VS2013 - nuget.org gallery not showing - visual-studio-2013

Trying to get the nugget.org gallery to show in VS2013 with no success.
Have installed the latest Nuget Package Manager extension is installed and ensure that the package source is pointing to nuget.org
I just can't seem to get the nuget.org gallery to appear. On either machines with VS2013 Update 4 installed.
Any idea or help to get this working.

The window in your screenshot is the Visual Studio Extension Manager. To access the Nuget repository you first need to create or open a project and then right-click the references item in the project (in the solution explorer). from the context menu you should find the option to "manage nuget packages for project". That will open the NuGet Repository screen.


Installed nuget packages in Visual Studio 2019 project checkbox unchecked

I am trying to create a packages file for the project & noticed that installed nuget packages in Visual Studio 2019 have got the project box unchecked.
I am positive that I am using these packages in the project.
For instance I am using the Entity Framework for the data access & update. I have ensured that all the packages are still being used in the project & the packages.config file has got all the packages listed in it.
Visual Studio ScreenShot
Installed nuget packages in Visual Studio 2019 project checkbox
The window which you provided actually does not actually work as you described. And it is just designed by that.
What you need to note is that the projects that can be displayed on this window, such as 2020Portal.Data, 2020Portal.Mailbox, etc., have already installed the nuget package Entity Framework. Only projects that already have the nuget package installed can be displayed in this window. That's why they show up there.
And the checkbox functionality is only intended to enable the selected items to perform uninstall or update the nuget Entity Framework. It's just for the convenience of choosing certain operations to perform.
Hope it could help you.

Visial Studio Project Icon Reset After Nuget Update

We have an internal Nuget package which includes an icon file which is used as the project icon.
When the Nuget package is updated the project icon is reset to the default icon.
Is there anyway to prevent this?
When the Nuget package is updated the project icon is reset to the default icon.
That is because the update of the nuget package broken reference of the icon in the Visual Studio. We have to reset the icon after nuget package update.
Is there anyway to prevent this?
A workaround to prevent this, you can separate the icon file from the package and then pack the icon as a separate package. In this case, the reference relationship will not be broken after the internal Nuget package update. After finishing the development, merge the icon to the internal Nuget package.

How to remove a Nuget package form solution

When I go on the "Manage Nuget packages for solution" in VS2015, I've a list of packages. Some of them are not used anymore, by any project(I don't see any checkbox on the right).
If I remove the corresponding nuget folder from the solution, it indicates me that I've some missing Nuget package on the next start.
On the right, the button to uninstall is grayed out.
How do I do to remove those package from the solution?
Here is a screenshot showing my nuget pane:
One or more projects in your solution has that Nuget package installed. Right click on the project (not solution) and click "Manage Nuget Packages" from there you can uninstall the package. Note I click on the project and not solution:
First, open your Package Manager Console. Then select your project from the dropdown list. And run the following commands for uninstalling nuget packages.
for getting all the package you have installed.
and then
Uninstall-Package YourPackageName

Trouble removing package from Visual Studio 2010

I accidently added a package to my VS2010 MVC 3 project via the 'Manage NuGet Packages' tool in the 'Tools' menu and I would like to remove it, however after some research I can't seem to figure out how to do it.
I have tried opening up the 'Manage NuGet Packages' tool within the solution, but there seems to be no uninstall option so I searched online and found the following article on installing and uninstalling packages. It mentions right clicking on the project and choosing the 'Add Package Library Reference' option, but this doesn't exist. I did notice that the example's project is a Website type, where mine isn't as I am using a modified version of the MVC project template.
Anyway, I searched online again and found several mentions of starting VS2010 as an Administrator and then the option for uninstalling should be available in the 'Manage NuGet Packages' tool, however this didn't change anything and no uninstall option appears.
Can anyone suggest what might be the problem and how to remove this package?
Here's a link to the docs:
Go to the section entitled Removing a Package, you can use the console to uninstall the package you want.
From the Library Package Manager, click the Installed Packages tab, then click Manage on the package you want to remove. Clear the checkbox for the solution/project you want the package uninstalled from, then click OK.
Or, open up the Package Manager Console and type "uninstall-package YourPackageName".

Nuget - Don't see allow nuget to download missing packages during build

I get a message saying the following:
Error 1 Package restore is disabled by default. To give consent, open
the Visual Studio Options dialog, click on Package Manager node and
check 'Allow NuGet to download missing packages during build.' You can
also give consent by setting the environment variable
'EnableNuGetPackageRestore' to 'true'.
When I go to Tools -> Options, I do not see Package Manager and underneath I see Package Sources and Recent Packages. I do not see anywhere where I can set Allow Nuget to download missing packages during build though.
The option to give consent in the UI has been added with NuGet Package Manager 1.8. It's the 3rd item under Tools-> Options-> Package Manager-> General : "Package Restore : Allow NuGet to download missing packages during build".
Please make sure NuGet is up-to-date in Tools->Extension Manager.
Alternatively you can give consent by setting the EnableNuGetPackageRestore Environment variable to true.
I found I needed an extra couple of steps to get it to download the packages
Check Allow NuGet to download missing packages during build
Check Always show solution in Projects and Solutions
Right click on solution and Enable NuGet Package Restore
Open Manage NuGet Packages and click Restore
I did not seem to have the "Package Manager" node under Tools->Options [this was in Visual Studio 2013 :-)]. To get that node in there, I browsed to Tools -> Extensions and Updates and searched for nuget. Installing "NuGet for Visual Studio 2013" got me the node and the option to allow package restore!
I am using Visual Studio 2010 and NuGet 2.0.
Someone had checked in a solution that used NuGet for various packages. When I checked out the solution and built it, I got the same errors. What's more, when I viewed the NuGet Package Manager from the Tools -> Options window, the Package Restore already had the appropriate check boxes checked.
I tried clicking the Clear Package Cache button. After doing that, everything built correctly.
