Using bootstrap calendar inside slickgrid then Calendar is stuck issue - slickgrid

I am using bootstrap calendar inside slickgrid. When calendar popup is opened and use Alt+tab or scope out of slickgrid then calendar gets stuck. I have to reload application to get rid of calendar popup. I want to close calendar pop up as soon as user scopes out of slickgrid. Please suggest way to do it.

Not sure if it's your problem but you can't use just a z-index in SlickGrid that won't work and won't do anything, you need to use position: absolute on your Editor (each editor has a args.position passed to their constructor) that you can use to reposition your editor next to the cell that you clicked, however make sure that you also add a position() method that will be called if it exist and of course you need to add proper code to reposition the DOM element inside that method. Also when you click on a different cell then the previous Editor will call the destroy method, so make sure you remove the Editor properly by adding necessary code in your destroy() method.
All of that position usage can be seen in 1 of the built-in Editor which is the LongText defined in the slick.editors.js on this line
The absolute style is applied here
and the position(cellPosition) method is defined here
If your problem is really that your Editor doesn't get removed from the DOM, then it's because you didn't code the destroy() properly and here is the LongText destroy() method for reference. Also you might want to add an onBlur event that will call your destroy() method after a blur or any other event that you choose.
and here's a print screen of the LongText Editor that is repositioned over the cell you clicked and you can test it yourself in this Example - Editing


Ckeditor Toolbar Dropdown Element

I am using ck-editor 3 and have written custom code which will destroy ck-editor instance on blur action.
Problem i am facing is if i select any of the drop-down boxes from toolbar for e.g. style,size.
then on-blur event of instance is called and as per code its gets destroyed due to which i am not able to format it and editor gets closed.
I don't want to prevent on-blur event as a whole but wanted to prevent only when any of the toolbar element is accessed.
Is there any way to prevent this?

Get value from autocomplete text field in ApEx

I want to create a dynamic action, that will set a value to an item on the page, when the value of another item (autocomplete text field) is set.
So the proccess goes like this:
Click on the autocomplete field
type some letters
choose one of the suggested values
I cannot find an event that will be executed when the selection of one of the suggested values happens. This way, I cannot see how I can read the value of the autocomplete field, once a suggested value is selected.
The change event doesn't fit my needs, it doesn't execute when one suggested value is selected.
I had the same problem, found this link: and modified my dynamic action as follows to get the desired behaviour:
Event = Custom
Custom Event = result
From the link:
the problem seems to be the default behavior of the browser. When you
enter some text into the autocomplete and the list is displayed, the
focus is still in the text field. Also if you use the keyboard cursors
to pick an entry the focus will still be in the textfield. That's why
the change event of the textfield doesn't fire. It only fires if you
leave the field.
On the other side if you pick an entry with the mouse, the browser
will remove the focus from the text field for a moment (before the
JavaScript code puts the focus back), because you clicked outside of
the field. But that's enough so that the browser fires the change
I had a look into documentation of the underlaying jQuery Autocomplete
( and
there is actually an event called "result" which can be captures if an
entry is selected from the drop down list.
Try "Lose Focus" as event. It will trigger your dynamic action when you leave the autocomplete field, i.e. your curosr is moved to another field.
This probably depends on the APEX version you are using.
In case of 18.2, because the underlying component is based on Oracle JET's "inputSearch" component, you need to use following configure to capture the select change event for text with autocomplete:
event: Custom
custom event: ojupdate
I turned on the browser console, then turned ApEx Developer toolbar debug, and found that, on the contrary, the "Change" event does fire upon user clicking with the mouse on one of the selections. However if the user uses keyboard (type a few letters to narrow the list down, then use down arrow key to arrive at desired value, then press enter) then the Change event does not fire, just as you say.
Moreover: even when you do get the value sent back via mouse-click initiated Change event, the value isn't the autocomplete's complete and valid value, but instead the possibly partial and wrong-case value just as typed by the user. I.e., the the change event's submission of the value precedes the autocomplete's substitution.
The answer that #VincentDeelen gave is the best alternative that I can see, although it doesn't quite give that "instantantenous synchronicity" feel. You could maybe use the "Key Down" event, but be careful with that. You could get a really excessive amount of web and db traffic as each and every keystroke (including corrections) results in another firing of the dynamic action.
Testing environment: ApEx 4.2.3 with Chrome 33 as well as IE 9.
p.s. This might be worth a mention to the ApEx development team as well.
It's not really ideal, but you could use onfocus(). I'm looking for the same thing you are, I think, a custom event that fires when the selection of a suggested value happens. I haven't found it yet though and that is my work-around for now. It will run whatever function you've created for this initially with no value, but once the selection is made it will return focus and run the function again with the right value. Like I said, not ideal but it works.
Jeffrey Kemp is right. You can set it up through a dynamic action using the custom event, result. You can also register it on page load using document.getElementById("{id}").addEventListener("result", {function}); or $("#{id}").result( function( event, data, formatted ) { //something here });.
Oracle apex 19 now added a "component event" when you create a dynamic action called "Update [Text Field with autocomplete]" - this action is fired when you select a value from the list, but not when you leave the field (similar to adding the custom event "ojupdate").

