omnet++ installation error in windows 7 - omnet++

I am tring to install omnet++ but it gives me error "windows can not find ",is there anyone can help
I have been trying mingmenv.cmd gives me the same error
it gives as shown below error when I try to install:

First of all, did you unpack the OMNeT Windows installation file with the on-board ZIP tools or another program? Try to use programs like WinRAR or 7-Zip to unpack the OMNeT++ installation, the on-board ZIP tool from Windows 7 might have problems with the MinGW files.
Second, does the path to the OMNeT++ installation contain any spaces or special characters? This might also be the source of errors.
Third, does the message immediately show after you start the mingwenv.cmd or after you start it and try to run ./configure or make to configure and build OMNeT?? Check if no antivirus might block the OMNeT sources / helper programs.
General note: under Windows, you always use the mingwenv.cmd shell to compile OMNeT, the normal Windows command environment does not have the necessary paths or settings for OMNMeT.


Compile for windows from WSL with CMake setup

So I get a bit confused on the many possibilities here. I have a CMakeLists.txt, which is hopefully all ready to be used. I am using WSL in the Windows Terminal and switching between microsofts cmd.exe and ubuntu wsl terminal on which I want to be able to run the compile command. So on which side do I need to run cmake and what build-files should I generate or what compiler should I use?
Main goal is having a simple compile cmd in vim on wsl, that compiles the exe for windows.
I tried to setup the build files with cmake from the wsl-side with the mingw cross-compiler, but during project setup it failed to find glfw3 configurations, which felt rather weird since it should use windows glfw files anways, right(?)
Next closest try was to create the build files with cmake from the cmd-site with the cl.exe compiler and ninja. That succeeded, but when now running ninja on the wsl side I get a lot of warnings concerning the unknown cmd option \O0 and fatal errors concerning not being able to include simple files like float.h, stdio.h, Windows.h etc. .
All my current search led me to this point, but I am not able to come up with a solution. So I would love to get some help. I want to stick mainly on the linux side, when programming but in the end have an executable for windows.

Unable to install OMNeT++ 5.4 for Windows

When I run command ./configure I receive below mentioned error:
configure: error: Cannot build Qt apps, probably due to missing or too old Qt packages. Make sure Qt development packages are installed and newer than Qt 5.4. You can disable Qtenv by setting the WITH_QTENV variable to "no" in configure.user.
I have installed Qt5.9.0 after receiving above error, installed mingw-32bit but still receiving same error. Can anyone help me to solve the problem?
The OMNeT++ package for Windows contains all libraries and other tools (including JRE), so there is no need to install anything separately.
To install OMNeT++ in Windows one should:
Download a proper version of OMNeT++ - i.e. OMNeT++ 5.4 (Windows).
Turn off aniti-virus real time protection.
Extract the whole archive into a directory whose name doesn't contain spaces.
Double-click mingwenv.cmd, then press any key.
After some time in the mingwenv console type: ./configure, then make.
In the mingwenv console type omnetpp to start OMNeT++.
Later, to start OMNeT++ one should double click mingwenv.cmd, type omnetpp and do not close console.
I have removed polish characters from directory path and it solved thie problem. Check if directory has any special characters in directory path.
I'll share what worked for me. After installing the Qt package, remove the existing omnetpp directory and extract it from the zip file again. Run mingwenv.cmd, so that it initiates the tools extraction and is now able to load the installed Qt package. Running ./configure now doesn't show the error.

cmake is not able to properly read paths from windows's unix-like shells

I followed llvm-clang install instructions but having issues with configure command line. I tried both MSYS2 64 bit and Windows mingw for the purpose but similar issues appear: cmake seems confusing between windows and unix paths.
Thus, when I try MSYS2 the following error message is thrown:
File /d/mylib/llvm/D:/mylib/llvm/utils/llvm-build/llvmbuild/ does not exist.
It seems that prefix /d/mylib/llvm/ is wrongly added to the path. Note that in this case am using cmake installed with pacman -S cmake
On the other hand, when using windows mingw64 (that comes with git windows), am getting this error
CMake Error: File /d/mylib/llvm/utils/TableGen/LLVMBuild.txt does not exist
though the path is correct... Note that I in this case am using cmake installed directly on windows (using windows gui).
Any ideas please?

