Can I call %COMSPEC% without terminating all Windows batch execution? - windows

Came across this oddity of batch behaviour as part of the build process in our systems that I'm trying to automate in Jenkins pipelines.
To skip to the meat of the problem and why I'm encountering it, the batch file I'm calling is a build generated batch file that must be called prior to another executable within the same command window to set up paths and alike for our executable to build our system. When building as a user this is fine, you just open the cmd console, run the batch, then run the executable. However in Jenkins I have to pass all commands effectively as one batch file to make it call within the same window, unless I want to mess around with configuring all those paths by hand using withEnv or something.
Something along the lines of this in my Jenkins groovy script:
// Option 1 - && operator
bat "env_configuration.bat && env_dependent_exec.exe"
// Option 2 - multi line version
bat """env_configuration.bat
// Option 3 - same using calls, yadda yadda
bat """call env_configuration.bat
call env_dependent_exec.exe
// Option 4 - Place these calls in batch file and call that instead
bat "run_it_all.bat"
As part of the batch file however, for whatever reason, it has this command within it.
exit /b 0
This will call "C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe" and output the Mircrosoft version and related blurb.e.g:
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19045.2486]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
The catch is, calling this executable will immediately end all batch execution. The line "exit /b 0" isn't actually hit, something whoever created this process I assume never realised. After this batch file process completes, all subsequent commands/calls, (Option 1 above is the easiest to repro) are never hit as all batch processing just stops. This is visible directly in cmd itself, you don't need Jenkins to reproduce.
I will probably wind up just find and replacing this line to comment it out or something... but I refuse to believe I can't find some way of stopping %COMSPEC% from ending all execution of whatever batch file calls it. If I were to guess, I would guess that cmd.exe calls EXIT as it finishes and kills all....
For the sake of interest I have tried modifying the batch file in numerous ways to try and see if I can call %COMSPEC% and still get the rest of the batch script to run afterwards.
:: This fails the same way
call %COMSPEC%
exit /b 0
:: This succeeds to run, but spawns another cmd window that doens't print in the original calling batch file output, so doesn't achieve the original goal
start %COMSPEC%
exit /b 0
:: call %COMSPEC% via subroutine also immediately terminates, we never see "echo 2"
call :comspec_call
exit /b 0
#echo %COMSPEC% echo 1
#echo %COMSPEC% echo 2
I would guess cmd.exe calls the EXIT command flat on termination, hence the process death, but I've yet to find a means to prevent it doing so...
I've checked %COMSPEC% for flags that might just printout and terminate nicely, but any flags I've found that do provide this information, also terminate with EXIT (I think)
Does anyone has any idea how to call this line and continue execution as I assume the original dev intended?
Cheers in advance!

Batch processing doesn’t just stop — you have started another command interpreter, and the one that launched it is waiting for the new instance to terminate. As it doesn’t quit, everything appears to halt and you wind up killing both to get things back to normal.
Create a new batch script that does everything:
:: controller.bat
#echo off
call env_configuration.bat
call some_other.bat
Use of the call command causes the command shell to invoke a script using the current interpreter.
Now your Jenkins groovy script should be:
bat controller.bat
(Disclaimer: I don’t know Jenkins, so...)

Thanks to #Duthomhas and #Magoo
The problem here is that a call to %COMSPEC% launches a new command line process that must terminate before the rest of the script can continue. I didn't understand that cmd.exe was spawning a new script that the call script was waiting to terminate.
With a simplified recap:
:: env_configuration.bat
#echo env_configuration before COMSPEC
#echo env_configuration after COMSPEC
:: controller.bat
#echo controller before env_configuration.bat
#call env_configuration.bat
#echo controller after env_configuration.bat
controller.bat && #echo back in shell
When you run controller.bat the process will output the Microsoft blurb, but halt.
If you enter "exit" at this point it will kick out of the terminal launched with %COMSPEC% and then all following script steps continue.
It appears the original dev needed the user to be in a new subprocess to continue. The final solution to doing as was intended here is:
:: env_configuration.bat
#echo env_configuration before COMSPEC
#call %COMSPEC% /C <whatever_command_or_exec_next>
#echo env_configuration after COMSPEC
:: controller.bat
#echo controller before env_configuration.bat
#call env_configuration.bat
#echo controller after env_configuration.bat
controller.bat && #echo back in shell


