Building a batch file to run exe files sequentially - shell

I just start to learn how to build batch file. ( on the windows 7 environment)
I want to build the batch file which is able to run .exe files sequentially .
Run batch files sequentially
I was trying to apply above idea but I am not really sure how to apply it
For example, there are three file on the D:/
In "D:/" there are three .exe files.
And I would like to build batch file which is running three exe files sequentially
Possible scenario is..
Run batch file
Run MyDriver.exe
MyDriver file's install GUI pops up and then user start to install Mydriver
Done with MyDriver.exe
Run YouDriver.exe
YouDirver file's install GUI pops up and then user start to install YouDriver
Done with YouDriver.exe
Run MySoftware.exe
MySofrware install interface pops up and then user start to install MySoftware
Done exit batch file.
I am not really sure if batch files can do it or not...
if it is impossible , is there any other options to build it ???

You actually don't need to do anything special to make this happen; batch files are synchronous by default, so execution of the batch file will pause when an executable is launched, and resume when it exits. Something as simple as this should do:
#echo off
REM "#echo off" prevents each line from being printed before execution,
REM and is optional
REM "REM" introduces a comment line
Of course, if you're interested in checking the return values of the programs, to see whether they succeeded or failed to install (assuming the installer provides that information), then things become slightly more complicated; if that's what you need, mention it in a comment, and I'll expand my answer accordingly.

This will start each file and wait for it to complete and then launch the next one.
#echo off
start "" /w /b "d:\MyDriver.exe"
start "" /w /b "d:\YouDriver.exe"
start "" /w /b "d:\Mysoftware.exe"

start MyDriver.exe
start YouDriver.exe
start MySoftware.exe
If you want the batch file in a different dir you would have to do:
cd D:\
start MyDriver.exe
start YouDriver.exe
start MySoftware.exe
If you want a more flexible system:
echo Welcome to EXE starter!
set /p dir = DIR:
set /p exe = EXE1:
set /p exe1 = EXE2:
set /p exe 2 = EXE3:
cd DIR
start exe
start exe1
start exe2
There you go!
To do it squentially:
call YouDriver.exe
call MeDriver.exe
call Mysoftware.exe
call will halt the batch file until program has closed.

Try and put it in the same directory of the files you want to run. If you can't, use cd C:\Directory\Name to change it to the directory where the MyDriver.exe file is. Then just do MyDriver.exe- you don't need a call or start statement.
use cd at the start if you neeed to.


How do I load multiple programs in a Windows batch script?

I'm trying to create a batch file to load multiple Window programs, more specifically, applications that control peripheral flight hardware.
I can't seem to figure out how to open up all applications consecutively. I've tried a number of things including running the executable application:
#echo off
cd "D:\Controls\" & start "D:\HW_Controls\Control1.exe" &
cd "D:\Controls\" & start "D:\HW_Controls\Control2.exe" &
cd "D:\Controls\" & start "D:\HW_Controls\Control3.exe"
That would only run one application at a time, until I exit that application, which is what I don't want. I want them to open consecutively. So I read somewhere on StackOverflow from an old post to try running each application as its own batch file like so:
#echo off
start "D:\Controls1.bat" &
start "D:\Controls2.bat" &
start "D:\Controls3.bat"
In which each batch file within looks similar to this:
cd "D:\Controls\" & start "D:\HW_Controls\Control{1..3}.exe"
I've also tried using chdir:
chdir "D:\Controls\" & start "D:\HW_Controls\Control{1..3}.exe"
When I try to load the batch file within, it doesn't appear to change the directory, and loads only opens a command prompt where the initial batch file is located, in this case, the Desktop directory.
I know there are options to open them on Windows startup, but that's not what I want. I want to load them up when I need to use the applications.
BONUS POINTS: If someone can tell me how to exit all the applications in a batch script as well when I'm finished with them.
The batch parser works line by line. & is used to write two commands in one line. So it doesn't make sense to end a line with a &.
For readability, the use of & should be limited.
cd should be used with the /d switch to be able to switch to another drive.
start takes the first quoted parameter as a window title, so give it a pseudo title.
start has a /d parameter to set the working folder, so you don't need cd at all:
So your batch file simplifies to:
#echo off
start "" /d "D:\Controls\" "D:\HW_Controls\Control1.exe"
start "" /d "D:\Controls\" "D:\HW_Controls\Control2.exe"
start "" /d "D:\Controls\" "D:\HW_Controls\Control3.exe"
echo press any key to kill the program.
pause >nul
taskkill /im "Control1.exe"
taskkill /im "Control2.exe"
taskkill /im "Control3.exe"
Note: taskkill sends a termination signal to the application. If it does not answer correctly by closing itself, you can force-close it with the /f switch.
Here's one method to launch multiple programs at once:
#For %%A in ("notepad.exe" "chrome.exe" "calc.exe") do start "" %%~A