Installing Primer3

I need to install Primer3 for my research in Windows, and I really have no idea of how to go about it. I was following the instructions mentioned here.
I'm getting to the part where I need to run
mingw32-make TESTOPTS=--windows
and I keep getting an error saying:
'mingw32-make' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Just for reference, I went into the minGW Installation manager and got the ming32-make packages, including the bin, doc, lang, and lic ones, because I really had no idea which one was the correct one.
If someone could help me, I would be very grateful! Installing these niche programs without an installation wizard is a challenge!
You will need to install mingw32-make. This is a
Windows of port of GNU Make,
a software-build tool that is supported on all operating systems,
indeed the daddy of such tools.
But make alone will not suffice. To build primer3 you will
need a Windows port of the whole GNU toolchain for building software
from source code. Without that, running make by itself will
just expose the absence of the GCC compiler and linker that it
expects to do its bidding.
This is quite a lot of software, but it is easy and quick to install and there
are several open-source offerings. I suggest you go to TDM GCC
and download the TDM64 bundle. This will give you an executable installer.
Just run it and you will end up with the complete GNU toolchain, including,
mingw32-make, in your chosen installation directory.
It will also install in your Windows launch menu the MinGW command prompt.
Launch this and you will be presented with a Windows commandline console
with its environment set up to find and run any of the GNU tools.
In this console change directory to your primer3-X.Y.Z/test directory
and then run mingw32-make TESTOPTS=--windows as per documentation.
Be forwarned that the self-tests of primer3 that are executed to
verify the build may take 1/2 hr. to 1 hr. to run, depending on your
hardware, but they will finish successfully with the steps I've
described, barring problems specific to your machine. It is a foolproof-simple build.
All the built executables are deposited in the primer3-X.Y.Z/src
directory. You may want to move them somewhere more convenient
in in your PATH.
It does seem oddly amateurish that the documentation simply
directs you to run mingw32-make with no preliminary account of
what that is or how to install it, while on the other hand it
advises that you must install perl and strongly recommends a
specific perl distribution; but evidently primer3 is open-source
scientfic software and its documentation is not bad by the standard
of that genre.

Unable to install Time:Piece module with cpan

I need to install the Time::Piece module in Perl. It's not there for some reason. When I use
cpan install Time::Piece
after some successful steps I get the error below
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Unable to find a perl 5 (by these names: "My windows path variable contents here...i think"
Writing Makefile for Time::Piece
'nmake' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
nmake -- NOT OK
Running make test
Can't test without successful make
Running make install
Make had returned bad status, install seems impossible
Failed during this command:
RJBS/Time-Piece-1.29.tar.gz : make NO
Why is this happening ? Please help me to fix it.
I'll wait for an answer while I try to fix it myself. First problem -
'nmake' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
I used this solution
Windows 7 Control Panel, Programs and Features, Select Microsoft
Visual Studio 2008 Standard or Professional Edition application then
choose Uninstall/Change/Modify. This will bring you into Maintenance
Mode. Select C++ then check X64 Compilers and Tools.
I had Visual Studio Express and Visual Studio Professional 2013 (I don't remember how or why it's there on my system.) I followed the above instructions. The options were different: one had C++ mentioned in it - Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Microsoft Foundation Class Libraries. So, I chose that one. Its a 600MB download and install.
I went to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\bin and found nmake there. If you don't find it there, then you might find in Microsoft Visual Studio 10, 11 etc. Look for nmake there. Add the path for nmake to the PATH environment variable.
Now, I get a new error
NMAKE : fatal error U1073: don't know how to make 'C:/Program'
nmake -- NOT OK
Running make test
Can't test without successful make
Running make install
Make had returned bad status, install seems impossible
Failed during this command:
RJBS/Time-Piece-1.29.tar.gz : make NO
I'll try to fix this one too. By the way, #ikegami told me that installing to a path with no spaces (C:\progs\...) will solve my problem. I cannot install to another directory:
This version of Perl comes bundled with other software which must
install to the folder "C:\Program Files (x86)" which has a space in it. The
software needs to be in that path for some other things to work
correctly. Is there a simple way to edit the code which is trying to install the modules? I could make it parse the path by changing some
code. I am new to Perl though. Not sure if I'll be able to change
without causing harm .
I have both Active state perl 5.1.2 and perl 5.8 which are used by tool x and tool y (electric commander). Tool y has its own perl libraries which must be used in my code. So I am stuck with perl 5.8.
I just came to know this is due to issues with tool y. There is a workaround for this, but I am not able to understand it. Can you please help me to understand the workaround for windows ?
Which version of Perl are you running? what do you get if you run "perl -v" at a command prompt?
If the version number you get is 5.10 or higher, then Time::Piece should already be included with that version of Perl. If it's not, then your installation is broken in interesting ways and you should probably reinstall it from scratch.
If the version number you get is lower than 5.10 then you have a painfully old version of Perl installed and your best approach will be to upgrade to a newer version.