Running Flutter/Dart commands in batch script halts execution [duplicate]

I'm trying to get my commit-build.bat to execute other .BAT files as part of our build process.
Content of commit-build.bat:
This seems simple enough, but commit-build.bat only executes the first item in the list (msbuild.bat).
I have run each of the files separately with no problems.
call msbuild.bat
call unit-tests.bat
call deploy.bat
When not using CALL, the current batch file stops and the called batch file starts executing. It's a peculiar behavior dating back to the early MS-DOS days.
All the other answers are correct: use call. For example:
call "msbuild.bat"
In ancient DOS versions it was not possible to recursively execute batch files. Then the call command was introduced that called another cmd shell to execute the batch file and returned execution back to the calling cmd shell when finished.
Obviously in later versions no other cmd shell was necessary anymore.
In the early days many batch files depended on the fact that calling a batch file would not return to the calling batch file. Changing that behaviour without additional syntax would have broken many systems like batch menu systems (using batch files for menu structures).
As in many cases with Microsoft, backward compatibility therefore is the reason for this behaviour.
If your batch files have spaces in their names, use quotes around the name:
call "unit tests.bat"
By the way: if you do not have all the names of the batch files, you could also use for to do this (it does not guarantee the correct order of batch file calls; it follows the order of the file system):
FOR %x IN (*.bat) DO call "%x"
You can also react on errorlevels after a call. Use:
exit /B 1 # Or any other integer value in 0..255
to give back an errorlevel. 0 denotes correct execution. In the calling batch file you can react using
if errorlevel neq 0 <batch command>
Use if errorlevel 1 if you have an older Windows than NT4/2000/XP to catch all errorlevels 1 and greater.
To control the flow of a batch file, there is goto :-(
if errorlevel 2 goto label2
if errorlevel 1 goto label1
As others pointed out: have a look at build systems to replace batch files.
If we want to open multiple command prompts then we could use
start cmd /k
/k: is compulsory which will execute.
Launching many command prompts can be done as below.
start cmd /k Call rc_hub.bat 4444
start cmd /k Call rc_grid1.bat 5555
start cmd /k Call rc_grid1.bat 6666
start cmd /k Call rc_grid1.bat 5570.
call msbuild.bat
call unit-tests.bat
call deploy.bat
You are calling multiple batches in an effort to compile a program.
I take for granted that if an error occurs:
1) The program within the batch will exit with an errorlevel;
2) You want to know about it.
for %%b in ("msbuild.bat" "unit-tests.bat" "deploy.bat") do call %%b|| exit /b 1
'||' tests for an errorlevel higher than 0. This way all batches are called in order but will stop at any error, leaving the screen as it is for you to see any error message.
If we have two batch scripts, aaa.bat and bbb.bat, and call like below
call aaa.bat
call bbb.bat
When executing the script, it will call aaa.bat first, wait for the thread of aaa.bat terminate, and call bbb.bat.
But if you don't want to wait for aaa.bat to terminate to call bbb.bat, try to use the START command:
START ["title"] [/D path] [/I] [/MIN] [/MAX] [/SEPARATE | /SHARED]
[/AFFINITY <hex affinity>] [/WAIT] [/B] [command/program]
start /b aaa.bat
start /b bbb.bat
call msbuild.bat
call unit-tests.bat
call deploy.bat
using "&"
As you have noticed executing the bat directly without CALL,START, CMD /C causes to enter and execute the first file and then the process to stop as the first file is finished. Though you still can use & which will be the same as using command1 & command2 directly in the console:
)& (
echo other commands
