Auto restart batch file upon exit from batch - windows

Currently I have a batch file running:
cd "C:\Users\chriscrutt\Desktop\"
Start /w yeet.bat
goto loop
This runs "yeet.bat". Sometimes the command prompt will crash but I need it to automatically restart. That is why I used "/w" but it requires me to manually input "N" when it asks: Terminate batch job (Y/N)? Is there a way to make it so it automatically restarts or so it will automatically say "N" to restart it?
This is how it goes. I run the bat file which runs the yeet file which runs the other program. the code for "yeet.bat" is
title ETHBTC
cd "C:\Users\chriscrutt\Google Drive\gekkoETHBTC"
node gekko
When i do "node gekko" it runs the bot.

This code do what you want: each time that yeet.bat ends for any reason it is restarted again "immediately and automatically".
cd "C:\Users\chriscrutt\Desktop\"
Start yeet.bat | set /P "="
goto loop


Can I call %COMSPEC% without terminating all Windows batch execution?

Came across this oddity of batch behaviour as part of the build process in our systems that I'm trying to automate in Jenkins pipelines.
To skip to the meat of the problem and why I'm encountering it, the batch file I'm calling is a build generated batch file that must be called prior to another executable within the same command window to set up paths and alike for our executable to build our system. When building as a user this is fine, you just open the cmd console, run the batch, then run the executable. However in Jenkins I have to pass all commands effectively as one batch file to make it call within the same window, unless I want to mess around with configuring all those paths by hand using withEnv or something.
Something along the lines of this in my Jenkins groovy script:
// Option 1 - && operator
bat "env_configuration.bat && env_dependent_exec.exe"
// Option 2 - multi line version
bat """env_configuration.bat
// Option 3 - same using calls, yadda yadda
bat """call env_configuration.bat
call env_dependent_exec.exe
// Option 4 - Place these calls in batch file and call that instead
bat "run_it_all.bat"
As part of the batch file however, for whatever reason, it has this command within it.
exit /b 0
This will call "C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe" and output the Mircrosoft version and related blurb.e.g:
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19045.2486]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
The catch is, calling this executable will immediately end all batch execution. The line "exit /b 0" isn't actually hit, something whoever created this process I assume never realised. After this batch file process completes, all subsequent commands/calls, (Option 1 above is the easiest to repro) are never hit as all batch processing just stops. This is visible directly in cmd itself, you don't need Jenkins to reproduce.
I will probably wind up just find and replacing this line to comment it out or something... but I refuse to believe I can't find some way of stopping %COMSPEC% from ending all execution of whatever batch file calls it. If I were to guess, I would guess that cmd.exe calls EXIT as it finishes and kills all....
For the sake of interest I have tried modifying the batch file in numerous ways to try and see if I can call %COMSPEC% and still get the rest of the batch script to run afterwards.
:: This fails the same way
call %COMSPEC%
exit /b 0
:: This succeeds to run, but spawns another cmd window that doens't print in the original calling batch file output, so doesn't achieve the original goal
start %COMSPEC%
exit /b 0
:: call %COMSPEC% via subroutine also immediately terminates, we never see "echo 2"
call :comspec_call
exit /b 0
#echo %COMSPEC% echo 1
#echo %COMSPEC% echo 2
I would guess cmd.exe calls the EXIT command flat on termination, hence the process death, but I've yet to find a means to prevent it doing so...
I've checked %COMSPEC% for flags that might just printout and terminate nicely, but any flags I've found that do provide this information, also terminate with EXIT (I think)
Does anyone has any idea how to call this line and continue execution as I assume the original dev intended?
Cheers in advance!
Batch processing doesn’t just stop — you have started another command interpreter, and the one that launched it is waiting for the new instance to terminate. As it doesn’t quit, everything appears to halt and you wind up killing both to get things back to normal.
Create a new batch script that does everything:
:: controller.bat
#echo off
call env_configuration.bat
call some_other.bat
Use of the call command causes the command shell to invoke a script using the current interpreter.
Now your Jenkins groovy script should be:
bat controller.bat
(Disclaimer: I don’t know Jenkins, so...)
Thanks to #Duthomhas and #Magoo
The problem here is that a call to %COMSPEC% launches a new command line process that must terminate before the rest of the script can continue. I didn't understand that cmd.exe was spawning a new script that the call script was waiting to terminate.
With a simplified recap:
:: env_configuration.bat
#echo env_configuration before COMSPEC
#echo env_configuration after COMSPEC
:: controller.bat
#echo controller before env_configuration.bat
#call env_configuration.bat
#echo controller after env_configuration.bat
controller.bat && #echo back in shell
When you run controller.bat the process will output the Microsoft blurb, but halt.
If you enter "exit" at this point it will kick out of the terminal launched with %COMSPEC% and then all following script steps continue.
It appears the original dev needed the user to be in a new subprocess to continue. The final solution to doing as was intended here is:
:: env_configuration.bat
#echo env_configuration before COMSPEC
#call %COMSPEC% /C <whatever_command_or_exec_next>
#echo env_configuration after COMSPEC
:: controller.bat
#echo controller before env_configuration.bat
#call env_configuration.bat
#echo controller after env_configuration.bat
controller.bat && #echo back in shell

How to end only a single task using taskkill?

