Pods : Xcode Library not found for -lGoogleToolboxForMac - xcode

Recently I installed cocoapods and wanted to add Firebase analytics to my app. The first time a published the app worked, but now it started showing me that: Library not found for -lGoogleToolboxForMac.
I install again pods but still the same.
What should I do in this case? I mention that I use VirtualBox.

Please ensure successful installation of pods.
Also, after installation close current project .xcodeproj and open up .xcworkspace.


How to handle MISSING_PLUGIN_EXEPTION in Flutter with Firebase Core Plugin on IOS

for several days I have tried to link my Flutter app with Firebase Database. But unfortunately, whenever I want to start debugging the compiler gives back a missing plugin exemption concerning the firebase_core package. I have already seen some entries referring to this issue here on stack overflow but none of them worked for me.
I have already followed the instruction steps by the installation guide on Firebase and included the Google Service File in my Xcode project.
I already did flutter clean, deleted the pods folder and the pod file.lock file in IOS, tried to include the Firebase SDK package by using the add package option in Xcode.
In the past, the connection between my Flutter project and the Firebase Database already worked but somehow it won't work now.
I think that my issue deals with the new step in the installation process for Firebase Connection when I am asked to make use of the Firebase SDK in Xcode.
In the following I'll add some more pictures for illustration. If someone had the same/a similar issue, it would be a huge help for me.
error Message
Xcode runner workspace including google Service
AppDelegate in Xcode
pubspec yaml

Xcode Workspace "Internal error: missingPackageDescriptionModule"

After updating Xcode to version 13.2 i can't build my project anymore. I have a strange error "Internal error: missingPackageDescriptionModule" related to my Workspace file.
It's definitely related to SPM because Xcode is not loading SPM packages also. I tried to "Reset package caches", "Resolve package caches" and also "Updating to latest package caches" but after all of these operating nothing happens. Deleting derived data, cleaning didn't help too...
I tried also to resolve packages from Terminal using xcodebuild -resolvePackageDependencies but I get error message:
--- xcodebuild: WARNING: The directory /Users/ptocicki/Developer/KFC/kfc-ios also contains the legacy project 'project.pbxproj' - ignoring it and using 'KFC.xcodeproj'.
xcodebuild: error: Could not resolve package dependencies:
Internal error: missingPackageDescriptionModule"
Apple is aware of the issue.
We're currently investigating this issue — thank you to those who have
filed bug reports so far. To workaround this issue, please re-download
Xcode 13.2 directly from the Downloads page.
🎊 Fixed on v13.2.1 and you can download from here
This bug is reported and the v13.2.1 AppStore version but As  Apple suggest here, you should download the Xcode manually from the developer center
Manual download of any Apple developer software
✅ The always working and preferred workaround!
Download directly from Apple:
Latest Release version or
Latest Beta version or
Any version you need and all other downloadable contents
Then extract and move it where you like. This has so many benefits compared to AppStore updates. (like the ability to resume download, not replacing the old one, not wasting hidden directories and etc.)
Note that you should use safari to download it.
⚠️ Important note for developers like me!
The page you’re looking for can’t be found.
If you The page you’re looking for can’t be found message, you may need to use a VPN if you are in a country that the US sanctioned like mine. Because Apple is blocking some IP address ranges.
If you’re using Swift packages either standalone or as dependencies in an Xcode project or workspace, the Mac App Store version of Xcode fails during package resolution with the error “Internal error: missingPackageDescriptionModule.” (86435800)
Workaround: Download Xcode 13.2 directly from the Apple Developer website.
I just got the issues late at night after Xcode updated on its own while I was working on my project, which was not a cool surprise. It appears to be affecting all dependencies. You are not alone in this it's affecting everyone. I did what they recommended and downloaded Xcode directly from the Apples developer site and it fixed all my issues super happy right now!!!!!!!
XCode was updated to 13.2.1 at 12/19 which fix the issue.
If you’re using Swift packages either standalone or as dependencies in an Xcode project or workspace, the Mac App Store version of Xcode fails during package resolution with the error “Internal error: missingPackageDescriptionModule.” (86435800)
Workaround: Download Xcode 13.2 directly from the Apple Developer website.
Seems local package still working. So there is a temporary solution: We can download the dependencies then add them to the project as local paclages.
Please update to Xcode 13.2.1.
If not, download Xcode 13.2 from the Apple Developer website.
Updating from Xcode 13.2 to 13.2.1 from App Store fixed the issue for me.

Local cocoapods sources in debugger displayed in asm in XCode 8

I am developing number of pods and store them in my own private repo. So I can install pods as usual, from this repository pod "SomePod", or install locally (Development pods) with pod "SomePod", :path => "~/SomePath/ToPod"
When using local pods (2-nd variant) in Xcode 8 I have no possibility to debug, because all sources, that come from pods, are displayed in asm, not in Objective-C, that they are written. In Xcode 7 everything was fine.
When using remote pods (default way, 1-st variant) pods are displayed in Objective-C, but editing them doesn't have impact on real pod sources, because I edit copied from repository version.
I use Cocoapods 1.0.1 version. In Xcode
"Debug" -> "Debug Workflow" -> "Always Use Disassembly" is disabled.
Does anyone face the same problem? Any ideas how to solve this? Thanks for any help.
Update: found out, that this happened because of macOS Sierra and not depends on Xcode version.
Recently found the solution. The issue was in workspace file (don't know, what exactly was wrong there). Solve it by creating new xcworkspace for the projects (I use different name, but I believe, there wasn't naming problem).

Xcode will build/run but archive fails with "No such module Google" - Swift iOS

My app has been working fine until Xcode 7.1. In fact, it still runs on both the simulator and iPhone, but when I archive it, I get the error "No such module Google." I have cocoa pods updated to 0.39 and have tried for hours with tweaking the options, from reinstalling cocoa pods to removing the Google Analytics cocoa pod and adding it manually, etc. However, nothing has worked, and whenever I archive the app, I receive an error, yet it still runs fine.
Any thoughts?
Turns out the issue was with Google Analytics for cocoa pods. I completely removed the cocoapod and switched to Flurry.
For me it turned out, that I had forgotten to put
into the Podfile. After adding this line and updating the pods it worked. Just make sure to import all modules in all depending classes.
Official blog resource from cocoapods

Issue after submitting my app to TestFlight

We have discovered one or more issues with your recent delivery for "AppName". To process your delivery, the following issues must be corrected:
Invalid Bundle - One or more dynamic libraries that are referenced by your app are not present in the dylib search path.
Once these issues have been corrected, you can then redeliver the corrected binary.
The App Store team
For me the following worked:
i updated cocoapods if You have troubles doing so this link may help
deleted MyProjectTests (that i wasn't using)
deleted my Pods/ folder and Podfile.lock
made pod install
rebooted my mac
and the problem is gone
I have just seen the problem after install the app in a real device, but crashed (in the simulator works). My app missing a library installed with Cocoapods.