In a term of machine resources this will be the most efficient way though in the last block you won't be able to use command line GOTO,SHIFT,SETLOCAL.. and its capabilities will almost the same as in executing commands in the command prompt. And you won't be able to execute other command after the last closing bracket
Using CALL
call first.bat
call second.bat
call third.bat
In most of the cases it will be best approach - it does not create a separate process but has almost identical behaviour as calling a :label as subroutine. In MS terminology it creates a new "batch file context and pass control to the statement after the specified label. The first time the end of the batch file is encountered (that is, after jumping to the label), control returns to the statement after the call statement."
You can use variables set in the called files (if they are not set in a SETLOCAL block), you can access directly labels in the called file.
CMD /C, Pipes ,FOR /F
Other native option is to use CMD /C (the /C switch will force the called console to exit and return the control)
Something that cmd.exe is doing in non transparent way with using FOR /F against bat file or when pipes are used.
This will spawn a child process that will have all the environment ot the calling bat.
Less efficient in terms of resources but as the process is separate ,parsing crashes or calling an EXIT command will not stop the calling .bat
#echo off
CMD /c first.bat
CMD /C second.bat
::not so different than the above lines.
:: MORE,FINDSTR,FIND command will be able to read the piped data
:: passed from the left side
Allows you more flexibility as the capability to start the scripts in separate window , to not wait them to finish, setting a title and so on. By default it starts the .bat and .cmd scripts with CMD /K which means that the spawned scripts will not close automatically.Again passes all the environment to the started scripts and consumes more resources than cmd /c:
:: will be executed in the same console window and will wait to finish
start "" /b /w cmd /c first.bat
::will start in a separate console window and WONT wait to be finished
:: the second console window wont close automatically so second.bat might need explicit exit command
start "" second.bat
::Will start it in a separate window ,but will wait to finish
:: closing the second window will cause Y/N prompt
:: in the original window
start "" /w third.cmd
::will start it in the same console window
:: but wont wait to finish. May lead to a little bit confusing output
start "" /b cmd /c fourth.bat
Unlike the other methods from now on the examples will use external of the CMD.exe utilities (still available on Windows by default).
WMIC utility will create completely separate process so you wont be able directly to wait to finish. Though the best feature of WMIC is that it returns the id of the spawned process:
:: will create a separate process with cmd.exe /c
WMIC process call create "%cd%\first.bat","%cd%"
::you can get the PID and monitoring it with other tools
for /f "tokens=2 delims=;= " %%# in ('WMIC process call create "%cd%\second.bat"^,"%cd%" ^|find "ProcessId"') do (
set "PID=%%#"
echo %PID%
You can also use it to start a process on a remote machine , with different user and so on.
Using SCHTASKS provides some features as (obvious) scheduling , running as another user (even the system user) , remote machine start and so on. Again starts it in completely separate environment (i.e. its own variables) and even a hidden process, xml file with command parameters and so on :
SCHTASKS /create /tn BatRunner /tr "%cd%\first.bat" /sc ONCE /sd 01/01/1910 /st 00:00
SCHTASKS /Run /TN BatRunner
SCHTASKS /Delete /TN BatRunner /F
Here the PID also can acquired from the event log.
Offers some timeout between started scripts. Basic transaction capabilities (i.e. rollback on error) and the parameters can be put in a separate XML file.
