How to set fact witch is visible on all hosts in Ansible role - ansible

I'm setting fact in a role:
- name: Check if manager already configured
shell: >
docker info | perl -ne 'print "$1" if /Swarm: (\w+)/'
register: swarm_status
- name: Init cluster
shell: >-
docker swarm init
--advertise-addr "{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}"
when: "'active' not in swarm_status.stdout_lines"
- name: Get worker token
shell: docker swarm join-token -q worker
register: worker_token_result
- set_fact:
worker_token: "{{ worker_token_result.stdout }}"
Then I want to access worker_token on another hosts. Here's my main playbook, the fact is defined in the swarm-master role
- hosts: swarm_cluster
become: yes
- docker
- hosts: swarm_cluster:&manager
become: yes
- swarm-master
- hosts: swarm_cluster:&node
become: yes
- debug:
msg: "{{ worker_token }}"
I'm getting undefined variable. How to make it visible globally?
Of course it works perfectly if I run debug on the same host.

if your goal is just to access worker_token from on another host, you can use hostvars variable and iterate through the group where you've defined your variable like this:
- hosts: swarm_cluster:&node
- debug:
msg: "{{ hostvars[item]['worker_token'] }}"
with_items: "{{ groups['manager'] }}"
If your goal is to define the variable globally, you can add a step to define a variable on all hosts like this:
- hosts: all
- set_fact:
worker_token_global: "{{ hostvars[item]['worker_token'] }}"
with_items: "{{ groups['manager'] }}"
- hosts: swarm_cluster:&node
- debug:
var: worker_token_global


Ansible: Get Variable with inventory_hostname

I have the following passwords file vault.yml:
server1: "pass1"
server2: "pass2"
server3: "pass3"
I am loading these values in a variable called passwords:
- name: Get Secrets
passwords: "{{ lookup('template', './vault.yml')|from_yaml }}"
delegate_to: localhost
- name: debug it
var: passwords.{{ inventory_hostname }}
The result of the debugging task shows me the result I want to get: The password for the specific host.
But if I set the following in a variables file:
ansible_user: root
ansible_password: passwords.{{ inventory_hostname }}
This will not give me the desired result. The ansible_password takes "passwords" literally and not as a variable.
How can I achieve the same result I got when debugging the passwords.{{ inventory_hostname }}?
Regarding the part
... if I set the following in a variables file ...
I am not sure since I miss some information about your use case and data flow. However, in general the syntax ansible_password: "{{ PASSWORDS[inventory_hostname] }}" might work for you.
- hosts: localhost
become: false
gather_facts: false
SERVER1: "pass1"
SERVER2: "pass2"
SERVER3: "pass3"
localhost: "pass_local"
- name: Debug var
- name: Set Fact 'ansible_password'
ansible_password: "{{ PASSWORDS[inventory_hostname] }}"
- name: Debug var
var: ansible_password
In that way you can access a element by name.

ansible - Incorrect type. Expected "object"

- name: someapp deployment playbook
hosts: localhost
connection: local
gather_facts: no
- secrets.yml
AWS_DEFAULT_REGION: "{{ lookup('env', 'AWS_DEFAULT_VERSION') | default('ca-central-1', true) }}"
- include: tasks/create_stack.yml
- include: tasks/deploy_app.yml
- name: task to create/update stack
stack_name: someapp
state: present
template: templates/stack.yml
template_format: yaml
VpcId: "{{ vpc_id }}"
SubnetId: "{{ subnet_id }}"
KeyPair: "{{ ec2_keypair }}"
InstanceCount: "{{ instance_count | default(1) }}"
DbSubnets: "{{ db_subnets | join(',') }}"
DbAvailabilityZone: "{{ db_availability_zone }}"
DbUsername: "{{ db_username }}"
DbPassword: "{{ db_password }}"
Environment: test
register: cf_stack
- name: task to output stack output
debug: msg={{ cf_stack }}
when: debug is defined
Error at line debug: msg={{ cf_stack }} saying:
This module prints statements during execution and can be useful for debugging variables or expressions without necessarily halting the playbook. Useful for debugging together with the 'when:' directive.
This module is also supported for Windows targets.
Incorrect type. Expected "object".
Ansible documentation allows the above syntax, as shown here
$ ansible --version
ansible 2.5.1
How to resolve this error?
You still need to remember quotes for lines starting with a {, even when using short-hand notation:
- debug: msg="{{ cf_stack }}"
This would be more obvious using full YAML notation:
- debug:
msg: "{{ cf_stack }}"
Also, given this is a variable, you could just do:
- debug:
var: cf_stack

