TFS solution is downloaded along with the Nuget Packages but the references are missing? - visual-studio

I'm training 5 people on using Visual Studio. They've mapped their drives and have "downloaded" the solution from TFS which contains 10 projects. All located at the same depth in TFS folder structure. When the new folks download the solution there's one project that doesn't get the NUGET references even though the Package folder (created by NUGET) is at the same depth of the other 10 projects when viewed in TFS.
We know how to add these manually but is there a way to automatically have VS do it? Why would only one project lose it's reference with the Package Folder right there?

It seems you are still using MSBuild-Integrated package restore approach. If NuGet recognizes that the MSBuild-Integrated package restore approach is enabled for the solution, Automatic Package Restore is skipped.
You need to migrating MSBuild-Integrated solutions to use Automatic Package Restore, then the packages will be restored automatically.
In addition, you need to update you NuGet manager to the latest version in VS Tools--Extensions and Updates. And make sure Visual Studio is configured to 'Allow NuGet to download missing packages' and 'Automatically check for missing packages during build in Visual Studio' in VS Tools--Options--NuGet Package Mnager--General.

To Fix:
Unload all projects first, then right click and select edit project.
Find this line:
<Import Project="$(SolutionDir)\.nuget\nuget.targets" />
Comment it out.
Reload all the projects and compile.
This applies to Nuget api version 2.
Note you may configure all projects for Nuget at the solution level.
The package manager for the solution presents a set of check boxes for every project along with the buttons (Install or Uninstall).


Nuget Automatic Package Restore not working on project (.csproj) build (without solution)

We have a solution which contains several projects. Some projects have NuGet packages installed, for example Json.NET. The whole solution is checked in to TFS Version Control, without the packages folder. We have set up Automatic Package Restore according to the "Nuget 2.7+ method" as described in the Nuget documentation (actually we didn't set up that much since all this is enabled by default).
When we build this solution on another computer, all packages are getting restored.
When we build this solution on our TFS 2013 Build server, all packages are also getting restored.
Now here comes the problem:
When we create a build on our TFS 2013 Build Server which should build only one of the projects in the solution (so targeting the .csproj file instead of the .sln file) the nuget packages are NOT getting restored!
Can anyone tell me why this is happening, or tell me if this is by design? I really don't want to build the whole solution, since it is a release build for only a single small project, but i do want the packages getting restored automaticly...
I believe the Automatic Package Restore hooks into the Build Solution event. Since there's no solution, it's not triggering the restore.
To build a single project, you may need to create a new solution that references just that project.

Visual Studio + nuget + TFS: checking in nuget packages?

I'm working on a TFS project with a small team. This project has a bunch of nuget packages installed, but it's for a 4.0 project, and the nuget package manager GUI doesn't even offer the older versions of the packages any longer since their 4.5 equivalents are now being used. In order to allow other team members to compile the project, they need to have the exact versions of the packages. I'd like to check in the entire "packages" folder used by nuget. Is this a good idea? If so, how does one check in the "packages" folder and all its contents since it exists at the solution level? There is no "Include in Solution" option in Visual Studio as there is when you right-click an assembly.
in the past I have also checked in the NuGet packages into version control. With this some problems appeared:
Some packages where not checked into version control when committing from Visual Studio into TFS.
Updating packages became a real problem.
For the first problem I had used the TFS Power Tools. The problem with this solution is that every developer needed to install the Power Tools.
A better solution came up with NuGet 2.7. It introduced package restore. With package restore there's no need to check-in the packages folder. They will be restored during build.
We use an on-prem TFS install with no internet access so we have to check in our package folders or our builds fail. The biggest issue is that VS does not behave consistently when it comes to adding the pending changes for new package files, often times it will ignore the .dll files in the pending changes window, sometimes it adds everything fine.

NuGet Package restore for website

I am trying to use NuGet Package Restore with VS2010 + Visual Sourcesafe. It is working partially for me.
Where this is coming from: NuGet not getting missing packages
My Solution2 has website[Project1 in above image] that has another nuget package installed. Now another developer opens the Solution2 via VS2010, the automatic restore works for Library projects in Solution1. It gets all missing packages for Library projects that is referenced in this Solution2 and I see them in Solution1/packages folder.
But for Website it says external dlls i.e. pacakages missing. The issue I think is because website doesn't have a .csproj file and so it doesn't know things needs to be restored.(
Making it work partially:
Added packages/repositories.config to website solution (What is a solution folder in visual studio)
Another developer goes to VSS and get that packages folder manually. Now when he builds the solution, the Package Manager Console prompts for restore i.e. has "Restore" button. On clicking it will bring the AjaxControlToolkit.
- Is the above approach the only and best available for Websites?
When the developer clicks "Restore" button it brings packages for Library as well to Solution1/packages along with packages for nuget. Any reason why would it do that?
Any ideas on above issues?
Per you link, nuget doesn't support websites. If you really need to use Nuget, and let's face it, everyone does, then in my opinion the best approach is to switch your website over to a web application, at which point visual studio will create a csproj file for you, detailing the nuget packages that are contained in the project.
For adding Solution level "packages" folder with repositories.config to VS Solution Explorer, I created a Solution folder and added repositories.config.
That created packages folder in the SourceSafe when I checked-in the solution.
I also found someone pointing the same thing here.
Update: I think the newer nuget is restoring the packages. But one other trick for nuget to add the dll to the bin folder it to check-in the .refresh files for AjaxControlToolkit and its dependent packages.