::if the script is not finished after 15 seconds (i.e. ends with pause) it will be killed
ScriptRunner.exe -appvscript %cd%\first.bat -appvscriptrunnerparameters -wait -timeout=15
::will wait or the first called script before to start the second
:: if any of the scripts exit with errorcode different than 0 will try
:: try to restore the system in the original state
ScriptRunner.exe -appvscript second.cmd arg1 arg2 -appvscriptrunnerparameters -wait -rollbackonerror -appvscript third.bat -appvscriptrunnerparameters -wait -timeout=30 -rollbackonerror
To call a .bat file within a .bat file, use
call foo.bat
(Yes, this is silly, it would make more sense if you could call it with foo.bat, like you could from the command prompt, but the correct way is to use call.)
Simplest Way To Run Multiple Batch Files Parallelly
start "systemLogCollector" /min cmd /k call systemLogCollector.bat
start "uiLogCollector" /min cmd /k call uiLogCollector.bat
start "appLogCollector" /min cmd /k call appLogCollector.bat
Here three batch files are run on separate command windows in a minimized state. If you don't want them minimized, then remove /min. Also, if you don't need to control them later, then you can get rid of the titles. So, a bare-bone command will be- start cmd /k call systemLogCollector.bat
If you want to terminate them, then run these commands-
taskkill /FI "WindowTitle eq appLogCollector*" /T /F
taskkill /FI "WindowTitle eq uiLogCollector*" /T /F
taskkill /FI "WindowTitle eq systemLogCollector*" /T /F
Start msbuild.bat
Start unit-tests.bat
Start deploy.bat
If that doesn't work, replace start with call or try this:
Start msbuild.bat
Goto :1
Start unit-tests.bat
Goto :2
Start deploy.bat
Looking at your filenames, have you considered using a build tool like NAnt or Ant (the Java version). You'll get a lot more control than with bat files.
If you want to open many batch files at once you can use the call command. However, the call command closes the current bat file and goes to another. If you want to open many at once, you may want to try this:
#echo off
start cmd "call ex1.bat&ex2.bat&ex3.bat"
And so on or repeat start cmd "call..." for however many files. This works for Windows 7, but I am not sure about other systems.
Your script should be:
start "msbuild.bat"
start "unit-tests.bat"
start "deploy.bat"
Just use the call command! Here is an example:
call msbuild.bat
call unit-tests.bat
call deploy.bat
With correct quoting (this can be tricky sometimes):
start "" /D "C:\Program Files\ProgramToLaunch" "cmd.exe" "/c call ""C:\Program Files\ProgramToLaunch\programname.bat"""
1st arg - Title (empty in this case)
2nd arg - /D specifies starting directory, can be ommited if want the current working dir (such as "%~dp0")
3rd arg - command to launch, "cmd.exe"
4th arg - arguments to command, with doubled up quotes for the arguments inside it (this is how you escape quotes within quotes in batch)
Running multiple scripts in one I had the same issue. I kept having it die on the first one not realizing that it was exiting on the first script.
:: OneScriptToRunThemAll.bat
CALL ScriptA.bat
CALL ScriptB.bat
:: ScriptA.bat
Do Foo
Do bar
I removed all 11 of my scripts EXIT lines and tried again and all 11 ran in order one at a time in the same command window.
:: OneScriptToRunThemAll.bat
CALL ScriptA.bat
CALL ScriptB.bat
Do Foo
Do bar
I know I am a bit late to the party, but here is another way. That is, this method should wait until the first one is done, the second, and so on.
start "" /wait cmd.exe /c msbuild.bat
start "" /wait cmd.exe /c unit-tests.bat
start "" /wait cmd.exe /c deploy.bat
The only issue that may come out of using this method, is that with new instances of cmd.exe being spawned, is that Errorlevel checking is kept within in each instance of cmd.exe.
start "" /wait call msbuild.bat
start "" /wait call unit-tests.bat
start "" /wait call deploy.bat
Hope this helps.