Ansible rollback: run a group of tasks over list of hosts even when one of hosts failed

I have a playbook with multiple roles, hosts and groups. I am trying to develop a rollback functionality, that would run over all hosts. My current obstacle is that I see no way to delegate role, block or set of tasks to group of hosts
I tried looking up delegation to group without loops, so it would work on a block.
import_role doesn't accept loops
include_role doesn't accept delegate_to
same with import_tasks/include_tasks
here is what I have now as a playbook file (shortened version)
- hosts: all
any_errors_fatal: true
- name: "remote_user_p"
prompt: "Remote user running the playbook"
default: "root"
private: no
- name: "service_user_p"
prompt: "Specify user to run non-root tasks"
default: "user"
private: no
- set_fact:
playbook_type: "upgrade"
- import_role:
name: 0_pre_check
run_once: true
remote_user: "{{ remote_user_p }}"
become_user: "{{ service_user_p }}"
become_method: su
become: yes
- block:
- import_role:
name: 1_os
- import_role:
name: 2_mysql
when: inventory_hostname in groups['mysql'] | default("")
- import_role:
name: 3_web
when: inventory_hostname in groups['web'] | default("")
- block:
- name: run rollback
import_tasks: ../common/roles/5_rollback/tasks/rollback.yml
remote_user: "{{ remote_user }}"
become_user: "{{ service_user }}"
become_method: su
become: yes
This is some example code from rollback.yml:
- block:
- name: rollback symlinks to config dir
src: "{{ current_config_path }}"
dest: "{{ install_dir }}/static/cfg"
owner: "{{ service_user }}"
group: "{{ service_user_primary_group }}"
state: link
when: current_new_configs | default("N") == "Y"
delegate_to: "{{ item }}"
- "{{ ansible_play_hosts }}"
- block:
- name: return config files
shell: test -f '{{ item.1.current_ver_file_path }}' && cp -p {{ item.1.current_ver_file_path }} {{ item.1.old_config_location }}
warn: false
register: return_config_files
failed_when: return_config_files.rc >= 2
- roolback_moved_cfg | default('N') == "Y"
- inventory_hostname in groups[]
- item.1.old_config_location != ""
- item.1.current_ver_file_path != ""
- "{{ config_files }}"
- files
become_user: root
become_method: sudo
become: yes
- name: systemctl daemon-reload
shell: systemctl daemon-reload
failed_when: false
when: root_rights == "Y"
warn: false
delegate_to: "{{ item }}"
- "{{ ansible_play_hosts }}"
when: root_rights == "Y"
become_user: root
become_method: sudo
become: yes
- fail:
msg: "Upgrade failed. Symbolic links were set to the previous version. Fix the issues and try again. If you wish to cancel the upgrade, restore the database backup manually."
As you can see, now I use lame workaround by introducing
delegate_to: "{{ item }}"
- "{{ ansible_play_hosts }}"
after every task.
There are two problems here:
1. I can't use same approach after task return config files, because it already uses one loop
2. This is generally lame duplication of code and I hate it
Why I need it at all: if playbook execution fails somewhere in mysql role, for example, the rescue block will be executed only over the hosts in that mysql role (and btw, execution of tasks from next role will continue while running rescue block - same amount of tasks, despite all efforts), while I would like it to run over all hosts instead.
I finally was able to solve this with an ugly-ugly hack. Used plays instead of just roles - now there are more than 10 plays. Don't judge me, I spent lots of effort trying to make it nice ):
Example play followed by a check - same as for every other.
- hosts: mysql
any_errors_fatal: true
- block:
- import_role:
name: 2_mysql
when: not rollback | default(false)
- block:
- name: set fact for rollback
rollback: "yes"
delegate_to: "{{ item }}"
delegate_facts: true
with_items: "{{ groups['all'] }}"
- hosts: all
any_errors_fatal: true
- name: run rollback
import_tasks: ../common/roles/5_rollback/tasks/rollback.yml
when: rollback | default(false)
include_role doesn't accept delegate_to
Actually, it does.
With ansible-core 2.8:
- name: "call my/role with host '{{ansible_hostname}}' for hosts in '{{ansible_play_hosts}}'"
name: my/role
delegate_to: "{{current_host}}"
with_items: "{{ansible_play_hosts}}"
loop_var: current_host
With ansible-core 2.5 to 2.7, see "2.5: delegate_to, include_role with loops" from George Shuklin, mentioned in ansible/ansible issue 35398
- name: "call my/role with host '{{ansible_hostname}}' for items in '{{ansible_play_hosts}}'"
include_tasks: loop.yml
with_items: "{{ansible_play_hosts}}"
loop_var: current_host
With loop.yml another tasks in its own file:
- name: "Import my/role for '{{current_host}}'"
import_role: name=my/role
delegate_to: "{{current_host}}"
So in two files (with ansible-core 2.7) or one file (2.8), you can make a all role and its tasks run on a delegated server.