Do Nuget packages need to be added by every developer who works on same VS project?

I've added some libraries to a VS 2010 solution using Nuget (RestSharp, Twilio, etc.). When I pull the same solution down to a new PC from TFS and try to build it, all the references to those assemblies are broken (error "namespace cannot be found..."). Is it necessary for each developer who works on this VS solution for the first time to independently install the same Nuget packages on their PCs?
As Andrew already have said it's all about the packages' location.
Either you have to check in the entire packages folder with all the packages, or each developer have to install the packages after first checking out. But there is a better way to do this, namely to use NuGet Package Restore - which will automatically install all missing packages when the project is built.
If you use package restore, you only need to check in the repositories.config into your VCS. With TFS you can cloak the entire packages folder except for the repositories.config, so that TFS doesn't annoy with pending checkins for new packages.
Also see this answer for guidance on how to use TFS + NuGet.
No, but you need to be sure the assemblies are all included in the same relative path so Visual Studio can find them. You can include the solution's nuget packages directories, which is where I think it stores a copy of the libraries to be referenced by the project(s).
Incidentally, including said diretories may be effectively the same as "installing the packages". If you include all the files that NuGet uses in its management of packages, NuGet will behave the same as if you had installed them. But you don't need to do the actual package install via NuGet for it to work... or even have NuGet installed in Visual Studio in the first place. It's just a matter of the proper files being where the Visual Studio project files expect them to be.

Should .nuget folder be added to version control?

With newer versions of NuGet it is possible to configure a project to automatically restore NuGet packages so that the packages folder doesn't need to be included in the source code repository. Good.
However, this command adds a new .nuget folder and there is a binary there, NuGet.exe. This can also be re-created automatically by Visual Studio and so it doesn't feel correct to add that to version control. However, without this folder Visual Studio won't even load the solution properly.
How do you people deal with this? Add .nuget to source control? Run some command line script before opening the solution?
This post is old, you should not be using solution level NuGet package restore anymore. As of version 2.7+ there is an option in the NuGet setup to automatically restore packages on build.
So the .nuget folder can be deleted and the option removed from your projects.
UPDATE: With the release of NuGet 4.x and .NET Standard 2.0, when you use the new csproj format you can now use package references, ironically reintroducing the dependency on msbuild to restore packages, but now packages are a first class citizen of msbuild. The link above also makes mention of the PackageReference, but the following announcement details it better:
And the NuGet 4.x RTM announcement, which ironically isn't as useful:
UPDATE 2: Apparently with VS2017 you can even use package references with classic csproj projects, but they aren't backwards compatible anymore, and there have been some problems with restoring package sub-dependencies. I'm sure that will all be resolved.
#Richard Szalay's answer is right - you don't need to commit nuget.exe. If for some reasons Visual Studio does not automatically download the nuget.exe, make sure you have the following set to true in the nuget.targets file:
<!-- Download NuGet.exe if it does not already exist -->
<DownloadNuGetExe Condition=" '$(DownloadNuGetExe)' == '' ">true</DownloadNuGetExe>
Close the VS solution, reopen it and build it. Visual Studio should download nuget.exe automatically now.
According to this thread, the .nuget folder should be version controlled.
You need to commit .nuget\nuget.targets, but not nuget.exe. The targets will download the exe if it doesn't exist, as long as you change DownloadNuGetExe to true in nuget.targets
Although I usually don't like the idea of adding exe's to source control, I would suggest that source control should contain anything that is required in order to open, build and execute the project.
In this case it sounds like the .nuget folder is a required dependency. Therefore it ought to be under source control.
The only question left, that you need to research, is how NuGet is going to react if that folder is marked read-only, which TFS will do once it has been checked in.
I did a little more research on this as I've never used NuGet before.
I would suggest that probably what you want to do is make NuGet a requirement that has to be installed on every developers workstation.
Further, you should place in source control the batch file required to get a workstation ready to start editing the project. The batch file is going to run the commands necessary to get and install the dependency packages.
Beyond that I'd say you might want to contact NuGet directly to ask them how, exactly, this is supposed to work.
Now that nuget supports package restoration we're looking at it more closely.
We use Subversion for source control, and my initial thoughts are that .nuget should be added to our repository, but added using svn:externals so that it points to a single location.
That way we can automatically push out new versions to all developers and projects. For projects on release branches, rather than HEAD, we can specify the revision of svn:externals reference if we want to leave nuget alone.
We have a lot of projects, so it also means not duplicating nuget.exe multiple times in the repo.
We have the nuget.config file in the folder, as it has the references to our internal Nuget server, using the Package Sources area:
Apart from this reason, you should let Visual Studio handle the downloading of packages.
