how to append some text before each matched lines - bash

I need to append two words before each match lines -
have following text file -
demo.txt -
70 80 75 77 82
34 32 30 24 29
What I am looking for is, if it find Good it should append 2 words before it like below -
(sysdate) Good 70 80 75 77 82
and if no record found, should not do anything like with Best record as there's no record so no need to append (sysdate) Best in front of it's line.
but trick here is, it should check two conditions, first status as Good, Best or Fail status from file and second if associate record is blank then no need to append anything.
below is short code of shell script -
TIME=`date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"`
for line in $log
if $line eq 'Good'; then
sed "/$line/!p s/[[:space:]]\+$//g" $log | sed "s/^/$TIME,Good /g" $log | sed 's/ /,/g' $log > demo.csv
elif $line eq 'Best'; then
sed "/$line/!p s/[[:space:]]\+$//g" $log | sed "s/^/$TIME,Best /g" $log | sed 's/ /,/g' $log > demo.csv
sed "/$line/!p s/[[:space:]]\+$//g" $log | sed "s/^/$TIME,Fail /g" $log | sed 's/ /,/g' $log > demo.csv
Note :- looking for below output to csv file -
demo.csv -

$ cat demo.txt
70 80 75 77 82
34 32 30 24 29
$ awk -v OFS="," 'NF==1{ print; s=$0; next}{$1=$1; print "(sysdate)",s,$0}' demo.txt
With datetime
$ awk -v t="$(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')" -v OFS="," 'NF==1{ print; s=$0; next}{$1=$1; print t,s,$0}' demo.txt
2017-03-15 17:12:16,Good,70,80,75,77,82
2017-03-15 17:12:16,Fail,34,32,30,24,29
With gawk
$ awk -v OFS="," 'BEGIN{t=strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",systime())}NF==1{ print; s=$0; next}{$1=$1; print t,s,$0}' demo.txt
2017-03-15 17:18:50,Good,70,80,75,77,82
2017-03-15 17:18:50,Fail,34,32,30,24,29
awk -v OFS="," ' # call awk set o/p field separator as comma
BEGIN{ # Begin block here we save system datetime in variable t and is gwak specific
t=strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",systime())
NF==1{ # if no of fields/columns is equal to 1 then
print; # print current record/line/row
s=$0; # save current line in variable s
next # stop processing go to next line
$1=$1; # record recompilation
# since you need comma as separator between fields in o/p,
# you can also do $2=$2
# assigning any value to any field ($1, etc.)
# causes record recompilation
print t,s,$0 # print variable t, s and current line
}' demo.txt


How to read two lines in shell script (In single iteration line1, line2 - Next iteration it should take line2,line3.. so on)

In my shell script, one of the variable contains set of lines. I have a requirement to get the two lines info at single iteration in which my awk needs it.
var contains:
12 abc
32 cdg
9 dfk
98 nhf
43 uyr
5 ytp
Here, In a loop I need line1, line2[i.e 12 abc \n 32 cdg] content and next iteration needs line2, line3 [32 cdg \n 9 dfk] and so on..
I tried to achieve by
while IFS= read -r line
count=`echo ${line} | awk -F" " '{print $1}'`
id=`echo ${line} | awk -F" " '{print $2}'`
read line
next_id=`echo ${line} | awk -F" " '{print $2}'`
echo ${count}
echo ${id}
echo ${next_id}
## Here, I have some other logic of awk..
done <<< "$var"
It's reading line1, line2 at first iteration. At second iteration it's reading line3, line4. But, I required to read line2, line3 at second iteration. Can anyone please sort out my requirement.
Thanks in advance..
Don't mix a shell script spawing 3 separate subshells for awk per-iteration when a single call to awk will do. It will be orders of magnitude faster for large input files.
You can group the messages as desired, just by saving the first line in a variable, skipping to the next record and then printing the line in the variable and the current record through the end of the file. For example, with your lines in the file named lines, you could do:
awk 'FNR==1 {line=$0; next} {print line"\n"$0"\n"; line=$0}' lines
Example Use/Output
$ awk 'FNR==1 {line=$0; next} {print line"\n"$0"\n"; line=$0}' lines
12 abc
32 cdg
32 cdg
9 dfk
9 dfk
98 nhf
98 nhf
43 uyr
43 uyr
5 ytp
(the additional line-break was simply included to show separation, the output format can be changed as desired)
You can add a counter if desired and output the count via the END rule.
The solution depends on what you want to do with the two lines.
My first thought was something like
sed '2,$ s/.*/&\n&/' <<< "${yourvar}"
But this won't help much when you must process two lines (I think | xargs -L2 won't help).
When you want them in a loop, try
while IFS= read -r line; do
if [ -n "${lastline}" ]; then
echo "Processing lines starting with ${lastline:0:2} and ${line:0:2}"
done <<< "${yourvar}"

How to add all values in a certain column?