cmd /c <batch-file> exit code is sometimes 0 even on error?

I have a batch file that I run from an msysgit bash shell script via cmd /c a.bat and then I test the exit code to determine whether or not to continue. When the batch file fails, from wherever it fails, exit /b 1 is called and the batch file exits with code 1.
I recently noticed that if the batch file fails at one point where exit /b 1 is called that the exit code is not returned, and is instead 0. It only happens in an inner block. Here's an example:
#echo off
if foo EQU foo (
if bar EQU bar (
echo Exiting with code 99.
exit /b 99
echo this line is necessary to reproduce the issue
That should always exit 99, but:
'doesnotexist' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
X:\j\tmp>echo %ERRORLEVEL%
X:\j\tmp>cmd /c a.bat
Exiting with code 99.
X:\j\tmp>echo %ERRORLEVEL%
X:\j\tmp>cmd /c call a.bat
Exiting with code 99.
X:\j\tmp>echo %ERRORLEVEL%
If the last echo line is removed then cmd /c a.bat does return exit code 99. And as I mentioned in the actual batch file the exit /b <Code> does work most of the time.
I can reproduce in Windows 7 and 10. My question is why does it not return the exit code in the repro above? Is it a bug or something I did wrong? As you can see I tried CALL on a hunch and it seems to remedy this issue, but I'm not sure why. CALL is supposed to be for calling one batch from another without losing control.
You are starting a new cmd.exe instance which will produce the 99 error in the new window instead of current window.
The reason why you are getting the correct code when running it using call is purely because you are telling it to run the batch file in the current console, hence you get exit code 99
So you do not need to run cmd /c to start the file. Instead run the batch file simply as:
or if in the path or current directory:
When you call cmd /c, you're creating a new cmd.exe process, and that process is calling your script. So the errorcode variable within that new process is set to 99 but then the cmd process exits successfully, setting the level back to 0 in your starting command prompt.
If you just run a.bat, the error level gets set properly. If you try cmd /k a.bat, the new cmd will be still running, and you'll be able to see that the error level is 99. Then, depending on how you exit, the error level of the original cmd will be set appropriately.

How to use a .bat file to run other .bat(s) and have each one in a seperate cmd prompt in different directory locations

start cmd
cd /d C:\U\O\D\L\D\M
call runbot.bat
cd /d C:\U\O\D\L\F
call RunBossBot.bat
My issue is switching between cmd windows, it attempts to put everything in one window.
Grateful for any help,
start "" "c:\somewhere\runbot.bat"
start "" "c:\somewhere\RunBossBot.bat"
Starting a Program
See start /? and call /? for help on all three ways.
Specify a program name
In a batch file the batch will wait for the program to exit. When
typed the command prompt does not wait for graphical
programs to exit.
If the program is a batch file control is transferred and the rest of the calling batch file is not executed.
Use Start command
start "" c:\windows\notepad.exe
Start starts a program and does not wait. Console programs start in a new window. Using the /b switch forces console programs into the same window, which negates the main purpose of Start.
Start uses the Windows graphical shell - same as typing in WinKey + R (Run dialog). Try
start shell:cache
Use Call command
Call is used to start batch files and wait for them to exit and continue the current batch file.