Assign item to a var with_items in ansible

I am trying to create a playbook to find out on which openstack server vm is running on. I have created a list of openstack servers in vars and used delegate_to with with_items to iterate through until find vm. I am using wc -l at the end of command and 1 will be success. The aim is, once os-server is found, store servername into a var so this can be used for rest of tasks in playbook. I am unable to get the os server name in a var from the list. I am not an ansible expert. Can anyone help to achieve this? Thanks
- hosts: localhost
- reg1
- reg2
- reg3
- reg4
- name: Command to find os server where vm exists
shell: somecommand-to-check-if-vm-exist | wc -l
delegate_to: "{{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ openstack }}"
register: found_server
retries: 1
delay: 1
until: found_server.stdout != "1"
- debug: var=found_server
- name: set fact
set_fact: os-server = "{{ item.item }}"
when: item.stdout == "1"
with_items: "{{ found_server.results }}"
register: var2
- name: debug var
debug: var=var2
- debug: var=os-server
There's no need to retry/until here and for the second loop as well.
Try this:
- hosts: localhost
openstack: [reg1, reg2, reg3, reg4]
- name: Command to find os server where vm exists
shell: somecommand-to-check-if-vm-exist | wc -l
delegate_to: "{{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ openstack }}"
register: vm_check
- name: set fact
os_server: "{{ (vm_check.results | selectattr('stdout','equalto','1') | list | first).item }}"
- name: debug var
msg: "{{ os_server }}"
This will register results from every server into vm_check.results, and then just select elements with stdout set to 1, take first element of it it (I suppose you always have one server with VM), and get .item of this element which contains the item of original loop (in our case it is server's name).

Return Variable from Included Ansible Playbook

I have seen how to register variables within tasks in an ansible playbook and then use those variables elsewhere in the same playbook, but can you register a variable in an included playbook and then access those variables back in the original playbook?
Here is what I am trying to accomplish:
This is my main playbook:
- include: sub-playbook.yml job_url="http://some-jenkins-job"
- hosts: localhost
- some_role
- hosts: localhost
- name: Collect info from Jenkins Job
script: --url "{{ job_url }}"
register: jenkins_artifacts
I'd like to be able to access the jenkins_artifacts results back in main_playbook if possible. I know you can access it from other hosts in the same playbook like this: "{{ hostvars['localhost']['jenkins_artifacts'].stdout_lines }}"
Is it the same idea for sharing across playbooks?
I'm confused what this question is about. Just use the variable name jenkins_artifacts:
- include: sub-playbook.yml job_url="http://some-jenkins-job"
- hosts: localhost
var: jenkins_artifacts
This might seem complicated but I love doing this in my Playbooks:
rc defines the name of the variable which contains the return value
ar gives the arguments to the include tasks
- name: verify_os
include_tasks: "verify_os/main.yml"
rc: "isos_present"
image: "{{ }}"
- name: check image on device
- "sh bootflash: | inc {{ }}"
register: image_check
- name: check if available
shell: "printf '{{ image_check.stdout_lines[0][0] }}\n' | grep {{ }} | wc -l"
register: image_available
delegate_to: localhost
- set_fact: { "{{ verify_os.rc }}": "{{ true if image_available.stdout == '1' else false }}" }
I can now use the isos_present variable anywhere in the master.yml to access the returned value.