Jqgrid Edit Form Change Event of Select doesnt fire when scrolling thorugh records

I have been following this example,, as it is just what I need. I have got it working but it doesnt work when scrolling through records. If you bring up the form and scroll from a UK record to a US record, the list doesnt change. The onChange event only fires when the user selects from the select drop down.
Is there a way around this?
Thanks for your help.
My old demo uses 'change' event handler defined in the dataEvents property of the editoptions. In the dataEvents array one can define other event handlers.
You need just bind keyup to the column exactly like it's described in the answer. In the body of the event handler you can do the same actions as in the body of the 'change' event handler (you can place the code in a function and call it from the both handlers). In the way you should be able to solve the problem.
UPDATED: I updated the old answer and another one which was origin for the demo which you used. The new demo support the navigation buttons (the buttons to edit the 'next' or the 'previous' row) in the editing form.

FoxPro sum form fields

Using autogenerated form from a single database table. The form uses the class WizBtns included in c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9\Wizards. The form has Top, Previous, Next and Bottom buttons.
Although the form only has textboxes to enter data for the fields in the table, I have added a custom Text Box from the toolbox which basically intends to display the sum of some fields. I have bound the ControlSource of the text box to a PUBLIC variable costTotal that is created on the form init.
Now the problem is updating the sum of fields in the text box, or simply updating value of costTotal. Where to add the code for this? Adding the code in the form's Refresh method mixes up the value of costTotal, when I press Next button to update all fields with new values, the custom text box displays the sum of the last record which is mysterious.
I would add a method to the form to do the calculation. Then, call that method from the Valid method of each of the textboxes involved in the calculation.
There is nothing wrong with using the refresh event to recalculate the values, just make sure that you call the refresh each time the record changes
If you are using navigation buttons to move between records then the click event of EACH button is an ideal place to issue the refresh request :-
Assuming the textbox is called txtSum and is located on the same form as the navigation buttons then in each buttons click event add this code
with thisform
Couple of things:
1) do not use the wizards! Make your own base classes. Trying to figure out what the wizard classes do and how to add functionality will take more time that coding your own base classes. Also, the wizard generated code and classes must be at around 10/20 years old, much has changed since then (a polite way to say they suck).
2) Do not EVER use public variables in FoxPro, except for maybe an app object.
If this is a one shot thing, just add default textboxes and buttons and design the form yourself. You will have total control and you will know what each thing does.

How to add/edit Label name in Panel of GEF

I am using Panel as a Figure in GEF eclipse. Now on double click I want to add a Label as other normal example shows .
How to achieve that.
On the EditPart that manages the figure you should install a DIRECT_EDIT_ROLE policy (implemented by DirectEditPolicy class). This will cause your EditPart to be called when double clicks occur on the figure. The framework will call method performRequest with a RequestConstants.REQ_OPEN or RequestConstants.REQ_DIRECT_EDIT request. Upon receiving the request you can add whatever you want to the figure and refresh visuals.
If you want to edit text inside a Label, you can see how I implemented this here.
Good luck.
