how to import a .dmp file in oracle sql developer - oracle

How can i import a .dmp file in to sql developer. i had already created schema and i just need to insert data with these dump files. I tried imp and impdb commmands in sql command line but of no use.

You don't use SQL Developer to process data pump or legacy EXPORT dumps.
You CAN use SQL Developer to create a Data Pump job which will process your data pump export - this assumes the file is avail on a DB directory.
For a better answer, tell us exactly what kind of 'dmp' file you have.
If it's a Oracle Export dmp, the only way to import it is with the Import utility.


Import oracle multiple dump files

I have multiple dmp files exported from an Oracle database with datapump using the parallel=4 option.
I'm on a standard edition so I can't use the parallel option, can I import the dump files anyway on my oracle using the command:
impdp system#oracletest schemas=<schema_name> exclude=user:\"='usename'\" directory=<dir_path> dumpfile='file01.dmp,file02.dmp,file03.dmp,file04.dmp,file05.dmp,file06.dmp'
The parallel option used for the export, has to be used also for the import?
The database contains multiple schemas inside and I want to import just one for now.

How to force SQL developer to use imp/exp command while import/export

While importing or exporting oracle data dump using SQL Developer by default it is using impdp command for import and expdp command for export. But I want to import a dump which is exported using exp command, and for that i need to force SQL developer to use imp command instead of impdp command. And same for export.
Pleas help me if anyone knows how to in-force SQL developer to use imp for import instead of impdp and exp for export instead of expdp
IMP and EXP are client side utilities like SQL Loader and SQLPlus.
The reason you can use SQL Developer with Data Pump, is because Data Pump runs in the database AND it has a PL/SQL API - with which we have built a GUI for in our DBA Panel.
If you need to use IMP and EXP - you need to get an Oracle Client of your machine, and install it.
You don't say which version of Oracle Database you'll be working with - that's important. Make sure the client you install will be compatible with the source database you want to generate an EXP dmp with.
You can't do this because there is no PL/Sql API for imp and exp. Oracle have only provided PL/Sql api for expdp and impdp, So SQL developer can only implement those API.

How to import a csv into a remote Oracle database?

I have a dump from a database in a csv format ('|' character as the delimiter), and I want to import that into a remote Oracle database. I am using AWS and the csv is on an EC2 instance running amazon linux, and the remote Oracle database is an RDS instance. This is the first time I'm touching an Oracle database.
I expected this to be fairly simple, but trying to find info I kind of got lost. Some people say to use SQL*Loader, but I can't manage to even install that thing. Other's say that SQL*Loader is not supposed to even be installed on something that isn't the actual database server. So far I've only managed to install sqlplus and connect to the database, but no importing so far.
Basically I'm looking for an equivalent of \COPY in psql, but for Oracle. And how on earth would I use it in this context.
If you don't want to use SQL*Loader and only need to import CSV as a one time task, I would recommend using SQL Developer. If you want an automated process, SQL*Loader would probably be your best bet.
Here are some links (note that an Excel import and a CSV import are nearly identical):
How to move csv file into oracle database using sql developer? [closed]
How to Import from Excel to a New Oracle Table with SQL Developer
How to Import from Excel to Oracle with SQL Developer

Export database dmp in sql developer

Is there any possible way to export the full database .dmp file in Oracle sql developer Version
If not and should be done by this command:
expdp EMP/EMP#db10g full=Y directory=D:\home dumpfile=emp.dmp logfile=expdpemp.log
where to use this command? and what's "#db10g" in the command? where do i get it?
View > DBA
Add a connection - we assume you have fairly high privs
Go to the data pump node
Right-click, use the Export Wizard
It will guide you through the steps to create and run a job which will run data pump to do your export.
This reminds me I should probably do a blog post on Data Pump support in SQLDev...

Import of data in Oracle using impdp fails because of missing dependencies

I need to export a subset of an Oracle table and import it in another Oracle instance. The export using expdp works pretty well but when I try to import the data in the other instance using impdp tool it fails because there are dependencies (foreign keys) missing. Is there any option to force expdp tool to export all required dependencies as well?
You should makie sure your dump set is complete.
What you could try is to use impdp to generate the sql file, apply the generated sql to the other database to only create the table[s]. For this you might need to do some edit work on the generated sql until it fits your task.
Next use impdp with contents=data_only to import the rows in the pre-create table[s]