How do I minimize the command prompt from my bat file

I have this bat file and I want to minimize the cmd window when I run it:
#echo off
cd /d C:\leads\ssh
call C:\Ruby192\bin\setrbvars.bat
ruby C:\leads\ssh\put_leads.rb
I want the command window minimized immediately. Any ideas on how to do this?
There is a quite interesting way to execute script minimized by making him restart itself minimised. Here is the code to put in the beginning of your script:
if not DEFINED IS_MINIMIZED set IS_MINIMIZED=1 && start "" /min "%~dpnx0" %* && exit
... script logic here ...
How it works
When the script is being executed IS_MINIMIZED is not defined (if not DEFINED IS_MINIMIZED) so:
IS_MINIMIZED is set to 1: set IS_MINIMIZED=1.
Script starts a copy of itself using start command && start "" /min "%~dpnx0" %* where:
"" - empty title for the window.
/min - switch to run minimized.
"%~dpnx0" - full path to your script.
%* - passing through all your script's parameters.
Then initial script finishes its work: && exit.
For the started copy of the script variable IS_MINIMIZED is set by the original script so it just skips the execution of the first line and goes directly to the script logic.
You have to reserve some variable name to use it as a flag.
The script should be ended with exit, otherwise the cmd window wouldn't be closed after the script execution.
If your script doesn't accept arguments you could use argument as a flag instead of variable:
if "%1" == "" start "" /min "%~dpnx0" MY_FLAG && exit
or shorter
if "%1" == "" start "" /min "%~f0" MY_FLAG && exit
Use the start command, with the /min switch to run minimized. For example:
start /min C:\Ruby192\bin\setrbvars.bat
Since you've specified a batch file as the argument, the command processor is run, passing the /k switch. This means that the window will remain on screen after the command has finished. You can alter that behavior by explicitly running cmd.exe yourself and passing the appropriate switches if necessary.
Alternatively, you can create a shortcut to the batch file (are PIF files still around), and then alter its properties so that it starts minimized.
The only way I know is by creating a Windows shortcut to the batch file and then changing its properties to run minimized by default.
Using PowerShell you can minimize from the same file without opening a new instance.
powershell -window minimized -command ""
Also -window hidden and -window normal is available to hide completely or restore.
If you want to start the batch for Win-Run / autostart, I found I nice solution here &
cmd.exe /c start /min myfile.bat ^& exit
the cmd.exe is needed as start is no windows command that can be executed outside a batch
/c = exit after the start is finished
the ^& exit part ensures that the window closes even if the batch does not end with exit
However, the initial cmd is still not minimized.
One way to 'minimise' the cmd window is to reduce the size of the console using something like...
You can reduce the COLS to about 18 and the LINES to 1 if you wish.
The advantage is that it works under WinPE, 32-bit or 64-bit, and does not require any 3rd party utility.
If you type this text in your bat file:
start /min blah.exe
It will immediately minimize as soon as it opens the program. You will only see a brief flash of it and it will disappear.
You could try running a script as follows
var WindowStyle_Hidden = 0
var objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
var result = objShell.Run("cmd.exe /c setrbvars.bat", WindowStyle_Hidden)
save the file as filename.js
Yet another free 3rd party tool that is capable of minimizing the console window at any time (not only when starting the script) is Tcl with the TWAPI extension:
echo package require twapi;twapi::minimize_window [twapi::get_console_window] | tclkitsh -
here tclkitsh.exe is in the PATH and is one of the tclkit-cli-*-twapi-*.exe files downloadable from binaries/Tclkits with TWAPI/. I prefer it to the much lighter min.exe mentioned in Bernard Chen's answer because I use TWAPI for countless other purposes already.
You can minimize the command prompt on during the run but you'll need two additional scripts: windowMode and getCmdPid.bat:
#echo off
call getCmdPid
call windowMode -pid %errorlevel% -mode minimized
cd /d C:\leads\ssh
call C:\Ruby192\bin\setrbvars.bat
ruby C:\leads\ssh\put_leads.rb
One option is to find one of the various utilities that can change the window state of the currently running console window and make a call to it from within the batch script.
You can run it as the first thing in your batch script. Here are two such tools:
Another option that works fine for me is to use ConEmu, see
"C:\Program Files\ConEmu\ConEmu64.exe" -min -run myfile.bat
try these
SETCONSOLE /minimize
TITLE MinimizeMePlease
FOR /F %%A IN ('CMDOW ˆ| FIND "MinimizeMePlease"') DO CMDOW %%A /MIN download flagged by Virus Total.
May have Malware.

Pausing a batch file when double-clicked but not when run from a console window?

