list of files and then iterate over them.
- name: Generate ssh keys
hosts: media_nodes
gather_facts: false
- name: key generation
path: ~/.ssh/id_ssh_rsa
force: True
register: public_key
- debug:
var: public_key.public_key
- name: fetch public key from all nodes
src: ~/.ssh/
dest: ssh-keys/
- name: Controller play
hosts: controller
gather_facts: false
- name: Find list of public key files
paths: /home/abhilasha/ANSIBLE/ssh-keys/
file_type: file
recurse: yes
patterns: ".*pub"
use_regex: yes
register: files_matched
- name: debug files matched
var: files_matched.files
- name: Debug files_matched loop
var: item.path
loop: "{{ files_matched.files|flatten(levels=1) }}"
label: "{{ item.path }}"
- name: Set authorized key file taken from file
key: "{{ lookup('file','item') }}"
state: present
- "{{ files_matched.files }}"
- name: Find list of public key files
This play is not working giving error
TASK [Find list of public keys] *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [test_controller] => {"changed": false, "examined": 0, "files": [], "matched": 0, "msg": "/home/abhilasha/ANSIBLE/ssh-keys/ was skipped as it does not seem to be a valid directory or it cannot be accessed\n"}
Okay so i got the issue , i was using hosts: controller for this play but the files are on my test VM instance .
But I am not sure how to still solve my problem. I want to use publoc keys on my local and then append it to controller server
- name: Fetch public key files from localhost
gather_facts: false
connection: local
- name: Find list of public keys
paths: ssh-keys/
file_type: file
recurse: yes
patterns: "pub"
use_regex: yes
hidden: yes
register: files_matched
- name: Debug files_matched loop
var: item.path
loop: "{{ files_matched.files|flatten(levels=1) }}"
label: "{{ item.path }}"
- name: Add Public keys to controller authorized keys
hosts: controller
gather_facts: false
- name: Set authorized key file taken from file
key: "{{ lookup('file','item') }}"
state: present
- "{{ files_matched.files }}"
I am unable to use files_matched variable outside the scope of that play. How can i make this work. Thanks in advance
Q: "msg": "/home/abhilasha/ANSIBLE/ssh-keys/ was skipped as it does not seem to be a valid directory or it cannot be accessed\n"
A: Take a look at the directory ssh-keys/ at controller and check the content. Instead of
paths: /home/abhilasha/ANSIBLE/ssh-keys/
find it in the same path
path: ssh-keys/
it has been fetch to
dest: ssh-keys/
Can you change the paths as below and try
- name: fetch public key from all nodes
src: ~/.ssh/
dest: /tmp/ssh-keys/
- name: Find list of public key files
paths: /tmp/ssh-keys/
file_type: file
recurse: yes
patterns: ".*pub"
use_regex: yes
register: files_matched
If you are trying to copy/find files from your local machine to the remote, by default the find module will run on the remote, not your local machine. As a result, the error will be thrown if those directories don't exist on your remote.
So you just tell it to "find" on your local machine by specifying delegate_to: localhost and it should work.
- find:
- local_dir1
- local_dir2
file_type: file
patterns: '*.tgz'
register: files_output
# Execute task on this host instead of the target (inventory_hostname).
delegate_to: localhost
- block:
- set_fact:
files: "{{ files_output.files | map(attribute='path') }}"
- set_fact:
files: '{{ files + more }}'
- '{{playbook_dir}}/'
- debug:
msg: '{{ item }}'
loop: '{{ files }}'

Iterate with Ansible with_dict over list of a dictionaries

I am stuck in iterating over the list of a dictionary. Sample vars.yml and the minimal playbook is bellow.
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
gather_facts: false
become: false
csvfile: "{{ lookup('file', 'vars/users.csv') }}"
- name: Convert CSV to YAML
src: "./users_csv.j2"
dest: "vars/users.yml"
run_once: true
- name: Include users from users.yml to users variable
file: vars/users.yml
name: users
- debug:
msg: "{{ users.value }}"
- "{{ users }}"
My Jinja2 template produces a list of dictionaries in YAML format as below:
- username: Auser1
group: Admin
- username: Auser2
group: Admin
- username: Auser3
group: User
Anyhow, when I am iterating the dictionary, I am not able to get for example a username or group.
Most far I got is getting a fatal error message saying:
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"msg": "with_dict expects a dict"}
I know how to iterate over the list, but I don't have an idea why it fails here.
The users is not a dictionary, its a list variable of dictionaries.
if you want to parse this variable in a loop, you can use:
- debug:
msg: "username: {{ item.username }}, group: {{ }}"
- "{{ users.users }}"
hope it helps
i noticed now that when including the var file, you pass the name: users instruction as well. this cause all the variables of the file to be placed under the users variable. So to refer to the users list which is defined in the variable file, you need to use users.users.
updated the with_items to:
- "{{ users.users }}"

Asible - ERROR! with_dict expects a dict

I am trying to create a keypair in aws using Ansible but it is
throwing me below error:
ERROR! with_dict expects a dict
Below is my keypair.yml
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
gather_facts: no
region: ap-southeast-1
keyname: aws_ansible
- name: create a key-pair
module: ec2_key
region: "{{region}}"
name: "{{keyname}}"
state: present
register: mykey
- name: write private key to a file
local_action: shell echo -e "{{ item.value.private_key }}" > ~/.ssh/"{{ keyname }}".pem &&
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/"{{ keyname }}".pem
with_dict: mykey
when: item.value.private_key is defined
I'm assuming you're using Ansible 2.x so try:
with_dict: "{{ mykey }}"
If that still doesn't work update your question with the output of:
- name: create a key-pair
- debug:
var: result
- name: write private key to a file
