Compile for windows from WSL with CMake setup - makefile

So I get a bit confused on the many possibilities here. I have a CMakeLists.txt, which is hopefully all ready to be used. I am using WSL in the Windows Terminal and switching between microsofts cmd.exe and ubuntu wsl terminal on which I want to be able to run the compile command. So on which side do I need to run cmake and what build-files should I generate or what compiler should I use?
Main goal is having a simple compile cmd in vim on wsl, that compiles the exe for windows.
I tried to setup the build files with cmake from the wsl-side with the mingw cross-compiler, but during project setup it failed to find glfw3 configurations, which felt rather weird since it should use windows glfw files anways, right(?)
Next closest try was to create the build files with cmake from the cmd-site with the cl.exe compiler and ninja. That succeeded, but when now running ninja on the wsl side I get a lot of warnings concerning the unknown cmd option \O0 and fatal errors concerning not being able to include simple files like float.h, stdio.h, Windows.h etc. .
All my current search led me to this point, but I am not able to come up with a solution. So I would love to get some help. I want to stick mainly on the linux side, when programming but in the end have an executable for windows.


Could not configure a C compiler (Windows)

On a Windows system, currently I'm trying a waf configure on a directory of code, and it spits out the error "could not configure a C compiler."
Now, I'm 100% certain that I have gcc and g++ installed and in my path because when I type gcc --version, it gives me the current version information. (I'm using mingw and the gcc/g++ are in the /bin subdirectory).
In the author's code directory there is a wscript file which looks like
C_COMPILER = 'gcc-4.7'
Now, I have tried changing the strings to simply gcc as well as gcc-4.8.1 (since my current version is 4.8.1), but it still says could not configure compiler.
I tried reading one solution on this same site that looks related, but the solution was on ubuntu and trying to work through those commands didn't help
could not configure a c compiler
I'm at the end of my common sense here after making sure I have gcc and g++ installed, trying different strings in the wscript file trying to get it to recognize I have them installed, and could use some help, thanks.
Edit: I've now tried simply deleting the lines in the wscript file where it changes the compiler name, and suddenly waf configure goes through, but the waf build fails saying things like it can't find really basic things like include vector. The output says it's defaulting to msvs (microsoft visual studio) whereas the author says gcc/g++ is needed; maybe this is the issue but how do I get waf configure/build to use g++/gcc as default?

Compiling Geary for Windows

I would like to compile the Linux-based mail client, Geary, for my Windows computer.
I'm wondering if I could compile it using a program such as MonoDevelop on my Linux machine with the target being Windows, or if I'll have to use cygwin or mingw on my Windows machine.
You can cross compile on Linux to Windows. There is a MinGW build for Linux. Use valac -C to produce C sources then i586-mingw32msvc-gcc to compile the sources and link against Windows DLLs of the libraries needed. Vala determines includes using pkg-config which will pick up compilation arguments from the host system. You can override this by setting PKGCONFIG_PATH to the directories where your Windows libraries' .pc files live.
Alternatively to compiling, you can run Geary on Windows 10 via the WSL.
This question here lead to give it a try. It can be done, but requires many steps and it doesn’t work very well for the time being.
Do you really need to compile it? If you have windows 10, you can run a linux environment, for instance ubuntu. Then Geary runs. I can confirm, as I have it running NOW.
There are several tutorials on how to get Ubuntu running in the WSL on Win10.

Compile Boost on WIndows XP

I am trying to compile the Boost library for Windows (as a prerequisite for building the Bitcoin client), using the MinGW compiler toolchain to do so (rather than Visual Studio) and running into errors.
Following various guides online, I have a working bjam application, and the boost_1_55_0 source files. I have tried in the windows shell doing:
path/to/bjam.exe toolset=gcc --build-type=complete stage (the instructions that Bitcoin provides), but get mingw.jam: No such file or directory errors
bootstrap mingw from a standard DOS shell runs successfully, but the .\b2 after emits a bunch of 'cl' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file errors, implying it's not really set up to use gcc/mingw, since it's calling for the Microsoft compiler. --with-toolset=mingw from the MSYS prompt (as suggested here, which creates a log file that doesn't have as many errors, but running ./b2 after leads to a mingw.jam no such file error, and mingw.init unknown error.
Downloading the compiled binaries from (boost_1_55_0-msvc-12.0-64.exe). After extracting and referring to the lib and header files, compiling the final executable throws a whole bunch of undefined reference to 'boost::system::generic_category()' for various boost features, implying to me the library files aren't actually containing the proper definitions? Is that because they're Visual Studio libraries?
Downloading the archives from (boost_1_55_0.7z), which the documentation implies comes with a pre-compiled lib dir, but does not in fact.
So, I'm banging my head on several walls at once. Can anyone help me get past any of these roadblocks?
I used the following steps to successfully build boost version 1.54 in a MinGW/MSYS environment:
Build bjam.exe and b2.exe:
boost_1_54_0\tools\build\v2\engine>build.bat mingw
Copy build tools to the root-directory:
cp boost_1_54_0\tools\build\v2\engine\bin.ntx86\*.exe boost_1_54_0
Run bjam.exe:
bjam --toolset=gcc --build -type=complete install > boost_build.log
I used this process with slight variations for various boost versions, so its a good guess it will work for 1.55 too

