Capture Paste Event in NSTextfield - cocoa

I have a application, where I have to capture the paste event for the NSTextField.
Two scenario is required:
If text is typed, call goes to controlTextDidChange
If paste action is done in text field, again this controlTextDidChange delegate is called.
I need to differentiate between Paste action and type action NSTextField. It is required as I need to call separate function.
Please suggest, how to capture Paste Action for the NSTextField.
Thanks in Advance.

Welcome to Stack Overflow.
You can intercept the paste command by using a custom field editor and overriding paste. Documentation:Text Fields, Text Views, and the Field Editor and Using a Custom Field Editor.
This answer might be helpful: NSTextField: exposing its Copy and Paste methods. You don't have to use a subclass of NSTextFieldCell, you can also use the method windowWillReturnFieldEditor of NSWindowDelegate.


Using bootstrap calendar inside slickgrid then Calendar is stuck issue

I am using bootstrap calendar inside slickgrid. When calendar popup is opened and use Alt+tab or scope out of slickgrid then calendar gets stuck. I have to reload application to get rid of calendar popup. I want to close calendar pop up as soon as user scopes out of slickgrid. Please suggest way to do it.
Not sure if it's your problem but you can't use just a z-index in SlickGrid that won't work and won't do anything, you need to use position: absolute on your Editor (each editor has a args.position passed to their constructor) that you can use to reposition your editor next to the cell that you clicked, however make sure that you also add a position() method that will be called if it exist and of course you need to add proper code to reposition the DOM element inside that method. Also when you click on a different cell then the previous Editor will call the destroy method, so make sure you remove the Editor properly by adding necessary code in your destroy() method.
All of that position usage can be seen in 1 of the built-in Editor which is the LongText defined in the slick.editors.js on this line
The absolute style is applied here
and the position(cellPosition) method is defined here
If your problem is really that your Editor doesn't get removed from the DOM, then it's because you didn't code the destroy() properly and here is the LongText destroy() method for reference. Also you might want to add an onBlur event that will call your destroy() method after a blur or any other event that you choose.
and here's a print screen of the LongText Editor that is repositioned over the cell you clicked and you can test it yourself in this Example - Editing

Ckedtior Events to dynamically change the label text

can i create an event on Ckedtor where as soon as i write some thing in textarea of editor the same should dynamically update on another label below it using jquery.
i found the answer

Cocoa: How do I know when a Controller is connected to a view? (Beginner)

I've attached a xib to a controller I made that inherits from NSObject.
I want to set a text field with dynamic text when the view is visible. How can I do that?
How can that controller know when it has access to a text field I want to populate?
You might want to look into the methods -viewDidLoad or -nibDidLoad.

How to get the stringValue of a Text Field Cell inside a Table View after editing the cell?

I have a standard Table View with the default settings inside my main nib. I use an Array Controller and Bindings for dealing with the data that the table view should show to the users. I already achieved that the "add" button inserts the new row and sets the first column to editing mode so the users can type their text immediately. My problem is i can't detect when the editing is over and i should save the new values. I couldn't find any delegate method and/or any notification for this purpose. I searched the internet and i couldn't find anything useful. I'm not even sure that i'm doing it right, i didn't add any specific thing, i just use the standard double click editing that the table view offers for each cell.
Any help is much appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
If you have everything hooked up with bindings, you shouldn't need to save the data until you exit the program. When the array controller's add: method is called, the new record is added to the controller's arranged objects, and the array holding your data is also updated. So, you only need to save the array when your app closes.
However, if you wish to save the data after every edit, you can detect the end of the editing with the delegate method controlTextDidEndEditing:. You will get a notification after each column is finished editing (make sure to make the class where you implement this method the delegate of the table view).

NSTextfield AutoComplete like VisualStudio?

How can I set something for NSTextfields in xcode for autocompletion ?
I want to have suggestion when I type in textfields just like what we did in visualstudio's autocomplete and how we define it's autocomplete source.
For example if I have a textfield that user will type it's name I want to have suggestion from previously typed names or an array resource to give them some suggestion.
You could look into using token fields.