Run exe from current directory in batch

I'm trying to run 2 *.exe files from whatever directory the batch file is located in. Commands:
#echo off
Echo programs
start %1myprogram.exe
start %1myprogram1.exe
This works perfect when I open my batch file simply by double clicking it, but it doesn't work when I run the batch file as administrator. I need to do this as the two exe's have to have administrator privileges. I suspect this error occurs because it runs the batch file as if it were in the SYSTEM32 folder. Is this correct?
Thanks for your help!
Although the answer is in the comments, it should be as an actual answer so that this question is removed from the "unanswered" list.
#echo off
echo programs
cd %~dp0
start %1myprogram.exe
start %1myprogram1.exe

How to end a batch file with an open command window at a certain folder location

This seems like it should be ridiculously simple but I cannot find the answer online or in these forums.
I want to run a command from a batch file, leave the command window open and end at a particular file location.
I can't seem to get both to happen in the same window. This is for a script to run an automated task everytime and leave the window open to run a 2nd task that has a variable input.
start cmd /k c:\users\test\desktop\dmiwtool1.1\win64\dmiwtoolx64.exe & cd c:\users\test\desktop\dmiwtool1.1\win64\
If I run either by itself, they work (runs the exe, ends at /desktop prompt), but in this sequence only the first runs.
this works here:
START /b "" "path\program.exe" "parameter"
CD %UserProfile%\Desktop
Do not use setlocal in your Batch or put endlocal in the line before the CD command.
This should work:
start cmd /k "c:\users\test\desktop\dmiwtool1.1\win64\dmiwtoolx64.exe & cd c:\users\test\desktop\dmiwtool1.1\win64\"
If you leave out the quote marks, the start command and the cd command are run separately.

Restore default working dir if bat file is terminated abruptly

I have a scenario where during execution of a batch file, it navigates to a different folder (say to "../asdf"); and at the end of execution it will set the current working dir as the same folder from where the user called the .bat file.
But if the user terminates the batch processing before it is complete, the cmd show the current working dir (say "../asdf").
But in my case, I need to restore the working dir to the default/predefined one. Is it possible?
Batch file is written by me, so I can modify it.
CMD is opened through a desktop shortcut to CMD, which I have control of; so properties like working dir or passing args to CMD etc can be done there.
In your batch script use setlocal to encapsulate the running environment of your batch session. If the user terminates the script before you cd or popd to return, your script will still exit in the directory in which it started. Here's a brief test:
#echo off
pushd c:\Users
exit /b
Notice I didn't popd or cd %userprofile%\Desktop, but I still ended up back at my Desktop after the script exited.
Additionally, setlocal keeps you from junking up your environment with orphaned variables that mean nothing outside of your batch script. It's just good practice. At the console, type help setlocal for more info.

How do I run a .exe but stay in the same command window (not open a new one)?

I have searched for many weeks to solve my problem and can't find a good way of doing it that works on every machine I may need to use.
I know START command opens a new window to do the .exe, but I want to stay in the same window and run the .exe
(because I want my batch file to continue ONLY WHEN THE .EXE has finished running)
I have found that on some computers when I .exe it opens a new window and other computers is stays in the same window which makes me think my code is fine but there is a setting somewhere on the computers that is different.
Can you help? What are my options? The .exe I am running is NASTRAN which is an engineering solver that runs in command window.
To wait for the command to terminate you should use the WAIT flag:
start /WAIT c:/windows/system32/notepad.exe
You could start an application without creating a new window using the B flag:
start /WAIT /B "c:/windows/system32/cmd.exe"
You should also try reading the help text for the start command:
start /?
You can use cmd /k example.exe
You probably have a different variant of the .exe on some machines which is called only there, and spawns a separate window, for reasons I cannot know. Search for the .exe file on all machines and compare.
Also, post your batch file code so we can exactly see how you start the .exe.
You could consider not using start at all. Simply start the executable directly.
Did you try using call in the batch file. it runs the exe in the same window. as the batch file. The next statement in the batch file is executed after this exe is finished running
In order to do this you have to run an executable from the directory where it is located, and also have to avoid the use of "start" command.
For example:
cd C:\MyDirectory\
MyApplication.exe -Parameter1 -ParameterN
I achieved showing output of my executable (no aforementioned solutions worked for me) in the same CMD window only via rights escalation script (it will launch your .bat/.cmd file as admin):
if _%1_==_payload_ goto :payload
echo %~nx0: elevating self
set vbs=%temp%\getadmin.vbs
echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) >> "%vbs%"
echo UAC.ShellExecute "%~s0", "payload %~sdp0 %*", "", "runas", 1 >> "%vbs%"
del "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"
goto :eof
<<<start writing your commands from here. E.g.:
"C:\my program\launcher.exe" argument1>>>
P.S. Don't forget to remove <<< and >>> from script.
