NSTextfield AutoComplete like VisualStudio? - xcode

How can I set something for NSTextfields in xcode for autocompletion ?
I want to have suggestion when I type in textfields just like what we did in visualstudio's autocomplete and how we define it's autocomplete source.
For example if I have a textfield that user will type it's name I want to have suggestion from previously typed names or an array resource to give them some suggestion.

You could look into using token fields.


XCode style search field in NSMenu?

I'm trying to replicate the Menus displayed in XCode where you can begin typing and it will display a search field and then filter on the keyword entered. Can anyone point to a resource where it's implemented as an example or some clue as to what one needs to do?
You can set a View to NSMenuItem . In your case , you can assign a view with NSTextField.
Please refer : https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Cocoa/Reference/ApplicationKit/Classes/NSMenuItem_Class/#//apple_ref/occ/instp/NSMenuItem/view

NSTextView autocomplete and tags transforming

How can I make NSTextField to support tags like Stackoverflow text field or Mac OS mail address autocompletion? I know that autocompletion for text field can be realized by standard instruments but how can I transform completed tag to "box" like Mail or StackOverflow's text field?
I can't understand what instruments I need to use to achieve such functionality.
Whatever you want to add to the text field it should be a view, you can check the Using Overlay Views in Text Fields inside the following article from Text Programming Guide:

Change the editor for editor form field for a specific view

I want to change the editor form field only for a specific form in a view to a certain editor, e.g. TinyMCE, but I don't want to change the default editor in the joomla configuration.
Is there a way to specify the editor for a certain editor field?
I found the hide and editor attributes for the field here, but I can't find an example or more documentation how to use them properly. Are those attributes helpful for my problem at all?
Simply use
this will give a list of precedence, if tinymce should not be available it will try none. I guess your editors list can be of any length. Separate editors with pipe "|"

NSTextField with suggestions drop-down

Instead of implementing my own, I am looking into reusing an existing custom NSTextField that has support for suggestions drop-down - Same as the one in the browser as you type you get a list of suggestions underneath.
Do you know any good ones?
Thank you!
They're called completions. You still use a regular text field but add this:
The biggest problem is you need to provide the list of words that can be autocompleted.

Highlighting a textfield value

Hi guys i am using a dropdownlist which have the value please specify other, when that value is selected in prompts out a textfield which has the value please specify other, but for the user to type in anything in the textfield he has to delete the value manually..i am looking for a code which can delete the value automatically when the user type in the textfield..
Using jQuery, you can make textbox hints. Even better, reuse someone else's code:
Example: http://remysharp.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/01/input_hint.html