use MinGW to create exe file in windows from GNU source package

the basic idea was, I wanted to generate the call graph in text format for several c files. After googling around for long time, i found cflow, which can deliver everything I want, but it is only runable in Linux or else. Then I began to search how to compile the cflow source files on the web to a exe file. I found MinGW which should be able to do the cross-platform compilation.
After installing the MinGW and the MSYS and running the usual commands "./configure; make; make install", I simply got an error that "mkdir" was not found. Actually. Actually I was wondering whether this is the correct way to compile the whole package.
Does anyone has an idea how I can build the cflow.exe correctly in Windows? If there is a tutorial or something like this, I will be very thankful.
Please try this Github repository "MinGW + MSYS build of GNU cflow 1.4" (For Windows).
It contains already compiled "cflow.exe",and an instruction about how to build cflow using mingw and msys.
System Environment:Win 8.1 (x64)
1.I tested the "cflow.exe" downloaded from the github repository , and amazingly it worked!
2.I followed the mingw compiling instruction,and it successfully compiled "cflow 1.5".
bash configure
I was able to do that today. I'm using cygwin, after installing gcc, binutils, make and after downloading the gnu cflow.tar.gz, it was as easy as ./configure ; make ; make install.

qt configuration on windows

I'm having some trouble installing and configuring qt on my vista laptop.
I'm trying to setup a development environment on my laptop where I compile from the command line, because that's how the environment is setup on my university's linux machines, so I don't want to tie myself to some IDE .. (plus, real programmers use the command line!)
I haven't used the command line before for C++ development, it was all MSVC, so now I'm having a bit of trouble.
I'm still using MSVC, but from the command line. I practically have no idea what's going on, I just know that I have to run:
to compile my code!
I downloaded the opensource version of qt, and did the configuration, and tried a simple qt application (from a tutorial) and it worked, it compiled and executed pretty much as expected.
Now, when I decided to run another project that uses opengl, I got the following error:
fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'qgl.h': No such file
or directory
I'm not sure where does the compiler look for header files, and I didn't copy any header files anywhere, I assume that configure.exe worked its magic somehow and added the include directory to one or more enviroment variables or to some registery location or whatever other peculier places that the MSVC compiler searches for to find include directories.
However, what I did was search my C:\qt\include\ folder to make sure that qgl.h exists, and sure enough there it was. so why can't nmake find it?
I think the actual solution to this is in your pro file:
QT += opengl
If you want to stay with the command line anyway (plus use it on a linux box later / parallel) I'd suggest at least trying out the MinGW version of Qt. I'm using it regularly, and besides of the non-existance of a GUI it works pretty well. Using MinGW also has the advantage that you can simply download and install the MinGW edition of Qt and don't need to reconfigure or recompile anything.
Also, trying out QtCreator might be interesting. It's still beta and requires the beta Qt 4.5 but it's a nice small IDE that integrates nicely with gcc.
Two potential solutions (they solved issues at my workplace)
Do you have qt include and bin folders in the PATH variable? I think the doc says only one of these is needed, but one of the students had Vista and putting the other in the PATH variable solved a "Cannot open include file" problem.
If you're using MSVC did you run configure and nmake from the Visual Studio command prompt? We had problems when using the bare windows Command Prompt because the VS one adds a lot of temporary environment variables to the configure process.
Good luck
Install the complete Qt SDK for Windows which includes Qt 4.6 SDK, Qt Creator 1.3, and MinGW.
It will also install "Qt Command Prompt" launcher that you can use to build Qt apps from the command line.
I'm sure you're more familiar with MSVC than MinGW, as I do too (I've been using MSVC 6.0 to MSVC# 2008 for developing .NET apps).
But try MinGW with Qt and I think it's better for long term. I do some C++ development on Linux too so getting familiar with MinGW will be beneficial for you in cross-platform C++/Qt development.
For more info, see Installation of Qt 4.6 SDK for Windows.
Qmake generates Makefile from *.pro file located in current directory. It has qt path compiled in. Type "qmake -v" to see it. You can't move qt's dir after compiling it. If You haven't moved it, first maybe try to install Qt following instruction from INSTALL file. Good luck.
The opensource version of Qt does not provide profiles (mkspecs in qt terms) so qmake can generate nmake (msvc) compatible makefiles.
You have to use mingw/gcc.
