Visial Studio Project Icon Reset After Nuget Update - visual-studio

We have an internal Nuget package which includes an icon file which is used as the project icon.
When the Nuget package is updated the project icon is reset to the default icon.
Is there anyway to prevent this?

When the Nuget package is updated the project icon is reset to the default icon.
That is because the update of the nuget package broken reference of the icon in the Visual Studio. We have to reset the icon after nuget package update.
Is there anyway to prevent this?
A workaround to prevent this, you can separate the icon file from the package and then pack the icon as a separate package. In this case, the reference relationship will not be broken after the internal Nuget package update. After finishing the development, merge the icon to the internal Nuget package.


Reference hell accessing .netstandard with framework VS2019 preview

I can get my .net standard 2.0 package working in a .net framework 4.7.2 dll if I do the following steps
In my standard project VS2019 61.4.4 right click the project and select pack to create the .nupkg
Then I set up a nuget package source for the package
In my framework project I install nuget package
I get the following dialog
I choose PackageReference in project file
I answer yes to accept licensing
Then I can see the following
And I can get my project working.
However on a different machine running VS2019 16.5.0 Preview 2.0, I do not get the dialog asking me to choose the package manager format.
Instead the references look like
and I can not get my project working.
After following Lance's link to migrate packages.config to PackageReference
The project looks like
I was able to remove the unwanted packages by right clicking references and choosing Remove Unused References
The program worked!
Go Tools=>Nuget Package Manager =>General => Package Management You can control the behavior by Allow format selection on first package install. Enable the checkbox and restart VS, this change will take effect.
And note the dialog only appears when we install first package in current project. So if you create a new project and install package, it will appear. And since you once installed packages in that project, the dialog won't appear in WindowsFormApp2 any more.
(But you can easily migrate packages.config to PackageReference, see this).

Visual Studio references not resolved until clicked on

References (specifically from internal nuget server) seem to be unresolved after using restore nuget packages. The project builds fine but anything that uses these references show as errors in the code until you manually expand references and click it (shows a warning on the reference, when clicked it resolves and removes warning).
Is there an easy way to auto resolve them without going through every project and clicking the refrerence manually?
Is there an easy way to auto resolve them without going through every project and clicking the refrerence manually?
Please try to use the NuGet command line in the Package Manager Console:
Update-Package -reinstall
to force reinstall the package references into project.
NuGet Restore only restores files in the packages directory (\packages folder ), but does not restore files inside your project or otherwise modify your project.
Check the similar issue for some more details.

TFS solution is downloaded along with the Nuget Packages but the references are missing?

I'm training 5 people on using Visual Studio. They've mapped their drives and have "downloaded" the solution from TFS which contains 10 projects. All located at the same depth in TFS folder structure. When the new folks download the solution there's one project that doesn't get the NUGET references even though the Package folder (created by NUGET) is at the same depth of the other 10 projects when viewed in TFS.
We know how to add these manually but is there a way to automatically have VS do it? Why would only one project lose it's reference with the Package Folder right there?
It seems you are still using MSBuild-Integrated package restore approach. If NuGet recognizes that the MSBuild-Integrated package restore approach is enabled for the solution, Automatic Package Restore is skipped.
You need to migrating MSBuild-Integrated solutions to use Automatic Package Restore, then the packages will be restored automatically.
In addition, you need to update you NuGet manager to the latest version in VS Tools--Extensions and Updates. And make sure Visual Studio is configured to 'Allow NuGet to download missing packages' and 'Automatically check for missing packages during build in Visual Studio' in VS Tools--Options--NuGet Package Mnager--General.
To Fix:
Unload all projects first, then right click and select edit project.
Find this line:
<Import Project="$(SolutionDir)\.nuget\nuget.targets" />
Comment it out.
Reload all the projects and compile.
This applies to Nuget api version 2.
Note you may configure all projects for Nuget at the solution level.
The package manager for the solution presents a set of check boxes for every project along with the buttons (Install or Uninstall).

VS2013 - gallery not showing

Trying to get the gallery to show in VS2013 with no success.
Have installed the latest Nuget Package Manager extension is installed and ensure that the package source is pointing to
I just can't seem to get the gallery to appear. On either machines with VS2013 Update 4 installed.
Any idea or help to get this working.
The window in your screenshot is the Visual Studio Extension Manager. To access the Nuget repository you first need to create or open a project and then right-click the references item in the project (in the solution explorer). from the context menu you should find the option to "manage nuget packages for project". That will open the NuGet Repository screen.

NuGet Package Manager not seeing one package as already updated

I want to know how I can debug a NuGet package not properly showing as updated. In my specific case the package for jQuery.Validation is (the only one left) in the "Update" list, but hitting the update button does nothing. Here's the dialog for Managing NuGet Packages for my solution:
Hitting the "Update" button will give an additional popup:
As you can see everything seems slightly grayed out (what does that mean?). Hitting "Ok" just brings me back to the other dialog.
The main problem is that I don't know how to debug this sort of problem. I've tried doing the following:
Opening the Package Manager Console to see if it logs any trouble. No dice.
Checking the jquery.validate.min.js file, which mentions version 1.13.1, which is in fact the one mentioned in the dialog as the newest version.
Checking the packages.config file, which also mentions my solution includes version 1.13.1.
Restarting Visual Studio. No dice.
Remove the package. Re-add the package. No dice (not even after restarting Visual Studio again).
Is this just a bug in the Package Manager or the package? How can I further debug the root cause of this problem?
I'm using Visual Studio 2012, have updated the product as well as all extensions (including the NuGet package manager). The solution was originally based on an MVC 2 template, and has been updated for each major MVC release (currently up to MVC 5). Only this particular package is giving trouble, I've succesfully updated 10+ other packages just before this one.
This can happen if you have an old NuGet package left in the packages directory.
When managing packages for the solution the NuGet dialog will show updates for all packages that are in the packages directory even if they are not installed into any projects. If you manage the packages for the project on its own the NuGet dialog would not show any package updates as being available.
So the workaround is to remove the unwanted NuGet package from the packages directory.