I have a .bat file that end another .bat file using taskkill but it ends up killing itself and the other .bat file.
So how do I make sure it kills only the oldest .bat file?
Because the 2nd bat file runs after the first
I can't use PID because the PID changes with each run!
taskkill /im cmd.exe
This kills all the cmd procceses including itself! I need it to kill only 1 of the processes. (that's the older 1)
I have ran into this problem before and the way I solved it is:
Have the first script (the file you want to close) looking to see if a temporary file has been made, and if it has, delete the file the close.
if EXIST %TEMP%\close.tmp (
del %TEMP%\close.tmp
other code
goto :loop
And in the second script (the one closing the first script) just make it create the temporary file.
echo do you want to close SCRIPT1?
if %ERRORLEVEL%==1 echo.>%TEMP%\close.tmp
And if you want to, you can make it so the first script runs more commands before it closes.

Running a batch file which requires inputs directly from folder

I have a batch file which requires 4 command line inputs. When I execute the batch file on the command prompt, it displays help message asking to input 4 values.
When I run this file directly from the folder, it opens cmd and closes immediately.
Is it possible to modify the batch file, so that when I run from folder it will open the cmd and then display the help message.?
Following is a mini version of my problem with 1 command input. The script is for a License file generation
GOTO :continue
IF "%1" == "" GOTO :Help
::Set the Command Line Options
::Create Directory
ECHO Initiating Generation...
if not exist %OUT_PATH% mkdir %OUT_PATH%
::Create License File - Calling 'Subs' will create the output with actual Version
Subs ARVERSION %ARVERSION% Input.txt 1>%OUT_PATH%\License.txt
ECHO Scripts are created # %OUT_PATH%
ECHO Generation Completed...
ECHO Starting License File Generation...
ECHO Usage:
ECHO InstallerScriptGen.bat AR_VERSION
ECHO AR_VERSION - Version (3.2 or 4.0 or 4.2)
ECHO Example : InstallerScriptGen.bat 3.2.2
ECHO Please Note that input of incorrect values will result in wrong generation.
"Running directly from the folder" (by which I assume you mean "clicking on the icon from within Windows Explorer") causes Windows Explorer to execute the equivalent of CMD /C <<batchfilename>>. When invoked with /C, CMD exits (and the CMD window closes) as soon as the batch file ends. You can force the window to stay open long enough to read the output by ending the script with either the PAUSE command (which will cause it to wait for the user to press any key), or the TIMEOUT command (which will wait the indicated number of seconds before continuing, without a keypress). See SS64's help for the PAUSE and TIMEOUT commands for more information.

How to make SVN log display in the window using batch file and Task Scheduler?

I am trying to make a batch file that will check certain SVN repositories for updates each morning. I want to store local repository names in a file (SVN_check_list.txt) and have the console show me the list. My code, posted below, works when I just run the batch file:
#echo off
echo Checking for updates...& echo.
for /F %%A in (SVN_check_list.txt) do (
echo Checking '%%A'
svn status %%A -u )
However, when I try to run it through Windows Task Scheduler (while I am logged in), it runs the code but does not display anything until the 'pause' at the end. When I turn echo on, it shows the commands (svn status -u) but not the output. How can I make this batch file display the outputs of the svn status command even when I run it with task scheduler?
Try passing cmd as the Program/Script to run in Scheduler with arguments /k "C:\My Batch File Folder\MyScript.bat"
This will launch the console.
I found this solution that seems to work: Run a batch file with Windows task scheduler
Action: Start a program
Program/script: cmd
Add arguments: /k "C:\Users\tanderson\Documents\setup.bat"
Start in: C:\Users\tanderson\Documents (No quotes)

Building a batch file to run exe files sequentially

I just start to learn how to build batch file. ( on the windows 7 environment)
I want to build the batch file which is able to run .exe files sequentially .
Run batch files sequentially
I was trying to apply above idea but I am not really sure how to apply it
For example, there are three file on the D:/
In "D:/" there are three .exe files.
And I would like to build batch file which is running three exe files sequentially
Possible scenario is..
Run batch file
Run MyDriver.exe
MyDriver file's install GUI pops up and then user start to install Mydriver
Done with MyDriver.exe
Run YouDriver.exe
YouDirver file's install GUI pops up and then user start to install YouDriver
Done with YouDriver.exe
Run MySoftware.exe
MySofrware install interface pops up and then user start to install MySoftware
Done exit batch file.
I am not really sure if batch files can do it or not...
if it is impossible , is there any other options to build it ???
You actually don't need to do anything special to make this happen; batch files are synchronous by default, so execution of the batch file will pause when an executable is launched, and resume when it exits. Something as simple as this should do:
#echo off
REM "#echo off" prevents each line from being printed before execution,
REM and is optional
REM "REM" introduces a comment line
Of course, if you're interested in checking the return values of the programs, to see whether they succeeded or failed to install (assuming the installer provides that information), then things become slightly more complicated; if that's what you need, mention it in a comment, and I'll expand my answer accordingly.
This will start each file and wait for it to complete and then launch the next one.
#echo off
start "" /w /b "d:\MyDriver.exe"
start "" /w /b "d:\YouDriver.exe"
start "" /w /b "d:\Mysoftware.exe"
start MyDriver.exe
start YouDriver.exe
start MySoftware.exe
If you want the batch file in a different dir you would have to do:
cd D:\
start MyDriver.exe
start YouDriver.exe
start MySoftware.exe
If you want a more flexible system:
echo Welcome to EXE starter!
set /p dir = DIR:
set /p exe = EXE1:
set /p exe1 = EXE2:
set /p exe 2 = EXE3:
cd DIR
start exe
start exe1
start exe2
There you go!
To do it squentially:
call YouDriver.exe
call MeDriver.exe
call Mysoftware.exe
call will halt the batch file until program has closed.
Try and put it in the same directory of the files you want to run. If you can't, use cd C:\Directory\Name to change it to the directory where the MyDriver.exe file is. Then just do MyDriver.exe- you don't need a call or start statement.
use cd at the start if you neeed to.