Is there a way for a batch file (in this case, running on Windows XP) to determine whether it was launched from a command line (i.e. inside a console window) or launched via the shell (e.g. by double-clicking)?
I have a script which I'd like to have pause at certain points when run via the shell, but not when run at a command line. I've seen a similar question on SO, but am unable to use the same solution for two reasons: first, whether or not it pauses needs to be dependent on multiple factors, only one of which is whether it was double-clicked. Second, I'll be distributing this script to others on my team and I can't realistically ask all of them to make registry changes which will affect all scripts.
Is this possible?
Found one :-) – After desperately thinking of what cmd might do when run interactively but not when launching a batch file directly ... I finally found one.
The pseudo-variable %cmdcmdline% contains the command line that was used to launch cmd. In case cmd was started normally this contains something akin to the following:
However, when launching a batch file it looks like this:
cmd /c ""C:\Users\Me\test.cmd" "
Small demo:
#echo off
for %%x in (%cmdcmdline%) do if /i "%%~x"=="/c" set DOUBLECLICKED=1
if defined DOUBLECLICKED pause
This way of checking might not be the most robust, though, but /c should only be present as an argument if a batch file was launched directly.
Tested here on Windows 7 x64. It may or may not work, break, do something weird, eat children (might be a good thing) or bite you in the nose.
A consolidated answer, derived from much of the information found on this page (and some other stack overflow pages with similar questions). This one does not rely on detecting /c, but actually checks for the name of the script in the command line. As a result this solution will not pause if you double-clicked on another batch and then called this one; you had to double-click on this particular batch file.
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set testl=%cmdcmdline:"=%
set testr=!testl:%~nx0=!
if not "%testl%" == "%testr%" pause
The variable "testl" gets the full line of the cmd processor call, stripping out all of the pesky double quotes.
The variable "testr" takes "testl" and further strips outs the name of the current batch file name if present (which it will be if the batch file was invoked with a double-click).
The if statement sees if "testl" and "testr" are different. If yes, batch was double-clicked, so pause; if no, batch was typed in on command line (or called from another batch file), go on.
Edit: The same can be done in a single line:
echo %cmdcmdline% | findstr /i /c:"%~nx0" && set standalone=1
In plain English, this
pipes the value of %cmdcmdline% to findstr, which then searches for the current script name
%0 contains the current script name, of course only if shift has not been called beforehand
%~nx0 extracts file name and extension from %0
>NUL 2>&1 mutes findstr by redirecting any output to NUL
findstr sets a non-zero errorlevel if it can't find the substring in question
&& only executes if the preceding command returned without error
as a consequence, standalone will not be defined if the script was started from the command line
Later in the script we can do:
if defined standalone pause
One approach might be to create an autoexec.nt file in the root of c:\ that looks something like:
#set nested=%nested%Z
In your batch file, check if %nested% is "Z" - if it is "Z" then you've been double-clicked, so pause. If it's not "Z" - its going to be "ZZ" or "ZZZ" etc as CMD inherits the environment block of the parent process.
A little more information...
I start with a batch-file (test.cmd) that contains:
#echo %cmdcmdline%
If I double-click the "test.cmd" batch-file from within Windows Explorer, the display of echo %cmdcmdline% is:
cmd /c ""D:\Path\test.cmd" "
When executing the "test.cmd" batch-file from within a Command Prompt window, the display of
echo %cmdcmdline% depends on how the command window was started...
If I start "cmd.exe" by clicking the "Start-Orb" and "Command Prompt" or if I click "Start-Orb" and execute "cmd.exe" from the search/run box. Then I execute the "test.cmd" batch-file, the display of echo %cmdcmdline% is:
Also, for me, if I click "Command Prompt" from the desktop shortcut, then execute the "test.cmd" batch-file, the display of echo %cmdcmdline% is also:
But, if I "Right-Click" inside a Windows Explorer window and select "Open Command Prompt Here", then execute the "test.cmd" batch-file, the display of echo %cmdcmdline% is:
"C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe" /k ver
So, just be careful, if you start "cmd.exe" from a shortcut that contains a "/c" in the "Target" field (unlikely), then the test in the previous example will fail to test this case properly.