I want to add all the 3rd fields from each line and produce the result.
Below is the way I solved the problem
grep '2016Feb' input.txt|awk -F\- '{print $3}'|while read LINE; do
sum = $(expr $sum + $LINE)
echo $sum
Is there a better way of solving the problem than my code? Possible a command that solves the problem # command line itself?
For a file like:
$ cat input.txt
The output is: 590.
Just set the field separator to the dash and sum the third column:
$ awk -F- '{sum+=$3} END{print sum+0}' file
590 ^^
# in case there are no matching lines, print 0
Since it looks like you are just counting those lines that contain the text "Feb2016", you can also add a filter:
awk -F- '/Feb2016/{sum+=$3} END{print sum+0}' file
# ^^^^^^^^^
# just on lines containing the string "Feb2016"
$ cat data
$ cut -d - -f 3 data | paste -s -d '+' | bc

BASH: Cannot awk with a variable in a while loop

I have a Problem when trying to awk a READ input in a while loop.
This is my code:
read -p "Please enter the Array LUN ID (ALU) you wish to query, separated by a comma (e.g. 2036,2037,2045): " ARRAY_LUNS
LUN_NUMBER=`echo $ARRAY_LUNS | awk -F "," '{ for (i=1; i<NF; i++) printf $i"\n" ; print $NF }' | wc -w`
echo "you entered $LUN_NUMBER LUN's"
while [ $s -lt $LUN_NUMBER ];
LUN_ID=`echo $ARRAY_LUNS | awk -F, '{print $'$s'}' | awk -v n1="$s" 'NR==n1'`
echo "NR $s :"
echo "awk -v n1="$s" 'NR==n1'$LUN_ID"
No matter what options with awk i try, i dont get it to display more than the first entry before the comma. It looks to me, like the loop has some problems to get the variable s counted upwards. But on the other hand, the code line:
LUN_ID=`echo $ARRAY_LUNS | awk -F, '{print $'$s'}' | awk -v n1="$s" 'NR==n1'`
works just great! Any idea on how to solve this. Another solution to my READ input would be just fine as well.
typeset -a ARRAY_LUNS
IFS=, read -a -p "Please enter the Array LUN ID (ALU) you wish to query, separated by a comma (e.g. 2036,2037,2045): " ARRAY_LUNS
echo "you entered $LUN_NUMBER LUNs"
echo "LUN id $s: ${ARRAY_LUNS[s]}"
Why does your awk code not work?
The problem is not the counter. I said The last awk command in the pipe i.e.
awk -v n1="$s" 'NR==n1'.
This awk code tries to print the first line when s is 1, the second line when s is 2, the third line when s is 3, and so on... But how many lines are printed by echo $ARRAY_LUNS? Just ONE... there is no second line, no third line... just ONE line and just ONE line is printed.
That line contains all LUN_IDs in ONE LINE, i.e, one LUN_ID next to another LUN_ID, like this way:
34 45 21 223
NOT this way
Those LUN_IDs are fields printable by awk using $1, $2, $3, ... and so on.
Therefore if you want you code to run fine just remove that last command in the pipe:
LUN_ID=$(echo "$ARRAY_LUNS" | awk -F, '{print $'$s'}')
Please, for any further question, firstly read this awk guide

bash awk first 1st column and 3rd column with everything after

I am working on the following bash script:
# contents of dbfake file
1 100% file 1
2 99% file name 2
3 100% file name 3
# cat out data
cat dbfake |
# select lines containing 100%
grep 100% |
# print the first and third columns
awk '{print $1, $3}' |
# echo out id and file name and log
xargs -rI % sh -c '{ echo %; echo "%" >> "fake.log"; }'
exit 0
This script works ok, but how do I print everything in column $3 and then all columns after?
You can use cut instead of awk in this case:
cut -f1,3- -d ' '
awk '{ $2 = ""; print }' # remove col 2
If you don't mind a little whitespace:
awk '{ $2="" }1'
But UUOC and grep:
< dbfake awk '/100%/ { $2="" }1' | ...
If you'd like to trim that whitespace:
< dbfake awk '/100%/ { $2=""; sub(FS "+", FS) }1' | ...
For fun, here's another way using GNU sed:
< dbfake sed -r '/100%/s/^(\S+)\s+\S+(.*)/\1\2/' | ...
All you need is:
awk 'sub(/.*100% /,"")' dbfake | tee "fake.log"
Others responded in various ways, but I want to point that using xargs to multiplex output is rather bad idea.
Instead, why don't you:
awk '$2=="100%" { sub("100%[[:space:]]*",""); print; print >>"fake.log"}' dbfake
That's all. You don't need grep, you don't need multiple pipes, and definitely you don't need to fork shell for every line you're outputting.
You could do awk ...; print}' | tee fake.log, but there is not much point in forking tee, if awk can handle it as well.

bash process data from two files

I want get the deficit of the data in the two files and output to output.txt, that is:
How do I realize this? thank you.
$ paste file1 file2 | awk '{ print $1 - $2 }'
Use paste to create the formulae, and use bc to perform the calculations:
paste -d - file1 file2 | bc
In pure bash, with no external tools:
while read -u 4 line1 && read -u 5 line2; do
printf '%s\n' "$(( line1 - line2 ))"
done 4<file1 5<file2
This works by opening both files (attaching them to file descriptors 4 and 5); going into a loop in which we read one line from each descriptor per iteration (exiting the loop if either has no value), and calculate and print the result.
You could use paste and awk to operate between columns:
paste -d" " file1 file2 | awk -F" " '{print ($1-$2)}'
Or even pipe to a file:
paste -d" " file1 file2 | awk -F" " '{print ($1-$2)}' > output.txt
Hope it helps!
