No such module `Toaster` - xcode

I am getting a No such module Toaster. I have installed the pod, also after searching on SO, I fixed the red Pod_Project.Framework issue. Now its gray. I also verified Framework Search Path's and ensured that the Pod in question is recursive.
I have read thru this and this. Ideally I expected that things should have worked by default, just install the Pod and import and it should work. Is this expectation incorrect ? Should I need to change settings everytime I install a pod ?
Also added Toaster pod to the Framework Search Path
Still the same No such module error on the import.
I tried opening the .xcworkspace. But same issue again.

#siddharth as you mention above is correct. But Linked FrameWorks and Libraries are not in build Settings. It is In Build Phases


Pods : Xcode Library not found for -lGoogleToolboxForMac

Recently I installed cocoapods and wanted to add Firebase analytics to my app. The first time a published the app worked, but now it started showing me that: Library not found for -lGoogleToolboxForMac.
I install again pods but still the same.
What should I do in this case? I mention that I use VirtualBox.
Please ensure successful installation of pods.
Also, after installation close current project .xcodeproj and open up .xcworkspace.

Cocoa pods installation issue

So I installed the AWS frameworks into my app, after already having the google maps frameworks installed with no problem at all. It seemed to of picked up a lot of errors.
At first I had two errors in total, "Could not include of non-modular header inside framework module '...'" and "Could not build objective-C module 'AWSS3'". Thus I followed a few threads to fix it and it seemed of made it worse of. Heres what I followed:
Clean and build
Delete DerivedData folder
Change the framework search path
Uninstalled and reinstalled CocoaPods
Cleaned and built every single scheme separately.
Because I changed the search path the number of errors went up from 2 to 9, most of them being "could not include non-modular..." as well as a new one "Definition of '...' must be imported from module '...'". For some reason I also seem to get a lot of warnings saying "Duplicate definition of category 'AWS' on interface '...'" too. In total I've picked up 25 issues, which is slightly concerning as I don't want to do anything further mess up my project completely.
CocoaPods will be the death of me.
Update: After changing some things in user paths further, I now have the problem of no module found.
To solve problem "no module found": try enabling Modules (C and Objective-C) as below image:

Xcode 7.3.1 fails when compiling sources (Cocoapods)

Im pulling my hair out over this. Ive made a duplicate of my an Xcode project and I then went and renamed the target, folders within the project, build config and basically removed every reference to the old project. I then used pod deintegrate to remove cocoa pods completely. As well as deleting the master repo.
I then did a pod install but when it gets to compiling sources it fails, and the only errors that are coming up are those from my project that are basically being caused from the missing header files.
Ive checked my framework and library paths and they both use $(inherited)
Any suggestions would really be appreciated, Ive already wasted 2 days on this.
EDIT: I've noticed that my libPod-ProjectName.a is red and isn't being created in derived data, not sure what to make of it
Is the AFHTTPREQUESTSERIALIZER available ?, it seems to be deprecated so there are no results matching. Confirm you are using the latest version and the framework is not longer deprecated. Please explain your problem with more information.
Alternatively, you can refer this link:-
Screenshot taken from above link:-

how to create jabberd xmpp client in ios9 using swift2

I am following this link
but am getting couple of errors which are as follows
1.Could not build ObjectiveC module 'XMPPFramework'
2.CocoaAsyncSocket/GCDAsyncSocket.h file not found.
I have tried out ways such as
Built Setting on your project, then setting it like
User Header Search Paths = $(SRCROOT) // recursive.
Always Search User Paths = YES
But still errors persist.
Please help
To build the project, you need to have Cocoapods installed.
Then, you can check out the latest version of the project with Xcode 7.2.1 and open Example/xmpp-messenger-ios.xcworkspace
On first build all dependencies should be properly downloaded, but you need to use workspace and not project with Cocoapods.

Best way to include a demo project with a CocoaPod?

I am wondering what is the best way to include a demo project with a CocoaPod. In particular, I want this to a be a component that anyone can try using the pod try command.
I see two options:
option 1: embedded project in Examples/ with a Podfile
Here the Pod contains an embedded project, which uses a Podfile to reference the pod itself.
This is what is suggested by the directory structure produced via the pod lib create command, and by the CocoaPods documentation.
option 2: embedded project in Demo/ using pod as a resource
Here the Pod contains an embedded project, where the Xcode project file uses a relative path to refer directly to resources from the pod itself.
This is what I see in various examples in the wild, and it is what is working right now in a Pod I am authoring.
As CocoaPods is still in flux, I am wondering if one way is more "blessed" than the other. Is the documentation suggesting option 1 out of date? Or is the code supporting option 2 out of date? Will both work with pod try going forward?
Please, see as also this answer where demo project search heuristics are explained.
The best solution is to look through the def pick_demo_project(dir) routine in the try-plugin source to see the actual demo choosing options.
